1000 resultados para Shaw, Robert


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The relationship between social background and achievement has preoccupied educational researchers since the mid-20th century with major studies in the area reaching prominence in the late 60s. Despite five decades of research and innovation since, recent studies using OECD data have shown that the relationship is strengthening rather than weakening. In this paper, the systematic destabilisation of public education in Australia is examined as a philosophical problem stemming from a fundamental shift in political orientation, where “choice” and “aspiration” work to promote and disguise survivalism. The problem for education however extends far deeper than the inequity in Federal government funding. Whilst this is a major problem, critical scrutiny must also focus on what states can do to turn back aspects of their own education policy that work to exacerbate and entrench social disadvantage.


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The methoxycyclophosphazenes [NP(OMe),], (n = 3-6) rearrange on heating to give oxocyclophosphazanes, [N(Me)PO(OMe)],. Isomeric products are formed when n = 4-6. The lH, ,lP, and 13C n.m.r. data for the starting materials and the products are presented. The ethoxy- and n-propoxy-derivatives N,P,( OR)* do not undergo the above rearrangement. The geminal derivatives N,P,R,(OMe), (R = Ph or NHBut) on heating yield both fully and partially rearranged products, namely dioxophosphaz-1 -enes and oxophosphazadienes, as shown by 270- MHz lH n.m.r. spectroscopy. The non-geminal derivative N,P,( NMe,),(OMe), gives only the fully rearranged product N,Me,P,(NMe,),O,(OMe), whose structure has been established from its lH and 31P n.m.r. spectra.


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The tautomeric behaviour of monohydroxycyclotriphosphazatrienes has been investigated by 31P n.m.r. spectroscopy. These derivatives exist as oxocyclotriphosphazadiene tautomers in which the hydrogen atom is attached to a ring nitrogen atom to the phosphoryl group. Three types of prototropic behaviour are observed : (a) no exchange is detected and only one tautomer is present [e.g. N3HP3(NHBut)2R3O (R = OMe or OEt)]; (b) exchange takes place between two equivalent sites and only one tautomer is observed [e.g. N3HP3R5O (R = OMe or OPh); N3HP3Ph4RO (R = OMe or OEt)]; and (c) exchange occurs between two non-equivalent sites and two tautomers are present [e.g. N3HP3Ph2R3O (R = OMe, OEt, or OPrn)]. It is shown that basicity calculations using substituent constants have predictive value since they are in good agreement with the spectroscopic observations.


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The reactions of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazatriene, N3P3Cl6, and its geminal bis-t-butylamino- and diphenyl derivatives, with ethylenediamine and ethanolamine are reported. In each case, both chlorine atoms attached to the same phosphorus atoms are replaced, giving rise to spirocyclic derivatives. A small quantity of a bis spirocyclic derivative, N3P3(NHCH2CH2O)2Cl2, is also obtained; this compound occurs in both cis and trans forms. Attempts to prepare fully substituted tris spirocyclic derivatives have been unsuccessful and only resinous materials were obtained. The 1H and 31P n.m.r. spectra of the products are discussed.


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The prefered tautomer(s) of hydroxycyclotriphosphazatrienes and prototropic exchange in solution have been established by 31P n.m.r. spectroscopy, thus confirming predictions deduced from basicity calculations; the X-ray structure of N3P3Ph2(OMe)3OH shows that it exists as the hydrogen-bonded dimer of the oxophosphazadiene tautomer in which a proton is adjacent to the PPh2 group.


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Four possible reaction paths may be envisaged when a chlorocyclophosphazene reacts with a bifunctional reagent (FIGURE). He have shown recently that 1,2-diaminoethane and ethanolamine react initially with N3P3CI 6 to give the spirocyclic derivatives, N3P3CI4(HNCH2CH2X) X = NH, 0 (I). Further reaction with these bifunctional reagents leads to the formation of non-crystalline resins [reaction (iii)] albeit two isomeric bls(spirocyclic)- ethanolamino derivatives were isolated in low yields (vSZ).


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The synthesis of 4,4,N,N-tetramethyl-NN-dinitroso-2,2-methylenedianiline (1) by the route p-MeC6H4NH2+ HCHO + OH–(p-MeC6H4NMe)2CH2(7b); (7b)+ acid at 70 °C 4,N-dimethyl-6-(N-methyl-p-toluidinomethyl)aniline (4b); (4b)+ acid at 130 °C 4,4,NN-tetramethyl-2,2-methylenedianiline (3b); (3b)+ HNO2(1), is described. Aspects of the 1H n.m.r. spectra of the above and related compounds are discussed. A crystal-structure analysis of compound (1) shows one of the N-nitroso-groups to be disordered with the endo-form being in preponderance (4 : 1) over the exo-form. The other N-nitroso-group is exclusively exo in the solid state. There is little or no resonance between the benzene ring and the nitroso-group attached to the ring, the two groups being almost perpendicular to each other. In one of the N-nitroso-groups, the nitrogen atom deviates significantly from the plane of the benzene ring to which it is attached. Both amide nitrogen atoms show some pyramidal character.


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The reaction of octachlorocyclotetraphosphazatetraene, N4P4Cl8, with ethylamine has been investigated. Seven derivatives, N4P4Cl8–n(NHEt)n[n= 1, 2 (two isomers), 3, 4 (two isomers), and 8] have been isolated and their structures established by 1H and 31P n.m.r. spectroscopy. A non-geminal chlorine atom replacement scheme is observed. Attempts to prepare penta- or hexa-ethylamino derivatives were unsuccessful: only sticky, non-crystalline resins were obtained from 1 : 10 or 1 : 12 reactions. The preparation and n.m.r. spectroscopic data of mixed ethylamino(methoxy)-derivatives. N4P4(NHEt)–8-n(OMe)n[n= 6, 4 (two isomers)], and an ethylamino-(dimethylamino)-derivative, N4P4(NHEt)2(NMe2)6, are generally consistent with the proposed structures. The reaction pattern is discussed.


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The reactions of halogenocyclotetraphosphazatetraenes N4P4X8, with nucleophiles have received little attention and only the reactions of the octachloride, N4P4Cl8, with amines have been investigated in any detail.1 Millington and Sowerby2 studied the reaction of N4P4Cl8 with dimethylamine and isolated the derivatives, N4P4Cl8-n (NMe2)n, n = 2,3,4,5,6,8;several N-methylanilino derivatives


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The crystal structure of N3P3Cl4(NEt2)(NPPh3) has been determined. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group Pbca, with a= 8.208(1), b= 21.890(1), c= 31.722(2)Å, Z= 8, and m.p. = 146.5 °C. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to a final R value of 0.045 for 2 025 independent reflections. The analysis reveals significant variations in the ring P–N bond lengths. The two nitrogenous substituents, NPPh3 and NEt2, reside on the same phosphorus atom. The latter, NEt2, has an almost exact type II conformation (the plane NC2 almost perpendicular to the local NPN plane)(the first observed for a dialkylamino-group in cyclophosphazenes), the former, NPPh3, deviates from type II towards type III (in type III the plane Pring–N–Pexo makes an angle of ca. 45° with the local N–P–N ring plane). The present structure is compared with others of triphenylphosphazenyl-cyclophosphazenes and the conformation of the NPPh3 substituent and its electron supply in the ground and perturbed states are discussed.


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In the second half of the 1990s, Brazil experienced a cinematic boom. Many of the new films were received enthusiastically by audiences and critics and released worldwide. This passionately argued and illuminating book provides the first comprehensive critical account of what is known as the 'Renaissance of Brazilian cinema' and demonstrates just how thought-provoking and inspiring Brazilian cinema has become. Contributors: José Carlos Avellar - Ivana Bentes - Stephanie Dennison - Verônica Ferreira Dias - Carlos Diegues - Amir Labaki - Maria Esther Maciel - José Álvaro Moisés - Laura Mulvey - Lúcia Nagib - Luiz Zanin Oricchio - Fernão Pessoa Ramos - Lisa Shaw - Robert Stam - João Luiz Vieira - Ismail Xavier.


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Newly emerged hantaviruses replicate primarily in the pulmonary endothelium, cause acute platelet loss, and result in hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). We now report that specific integrins expressed on platelets and endothelial cells permit the cellular entry of HPS-associated hantaviruses. Infection with HPS-associated hantaviruses, NY-1 and Sin Nombre virus (SNV), is inhibited by antibodies to β3 integrins and by the β3-integrin ligand, vitronectin. In contrast, infection with the nonpathogenic (no associated human disease) Prospect Hill virus was inhibited by fibronectin and β1-specific antibodies but not by β3-specific antibodies or vitronectin. Transfection with recombinant αIIbβ3 or αvβ3 integrins rendered cells permissive to NY-1 and SNV but not Prospect Hill virus infection, indicating that αIIbβ3 and αvβ3 integrins mediate the entry of NY-1 and SNV hantaviruses. Furthermore, entry is divalent cation independent, not blocked by arginine-glycine-aspartic acid peptides and still mediated by, ligand-binding defective, αIIbβ3-integrin mutants. Hence, NY-1 and SNV entry is independent of β3 integrin binding to physiologic ligands. These findings implicate integrins as cellular receptors for hantaviruses and indicate that hantavirus pathogenicity correlates with integrin usage.


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Left to right: Res. of Robert Shaw, Sec. 24, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of Aaron L. Feldkamp, Sec. 7, Saline Tp. Mich.; Farm residence of A.K. Clark, Sec. 14, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of A.K. Clark, Sec. 1, Saline Village, Mich.; Res. of Harvey Bennett, Sec. 1, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of George Osborn, Sec. 35, Saline Tp. Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.