981 resultados para Semiconductor Quantum Dots


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Doping difficulty in semiconductor nanocrystals has been observed and its origin is currently under debate. It is not clear whether this phenomenon is energetic or depends on the growth kinetics. Using first-principles method, we show that the transition energies and defect formation energies of the donor and acceptor defects always increase as the quantum dot sizes decrease. However, for isovalent impurities, the changes of the defect formation energies are rather small. The origin of the calculated trends is explained using simple band-energy-level models.


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Spontaneous emission from GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in photonic crystals with a narrow photonic band gap is studied theoretically. The results show that the decay lifetime is very sensitive to the sizes of QDs, and both inhibited and accelerated emission can occur, which had been indicated in a previous experiment. The Weisskopf-Wigner approximation, good for atoms and molecules, may be incorrect for QDs. A damped Rabi oscillation of the excited state with the transition frequency outside the photonic band gap may appear, which is impossible for atoms and molecules. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure of a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD) is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory. We find that the energies of the electron with different spin orientation exhibit different behavior as a function of magnetic field at small magnetic fields. The energies of the hole decreases rapidly at low magnetic fields and saturate at higher magnetic field due to the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The mixing effect of the hole states in the DMS QD can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field. An interesting crossing behavior of the hole ground state between the heavy-hole state and the light-hole state is found with variation of the QD radius. The strength of the interband optical transition for different circular polarization exhibts quite different behavior with increasing magnetic field and QD radius.


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We theoretically investigate the spin-dependent transport through Cd1-xMnxTe diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dots (QD's) under the influence of both the external electric field and magnetic field using the recursion method. Our results show that (1) it can get a 100% polarized electric current by using suitable structure parameters; (2) for a fixed Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD, the wider the system is, the more quickly the transmission coefficient increases; (3) for a fixed system length, the transmission peaks of the spin-up electrons move to lower Fermi energy with increasing Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD radius, while the transmission of the spin-down electrons is almost unchanged; (4) the spin-polarized effect is slightly increased for larger magnetic fields; (5) the external static electric field moves the transmission peaks to higher or lower Fermi energy depending on the direction of the applied field; and (6) the spin-polarized effect decreases as the band offset increases. Our calculated results may be useful for the application of Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD's to the spin-dependent microelectronic and optoelectronic devices.


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Electron spin relaxation induced by phonon-mediated s-d exchange interaction in a II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot is investigated theoretically. The electron-acoustic phonon interaction due to piezoelectric coupling and deformation potential is included. The resulting spin lifetime is typically on the order of microseconds. The effectiveness of the phonon-mediated spin-flip mechanism increases with increasing Mn concentration, electron spin splitting, vertical confining strength, and lateral diameter, while it shows nonmonotonic dependence on the magnetic field and temperature. An interesting finding is that the spin relaxation in a small quantum dot is suppressed for strong magnetic field and low Mn concentration at low temperature.


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Self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot is a new type of artificially designed and grown function material which exhibits quantum size effect, quantum interference effect, surface effect, quantum tunneling-Coulumb-blockade effect and nonlinear optical effect. Due to its advantages of less crystal defects and relatively simpler fabrication technology, this material may be of important value in the research of future nanoelectronic device. In the order of vertical transport, lateral transport and charge storage, recent advances in the electronic properties of this material are brefly introduced, and the problems and perspectives are analyzed.


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The magnetoexciton polaron (MP) is investigated theoretically in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot (QD), with the Coulomb interaction and the sp-d exchange interaction included. The MP energy decreases rapidly with increasing magnetic field at low magnetic field and saturates at high magnetic field for small QDs, and the dependences of the MP energy on magnetic field are quite different for different QD radii due to the different carrier-induced magnetic fields B-MP. The competition between the sp-d exchange interaction and the band gap shrinkage results in there being a maximum exhibited by the MP energy With increasing temperature. Our numerical results are in good agreement with experiment (Maksimov A A, Bacher G, MacDonald A, Kulakovskii V D, Forchel A, Becker C R, Landwehr G and Molenkamp L W 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 R7767).


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Dissertation, 2016


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This thesis presents ab initio studies of two kinds of physical systems, quantum dots and bosons, using two program packages of which the bosonic one has mainly been developed by the author. The implemented models, \emph{i.e.}, configuration interaction (CI) and coupled cluster (CC) take the correlated motion of the particles into account, and provide a hierarchy of computational schemes, on top of which the exact solution, within the limit of the single-particle basis set, is obtained. The theory underlying the models is presented in some detail, in order to provide insight into the approximations made and the circumstances under which they hold. Some of the computational methods are also highlighted. In the final sections the results are summarized. The CI and CC calculations on multiexciton complexes in self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots are presented and compared, along with radiative and non-radiative transition rates. Full CI calculations on quantum rings and double quantum rings are also presented. In the latter case, experimental and theoretical results from the literature are re-examined and an alternative explanation for the reported photoluminescence spectra is found. The boson program is first applied on a fictitious model system consisting of bosonic electrons in a central Coulomb field for which CI at the singles and doubles level is found to account for almost all of the correlation energy. Finally, the boson program is employed to study Bose-Einstein condensates confined in different anisotropic trap potentials. The effects of the anisotropy on the relative correlation energy is examined, as well as the effect of varying the interaction potential.}


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Hybrid monolayer arrays of metal and semiconductor quantum dots have been prepared to study the exciton-plasmon interaction. We observed crossover from strong quenching to enhancement in photoluminescence of the quantum dots as a function of the emission wavelength for fixed interparticle spacings. Remarkably, the enhancement is observed even for extremely short separation at which strong quenching has been observed and predicted earlier. A significant redshift in emission maxima is also observed for quantum dots with quenched emission. The possible role of collective phenomena as well as strong interactions in such ordered hybrid arrays in controlling the emission is discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3553766]


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The multi-component nanomaterials combine the individual properties and give rise to emergent phenomenon. Optical excitations in such hybrid nonmaterial's ( for example Exciton in semiconductor quantum dots and Plasmon in Metal nanomaterials) undergo strong weak electromagnetic coupling. Such exciton-plasmon interactions allow design of absorption and emission properties, control of nanoscale energy-transfer processes, and creation of new excitations in the strong coupling regime.This Exciton plasmon interaction in hybrid nanomaterial can lead to both enhancement in the emission as well as quenching. In this work we prepared close-packed hybrid monolayer of thiol capped CdSe and gold nanoparticles. They exhibit both the Quenching and enhancements the in PL emission.The systematic variance of PL from such hybrid nanomaterials monolayer is studied by tuning the Number ratio of Gold per Quantum dots, the surface density of QDs and the spectral overlap of emission spectrum of QD and absorption spectrum of Gold nanoparticles. Role of Localized surface Plasmon which not only leads to quenching but strong enhancements as well, is explored.


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Although semiconductor quantum dots are promising materials for displays and lighting due to their tunable emissions, these materials also suffer from the serious disadvantage of self-absorption of emitted light. The reabsorption of emitted light is a serious loss mechanism in practical situations because most phosphors exhibit subunity quantum yields. Manganese-based phosphors that also exhibit high stability and quantum efficiency do not suffer from this problem but in turn lack emission tunability, seriously affecting their practical utility. Here, we present a class of manganese-doped quantum dot materials, where strain is used to tune the wavelength of the dopant emission, extending the otherwise limited emission tunability over the yellow-orange range for manganese ions to almost the entire visible spectrum covering all colors from blue to red. These new materials thus combine the advantages of both quantum dots and conventional doped phosphors, thereby opening new possibilities for a wide range of applications in the future.


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The refractive nonlinearities of InAs/GaAs quantum dots under a dc electric field at photon energies above its band gap energy have been studied using the reflection Z-scan technique. The effect of the dc electric field on the nonlinear response of InAs/GaAs quantum dots showed similar linear and quadratic electro-optic effects as in the linear response regime at low fields. This implies that the electro-optic effect in the nonlinear regime is analogous to the response in the linear regime for semiconductor quantum dots. Our experimental results show the potential for voltage tunability in InAs quantum dot-based nonlinear electro-optic devices.


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A two dimensional silicon-on-insulator based photonic crystal structure is used to enhance the emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots embedded in a thin polymer film. The enhancement is resonant to the leaky eigenmodes of the photonic crystals due to coherent scattering effects. Transmittance and photoluminescence experiments are presented to map the leaky mode dispersion and the angle dependence of the emission enhancement factor, which reaches values up to 80 (650) for vertical (oblique) emission in the telecommunication wavelength range.


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We have studied the exciton spin dynamics in single InAs quantum dots (QDs) with different exciton fine structural splitting (FSS) by transient luminescence measurements. We have established the correlation between exciton spin relaxation rate and the energy splitting of the FSS when FSS is nonzero and found that the spin relaxation rate in QD increases with a slope of 8.8x10(-4) ns(-1) mu eV(-1). Theoretical analyses based on the phonon-assisted relaxations via the deformation potential give a reasonable interpretation of the experimental results.