685 resultados para Seminars
This article describes the evaluation of a psychological intervention—the Career Self-Management Seminar, Version A, for undergraduate students, and Version B for postgraduate students—developed to support Portuguese college students in career exploration, goal setting, design and implementation of action plans, and decision-making. A total of 120 participants from CSMS-A (experimental group, n = 58; control group, n = 62) and 98 from CSMS-B (experimental group, n = 62; control group, n = 36) were assessed by the Career Exploration Survey according to a pretest and posttest plan. Results demonstrate a significant increase in most of the cognitive, behavioral, and affective career exploration dimensions among the CSMS-A and CSMS-B experimental groups.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Purchases at Seminars: The Consumer's Right to Cancel
A presentation on planning and presenting research seminars for SOES 6018. This module aims to ensure that MSc Oceanography, MSc Marine Science, Policy & Law and MSc Marine Resource Management students are equipped with the skills they need to function as professional marine scientists, in addition to / in conjuction with the skills training in other MSc modules. The module covers training in fieldwork techniques, communication & research skills, IT & data analysis and professional development.
This guide will help you prepare for effective listening and note-taking in lectures, as well as giving hints and tips on how to get the most from seminars.
This contains the resources for the 'What to expect from lectures and seminars at the University of Southampton' session
Includes bibliography
Contiene las conclusiones y las reseñas de los trabajos presentados a los seminarios: "Ahorro y eficiencia en la asignación de recursos financieros: experiencias en América Latina", 25-27 enero 1989; y "Ahorro y financiamiento", 29 noviembre-1 diciembre 1989.