963 resultados para Sentiment analysis


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Online business or Electronic Commerce (EC) is getting popular among customers today, as a result large number of product reviews have been posted online by the customers. This information is very valuable not only for prospective customers to make decision on buying product but also for companies to gather information of customers’ satisfaction about their products. Opinion mining is used to capture customer reviews and separated this review into subjective expressions (sentiment word) and objective expressions (no sentiment word). This paper proposes a novel, multi-dimensional model for opinion mining, which integrates customers’ characteristics and their opinion about any products. The model captures subjective expression from product reviews and transfers to fact table before representing in multi-dimensions named as customers, products, time and location. Data warehouse techniques such as OLAP and Data Cubes were used to analyze opinionated sentences. A comprehensive way to calculate customers’ orientation on products’ features and attributes are presented in this paper.


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We present the results of exploratory experiments using lexical valence extracted from brain using electroencephalography (EEG) for sentiment analysis. We selected 78 English words (36 for training and 42 for testing), presented as stimuli to 3 English native speakers. EEG signals were recorded from the subjects while they performed a mental imaging task for each word stimulus. Wavelet decomposition was employed to extract EEG features from the time-frequency domain. The extracted features were used as inputs to a sparse multinomial logistic regression (SMLR) classifier for valence classification, after univariate ANOVA feature selection. After mapping EEG signals to sentiment valences, we exploited the lexical polarity extracted from brain data for the prediction of the valence of 12 sentences taken from the SemEval-2007 shared task, and compared it against existing lexical resources.


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Social media channels, such as Facebook or Twitter, allow for people to express their views and opinions about any public topics. Public sentiment related to future events, such as demonstrations or parades, indicate public attitude and therefore may be applied while trying to estimate the level of disruption and disorder during such events. Consequently, sentiment analysis of social media content may be of interest for different organisations, especially in security and law enforcement sectors. This paper presents a new lexicon-based sentiment analysis algorithm that has been designed with the main focus on real time Twitter content analysis. The algorithm consists of two key components, namely sentiment normalisation and evidence-based combination function, which have been used in order to estimate the intensity of the sentiment rather than positive/negative label and to support the mixed sentiment classification process. Finally, we illustrate a case study examining the relation between negative sentiment of twitter posts related to English Defence League and the level of disorder during the organisation’s related events.


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Analysing public sentiment about future events, such as demonstration or parades, may provide valuable information while estimating the level of disruption and disorder during these events. Social media, such as Twitter or Facebook, provides views and opinions of users related to any public topics. Consequently, sentiment analysis of social media content may be of interest to different public sector organisations, especially in the security and law enforcement sector. In this paper we present a lexicon-based approach to sentiment analysis of Twitter content. The algorithm performs normalisation of the sentiment in an effort to provide intensity of the sentiment rather than positive/negative label. Following this, we evaluate an evidence-based combining function that supports the classification process in cases when positive and negative words co-occur in a tweet. Finally, we illustrate a case study examining the relation between sentiment of twitter posts related to English Defence League and the level of disorder during the EDL related events.


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Progettazione di un sistema di Social Intelligence e Sentiment Analysis per un'azienda del settore consumer goods


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Gli ultimi anni hanno visto una crescita esponenziale nell’uso dei social media (recensioni, forum, discussioni, blog e social network); le persone e le aziende utilizzano sempre più le informazioni (opinioni e preferenze) pubblicate in questi mezzi per il loro processo decisionale. Tuttavia, il monitoraggio e la ricerca di opinioni sul Web da parte di un utente o azienda risulta essere un problema molto arduo a causa della proliferazione di migliaia di siti; in più ogni sito contiene un enorme volume di testo non sempre decifrabile in maniera ottimale (pensiamo ai lunghi messaggi di forum e blog). Inoltre, è anche noto che l’analisi soggettiva delle informazioni testuali è passibile di notevoli distorsioni, ad esempio, le persone tendono a prestare maggiore attenzione e interesse alle opinioni che risultano coerenti alle proprie attitudini e preferenze. Risulta quindi necessario l’utilizzo di sistemi automatizzati di Opinion Mining, per superare pregiudizi soggettivi e limitazioni mentali, al fine di giungere ad una metodologia di Sentiment Analysis il più possibile oggettiva.


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In this thesis we are going to talk about technologies which allow us to approach sentiment analysis on newspapers articles. The final goal of this work is to help social scholars to do content analysis on big corpora of texts in a faster way thanks to the support of automatic text classification.


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L'informatica e le sue tecnologie nella società moderna si riassumono spesso in un assioma fuorviante: essa, infatti, è comunemente legata al concetto che ciò che le tecnologie ci offrono può essere accessibile da tutti e sfruttato, all'interno della propria quotidianità, in modi più o meno semplici. Anche se quello appena descritto è un obiettivo fondamentale del mondo high-tech, occorre chiarire subito una questione: l'informatica non è semplicemente tutto ciò che le tecnologie ci offrono, perchè questo pensiero sommario fa presagire ad un'informatica "generalizzante"; l'informatica invece si divide tra molteplici ambiti, toccando diversi mondi inter-disciplinari. L'importanza di queste tecnologie nella società moderna deve spingerci a porre domande, riflessioni sul perchè l'informatica, in tutte le sue sfaccettature, negli ultimi decenni, ha portato una vera e propria rivoluzione nelle nostre vite, nelle nostre abitudini, e non di meno importanza, nel nostro contesto lavorativo e aziendale, e non ha alcuna intenzione (per fortuna) di fermare le proprie possibilità di sviluppo. In questo trattato ci occuperemo di definire una particolare tecnica moderna relativa a una parte di quel mondo complesso che viene definito come "Intelligenza Artificiale". L'intelligenza Artificiale (IA) è una scienza che si è sviluppata proprio con il progresso tecnologico e dei suoi potenti strumenti, che non sono solo informatici, ma soprattutto teorico-matematici (probabilistici) e anche inerenti l'ambito Elettronico-TLC (basti pensare alla Robotica): ecco l'interdisciplinarità. Concetto che è fondamentale per poi affrontare il nocciolo del percorso presentato nel secondo capitolo del documento proposto: i due approcci possibili, semantico e probabilistico, verso l'elaborazione del linguaggio naturale(NLP), branca fondamentale di IA. Per quanto darò un buono spazio nella tesi a come le tecniche di NLP semantiche e statistiche si siano sviluppate nel tempo, verrà prestata attenzione soprattutto ai concetti fondamentali di questi ambiti, perché, come già detto sopra, anche se è fondamentale farsi delle basi e conoscere l'evoluzione di queste tecnologie nel tempo, l'obiettivo è quello a un certo punto di staccarsi e studiare il livello tecnologico moderno inerenti a questo mondo, con uno sguardo anche al domani: in questo caso, la Sentiment Analysis (capitolo 3). Sentiment Analysis (SA) è una tecnica di NLP che si sta definendo proprio ai giorni nostri, tecnica che si è sviluppata soprattutto in relazione all'esplosione del fenomeno Social Network, che viviamo e "tocchiamo" costantemente. L'approfondimento centrale della tesi verterà sulla presentazione di alcuni esempi moderni e modelli di SA che riguardano entrambi gli approcci (statistico e semantico), con particolare attenzione a modelli di SA che sono stati proposti per Twitter in questi ultimi anni, valutando quali sono gli scenari che propone questa tecnica moderna, e a quali conseguenze contestuali (e non) potrebbe portare questa particolare tecnica.


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In this paper we describe the specification of amodel for the semantically interoperable representation of language resources for sentiment analysis. The model integrates "lemon", an RDF-based model for the specification of ontology-lexica (Buitelaar et al. 2009), which is used increasinglyfor the representation of language resources asLinked Data, with Marl, an RDF-based model for the representation of sentiment annotations (West-erski et al., 2011; Sánchez-Rada et al., 2013)


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This paper describes our participation at SemEval- 2014 sentiment analysis task, in both contextual and message polarity classification. Our idea was to com- pare two different techniques for sentiment analysis. First, a machine learning classifier specifically built for the task using the provided training corpus. On the other hand, a lexicon-based approach using natural language processing techniques, developed for a ge- neric sentiment analysis task with no adaptation to the provided training corpus. Results, though far from the best runs, prove that the generic model is more robust as it achieves a more balanced evaluation for message polarity along the different test sets.


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Sentiment and Emotion Analysis strongly depend on quality language resources, especially sentiment dictionaries. These resources are usually scattered, heterogeneous and limited to specific domains of appli- cation by simple algorithms. The EUROSENTIMENT project addresses these issues by 1) developing a common language resource representation model for sentiment analysis, and APIs for sentiment analysis services based on established Linked Data formats (lemon, Marl, NIF and ONYX) 2) by creating a Language Resource Pool (a.k.a. LRP) that makes avail- able to the community existing scattered language resources and services for sentiment analysis in an interoperable way. In this paper we describe the available language resources and services in the LRP and some sam- ple applications that can be developed on top of the EUROSENTIMENT LRP.


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This thesis is the result of a project whose objective has been to develop and deploy a dashboard for sentiment analysis of football in Twitter based on web components and D3.js. To do so, a visualisation server has been developed in order to present the data obtained from Twitter and analysed with Senpy. This visualisation server has been developed with Polymer web components and D3.js. Data mining has been done with a pipeline between Twitter, Senpy and ElasticSearch. Luigi have been used in this process because helps building complex pipelines of batch jobs, so it has analysed all tweets and stored them in ElasticSearch. To continue, D3.js has been used to create interactive widgets that make data easily accessible, this widgets will allow the user to interact with them and �filter the most interesting data for him. Polymer web components have been used to make this dashboard according to Google's material design and be able to show dynamic data in widgets. As a result, this project will allow an extensive analysis of the social network, pointing out the influence of players and teams and the emotions and sentiments that emerge in a lapse of time.


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Preliminary research demonstrated the EmotiBlog annotated corpus relevance as a Machine Learning resource to detect subjective data. In this paper we compare EmotiBlog with the JRC Quotes corpus in order to check the robustness of its annotation. We concentrate on its coarse-grained labels and carry out a deep Machine Learning experimentation also with the inclusion of lexical resources. The results obtained show a similarity with the ones obtained with the JRC Quotes corpus demonstrating the EmotiBlog validity as a resource for the SA task.


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EmotiBlog is a corpus labelled with the homonymous annotation schema designed for detecting subjectivity in the new textual genres. Preliminary research demonstrated its relevance as a Machine Learning resource to detect opinionated data. In this paper we compare EmotiBlog with the JRC corpus in order to check the EmotiBlog robustness of annotation. For this research we concentrate on its coarse-grained labels. We carry out a deep ML experimentation also with the inclusion of lexical resources. The results obtained show a similarity with the ones obtained with the JRC demonstrating the EmotiBlog validity as a resource for the SA task.