981 resultados para Shoot Meristem
Plant shoot development depends on the perpetuation of a group of undifferentiated cells in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). In the Petunia mutant hairy meristem (ham), shoot meristems differentiate postembryonically as continuations of the subtending stem. HAM encodes a putative transcription factor of the GRAS family, which acts non-cell-autonomously from L3-derived tissue of lateral organ primordia and stem provasculature. HAM acts in parallel with TERMINATOR (PhWUSCHEL) and is required for continued cellular response to TERMINATOR and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (PhSTM). This reveals a novel mechanism by which signals from differentiating tissues extrinsically control stem cell fate in the shoot apex.
Many homeobox genes control essential developmental processes in animals and plants. In this report, we describe the first cDNA corresponding to a homeobox gene isolated from a gymnosperm, the HBK1 gene from the conifer Picea abies (L.) Karst (Norway spruce). The sequence shows distinct similarities specifically to the KNOX (knotted-like homeobox) class of homeobox genes known from different angiosperm plants. The deduced amino acid sequence of HBK1 is strikingly similar within the homeodomain (84% identical) to the maize gene Knotted1 (Kn1), which acts to regulate cell differentiation in the shoot meristem. This similarity suggested that the phylogenetic association of HBK1 with the KNOX genes might be coupled to a conservation of gene function. In support of this suggestion, we have found HBK1 to be expressed in the apical meristem in the central population of nondifferentiated stem cells, but not in organ primordia developing at the flanks of the meristem. This pattern of expression is similar to that of Kn1 in the maize meristem. We show further that HBK1, when expressed ectopically in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, causes aberrations in leaf development that are similar to the effects of ectopic expression of angiosperm KNOX genes on Arabidopsis development. Taken together, these data suggest that HBK1 has a role, similar to the KNOX genes in angiosperms, in the control of cellular differentiation in the apical meristem of spruce. The data also indicate that KNOX-gene regulation of vegetative development is an ancient feature of seed plants that was present in the last common ancestor of conifers and angiosperms.
Plants maintain stem cells in their meristems as a source for new undifferentiated cells throughout their life. Meristems are small groups of cells that provide the microenvironment that allows stem cells to prosper. Homeostasis of a stem cell domain within a growing meristem is achieved by signalling between stem cells and surrounding cells. We have here simulated the origin and maintenance of a defined stem cell domain at the tip of Arabidopsis shoot meristems, based on the assumption that meristems are self-organizing systems. The model comprises two coupled feedback regulated genetic systems that control stem cell behaviour. Using a minimal set of spatial parameters, the mathematical model allows to predict the generation, shape and size of the stem cell domain, and the underlying organizing centre. We use the model to explore the parameter space that allows stem cell maintenance, and to simulate the consequences of mutations, gene misexpression and cell ablations.
Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert) O. Ktze) is the only native conifer species with economic importance in Brazil. Recently, due to intensive exploitation Brazilian pine was included in the official list of endangered Brazilian plants, under the "vulnerable" category. Biotechnology tools like somatic embryogenesis (SE) are potentially useful for mass clonal propagation and ex situ conservation strategies of commercial and endangered plant species. In spite of that, numerous obstacles still hamper the full application of SE technology for a wider range of species, including Brazilian pine. To enhance somatic embryogenesis in Brazilian pine and to gain a better understanding of the molecular events associated with somatic embryo development, we analyzed the steady-state transcript levels of genes known to regulate somatic embryogenesis using semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (sqRT-PCR). These genes included Argonaute (AaAGO), Cup-shaped cotyledon1 (AaCUC), wushel-related WOX (AaWOX), a S-locus lectin protein kinase (AaLecK), Scarecrow- like (AaSCR), Vicilin 7S (AaVIC), Leafy Cotyledon 1 (AaLEC), and a Reversible glycosylated polypeptide (AaRGP). Expression patterns of these selected genes were investigated in embryogenic cultures undergoing different stages of embryogenesis, and all the way to maturation. Up-regulation of AaAGO, AaCUC, AaWOX, AaLecK, and AaVIC was observed during transition of somatic embryos from stage I to stage II. During the maintenance phase of somatic embryogenesis, expression of AaAGO and AaSCR, but not AaRPG and AaLEC genes was influenced by presence/ absence of plant growth regulators, both auxins and cytokinins. The results presented here provide new insights on the molecular mechanisms responsible for somatic embryo formation, and how selected genes may be used as molecular markers for Brazilian pine embryogenesis.
Ocotea catharinensis is a basal angiosperm and an endangered tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Despite its economical and ecological importance, mass-propagation of this species is hampered by seldom-produced short-lived seeds, and in vitro propagation is challenged by frequently malformed somatic embryos. Therefore, O. catharinensis somatic embryos are also a good experimental material to study the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying in vitro morphogenesis. In an ongoing effort to characterize genes expressed during somatic embryogenesis of O. catharinensis we have cloned two Ocotea WUSCHEL-related genes. According to our RT-PCR data, both genes were preferentially expressed in embryogenic cell aggregates. One of them, OcWUS, is a possible ortholog of the Arabidopsis WUSCHEL (WUS) gene, which codes for a homeodomain-containing protein involved in the specification and maintenance of the shoot apical meristem. We analyzed the expression patterns of OcWUS and OcWOX4 by RT-PCR, and OcWUS expression was also assessed by in situ hybridization. The expression patterns of OcWUS were very similar to those described for the Arabidopsis WUS. OcWUS transcripts were generally restricted to a small group of cells in the center of the putative shoot apical meristem of O. catharinensis somatic embryos. Perturbed expression of OcWUS might be related to abnormally formed somatic embryos of O. catharinensis obtained through tissue culture.
Drought strongly influences root activities in crop plants and weeds. This paper is focused on the performance of the heavy metal accumulator Solanum nigrum, a plant which might be helpful for phytoremediation. The water potential in a split root system was decreased by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Rubidium, strontium and radionuclides of heavy metals were used as markers to investigate the uptake into roots, the release to the shoot via the xylem, and finally the basipetal transport via the phloem to unlabeled roots. The uptake into the roots (total contents in the plant) was for most makers more severely decreased than the transport to the shoot or the export from the shoot to the unlabeled roots via the phloem. Regardless of the water potential in the labeling solution, 63Ni and 65Zn were selectively redistributed within the plant. From autoradiographs, it became evident that 65Zn accumulated in root tips, in the apical shoot meristem and in axillary buds, while 63Ni accumulated in young expanded leaves and roots but not in the meristems. Since both radionuclides are mobile in the phloem and are, therefore, well redistributed within the plant, the unequal transfer to shoot and root apical meristems is most likely caused by differences in the cell-to-cell transport in differentiation zones without functional phloem (immature sieve tubes).
In this review we describe how concepts of shoot apical meristem function have developed over time. The role of the scientist is emphasized, as proposer, receiver and evaluator of ideas about the shoot apical meristem. Models have become increasingly popular over the last 250 years, and we consider their role. They provide valuable grounding for the development of hypotheses, but in addition they have a strong human element and their uptake relies on various degrees of persuasion. The most influential models are probably those that most data support, consolidating them as an insight into reality; but they also work by altering how we see meristems, re-directing us to influence the data we collect and the questions we consider meaningful.
One of the most fascinating aspects of plant morphology is the regular geometric arrangement of leaves and flowers, called phyllotaxy. The shoot apical meristem (SAM) determines these patterns, which vary depending on species and developmental stage. Auxin acts as an instructive signal in leaf initiation, and its transport has been implicated in phyllotaxy regulation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Altered phyllotactic patterns are observed in a maize (Zea mays) mutant, aberrant phyllotaxy1 (abph1, also known as abphyl1), and ABPH1 encodes a cytokinin-inducible type A response regulator, suggesting that cytokinin signals are also involved in the mechanism by which phyllotactic patterns are established. Therefore, we investigated the interaction between auxin and cytokinin signaling in phyllotaxy. Treatment of maize shoots with a polar auxin transport inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid, strongly reduced ABPH1 expression, suggesting that auxin or its polar transport is required for ABPH1 expression. Immunolocalization of the PINFORMED1 (PIN1) polar auxin transporter revealed that PIN1 expression marks leaf primordia in maize, similarly to Arabidopsis. Interestingly, maize PIN1 expression at the incipient leaf primordium was greatly reduced in abph1 mutants. Consistently, auxin levels were reduced in abph1, and the maize PIN1 homolog was induced not only by auxin but also by cytokinin treatments. Our results indicate distinct roles for ABPH1 as a negative regulator of SAM size and a positive regulator of PIN1 expression. These studies highlight a complex interaction between auxin and cytokinin signaling in the specification of phyllotactic patterns and suggest an alternative model for the generation of altered phyllotactic patterns in abph1 mutants. We propose that reduced auxin levels and PIN1 expression in abph1 mutant SAMs delay leaf initiation, contributing to the enlarged SAM and altered phyllotaxy of these mutants.
Phyllotaxis patterns in plants, or the arrangement of leaves and flowers radially around the shoot, have fascinated both biologists and mathematicians for centuries. The current model of this process involves the lateral transport of the hormone auxin through the first layer of cells in the shoot apical meristem via the auxin efflux carrier protein PIN1. Locations around the meristem with high auxin concentration are sites of organ formation and differentiation. Many of the molecular players in this process are well known and characterized. Computer models composed of all these components are able to produce many of the observed phyllotaxis patterns. To understand which parts of this model have a large effect on the phenotype I automated parameter testing and tried many different parameter combinations. Results of this showed that cell size and meristem size should have the largest effect on phyllotaxis. This lead to three questions: (1) How is cell geometry regulated? (2) Does cell size affect auxin distribution? (3) Does meristem size affect phyllotaxis? To answer the first question I tracked cell divisions in live meristems and quantified the geometry of the cells and the division planes using advanced image processing techniques. The results show that cell shape is maintained by minimizing the length of the new wall and by minimizing the difference in area of the daughter cells. To answer the second question I observed auxin patterning in the meristem, shoot, leaves, and roots of Arabidopsis mutants with larger and smaller cell sizes. In the meristem and shoot, cell size plays an important role in determining the distribution of auxin. Observations of auxin in the root and leaves are less definitive. To answer the third question I measured meristem sizes and phyllotaxis patterns in mutants with altered meristem sizes. These results show that there is no correlation between meristem size and average divergence angle. But in an extreme case, making the meristem very small does lead to a switch on observed phyllotaxis in accordance with the model.
We have evaluated T-DNA mediated plant promoter tagging, with a left-border-linked promoterless firefly luciferase (luc) construct, as a strategy for the isolation of novel plant promoters. In a population of approximately 300 transformed tobacco plants, IO lines showed LUC activity, including novel tissue-specific and developmental patterns of expression. One line, showing LUC activity only in the shoot and root apical meristems, was further characterised. Inverse PCR was used to amplify a 1.5 kb fragment of plant DNA flanking the single-copy T-DNA insertion in this line. With the exception of a 249 bp highly repetitive element, this sequence is present as a single copy in the tobacco genome, and is not homologous to any previously characterised DNA sequences. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of several motifs that may be involved in transcriptional regulation. Transgenic tobacco plants transformed with a transcriptional fusion of this putative promoter sequence to the beta-glucuronidase (uidA) reporter gene, showed GUS activity confined to the shoot tip and mature pollen. This promoter may be useful to direct the expression of genes controlling the transition to flowering, or genes to reduce losses due to pests and stresses damaging plant apical meristems.
Relationships between mineral uptake and tobacco shoot organogenesis were investigated during three morphogenic phases: phase 1, days 0-10, pre-meristem formation; phase 2, days 10-20, meristem initiation and formation; and phase 3, days 20-35, growth and differentiation of induced meristems into leafy shoots. The mineral content of both shoot-forming (SF) and non-shoot-forming (NSF) media was examined over the 35-day culture period. Both SF and NSF explants rapidly consumed iron during phase 1. Nitrate uptake in SF explants was high and independent of explant growth during phases 1 and 2, but greatest and strongly correlated with growth during phase 3. Phosphorus uptake was highest in SF explants during phases 2 and 3, and correlated with explant growth. Uptake of potassium, calcium and sulphur was strongly associated with explant growth during phase 3 whereas magnesium uptake was only poorly correlated with growth. Results from this study indicate that particular minerals may have an important role in regulating development as well as generally supporting growth.
After primary growth, most dicotyledonous plants undergo secondary growth. Secondary growth involves an increase in the diameter of shoots and roots through formation of secondary vascular tissue. A hallmark of secondary growth initiation in shoots of dicotyledonous plants is the initiation of meristematic activity between primary vascular bundles, i.e. in the interfascicular regions. This results in establishment of a cylindrical meristem, namely the vascular cambium. Surprisingly, despite its major implications for plant growth and the accumulation of biomass, the molecular regulation of secondary growth is only poorly understood. Here, we combine histological, molecular and genetic approaches to characterize interfascicular cambium initiation in the Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence shoot. Using genome-wide transcriptional profiling, we show that stress-related and touch-inducible genes are up-regulated in stem regions where secondary growth takes place. Furthermore, we show that the products of COI1, MYC2, JAZ7 and the touch-inducible gene JAZ10, which are components of the JA signalling pathway, are cambium regulators. The positive effect of JA application on cambium activity confirmed a stimulatory role of JA in secondary growth, and suggests that JA signalling triggers cell divisions in this particular context.