991 resultados para Sedimentary Pyrite Formation


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We examined sediments from Neogene and Quaternary sections of the Benguela and Oman upwelling systems (DSDP Site 532, ODP Sites 723 and 722) to determine environmental and geochemical factors which control and limit pyrite formation in organic-carbon-rich marine sediments. Those samples from the upwelling sites, which contained low to moderate concentrations of total organic carbon (0.7%-3%), had C/S ratios typical of normal marine sediments, i.e., around 2.8. In these sediments, TOC availability probably limited pyrite formation. Results that do not conform with accepted models were found for the sediments high in TOC (3^0-12.4%). The organic matter was of marine origin and contained considerable pyrolytic hydrocarbons, a fact that we take as a sign of low degradation, yet significant concentrations of dissolved sulfate coexisted with it (> 5 mmol/L in the case of Sites 532 and 723). Detrital iron was probably not limiting in either case, because the degree of pyritization was always less than 0.65. Therefore, controls on sulfate reduction and pyrite formation in the organic matter-rich sediments do not appear to conform simply to generally accepted diagenetic models. The data from these thermally immature, old, and organic-rich marine sediments imply that (1) the total reduced sulfur content of organic-rich marine upwelling sediments rarely exceeds an approximate boundary of 1.5% by weight, (2) the C/S ratio of these sediments is not constant and usually much higher than the empirical values proposed for marine sediments. We conclude that sedimentary pyrite formation in upwelling sediments is limited by an as yet unknown factor, and that caution is advised in using C/S ratios and C vs. S diagrams in paleoenvironmental reconstructions for organic-rich sediments.


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Fisherman Islands is an area of reclaimed land at the mouth of the Brisbane River in Queensland, Australia. Ongoing groundwater monitoring has found elevated concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the groundwater on the island. The presence of H2S on Fisherman Islands is of concern because of its toxic nature, the potential for acid sulfate soil formation, and its noxious odor. The aim of this study was,to, identify the sources of H2S within the groundwater on Fisherman Islands. It was hypothesized that the H2S is being formed by sulfate reducing bacteria acting on sulfate from seawater, rather than the introduction of sulfide with the dredge sediments. Groundwater and soil samples were collected and analyzed for sulfide, sulfate, and organic carbon contents. Elevated concentrations of sulfides coincide with,elevated concentrations of sulfate in the groundwater and elevated concentrations of organic carbon in the sediments, supporting the hypothesis that sulfide formation is the result of heterotrophic, sulfate reducing organisms.


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The OMEX core CD110 W90, retrieved from the Douro Mud Patch (DMP) off the River Douro in the north of Portugal, records the period since the beginning of Little Ice Age (LIA). The core chronology is based upon the data attributes for Pb-210, Cs-137 and a C-14 dating from a level near the core base. Geochemical, granulometric, microfaunal (benthic foraminifera) and compositional data suggest the occurrence of precipitation changes which may have been, at least partially, influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), that contributes to the regulation of the ocean-atmosphere dynamics in the North Atlantic. Southwesterly Atlantic storm track is associated with the negative phases of the NAO, when the Azores High is anomalously weak, higher oceanographic hydrodynamism, downwelling events and increased rainfall generally occurs. Prevalence of these characteristics during the LIA left a record that corresponds to phases of major floods. During these phases the DMP received a higher contribution of relatively coarse-grained terrigenous sediments, enriched in quartz particles, which diluted the contribution of other minerals, as indicated by reduced concentrations of several lithogenic chemical elements such as: Al, As, Ba, Ce, Co, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Rb, Sc, Sn, Th, V and Y. The presence of biogenic carbonate particles also underwent dilution, as revealed by the smaller abundance of foraminifera and correlative lower concentrations of Ca and Sr. During this period, the DMP also received an increased contribution of organic matter, indicated by higher values of lignin remains and a benthic foraminifera high productivity index, or BFHP, which gave rise to early diagenetic changes with pyrite formation. Since the beginning of the 20th century this contribution diminished, probably due to several drier periods and the impact of human activities in the river basins, e.g. construction of dams, or, on the littoral areas, construction of hard-engineering structures and sand extraction activities. During the first half of the 20th century mainly positive phases of the NAO prevailed, caused by the above normal strengthening of the subtropical high pressure centre of the Azores and the deepening of the low pressure centre in Iceland. These phases may have contributed to the reduction in the supply of both terrigenous sediments and organic matter from shallow water to the DMP. During the positive phases of the NAO, sedimentation became finer. The development of mining and industrial activities during the 20th century is marked, in this core, by higher concentrations of Pb. Furthermore, the erosion of heaps resulting from wolfram exploitation leaves its signature as a peak of W concentrations recorded in the sediments of the DMP deposited between the 1960s and the 1990s. Wolfram exploitation was an important activity in the middle part of the 20th century, particularly during the period of the Second World War. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analyses of modern marine sediments have suggested that availability and type of organic matter, sedimentation rate, and openness of the sulfate system influence the degree of isotopic fractionation between seawater sulfate and sedimentary iron sulfides. Isotopic studies of ancient sulfides should, therefore, provide insights into conditions of deposition and early diagenesis. Analysis of d34S of disseminated pyrite from Cretaceous sediments of Hole 603B yielded fractionations relative to coeval seawater sulfate ranging from 40 to 55 per mil, which are within the range for modern oxic marine sediments reported by others. Sulfur/carbon ratios are similar to those found from modern marine sediments and suggest that disseminated pyrite formation was dependent upon available organic carbon. These results imply that depositional and early diagenetic conditions during the Cretaceous in Hole 603B were similar to those occurring in initially oxic marine environments today. Macroscopic (nodular) pyrite from Hole 603B is isotopically variable (d34S values = - 48 to + 33 per mil), but generally more positive than disseminated pyrite. The isotopic evidence suggests that macroscopic pyrite formed during late stages of sulfate reduction in a system closed with respect to sulfate. However, detailed analyses of large pyrite nodules did not yield a consistent pattern of isotopic variation from center to rim.


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Pyrite formation within and directly below sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean was governed by the relative rates of sulphide production and Fe liberation and supply to the organic-rich layers. At times of relatively high [SO4]2- reduction, sulphide could diffuse downward from the sapropel and formed pyrite in underlying sediments. The sources of Fe for pyrite formation comprised detrital Fe and diagenetically liberated Fe(II) from sapropel-underlying sediments. In organic-rich sapropels, input of Fe from the water column via Fe sulphide formation in the water may have been important as well. Rapid pyrite formation at high saturation levels resulted in the formation of framboidal pyrite within the sapropels, whereas below the sapropels slow euhedral pyrite formation at low saturation levels occurred. d34S values of pyrite are -33 per mil to -50 per mil. Below the sapropels d34S is lower than within the sapropels, as a result of increased sulphide re-oxidation at times of relatively high sulphide production and concentration when sulphide could escape from the sediment. The percentage of initially formed sulphide that was re-oxidized was estimated from organic carbon fluxes and burial efficiencies in the sediment. It ranges from 34% to 80%, varying significantly between sapropels. Increased palaeoproductivity as well as enhanced preservation contributed to magnified accumulation of organic matter in sapropels.


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Organic carbon-rich shales from localities in England, Italy, and Morocco, which formed during the Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE), have been examined for their total organic carbon (TOC) values together with their carbon, nitrogen, and iron isotope ratios. Carbon isotope stratigraphy (d13Corg and d13Ccarb) allows accurate recognition of the strata that record the oceanic anoxic event, in some cases allowing characterization of isotopic species before, during, and after the OAE. Within the black shales formed during the OAE, relatively heavy nitrogen isotope ratios, which correlate positively with TOC, suggest nitrate reduction (leading ultimately to denitrification and/or anaerobic ammonium oxidation). Black shales deposited before the onset of the OAE in Italy have unusually low bulk d57Fe values, unlike those found in the black shale (Livello Bonarelli) deposited during the oceanic anoxic event itself: These latter conform to the Phanerozoic norm for organic-rich sediments. Pyrite formation in the pre-OAE black shales has apparently taken place via dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR), within the sediment, a suboxic process that causes an approximately -2 per mil fractionation between a lithogenic Fe(III)oxide source and Fe(II)aq. In contrast, bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR), at least partly in the water column, characterized the OAE itself and was accompanied by only minor iron isotope fractionation. This change in the manner of pyrite formation is reflected in a decrease in the average pyrite framboid diameter from ~10 to ~7 µm. The gradual, albeit irregular increase in Fe isotope values during the OAE, as recorded in the Italian section, is taken to demonstrate limited isotopic evolution of the dissolved iron pool, consequent upon ongoing water column precipitation of pyrite under euxinic conditions. Given that evidence exists for both nitrate and sulfate reduction during the OAE, it is evident that redox conditions in the water column were highly variable, in both time and space.


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This thesis details a Miocene aged sedimentary rock formation located in north island New Zealand. Mapping, stratigraphic logging and petrographic analysis of the rock formation ascertained that it was deposited in a deep-marine, tectonically active region. The work details the make-up of the sedimentary rocks using geochemistry and microscopy to define their origin. This definition was used to interpret the depositional model of the sediments detailing how they were transported and how they were emplaced.


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The content and isotopic compositions of different sulphur species in pore-water and solid phases have been examined on five sediment cores taken from muddy sediment region in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Relationships among these data have been investigated with the combination of morphology of mineral pyrite and organic matter so as to role out the diagenetic behaviour of sulphur species at the early stage of diagenesis in modern marine sediment and the origin of pyrite formation.


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An apatite fission track study of crystalline rocks underlying sedimentary basins in northeastern Brazil indicate that crustal blocks that occur on opposite sides of a geological fault experienced different thermal histories. Samples collected on the West block yielded corrected fission-track ages from 140 to 375 Ma, whereas samples collected on the East block yielded ages between 90 and 125 Ma. The thermal models suggest that each block experienced two cooling events separated by a heating event at different times. We concluded that the West block moved downward relative to the East block ca. 140 Ma ago, when sediments eroded from the East side were deposited on the West side. This process represents the early stage of sedimentary basin formation and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean in the region. Downward and upward movements related to heating and cooling events of these crustal blocks at different periods until recent times are proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Organic-carbon-rich anoxic sediments from the continental shelf (Site 680) and the lower continental slope (Site 688) off Peru were studied to determine factors controlling the accumulation of reduced sulfur. High concentrations of organic matter in diatomaceous muds, its thermal immaturity, and the presence of abundant hydrogen-containing organic compounds lead to the conclusion that organic matter is not limiting for reduced sulfur formation. Rather, high degrees of iron pyritization at Site 680 limit pyrite accumulation in sediments from this shelf site. The low degree of iron pyritization and nearly complete reduction of dissolved sulfate at Site 688 suggest that a lack of interstitial sulfate is limiting pyrite formation there. Although factors that limit the formation of sedimentary iron sulfide are different at each site, the resulting average reduced-sulfur concentrations are remarkably similar (0.85 wt.% at Site 680 and 0.86 wt.% at Site 688). Carbon to sulfur (C/S) ratios are higher in samples containing in excess of 3 wt.% organic carbon than the average of 2.8 in normal marine sediments and have been primarily influenced by variations in organic matter concentrations.


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We have determined (1) the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite, monosulphide, elemental sulphur, organically bound sulphur, and dissolved sulphide; (2) the partition of ferric and ferrous iron; (3) the organic carbon contents of sediments recovered at two sites drilled on the Peru Margin during Leg 112 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sediments at both sites are characterised by high levels of organically bound sulphur (OBS). OBS comprises up to 50% of total sedimentary sulphur and up to 1% of bulk sediment. The weight ratio of S to C in organic matter varies from 0.03 to 0.15 (mean = 0.10). Such ratios are like those measured in lithologically similar, but more deeply buried petroleum source rocks of the Monterey and Sisquoc formations in California. The sulphur content of organic matter is not limited by the availability of porewater sulphide. Isotopic data suggest that sulphur is incorporated into organic matter within a metre of the sediment surface, at least partly by reaction with polysulphides. Most inorganic Sulphur occurs as pyrite. Pyrite formation occurred within surface sediments and was limited by the availability of reactive iron. But despite highly reducing sulphidic conditions, only 35-65% of the total iron was converted to sulphide; 10-30% of the total iron still occurs as Fe(III). In surface sediments, the isotopic composition of pyrite is similar to that of both iron monosulphide and dissolved sulphide. Either pyrite, like monosulphide, formed by direct reaction between dissolved sulphide and detrital iron, and/or the sulphur species responsible for converting FeS to FeS2 is isotopically similar to dissolved sulphide. Likely stoichiometries for the reaction between ferric iron and excess sulphide imply a maximum resulting FeS2:FeS ratio of 1:1. Where pyrite dominates the pool of iron sulphides, at least some pyrite must have formed by reaction between monosulphide and elemental sulphur and/or polysulphide. Elemental sulphur (S°) is most abundant in surface sediments and probably formed by oxidation of sulphide diffusing across the sediment-water interface. In surface sediments, S° is isotopically heavier than dissolved sulphide, FeS and FeS2 and is unlikely to have been involved in the conversion of FeS to FeS2. Polysulphides are thus implicated as the link between FeS and FeS2.


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We have measured the concentrations of (1) pore-water sulfide and (2) solid-phase pyrite, iron monosulfide (=acid volatile sulfide), elemental sulfur, and extractable and nonextractable organic ("kerogen") sulfur in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 680 and 686. Pore-water sulfide defines classic "bell-shaped" profiles. Maximum concentrations of 6 to 12 mM occur where sulfate is exhausted, or is most depleted, at depths between 15 and 50 mbsf. Sulfide resulting from bacterial sulfate reduction reacts in three ways: (1) some is reoxidized to elemental sulfur in surface sediments; (2) some reacts with detrital iron minerals to form iron monosulfide and pyrite, primarily in the top meter or two of the sediment; and (3) some reacts with, and is incorporated into, kerogen. Incorporation of reduced sulfur into kerogen occurs over the top 15 m of the sediment at both Sites 680 and 686, after the main phase of pyrite formation. Up to 45% of the total sedimentary sulfur is organically bound, and concentrations of 12 wt% sulfur are reached in the kerogen. These values are like those measured in lithologically similar, but more deeply buried, sediments from the Monterey Formation.


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The main terminal processes of organic matter mineralization in anoxic Black Sea sediments underlying the sulfidic water column are sulfate reduction in the upper 2-4 m and methanogenesis below the sulfate zone. The modern marine deposits comprise a ca. 1-m-deep layer of coccolith ooze and underlying sapropel, below which sea water ions penetrate deep down into the limnic Pleistocene deposits from >9000 years BP. Sulfate reduction rates have a subsurface maximum at the SO4[2-]-CH4 transition where H2S reaches maximum concentration. Because of an excess of reactive iron in the deep limnic deposits, most of the methane-derived H2S is drawn downward to a sulfidization front where it reacts with Fe(III) and with Fe2+ diffusing up from below. The H2S-Fe2+ transition is marked by a black band of amorphous iron sulfide above which distinct horizons of greigite and pyrite formation occur. The pore water gradients respond dynamically to environmental changes in the Black Sea with relatively short time constants of ca. 500 yr for SO4[2-] and 10 yr for H2S, whereas the FeS in the black band has taken ca. 3000 yr to accumulate. The dual diffusion interfaces of SO4[2-]-CH4 and H2S-Fe2+ cause the trapping of isotopically heavy iron sulfide with delta34S = +15 to +33 per mil at the sulfidization front. A diffusion model for sulfur isotopes shows that the SO4[2-] diffusing downward into the SO4[2-]-CH4 transition has an isotopic composition of +19 per mil, close to the +23 per mil of H2S diffusing upward. These isotopic compositions are, however, very different from the porewater SO4[2-] (+43 per mil) and H2S (-15 per mil) at the same depth. The model explains how methane-driven sulfate reduction combined with a deep H2S sink leads to isotopically heavy pyrite in a sediment open to diffusion. These results have general implications for the marine sulfur cycle and for the interpretation of sulfur isotopic data in modern sediments and in sedimentary rocks throughout earth's history.


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In this study, we investigate phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) cycling in sediments along a depth transect from within to well below the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the northern Arabian Sea (Murray Ridge). Pore-water and solid-phase analyses show that authigenic formation of calcium phosphate minerals (Ca-P) is largely restricted to where the OMZ intersects the seafloor topography, likely due to higher depositional fluxes of reactive P. Nonetheless, increased ratios of organic carbon to organic P (Corg/Porg) and to total reactive P (Corg/Preactive) in surface sediments indicate that the overall burial efficiency of P relative to Corg decreases under the low bottom water oxygen concentrations (BWO) in the OMZ. The relatively constant Fe/Al ratio in surface sediments along the depth transect suggest that corresponding changes in Fe burial are limited. Sedimentary pyrite contents are low throughout the ~25 cm sediment cores at most stations, as commonly observed in the Arabian Sea OMZ. However, pyrite is an important sink for reactive Fe at one station in the OMZ. A reactive transport model (RTM) was applied to quantitatively investigate P and Fe diagenesis at an intermediate station at the lower boundary of the OMZ (bottom water O2: ~14 µmol/L). The RTM results contrast with earlier findings in showing that Fe redox cycling can control authigenic apatite formation and P burial in Arabian Sea sediment. In addition, results suggest that a large fraction of the sedimentary Ca-P is not authigenic, but is instead deposited from the water column and buried. Dust is likely a major source of this Ca-P. Inclusion of the unreactive Ca-P pool in the Corg/P ratio leads to an overestimation of the burial efficiency of reactive P relative to Corg along the depth transect. Moreover, the unreactive Ca-P accounts for ~85% of total Ca-P burial. In general, our results reveal large differences in P and Fe chemistry between stations in the OMZ, indicating dynamic sedimentary conditions under these oxygen-depleted waters.