886 resultados para Segregação Socioespacial. Exclusão Social. Conjuntos Habitacionais


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In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts


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In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts


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In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This dissertation seeks to reflect on the accessibility of the governmental program Minha Casa Minha Vida, track 1, which comprehends people who made 0 to 3 minimum wages within the metropolitan region of Natal RN between the years of 2009 and 2012. The research covers the municipalities benefited by the program: Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, Macaíba, Monte Alegre, Natal, Nísia Floresta, Parnamirim and São Gonçalo do Amarante. We have investigated the extensions of PMCMV on the context of the access to the city, debating some concepts attached to the capitalist mode of production such as residential segregation and peripherization. We have aimed to identify the accessibility conditions in the new housing complexes from three primal categories, namely, the localization of the complexes, the disponibility of public equipments, services, leisure and cultural properties on the neighborhood and the offer of public transport. Our theorical references are based on the ideas of the british geographer David Harvey on his work Social Justice and the City , from 1980. Harvey s studies made us debate on the locational choice for the social-matter habitation, and also let us discuss the price to accessibility on these new programs and its implications on the income of those who are benefited by them, specially because this is about a low-income population. To the achievement of these objectives, we made use of case study, including desk research, photographic documentation, records of field observations and informal conversations with locals, composing a qualitative study. In light of what has been researched and considering the guiding research questions, we reflect on aspects of the program that can greatly influence the processes of residential segregation and housing periphery of the lowincome population from the precarious conditions of accessibility to the referred population


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A segregação socioespacial, ou separação fisica dos grupos sociais no espaco geográfico, é o resultado da diferenciação em dois planos básicos. No plano do espaço geográfico, uma vez que o espaço físico é diverso e desigual nas suas características. No plano social, porque a desigual repartição de riqueza e de poder produz uma organização do sistema social em classes. A acção conjugada da diferenciação ao nível destes dois planos é responsável pela criação de estruturas socioespaciais mais ou menos desiguais que afectam as circunstâncias materiais e simbólicas dos territórios e da vida social. Esta comunicação visa reflectir sobre os fatores e os processos de segregação socioespacial na área metropolitana do Porto. Para tal apresentam-se os resultados preliminares de uma investigação cuja metodologia consistiu na análise e no tratamento de variáveis estatísticas (relativas às estruturas sociais, de emprego e do mercado de habitação) para a produção de mapas visando a identificação de regularidades socioespaciais à escala metropolitana.


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Este estudo trata da avaliação da legislação urbanística que promove a implantação e qualificação de espaços públicos de lazer e recreação e de equipamentos e serviços urbanos básicos, e questiona a metodologia empregada para a elaboração e a eficácia dos mesmos. Para alcançar os objetivos desta investigação fez-se necessário: analisar as propostas existentes para a implantação dos equipamentos urbanos, serviços e áreas de lazer nos conjuntos habitacionais de baixa renda; avaliar a provisão e adequação dos serviços e equipamentos urbanos tais como áreas de pequeno comércio e serviços, escola de 1º grau, centro de educação infantil, posto de saúde, praças para recreação e lazer, oferecidos à população de conjuntos habitacionais; medir o impacto da adequação/inadequação ou inexistência desses serviços e equipamentos na avaliação de desempenho do conjunto, no nível de apropriação dos espaços abertos do conjunto, e no relacionamento entre os moradores e na interação social da comunidade. Foram selecionados quatro conjuntos habitacionais destinados a população de baixa renda, localizados no município de Bagé/RS. Neste estudo foram utilizados levantamento de arquivo, entrevistas, questionários, levantamento físico através de levantamento fotográfico, medições e observações de comportamento, que permitiram cruzar as informações e dar maior confiabilidade às análises. Este estudo mostra que os critérios para localização de equipamentos urbanos, serviços e áreas de lazer variam conforme autores, planos diretores e cidades. O estudo demonstra também que em Bagé, apesar da falta de planejamento e de critérios determinados no plano diretor do município, os equipamentos urbanos, com algumas exceções, estão distribuídos de maneira satisfatória, mas nem por isso deve–se deixar de lado a preocupação em definir essas normas para implantação de projetos futuros que contemplem o uso e ocupação do solo de forma ordenada.


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This dissertation is about housing provision under a capitalist system. It aims at analyzing the economic relevance of the Brazilian housing policy, in particular, looking at the housing estates built in Natal city. It also draws on a data-base about living and housing conditions in Natal, produced in the wake of a more comprehensive research of the 50 largest housing estates in the city. Theoretically, the dissertation discusses: the symbolic dimension of housing; housing as a commodity; the alleged social and economic stability of homeownership; and the urban dynamic of housing estates. It also discusses the historic and conceptual references of the Brazilian housing policy and its consequences to Natal city. From the 1960s, polilcy under the BNH privileged the production of large housing estates. Although this was more closely related to economic rather than social objectives, this policy helped expand the urban limits. This was the case for Natal. At the end, this policy was not targeted towards the poorest in society but towards those low income house buyers who could afford to pay for the mortgages on offer


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This study emerges and develops, from a note by Italo Calvino, who in his novel Invisible Cities advised to avoid saying "that sometimes different cities follow on the same site and with the same name, born and die without knowing, without communication among itself ". The research with a transdisciplinary work ( using elements of sociology, anthropology, geography and communication) made a reflection about segregation and tourism: poverty-richness, center-periphery, tradition- spectaclezation , the visitor-visited maping the touristic circuit and discussing about the phenomenon on the real city and touristic place: Natal and the "Sun City" - Rio Grande do Norte, studying videos produced by residents (documentary) and tourists ( posted on the Internet). Doing a comparative analysis between the realities of these two subjects (resident and tourist), the research found few similarities, many differences on the urban experience, with the existence of two distinct realities (tourist region X the periphery region). Based on theory of phenomenology, social representation, and using content analysis of film, it was noted that promotes to the visitor a trip segmented and disintegrated to daily life, culture and contact with the resident. Resident that, in largely part, lives in a unattended area, with no prospect of life (represented by Novo Horizonte Community). The confinement and segregation occurs even in his moments of leisure and cultural expressions (represented by Redinha‟s Beach), because the private an public leisure areas of tourism indirectly prevent access by people who can not contribute to the consumption on this places. This papper concluded that the tourism in Natal is an activity-phenomenon that directs and focuses on public investments for infrastructure tourist region (Ponta Negra Beach), in detriment of the poorest and periphery areas of the city


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This dissertation deals with the study of the faces of social exclusion at present, through a spatial section constituted of a subnormal area (the Community Africa), which groups these aspects in a limited, but revealing, context regarding such problems. Through the following chapters, inequality, exclusion, segregation, the socioeconomics of the Community Africa, and the environmental impacts identified in this community are discussed. At the end of this piece of work, alternatives of possible solutions to the community area pointed, with also the discussion of propositions related to the questions concerning the mitigation of the most relevant problems


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente estudo tem como objeto a análise da produção do espaço no interior da cidade capitalista, ratificado historicamente por meio da lógica de desigualdade social que perversamente estabelece a disparidade existente na distribuição de serviços públicos e habitações, através do acesso desigual à moradia, infraestrutura e serviços coletivos, estabelecendo um quadro tenso e contraditório de segregação socioespacial vivenciado por uma grande massa de trabalhadores. Tendo como objetivo apreender o processo de reprodução social dos trabalhadores residentes no Conjunto Parque Modelo II, bairro Curuçambá, no município de Ananindeua a partir das condições de acesso à moradia, infraestrutura e serviços coletivos que definem o processo de segregação socioespacial naquela área. Neste sentido, para que se alcançasse o objetivo proposto pelo trabalho, inicialmente foi desenvolvida pesquisa bibliográfica que subsidiasse a reconstrução sócio - histórica do espaço urbano no município de Ananindeua e no bairro Curuçambá, e posteriormente foi realizada pesquisa de campo estruturada por meio de formulários aplicados junto a uma amostra de 64 (sessenta e quatro) famílias residentes no Conjunto, buscando-se o levantamento de dados que possibilitasse a posterior interpretação das informações obtidas. Com base nos dados, informações e nas análises realizadas, constatou-se que o Conjunto Parque Modelo II em sua gênese e desenvolvimento acompanha a expansão do núcleo urbano central de Ananindeua, sendo constituído em sua maioria por uma população migrante que busca moradia na área visando melhores condições de vida e sobrevivência, por não possuir condições materiais (renda e trabalho) para se instalar ou se manter no centro ou em áreas próximas, e por isso se reproduzem a partir da convivência cotidiana com a violência, ausência de infraestrutura, serviços e equipamentos urbanos precários e da consequente não satisfação de necessidades básicas que revelam a essência do quadro socioeconômico de segregação socioespacial.


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Esta dissertação analisa a prática da Comunicação Social no Brasil, uma das questões mais importantes para a estruturação e manutenção do poder na sociedade, evidenciada, mais uma vez, com a crise institucional iniciada em 2014, que colocou o direito à produção e divulgação de informações e opiniões no centro do debate nacional. Para tanto, tomou-se como referência as condições políticas, administrativas e operacionais presentes na experiência da Agência de Comunicação Comunitária do Complexo de Manguinhos, aglomerado de favelas e conjuntos habitacionais populares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.