53 resultados para Sepiolite


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CRTA technology offers better resolution and a more detailed interpretation of the decomposition processes of a clay mineral such as sepiolite via approaching equilibrium conditions of decomposition through the elimination of the slow transfer of heat to the sample as a controlling parameter on the process of decomposition. Constant-rate decomposition processes of non-isothermal nature reveal changes in the sepiolite as the sepiolite is converted to an anhydride. In the dynamic experiment two dehydration steps are observed over the ~20-170 and 170-350°C temperature range. In the dynamic experiment three dehydroxylation steps are observed over the temperature ranges 201-337, 337-638 and 638-982°C. The CRTA technology enables the separation of the thermal decomposition steps.


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Controlled rate thermal analysis (CRTA) technology offers better resolution and a more detailed interpretation of the decomposition processes of a clay mineral such as sepiolite via approaching equilibrium conditions of decomposition through the elimination of the slow transfer of heat to the sample as a controlling parameter on the process of decomposition. Constant-rate decomposition processes of non-isothermal nature reveal changes in the sepiolite as the sepiolite is converted to an anhydride. In the dynamic experiment two dehydration steps are observed over the *20–170 and 170–350 �C temperature range. In the dynamic experiment three dehydroxylation steps are observed over the temperature ranges 201–337, 337–638 and 638–982 �C. The CRTA technology enables the separation of the thermal decomposition steps.


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Theoretical research and specific surface area analysis of nitrogen adsorption indicated that a lot of structural micropores exist in sepiolite minerals fibers. However, the microporous size, existing form, and the distribution relationship between microporous structures were not proved yet. In this paper, the section TEM samples of nanofibers were prepared on the basis of the metal embedding and cutting technique, and the inner structure of sepiolite nanofibers was observed by TEM. The results showed that sepiolite fibers have multiplayer structure similar to concentric circles, and many micropores with the size of about 2–5 nm are normal and parallel to the -axis. The reason for the previously mentioned phenomenon was explained by using BET analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis results.


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In this work, natural palygorskite impregnated with zero-valent iron (ZVI) was prepared and characterised. The combination of ZVI particles on surface of fibrous palygorskite can help to overcome the disadvantage of ultra-fine powders which may have strong tendency to agglomerate into larger particles, resulting in an adverse effect on both effective surface area and catalyst performance. There is a significant increase of methylene blue (MB) decolourized efficiency on acid treated palygorskite with ZVI grafted, within 5 mins, the concentration of MB in the solution was decreased from 94 mg/L to around 20 mg/L and the equilibration was reached at about 30 to 60 mins with only around 10 mg/L MB remained in solution. Changes in the surface and structure of prepared materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, surface analysing and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with element analysis and mapping. Comparing with zero-valent iron and palygorskite, the presence of zero-valent iron reactive species on the palygorskite surface strongly increases the decolourization capacity for methylene blue, and it is significant for providing novel modified clay catalyst materials for the removal of organic contaminants from waste water.


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Infrared and infrared emission spectroscopy were used to analyze the difference in structure and thermal behavior of two Chinese palygorskites. The position of the main bands identified in the infrared spectra of the palygorskites studied is similar for these two Chinese samples, but there are some differences in their intensity, which is significant. This discrepancy is attributed to various geological environments in different regions and the existence of impurities. The infrared emission spectra clearly show the structural changes and dehydroxylation of the palygorskites when the temperature is raised. The dehydration of the palygorskites is followed by the loss of intensity of the OH stretching vibration bands in the region 3600-3200 cm-1. Dehydroxylation is followed by the decrease in intensity in the bands between 3700 and 3550 cm-1. Dehydration of pure palygorskite was completed by 600 °C. Partial loss of coordinated water was observed at 400 °C. Infrared emission spectroscopy is an effective method to determine the stability of the mineral.


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Infrared spectroscopy has been used to characterize and compare four palygorskite mineral samples from China. The position of the main bands identified by infrared spectra is similar, but there are some differences in intensity, which are significant. In addition, several additional bands are observed in the spectra of palygorskite and their impurities. This variability is attributed to differences in the geological environment, such as the degree of weathering and the extent of transportation of the minerals during formation or deposition, and the impurity content in these palygorskites. The bands of water and hydroxyl groups in these spectra of palygorskite samples have been studied. The characteristic band of palygorskite is observed at 1195 cm�1. Another four bands observed at 3480, 3380, 3266 and 3190 cm�1 are attributed to the water molecules in the palygorskite structure. These results suggest that the infrared spectra of palygorskites mineral from different regions are decided not only by the main physicochemical properties of palygorskite, but also by the amount and kind of impurities.


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Palygorskite has a fibrous like morphology with a distinctive layered appearance. The simplified formula of palygorskite (Mg5Si8O20(OH)2(OH2)4 nH2O) indicates that two different types of water are present. The dehydration and rehydration of palygorskite have been studied using thermogravimetry and H2O-tem- perature programmed desorption. X-ray diffractograms, NH3 adsorption profiles, and NH3 desorption profiles were obtained for thermally treated palygorskite as a function of temperature. The results proved water molecules were mainly derived from Si–OH units. In addition, five kinds of acid sites were found for palygorskite. The number of acid sites of external surfaces was larger than that of the internal sur- faces. Bonding on the internal surface acid sites was stronger than the bonding of the external surfaces. Rehydration restored the folded structure of palygorskite when thermal treatment temperature was lower than 300 oC.


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The study assessed accessory minerals and metals in Tanzanian vermiculites with respect to their potential suitability for agricultural applications. Mineral and chemical analyses were involved. Pot experiments were also conducted to assess plant uptake of metals from soil with vermiculites. Fibrous sepiolite and amphiboles were minerals of health concern found in some samples. The sepiolite fibers had aspect ratios similar to those of asbestos minerals, which cause respiratory disorders and lung cancer when inhaled and thus pose a potential health risk to animals and humans. The amphibole fibers were thicker than 10 μm and are unlikely to be inhaled. Chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) concentrations in some samples were greater than the limits permitted in agricultural soils, but the elements are not highly plant available and do not inhibit the uptake of essential macronutrients. Heating vermiculites at 400-600° C enhanced extractability of Cr and Ni and should preferably be avoided. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Vermiculite minerals are locally available in the Mozambique Belt of Tanzania but are not currently commercially exploited. In part this may be due to lack of any precise characterization. This study was carried out as a first step to assess the suitability of these vermiculites for crop production by characterization of their mineralogical and chemical compositions. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy combined with an energydispersive X-ray system were used to establish the mineralogy. Electron microprobe analysis and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry were used to study the chemical compositions and to identify any possible issues related to chemical composition that might affect their use if applied as soil conditioners. The samples were characterized as vermiculites and hydrobiotites with a wide variety of accessory minerals. Accessory minerals that might be of some concern are galena, fibrous amphiboles and sepiolite. The total levels of Ni in all vermiculites, and Cr in some, were also found to be high relative to common European standards and this might limit their potential as soil conditioners. It is clear that a field assessment of the bioavailability of various elements would be necessary before decisions relating to potential agricultural use could be made. © 2009 The Mineralogical Society.


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A Bacia Sedimentar de Aveiro corresponde essencialmente à actual parte terminal da Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Vouga, nela se incluindo o sistema lagunar impropriamente designado por "Ria de Aveiro". O conhecimento que existe da geologia sub-superficial da referida Bacia tem beneficiado das informações proporcionadas por numerosas sondagens profundas efectuadas para pesquisa e produção de água subterrânea. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo principal ensaiar a utilização da mineralogia, sedimentologia, e geoquímica das fracções finas dos sedimentos, com ênfase na fracção argilosa, para o estabelecimento de uma mais precisa litoestratigrafia das formações sedimentares da Bacia Sedimentar de Aveiro e para a elaboração de análises paleoclimáticas, paleogeográficas e estruturais. Foram estudadas 95 sondagens profundas, dentre as quais se seleccionaram 27, que foram objecto de estudo mais detalhado, mineralógico e geoquímico. As técnicas analíticas utilizadas foram a Difracção de Raios X, a Microscopia Electrónica de Transmissão, a Espectrometria de Fluorescência de Raios X e a Fotometria de Chama. Obtiveram-se resultados de índole mineralógica e geoquímica, com os quais se elaboraram para cada sondagem "logs" mineralógicos e geoquímicos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a caracterização das unidades litoestratigráficas presentes na região estudada, destacando-se os seguintes aspectos: I) predomínio de Caulinite nas unidades cretácicas (com excepção das Argilas de Aveiro) e nas unidades jurássicas (com excepção das Margas de Dagorda); 2) predomínio de llite nas unidades pós-cretácicas (com excepção do Quaternário), nas Argilas de Aveiro, nas Margas de Dagorda e no Grés de Eirol; 3) presença muito significativa (pontualmente predominante) de Esmectite nas unidades pós-cretácicas III, II e I, nas Argilas de Aveiro e no Grés de Verba; 4) presença (discreta) de Vermiculite e de Caulinite-Esmectite no Quaternário; 5) presença significativa de Clorite nas unidades infra-cretácicas Margas de Eiras, Margas de Dagorda e, sobretudo, Grés de Eirol, assim como, com carácter mais acessório, nas unidades Camadas de S. Miguel e Camadas de Coimbra e também em certos níveis das unidades pós-cretácicas; 6) presença (por vezes meramente vestigial) de Paligorsquite nas unidades pós-cretácicas II e I, e nas unidades infra-cretácicas, e de Sepiolite na unidade pós-cretácica I e nas unidades infra-cretácicas Camadas de S. Miguel e Margas de Dagorda.(...)


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The photocatalytic performance of TiO(2)-SiMgO(x) ceramic plates for trichloroethylene abatement in gas phase has been evaluated under sun irradiance conditions. A continuous flow Pyrex glass reactor fixed on the focus of a compound parabolic collector has been used. The performance of the hybrid photocatalyst has been evaluated as the variation of TCE conversion and reaction products formation with the solar irradiance at different total gas flow, TCE concentration, and water vapour content. SiMgO(x) not only provides adsorbent properties to the photocatalyst, but it also allows the effective use of the material during low solar irradiance conditions. The adsorption-desorption phenomena play a pivotal role in the behaviour of the system. Thus, TCE conversion curves present two different branches when the sun irradiance increases (sunrise) or decreases (sunset). CO(2), COCl(2) and DCAC were the most relevant products detected. Meanwhile CO(2) concentration was insensitive to the branch analysed, COCl(2) or DCAC were not indicating the ability of these compounds to be adsorbed on the composite. An increase of the UV irradiation at total TCE conversion promotes the CO(2) selectivity. The excess of energy arriving to the reactor favours the direct reaction pathway to produce CO(2). The photonic efficiency, calculated as a function of the rate of CO(2) formation, decreases linearly with the solar irradiance up to around 2 mW cm(-2), where it becomes constant. For decontamination systems high TCE conversion is pursuit and then high solar irradiance values are required, in spite of lower photonic efficiency values. The present photocatalyst configuration, with only 17% of the reactor volume filled with the photoactive material, allows total TCE conversion for 150 ppm and 1 L min(-1) in a wide sun irradiance window from 2 to 4 mW cm(-2). The incorporation of water vapour leads to an increase of the CO(2) selectivity keeping the TCE conversion around 90%, although significant amounts of COCl(2) were observed. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid photocatalysts based on an adsorbent SiMgOx and a photocatalyst TiO(2) were developed in a plate shape. The ceramic surface was coated with TiO(2) by the slip-casting technique. The effect of the support in the photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) was analyzed by modifying TiO(2) loading and the layer thickness. Photocatalysts were characterised by N(2) adsorption-desorption, mercury intrusion porosimetry, SEM, UV-vis spectroscopy and XRD. A direct relationship between the TiO(2) content and the photocatalytic activity was observed up to three layers of TiO(2) (0.66 wt.%). Our results indicate that intermediate species generated on the TiO(2) layer can migrate through relatively long distances to react with the OH(-) surface groups of the support. By increasing the TiO(2) loading of the photocatalyst two effects were observed: trichloroethylene conversion is enhanced, while the efficiency of the oxidation process is decreased at expenses of increasing the selectivity to COCl(2) and dichloroacetylchloride (DCAC). The results are discussed in terms of the layer thickness, TiO(2) amount, TCE conversion and CO(2), and COCl(2) selectivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Vários sítios arqueológicos de Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) encontrados na floresta Amazônica Colombiana também contêm alto conteúdo de fragmentos cerâmicos semelhantes aqueles da Amazônia Brasileira, como mostra o sítio Quebrada Tacana. Seus fragmentos cerâmicos são amarelo a cinza, exibem matriz argilosa calcinada envolvendo fragmentos de cariapé, carvão e partículas de cinza, grãos de quartzo e micas. A matriz é composta de metacaulinita a material amorfo, quartzo, folhas de micas, clorita e sepiolita. Cariapé e cauixi são constituídos de cristobalita, da mesma forma o carvão e as cinzas. Embora não detectados pela difração de raios x, os fosfatos devem estar presentes, pois foram detectados teores de P2O5 de até 2,90 %, possivelmente como fosfatos de alumínio, já que o conteúdo de Ca está abaixo 0,1 %, o que elimina a possibilidade da presença de apatita. Estas características mineralógicas e químicas permitem relacionar estes fragmentos cerâmicos com aqueles encontrados nos sítios de TPA no Brasil e reforça o fósforo como um importante componente químico, originado pelo contato dos vasos cerâmicos com os alimentos do cotidiano dos povos amazônicos pré-históricos.


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L’aumento delle concentrazioni del diossido di carbonio in atmosfera dovuto alla combustione dei combustibili fossili è una fonte di grande preoccupazione a causa del suo impatto sul clima globale. La biomassa è l’unica fonte rinnovabile a poter essere convertita in combustibili e, tra i metodi di conversione, la pirolisi produce un liquido (bio-olio) che presenta potenzialità come combustibile. Le alghe sono una biomassa di interesse, ma il bio-olio che si ottiene è caratterizzato da composti contenenti ossigeno, zolfo e azoto che ne riducono la qualità. Tali elementi possono essere eliminati attraverso la scissione (cracking) con zeoliti con la produzione di idrocarburi. L’obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di valutare le caratteristiche del cracking catalitico di tre microalghe: Arthrospira platensis, Botryococcus braunii e Desmodesmus communis per la produzione di idrocarburi. Le biomasse sono state pirolizzate a 500 °C e i vapori prodotti termicamente sono stati fatti passare nella zeolite dove subiscono il cracking. Sono state utilizzate due zeolite a diversa acidità: un pellet H-ZSM5 (SiO2/Al2O3=38) e un monolite a base di HZSM5 (SiO2/Al2O3=80) e sepiolite. Dal cracking si ottengono sei frazioni pirolitiche: char, coke, fase acquosa, bio-olio, frazione volatile e gas non condensabili. Le frazioni sono state caratterizzate tramite analisi elementari e molecolari e dai dati ottenuti sono stati calcolati i bilanci di N, C e del potere calorifico. Per tutte le alghe si ottiene un bio-olio con un elevato contenuto di carbonio e fortemente deossigenato, ma le rese sono relativamente basse. I prodotti che contengono una maggior frazione del carbonio della biomassa iniziale sono il char ed il coke, seguiti dalla fase organica e dai gas. La distribuzione dell’azoto è simile ma con una maggiore frazione nella fase acquosa. Entrambi i catalizzatori agiscono migliorando la qualità del bio-olio tramite la riduzione dei composti azotati ed ossigenati e formando idrocarburi monoaromatici, tipici delle benzine, e poliaromatici. Il monolite, con zeolite meno acida, produce una maggior frazione di bio-olio caratterizzato, però, da una minor percentuale di composti aromatici. Si ritiene che l’aumento delle rese del bio-olio e la valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti (biochar, fase acquosa) siano indispensabili per la sostenibilità del processo.