735 resultados para She who remembers survives
In 2005 the EU and Turkey officially started accession negotiations that were intended to lead to Turkey’s full membership of the EU. Yet today, the Turkish accession process has virtually ground to a halt and lost all credibility. Talk of alternatives to full membership can be heard from various sides; we highlight four instances of what we call ‘parallelism’, namely the elusive concept of a ‘privileged partnership’, the EU-Turkey customs union, the recently launched ‘Positive Agenda’ and Turkish participation in the Energy Community Treaty. While a privileged partnership represents a more comprehensive but still remote framework for EU-Turkish relations, the latter three are merely an escape route from preaccession. We conclude our analysis with a discussion on Turkey’s possible membership of the European Economic Area, which in effect would serve none of the parties involved. We conclude that both partners, the EU and Turkey, would be well advised to remember their pre-accession commitments of 13 years ago – for their mutual benefit.
Headed on the first page with the words "Nomenclatura hebraica," this handwritten volume is a vocabulary with the Hebrew word in the left column, and the English translation on the right. While the book is arranged in sections by letter, individual entries do not appear in strict alphabetical order. The small vocabulary varies greatly and includes entries like enigma, excommunication, and martyr, as well as cucumber and maggot. There are translations of the astrological signs at the end of the volume. Poem written at the bottom of the last page in different hand: "Women when good the best of saints/ that bright seraphick lovely/ she, who nothing of an angel/ wants but truth & immortality./ Verse 2: Who silken limbs & charming/ face. Keeps nature warm."
Faced with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, I began with the objective of discovering methods for creating art that were still accessible to me. Along the way, I encountered others who had travelled this road before me. Their experiences led me to examine, not only my art, but also my political orientations, my love obligations and my transitioning self. In my varied art pieces, I conjure something from diverse sources and different worldviews, including contemporary feminist performance art and disability cultural theory. My thesis is a project. I make things: puppets, videos and performances, which included the exhibition, Need to be Adored (2014), staged in the digital media lab of the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The exhibition introduced thirteen of my puppets and a thirty-two-minute looped video. Following the exhibition, I put the puppets away and spent two years reading. Finally, taking my inspiration from Carolyn Ellis’s The Autoethnographic I (Ellis 2004), I turned my processes into words. I wrote out my experiences. I created an alternative text of my identity from an able-bodied cis-identified woman into a disabled trans-feminist artist academic. The writing required an uncomfortably intimate examination of my life. Nothing less than complete honesty would allow me to understand my new location. The resulting text is a lyrical and sometimes whimsical flow of consciousness that invites the reader to imagine what it might be like to engage in such a candid review of everything one holds close to one’s heart. Contained within are all my identities. In this text I let some out. This is a story of unsettling. I am working on my art practices, creating a cast of characters from cloth. Puppets. El becomes the exulted main character of a fictional accounting. She uncovers her queer roots and begins to see that she is at the centre of a very strange geography. Her desire to make film is revealed as she re-remembers her childhood through a disability lens.
Faced with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, I began with the objective of discovering methods for creating art that were still accessible to me. Along the way, I encountered others who had travelled this road before me. Their experiences led me to examine, not only my art, but also my political orientations, my love obligations and my transitioning self. In my varied art pieces, I conjure something from diverse sources and different worldviews, including contemporary feminist performance art and disability cultural theory. My thesis is a project. I make things: puppets, videos and performances, which included the exhibition, Need to be Adored (2014), staged in the digital media lab of the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The exhibition introduced thirteen of my puppets and a thirty-two-minute looped video. Following the exhibition, I put the puppets away and spent two years reading. Finally, taking my inspiration from Carolyn Ellis’s The Autoethnographic I (Ellis 2004), I turned my processes into words. I wrote out my experiences. I created an alternative text of my identity from an able-bodied cis-identified woman into a disabled trans-feminist artist academic. The writing required an uncomfortably intimate examination of my life. Nothing less than complete honesty would allow me to understand my new location. The resulting text is a lyrical and sometimes whimsical flow of consciousness that invites the reader to imagine what it might be like to engage in such a candid review of everything one holds close to one’s heart. Contained within are all my identities. In this text I let some out. This is a story of unsettling. I am working on my art practices, creating a cast of characters from cloth. Puppets. El becomes the exulted main character of a fictional accounting. She uncovers her queer roots and begins to see that she is at the centre of a very strange geography. Her desire to make film is revealed as she re-remembers her childhood through a disability lens.
Manifestation du processus de rationalisation capitaliste contemporain, la gestion des ressources humaines s’est largement développée et diffusée comme paradigme d’organisation des relations sociales au sein de l’entreprise, mais aussi à l’extérieur de celle-ci. En m’appuyant sur l’étude Les employés de Siegfried Kracauer (2004 [1931]) ayant mis en lumière les effets de la rationalisation de l’entreprise moderne sur les traits de mentalités des employés dans les années 1920, je propose de me pencher sur les employés en gestion des ressources humaines aujourd’hui. Plus précisément, c’est la tension dont ils sont à la fois les porteurs et les objets qui constitue le coeur de ce mémoire. Cette tension lie la fonction particulière que ces employés sont appelés à jouer dans l’entreprise et leur propre condition comme employé. Ainsi, c’est par la constitution de rapports à la tension sous une forme idéaltypique— propre à l’approche wébérienne — que ce mémoire propose d’appréhender la condition des employés en gestion des ressources humaines. L’interprétation des rapports à la tension et à la pratique professionnelle de ces employés, à l’aune de quatre idéaltypes construits à cette fin (le sous-officier comptable, le sous-officier sportif, celle qui prend sur soi et le synthétique), permet de mettre en lumière des dilemmes qu’ils sont enclins à vivre, dilemmes inhérents à leur condition d’employés dans le monde rationalisé.
The contemporary conjuncture based on the capitalistic knowledge converges to the corporal consciousness that makes us see, feel, taste and hear, be in/to pieces. Disembodied reason legitimate and legislate ways of being and living socially and its development is the dehumanization of human relations causing pain and suffering. The objective of this work is to discuss the body as pedagogical matrix through imagistic/artistic elements: music, painting and literature. Metaphors lead to self knowledge of human subjectivity and approach us to the kaleidoscope of sensitive knowledge and enables learning to learn with the infinite combinations of images, knowledge, feelings and worldviews. The song Memória da Pele comes in the voice of Maria Betânia speak of the memories that are not mine, but are tattooed in me in the memory of skin, singing the memories of a love lived by who tries to forget rationally, but the body insists on remembering. It is password to think about what we are. The short story by Clarice Lispector, entitled Miss Algarve, narrates the life story of an unmarried and virgin woman, and her encounter with an alien called Ixtlan. Until then, she who lived as if every day were a Monday, found herself seduced by the pleasure of having a body in contact with another body, which also allowed her to give visibility to the bodies of others. She had repudiation by the immorality that her body and the other s perspired. The discovery of the body brings important lessons for nursing, involving our body and the others'. The painting the flying bed or Henry Ford Hospital, by Frida Kahlo, is our final metaphor. The traumatic experience of abortion is shown in this painting trough the picture of the artist naked in a hospital bed. This painting invites us to reflect on our work process. We need to think in multiple dimensions of the being and accept the invitation of art, so that the lightness confronts us with the weight imposed by the hegemonic ideology. I believe it is not a single view, but the many views that should justify the knowledge and practices of nursing; what matters is that they are woven into the dialogue, democracy, provided that protagonism of those individuals involved in this process, in the wandering and uncertainty, in the rewiring, solidarity, plurality. To this end, the body must be the great pedagogue that is able to be viewed not as a tapestry seen by the right view, as the logical knowledge sees, but seen by the opposite side in its singular, irregular, discontinuous weavings
The nineteenth century uncovered and analysed the tragic episodes of witch-hunting and ‘witch’ trials common in Renaissance Europe. Fascinating not only to historians, this subject also inspired men of letters who popularized the image of the witch as an old, ugly and evil person, who thus deserved her lot. Jules Michelet’s La sorcière of 1862 takes a very different approach. Simultaneously a literary and historical work, the book proved scandalous as it rehabilitated the figure of the witch, shedding favourable light on her image: it was the witch who was able to save a last spark of humanity in moments of despair; it was she who acted as comforter and healer to the people. In the context of nineteenth-century literature, certain works by female authors that focused on ‘witches,’ stand out. Whilst certain male authors (Michelet included) presented the witch as a figure from the past, who had finally perished in the 17th century, texts such as George Sand’s La petite Fadette (1848) or Eliza Orzeszkowa’s Dziurdziowie (1885), suggest that the end of witch trials did not imply an end to accusations, persecutions, and even executions of ‘witches’ – and, that in terms of culture, witchcraft or sorcery had not disappeared from the societies they knew.
Cashew is an important commodity traded across the continents and the world cashew industry is the livelihood of more than three million people worldwide, the majority of whom are womenfolk from the socially and economically backward community of the developing nations. Cashew tree was originally planted to prevent soil erosion and it was during the beginning of the 19th century that cashew kernels attained the status of a food item. Further, the cashew kernels attained the status of an international commodity with India exporting its first consignment of cashew kernels to U.S.A. in 1920. India was the first country to hit the world market with cashew as a commodity and it was she who pioneered cashew processing as an industry. For decades together India was enjoying a monopoly in the world cashew industry in the fields of raw nut production (cultivation), processing and the market share in the international trade. The liberalisation of international trade has brought in a big transition in the world of cashew. India started to benefit from the trade policy, that improved her supply positions of raw nuts from other producing countries, accelerated her growth in processing of raw nuts and exports of cashew kernels. On the other side, her domestic consumption started growing up that by the beginning of the new century, she emerged out as the world’s largest consumer of cashew kernels as well.
Dissertação apresentada à MCE Paula Frassinetti com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação na Especialidade de Educação Especial sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Júlio Sousa.
Mode of access: Internet.
Further utterances ascribed to Rachel Baker were published in Devotional somnium, edited by J. H. Douglass, New York, 1815.
Signatures: A-D⁴.
Mode of access: Internet.
Teachers can have a profound effect on us all, both good and bad. In this paper the effect two individual midwives had on my evolution as a midwife will be examined. They were very different: one was formal and the other informal. The classroom was the setting for one, the clinical area for the other. Each had her own unique style and way of looking at the world. One was very different from the other in manner and in approach. However they each shared a philosophy of women centred, normal birth which they espoused in all aspects of their working lives.