986 resultados para Sediment Residence Time
A procedure is proposed for the determination of the residence time distribution (RTD) of curved tubes taking into account the non-ideal detection of the tracer. The procedure was applied to two holding tubes used for milk pasteurization in laboratory scale. Experimental data was obtained using an ionic tracer. The signal distortion caused by the detection system was considerable because of the short residence time. Four RTD models, namely axial dispersion, extended tanks in series, generalized convection and PER + CSTR association, were adjusted after convolution with the E-curve of the detection system. The generalized convection model provided the best fit because it could better represent the tail on the tracer concentration curve that is Caused by the laminar velocity profile and the recirculation regions. Adjusted model parameters were well cot-related with the now rate. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective was to study the flow pattern in a plate heat exchanger (PHE) through residence time distribution (RTD) experiments. The tested PHE had flat plates and it was part of a laboratory scale pasteurization unit. Series flow and parallel flow configurations were tested with a variable number of passes and channels per pass. Owing to the small scale of the equipment and the short residence times, it was necessary to take into account the influence of the tracer detection unit on the RID data. Four theoretical RID models were adjusted: combined, series combined, generalized convection and axial dispersion. The combined model provided the best fit and it was useful to quantify the active and dead space volumes of the PHE and their dependence on its configuration. Results suggest that the axial dispersion model would present good results for a larger number of passes because of the turbulence associated with the changes of pass. This type of study can be useful to compare the hydraulic performance of different plates or to provide data for the evaluation of heat-induced changes that occur in the processing of heat-sensitive products. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The residence time distribution and mean residence time of a 10% sodium bicarbonate solution that is dried in a conventional spouted bed with inert bodies were measured with the stimulus-response method. Methylene blue was used as a chemical tracer, and the effects of the paste feed mode, size distribution of the inert bodies, and mean particle size on the residence times and dried powder properties were investigated. The results showed that the residence time distributions could be best reproduced with the perfect mixing cell model or N = 1 for the continuous stirred tank reactor in a series model. The mean residence times ranged from 6.04 to 12.90 min and were significantly affected by the factors studied. Analysis of variance on the experimental data showed that mean residence times were affected by the mean diameter of the inert bodies at a significance level of 1% and by the size distribution at a level of 5%. Moreover, altering the paste feed from dripping to pneumatic atomization affected mean residence time at a 5% significance level. The dried powder characteristics proved to be adequate for further industrial manipulation, as demonstrated by the low moisture content, narrow range of particle size, and good flow properties. The results of this research are significant in the study of the drying of heat-sensitive materials because it shows that by simultaneously changing the size distribution and average size of the inert bodies, the mean residence times of a paste can be reduced by half, thus decreasing losses due to degradation.
Residence time distribution studies of gas through a rotating drum bioreactor for solid-state fermentation were performed using carbon monoxide as a tracer gas. The exit concentration as a function of time differed considerably from profiles expected for plug flow, plug flow with axial dispersion, and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) models. The data were then fitted by least-squares analysis to mathematical models describing a central plug flow region surrounded by either one dead region (a three-parameter model) or two dead regions (a five-parameter model). Model parameters were the dispersion coefficient in the central plug flow region, the volumes of the dead regions, and the exchange rates between the different regions. The superficial velocity of the gas through the reactor has a large effect on parameter values. Increased superficial velocity tends to decrease dead region volumes, interregion transfer rates, and axial dispersion. The significant deviation from CSTR, plug flow, and plug flow with axial dispersion of the residence time distribution of gas within small-scale reactors can lead to underestimation of the calculation of mass and heat transfer coefficients and hence has implications for reactor design and scaleup. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
We describe a novel dissimilarity framework to analyze spatial patterns of species diversity and illustrate it with alien plant invasions in Northern Portugal. We used this framework to test the hypothesis that patterns of alien invasive plant species richness and composition are differently affected by differences in climate, land use and landscape connectivity (i.e. Geographic distance as a proxy and vectorial objects that facilitate dispersal such as roads and rivers) between pairs of localities at the regional scale. We further evaluated possible effects of plant life strategies (Grime's C-S-R) and residence time. Each locality consisted of a 1 km(2) landscape mosaic in which all alien invasive species were recorded by visiting all habitat types. Multi-model inference revealed that dissimilarity in species richness is more influenced by environmental distance (particularly climate), whereas geographic distance (proxies for dispersal limitations) is more important to explain dissimilarity in species composition, with a prevailing role for ecotones and roads. However, only minor differences were found in the responses of the three C-S-R strategies. Some effect of residence time was found, but only for dissimilarity in species richness. Our results also indicated that environmental conditions (e.g. climate conditions) limit the number of alien species invading a given site, but that the presence of dispersal corridors determines the paths of invasion and therefore the pool of species reaching each site. As geographic distances (e.g. ecotones and roads) tend to explain invasion at our regional scale highlights the need to consider the management of alien invasions in the context of integrated landscape planning. Alien species management should include (but not be limited to) the mitigation of dispersal pathways along linear infrastructures. Our results therefore highlight potentially useful applications of the novel multimodel framework to the anticipation and management of plant invasions. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Aim Identifying climatic niche shifts and their drivers is important to accurately predict the risk of biological invasions. The niches of non-native plants and birds have recently been assessed in large-scale multi-species studies, but such large-scale tests are lacking for non-native reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna). Furthermore, little is known about the factors contributing to niche shifts when they occur. Based on the occurrence of 71 reptile and amphibian species, we compared native and non-native realized niches in 101 invaded ranges at a worldwide scale and identified the factors that affect niche shifts. Location The world except the Antarctic. Methods We assessed climatic niche dynamics in a gridded environmental space allowing the quantification of niche overlap and expansion into climatic conditions not colonized by the species in their native range. We analyzed the factors affecting niche shifts using a model averaging approach based on generalized linear mixed-effects models. Results Approximately 57% of the invaded ranges (51% for amphibians and 61% for reptiles) showed niche shifts (≥10% expansion in the realized climatic niche). Island endemics, species introduced to Oceania and invaded ranges outside the native biogeographic realm showed a higher proportion of niche shifts. Niche shifts were more likely for species that had smaller native range sizes, were introduced earlier into a new range or invaded areas located at lower latitudes than the native range. Main conclusions The proportion of niche shifts for non-native herpetofauna was higher than those for Holarctic non-native plants and European non-native birds. The 'climate matching hypothesis' should be used with caution for species shifting their niche because it could underestimate the risk of their establishment.
This work investigates the possible effect of pressure and residence time to the reaction of aluminum hydroxide into aluminum oxide. Various pressurized conditions are used as well as the help of various residence times. The aim is to increase the conversion of the reaction with the use of different pressures and residence times. The tests were performed with a laboratory scale fluidized bed reactor at the Outotec R&D Center in Frankfurt. Additional test work such as particle size analysis and differential thermal analysis were also carried out. Some calcined samples were also characterized with X-ray diffraction at the University of Auckland to obtain a reaction pathway when using pressurized conditions. All of the results are then compared with previous results.
Peat soils consist of poorly decomposed plant detritus, preserved by low decay rates, and deep peat deposits are globally significant stores in the carbon cycle. High water tables and low soil temperatures are commonly held to be the primary reasons for low peat decay rates. However, recent studies suggest a thermodynamic limit to peat decay, whereby the slow turnover of peat soil pore water may lead to high concentrations of phenols and dissolved inorganic carbon. In sufficient concentrations, these chemicals may slow or even halt microbial respiration, providing a negative feedback to peat decay. We document the analysis of a simple, one-dimensional theoretical model of peatland pore water residence time distributions (RTDs). The model suggests that broader, thicker peatlands may be more resilient to rapid decay caused by climate change because of slow pore water turnover in deep layers. Even shallow peat deposits may also be resilient to rapid decay if rainfall rates are low. However, the model suggests that even thick peatlands may be vulnerable to rapid decay under prolonged high rainfall rates, which may act to flush pore water with fresh rainwater. We also used the model to illustrate a particular limitation of the diplotelmic (i.e., acrotelm and catotelm) model of peatland structure. Model peatlands of contrasting hydraulic structure exhibited identical water tables but contrasting RTDs. These scenarios would be treated identically by diplotelmic models, although the thermodynamic limit suggests contrasting decay regimes. We therefore conclude that the diplotelmic model be discarded in favor of model schemes that consider continuous variation in peat properties and processes.
The borohydride oxidation reaction (BOR) was studied on Pt and Au electrodes by cyclic voltammetry in dilute alkaline borohydride solutions (0.1 M NaOH + 10(-3) mol L(-1) NaBH(4)). More specifically, the electrodes were considered as either Vulcan XC72-supported Pt or Au (noted as Pt/C and Au/C, respectively) active layers or smooth Pt or Au surfaces, the latter possibly being covered by a layer of (non-metalized) Vulcan XC72 carbon powder. The BOR onset potential and the number of electrons (n(e-)) exchanged per BH(4)(-) anion (faradaic efficiency) were investigated for these electrodes, to determine whether the residence time of reaction intermediates (at the electrode surface or inside the porous layer) does influence the overall reaction pathway/completion. For the carbon-supported platinum, n(e-) strongly depends on the thickness of the active layer. While thin (ca. 0.5 mu m-thick) Pt/C active layers yield n(e-) < 4, thick layers (approximately 3 mu m) yield n(e-)approximate to 8, which can be ascribed to the sufficient residence time of the molecules formed within the active layer (H(2), by heterogeneous hydrolysis, or BOR intermediates) enabling further (near-complete) oxidation. This puts into evidence that not only the nature of the electrocatalyst is important to reach high BOR efficiency, but also the structure/thickness of the active layer. The same trend applies for Au/C active layers and for smooth Pt or Au surfaces covered with a layer of (inactive) Vulcan XC72. In addition, the BOR onset usually shifts negative when the reaction intermediates are trapped, which suggests that some of the intermediates are more easily oxidized than BH(4)(-) itself; based on literature data, BH(3)OH(-) species is a likely candidate. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since the 1980s, different devices based on superelastic alloys have been developed to fulfill orthodontic applications. Particularly in the last decades several researches have been carried out to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti alloys, including their tensile, torsion and fatigue properties. However, studies regarding the dependence of elastic properties on residence time of Ni-Ti wires in the oral cavity are scarce. Such approach is essential since metallic alloys are submitted to mechanical stresses during orthodontic treatment as well as pH and temperature fluctuations. The goal of the present contribution is to provide elastic stress-strain results to guide the orthodontic choice between martensitic thermal activated and austenitic superelastic Ni-Ti alloys. From the point of view of an orthodontist, the selection of appropriate materials and the correct maintenance of the orthodontic apparatus are essential needs during clinical treatment. The present work evaluated the elastic behavior of Ni-Ti alloy wires with diameters varying from 0.014 to 0.020 inches, submitted to hysteresis tensile tests with 8% strain. Tensile tests were performed after periods of use of 1, 2 and 3 months in the oral cavity of patients submitted to orthodontic treatment. The results from the hysteresis tests allowed to exam the strain range covered by isostress lines upon loading and unloading, as well as the residual strain after unloading for both superelastic and thermal activated Ni-Ti wires. Superelastic Ni-Ti wires exhibited higher load isostress values compared to thermal activated wires. It was found that such differences in the load isostress values can increase with increasing residence time.
From the 18O hydrograph separation method, it was found that groundwater contribution is the principal component of the total discharge produced by these two catchment areas. The weighted mean of the 18O concentration in the precipitation, obtained for a four year period, was close to -6.0‰, with a variation in range of +2.3‰ to -16.3‰. For Bufalos stream water the weighted mean of 18O values during the same period (1984-1987) was -6.3‰, with a variation from -2.5‰ to -10.1‰, whereas for Paraiso this mean was -6.4‰, with extreme values of -3.1‰ and -9.8‰. From these values it was found that the amplitude damping (Ariver/Aprecipitation) was 0.41 for the Bufalos watershed and 0.36 for Paraiso. Using the appropriate equation to estimate the mean residence time of water in the subsurface reservoir of the Bufalos and Paraiso watersheds, the results of 4.3 and 5.0 months, respectively, were obtained. -from Authors
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The theoretical E-curve for the laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids in circular tubes may not be accurate for real tubular systems with diffusion, mechanical vibration, wall roughness, pipe fittings, curves, coils, or corrugated walls. Deviations from the idealized laminar flow reactor (LFR) cannot be well represented using the axial dispersion or the tanks-in-series models of residence time distribution (RTD). In this work, four RTD models derived from non-ideal velocity profiles in segregated tube flow are proposed. They were used to represent the RTD of three tubular systems working with Newtonian and pseudoplastic fluids. Other RTD models were considered for comparison. The proposed models provided good adjustments, and it was possible to determine the active volumes. It is expected that these models can be useful for the analysis of LFR or for the evaluation of continuous thermal processing of viscous foods.
iven the importance of high-latitude areas in the ocean-climate system, there is need for a paleothermometer that is reliable at low temperatures. Here we assess the applicability of the Mg/Ca-temperature proxy in colder waters (5-10?°C) by comparing for the first time the seasonal Mg/Ca and d18O cycles of N. pachyderma (s) and G. bulloides using a sediment trap time-series from the northern North Atlantic. While both species show indistinguishable seasonal d18O patterns that clearly track the near surface temperature cycle, their Mg/Ca are very different. G. bulloides Mg/Ca is high (2.0-3.1 mmol/mol), but varies in concert with the seasonal temperature cycle. The Mg/Ca of N. pachyderma (s), on the other hand, is low (1.1-1.5 mmol/mol) and shows only a very weak seasonal cycle. The d18O patterns indicate that both species calcify in the same depth zone. Consequently, depth habitat differences cannot explain the contrasting Mg/Ca patterns. The elevated Mg/Ca in pristine G. bulloides might be due to the presence of high Mg phases that are not preserved in fossil shells. The contrasting absence of a seasonal trend in the Mg/Ca of N. pachyderma (s) confirms other studies where calcification temperatures were less well constrained. The reason for this absence is not fully known, but may include species-specific vital effects. The very different seasonal patterns of both species' Mg/Ca underscore the importance of parameters other than temperature in controlling planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca. Our results therefore lend further caution in the interpretation of Mg/Ca-temperature reconstructions from high northern latitudes.