1000 resultados para Silanes, Raúl, 1958-


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Fil: Campos, Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


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El 10 de septiembre de 2014 se cumplieron cien años del nacimiento de Raúl A. Ringuelet, una de las figuras consulares de las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina. A modo de homenaje y dentro de las modestas posibilidades de ProBiota, queremos recordar este acontecimiento reuniendo sus principales contribuciones biogeográficas, de las que ya realizaron un excelente análisis Lopretto y Menni durante el 2003. No obstante, entiendo que es oportuno recordar que en 1944, a la edad de 30 años, pública Sinopsis sistemática y zoogeográfica de los Hirudíneos de la Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. Además, en su trayectoria docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la UNLP, crea la Cátedra de Zoogeografía (1958), la de Ecología y Zoogeografía (1960) y posteriormente la de Biogeografía (1981). Como alumno de esta última materia, no puedo dejar de mencionar que las autoridades de ese momento le hacían dictar sus clases en un subsuelo de un edificio céntrico, con luz artificial, humedad y otros elementos que conspiraban contra su salud ya deteriorada. A más de treinta años del fallecimiento, mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre Raúl A. Ringuelet, tanto por parte de colegas, discípulos, alumnos (ver López y Ponte Gómez, 2009) como de aquellos que no lo conocieron personalmente. Un ejemplo de esto último y que vale destacar, ha sido la exposición en el auditorio del Museo de La Plata de Fabián Grosman en mayo de 2012 (ver http://raulringuelet.blogspot.com.ar/), quién junto con Miguel Mancini acuñaron el término “Neo ringueletismo” (ver Mancini y Grosman, 2008: 140). Como reflexión final y parafraseando a Raúl Larra al recordar a Roberto Arlt, podemos afirmar Treinta y cuatro años después sigue (R.A.R.) estando entre nosotros. ¿Por qué está con nosotros?. Su intemporalidad reside en la intemporalidad de su obra.


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Entre 1948 y 1958 el Noticiario Bonaerense acompañó a las autoridades provinciales en sus giras políticas por las localidades agropecuarias del interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Allí es posible relevar las transformaciones temáticas y retóricas de los discursos sobre la política agropecuaria, tanto de las gobernaciones peronistas del Cnel Domingo Mercante (1946-52) y del mayor Carlos Aloé (1952-55) como las de la intervención nacional de la llamada Revolución Libertadora del Cnel Emilio A. Bonnecarrére (1955-58). En esos años que rodean 1955, de quiebre y enfrentamiento político y social de ribetes iconoclastas, se realizó un importante debate económico en colaboración con el gobierno de la Libertadora (Raúl Prebisch y Federico Pinedo), con fuertes impugnaciones hacia Perón y el peronismo en general y en particular hacia su política agraria. El Noticiario Bonaerense registró las discontinuidades políticas e iconográficas en las imágenes del acto político agropecuario, lo que resultó de valor para la reinterpretación del debate mencionado. A través del manejo estatal del espacio simbólico proyectaron y mantuvieron el mito de la utopía agraria, ensayando diferentes maneras de entender y de mostrar las relaciones entre el estado y la sociedad jerarquizando otros escenarios y distintos actores.


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Entre 1948 y 1958 el Noticiario Bonaerense acompañó a las autoridades provinciales en sus giras políticas por las localidades agropecuarias del interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Allí es posible relevar las transformaciones temáticas y retóricas de los discursos sobre la política agropecuaria, tanto de las gobernaciones peronistas del Cnel Domingo Mercante (1946-52) y del mayor Carlos Aloé (1952-55) como las de la intervención nacional de la llamada Revolución Libertadora del Cnel Emilio A. Bonnecarrére (1955-58). En esos años que rodean 1955, de quiebre y enfrentamiento político y social de ribetes iconoclastas, se realizó un importante debate económico en colaboración con el gobierno de la Libertadora (Raúl Prebisch y Federico Pinedo), con fuertes impugnaciones hacia Perón y el peronismo en general y en particular hacia su política agraria. El Noticiario Bonaerense registró las discontinuidades políticas e iconográficas en las imágenes del acto político agropecuario, lo que resultó de valor para la reinterpretación del debate mencionado. A través del manejo estatal del espacio simbólico proyectaron y mantuvieron el mito de la utopía agraria, ensayando diferentes maneras de entender y de mostrar las relaciones entre el estado y la sociedad jerarquizando otros escenarios y distintos actores.


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Entre 1948 y 1958 el Noticiario Bonaerense acompañó a las autoridades provinciales en sus giras políticas por las localidades agropecuarias del interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Allí es posible relevar las transformaciones temáticas y retóricas de los discursos sobre la política agropecuaria, tanto de las gobernaciones peronistas del Cnel Domingo Mercante (1946-52) y del mayor Carlos Aloé (1952-55) como las de la intervención nacional de la llamada Revolución Libertadora del Cnel Emilio A. Bonnecarrére (1955-58). En esos años que rodean 1955, de quiebre y enfrentamiento político y social de ribetes iconoclastas, se realizó un importante debate económico en colaboración con el gobierno de la Libertadora (Raúl Prebisch y Federico Pinedo), con fuertes impugnaciones hacia Perón y el peronismo en general y en particular hacia su política agraria. El Noticiario Bonaerense registró las discontinuidades políticas e iconográficas en las imágenes del acto político agropecuario, lo que resultó de valor para la reinterpretación del debate mencionado. A través del manejo estatal del espacio simbólico proyectaron y mantuvieron el mito de la utopía agraria, ensayando diferentes maneras de entender y de mostrar las relaciones entre el estado y la sociedad jerarquizando otros escenarios y distintos actores.


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Four silanes, trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS), dimethyldiethoxylsilane (DMDES), 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), were adopted to graft layered double hydroxides (LDH) via an induced hydrolysis silylation method (IHS). Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) and 29Si MAS nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (29Si MAS NMR) indicated that APTES and TEOS can be grafted onto LDH surfaces via condensation with hydroxyl groups of LDH, while TMCS and DMDES could only be adsorbed on the LDH surface with a small quantity. A combination of X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and 29Si MAS NMR spectra showed that silanes were exclusively present in the external surface and had little influence on the long range order of LDH. The surfactant intercalation experiment indicated that the adsorbed and/or grafted silane could not fix the interlamellar spacing of the LDH. However, they will form crosslink between the particles and affect the further surfactant intercalation in the silylated samples. The replacement of water by ethanol in the tactoids and/or aggregations and the polysiloxane oligomers formed during silylation procedure can dramatically increase the value of BET surface area (SBET) and total pore volumes (Vp) of the products.


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The study discusses the position of France as the United States’ ally in NATO in 1956-1958. The concrete position of France and the role that it was envisioned to have are being treated from the point of view of three participants of the Cold War: France, the United States and the Soviet Union. How did these different parties perceive the question and did these views change when the French Fourth Republic turned into the Fifth in 1958? The study is based on published French and American documents of Foreign Affairs. Because of problems with accessibility to the Soviet archival sources, the study uses reports on France-NATO relations of Pravda newspaper, the official organ of the Communist Party of the USSR, to provide information about how the Soviet side saw the question. Due to the nature and use of source material, and the chronological structure of the work, the study belongs methodologically to the research field of History of International Relations. As distinct from political scientists’ field of research, more prone to theorize, the study is characteristically a historical research, a work based on qualitative method and original sources that aims at creating a coherent narrative of the views expressed during the period covered by the study. France’s road to a full membership of NATO is being treated on the basis of research literature, after which discussions about France’s position in the Western Alliance are being chronologically traced for the period of last years of the Fourth Republic and the immediate months of coming back to power of Charles de Gaulle. Right from the spring of 1956 there can be seen aspirations of France, on one hand, to maintain her freedom of action inside the Western Alliance and, on the other, to widen the dialogue between the allies. The decision on France’s own nuclear deterrent was made already during the Fourth Republic, when it was thought to become part of NATO’s common defence. This was to change with de Gaulle. The USA felt that France still fancied herself as a great power and that she could not participate in full in NATO’s common defence because of her colonies. The Soviet Union saw the concrete position of France in the Alliance as in complete dependence on the USA, but her desired role was expressed largely in “Gaullist” terms. The expressions used by the General and the Soviet propaganda were close to each other, but the Soviet Union could not support de Gaulle without endangering the position of the French Communist Party. Between the Fourth and Fifth Republics no great rupture in content took place concerning the views of France’s role and position in the Western Alliance. The questions posed by de Gaulle had been expressed during the whole period of Fourth Republic’s existence. Instead, along with the General the weight and rhetoric of these questions saw a great change. Already in the early phase the Americans saw it possible that with de Gaulle, France would try to change her role. The rupture took place in the form of expression, rather than in its content.


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Family history and genealogy of Feibelmann family.


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Correspondence with individuals: Jacob Ben-Ami, Ossip Dymow, Ovsei Liubomirskii, Kalman Marmor, Nachman Meisel, Melech Ravitch, Dov Sadan, Michael Weichert and Zalman Zylbercweig. Correspondence with organizations: Hebrew Actors' Union, IKUF, YIVO. Manuscripts of plays collected by Mestel as director, including adaptations by Mestel. Mestel's writings: manuscripts of poems, plays, essays, articles, notes, translations. Theater production materials: scripts with Mestel's direction notes, prop and set design notes. Miscellaneous theater materials, including course notes, theater programs. Clippings: Mestel's writings, biographical articles, reviews of performances. Family correspondence and personal papers including papers of Sara Kindman-Mestel. Photographs relating to Yiddish theater in New York, 1930s-1950s.


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Family tree, explanation


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This study explores the relationship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to communism and political power during the period of crises in Finnish foreign relations with the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1962. During this period the USSR repeatedly interfered in Finland´s domestic affairs and limited her foreign political freedom of action. The research subjects for this dissertation are the bishops of the Church of Finland and the newspaper Kotimaa, which can be regarded as the unofficial organ of the church at the time. A typical characteristic of the Church of Finland from the beginning of the twentieth century was patriotism. During the interwar years the church was strongly anti-communist and against the Soviet Union. This tendency was also evident during the Second World War. After the war the Finnish Church feared that the rise of the extreme left would jeopardize its position. The church, however, succeeded in maintaining its status as a state church throughout the critical years immediately following the war. This study indicates that, although the manner of expression altered, the political attitude of the church did not substantially change during the postwar period. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the church was still patriotic and fear of the extreme left was also evident among the leaders of the church. The victory of the Finnish People's Democratic League in the general election of 1958 was an unwelcome surprise to the church. This generated fear in the church that, with Soviet support, the Finnish communists might return to governmental power and the nation could become a people's democracy. Accordingly, the church tried to encourage other parties to set aside their disagreements and act together against the extreme left throughout the period under study. The main characteristics of the church´s political agenda during this period of crisis were to support the Finnish foreign policy led by the president of the republic, Urho Kekkonen, and to resist Finnish communism. The attitude of Finnish bishops and the newspaper Kotimaa to the Cold War in general was generally in agreement with the majority of western Christians. They feared communism, were afraid of the USSR, but supported peaceful co-existence because they did not want an open conflict with the Soviets. Because of uncertainties in Finland's international position the Finnish Church regarded it as necessary to support the Finnish policy of friendship towards the USSR. The Finnish Church considerer it unwise to openly criticize the Soviet Union, tried resist the spread of communism in Finnish domestic policy. This period of foreign policy crises was principally seen by the church as a time when there was a need to strengthen Finland's unstable national position.


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Tris(dicyclohexylamino)silane. (DCA)3SiH. is prepared by the reaction of trichlorosilane with dicyclohexylamine. This is found to undergo transamination reactions with other secondary amines (R2NH). such as pyrrolidine, piperidine, hexamethyleneimine. morpholine. N-methylpiperazine and diethylamine to yield mixed tri(amino)silanes of the formula (DCA)(R2N)2SiH in quantitative yields. These new derivatives are found to be moisture sensitive and hydrolyze to yield their respective amines, hydrogen and silica. They are found to be stable in an inert atmosphere. They have been characterized by IR, NMR (H-1, Si-29), mass spectroscopy and CHN analysis. N-15 NMR for one of the compounds has been done.


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The reaction of silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4), trichlorosilane (HSiCl3) and tris(amino)silanes[(R2N)3SiH] with pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) (PPHF) gives rise to hexafluorosilicatesalts in good yields. They have been characterized as pyridinium hexafluorosilicate(C5H5NH)2SiF6 (in the case of SiCl4 and HSiCl3) and the corresponding dialkyl ammoniumhexafluorosilicate (R2NH2)2SiF6 salts [for tris(amino)silanes] (where R2N=pyrrolidino,piperidino, hexamethyleneimino, morpholino, N-methylpiperazino and diethylamino). Theinteresting features of these reactions are the cleavage of Si---Cl, Si---H and Si---N bondsat room temperature by PPHF and fluorination of the silicon moiety to a hexa-coordinateddoubly charged anionic species. These compounds have been characterized by NMR (1H,29Si, 19F) and IR spectroscopy, and by chemical analysis.