943 resultados para Second-order minimum variance unbiased estimator
This work provides a general framework for the design of second-order blind estimators without adopting anyapproximation about the observation statistics or the a prioridistribution of the parameters. The proposed solution is obtainedminimizing the estimator variance subject to some constraints onthe estimator bias. The resulting optimal estimator is found todepend on the observation fourth-order moments that can be calculatedanalytically from the known signal model. Unfortunately,in most cases, the performance of this estimator is severely limitedby the residual bias inherent to nonlinear estimation problems.To overcome this limitation, the second-order minimum varianceunbiased estimator is deduced from the general solution by assumingaccurate prior information on the vector of parameters.This small-error approximation is adopted to design iterativeestimators or trackers. It is shown that the associated varianceconstitutes the lower bound for the variance of any unbiasedestimator based on the sample covariance matrix.The paper formulation is then applied to track the angle-of-arrival(AoA) of multiple digitally-modulated sources by means ofa uniform linear array. The optimal second-order tracker is comparedwith the classical maximum likelihood (ML) blind methodsthat are shown to be quadratic in the observed data as well. Simulationshave confirmed that the discrete nature of the transmittedsymbols can be exploited to improve considerably the discriminationof near sources in medium-to-high SNR scenarios.
Several estimators of the expectation, median and mode of the lognormal distribution are derived. They aim to be approximately unbiased, efficient, or have a minimax property in the class of estimators we introduce. The small-sample properties of these estimators are assessed by simulations and, when possible, analytically. Some of these estimators of the expectation are far more efficient than the maximum likelihood or the minimum-variance unbiased estimator, even for substantial samplesizes.
This work presents Bayes invariant quadratic unbiased estimator, for short BAIQUE. Bayesian approach is used here to estimate the covariance functions of the regionalized variables which appear in the spatial covariance structure in mixed linear model. Firstly a brief review of spatial process, variance covariance components structure and Bayesian inference is given, since this project deals with these concepts. Then the linear equations model corresponding to BAIQUE in the general case is formulated. That Bayes estimator of variance components with too many unknown parameters is complicated to be solved analytically. Hence, in order to facilitate the handling with this system, BAIQUE of spatial covariance model with two parameters is considered. Bayesian estimation arises as a solution of a linear equations system which requires the linearity of the covariance functions in the parameters. Here the availability of prior information on the parameters is assumed. This information includes apriori distribution functions which enable to find the first and the second moments matrix. The Bayesian estimation suggested here depends only on the second moment of the prior distribution. The estimation appears as a quadratic form y'Ay , where y is the vector of filtered data observations. This quadratic estimator is used to estimate the linear function of unknown variance components. The matrix A of BAIQUE plays an important role. If such a symmetrical matrix exists, then Bayes risk becomes minimal and the unbiasedness conditions are fulfilled. Therefore, the symmetry of this matrix is elaborated in this work. Through dealing with the infinite series of matrices, a representation of the matrix A is obtained which shows the symmetry of A. In this context, the largest singular value of the decomposed matrix of the infinite series is considered to deal with the convergence condition and also it is connected with Gerschgorin Discs and Poincare theorem. Then the BAIQUE model for some experimental designs is computed and compared. The comparison deals with different aspects, such as the influence of the position of the design points in a fixed interval. The designs that are considered are those with their points distributed in the interval [0, 1]. These experimental structures are compared with respect to the Bayes risk and norms of the matrices corresponding to distances, covariance structures and matrices which have to satisfy the convergence condition. Also different types of the regression functions and distance measurements are handled. The influence of scaling on the design points is studied, moreover, the influence of the covariance structure on the best design is investigated and different covariance structures are considered. Finally, BAIQUE is applied for real data. The corresponding outcomes are compared with the results of other methods for the same data. Thereby, the special BAIQUE, which estimates the general variance of the data, achieves a very close result to the classical empirical variance.
The behaviour of the harmonic infrared frequency of diatomic molecules subjected to moderate static uniform electric fields is analysed. The potential energy expression has been developed as a function of a static uniform electric field, which brings about a formulation describing the frequency versus field strength curve. With the help of the first and second derivatives of the expressions obtained, which correspond to the first- and second-order Stark effects, it was possible to find the maxima of the frequency versus field strength curves for a series of molecules using a Newton-Raphson search. A method is proposed which requires only the calculation of a few energy derivatives at a particular value of the field strength. At the same time, the expression for the dependence of the interatomic distance on the electric field strength is derived and the minimum of this curve is found for the same species. Derived expressions and numerical results are discussed and compared with other studi
We present a method for analyzing the curvature (second derivatives) of the conical intersection hyperline at an optimized critical point. Our method uses the projected Hessians of the degenerate states after elimination of the two branching space coordinates, and is equivalent to a frequency calculation on a single Born-Oppenheimer potential-energy surface. Based on the projected Hessians, we develop an equation for the energy as a function of a set of curvilinear coordinates where the degeneracy is preserved to second order (i.e., the conical intersection hyperline). The curvature of the potential-energy surface in these coordinates is the curvature of the conical intersection hyperline itself, and thus determines whether one has a minimum or saddle point on the hyperline. The equation used to classify optimized conical intersection points depends in a simple way on the first- and second-order degeneracy splittings calculated at these points. As an example, for fulvene, we show that the two optimized conical intersection points of C2v symmetry are saddle points on the intersection hyperline. Accordingly, there are further intersection points of lower energy, and one of C2 symmetry - presented here for the first time - is found to be the global minimum in the intersection space
This paper deals with the goodness of the Gaussian assumption when designing second-order blind estimationmethods in the context of digital communications. The low- andhigh-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) asymptotic performance of the maximum likelihood estimator—derived assuming Gaussiantransmitted symbols—is compared with the performance of the optimal second-order estimator, which exploits the actualdistribution of the discrete constellation. The asymptotic study concludes that the Gaussian assumption leads to the optimalsecond-order solution if the SNR is very low or if the symbols belong to a multilevel constellation such as quadrature-amplitudemodulation (QAM) or amplitude-phase-shift keying (APSK). On the other hand, the Gaussian assumption can yield importantlosses at high SNR if the transmitted symbols are drawn from a constant modulus constellation such as phase-shift keying (PSK)or continuous-phase modulations (CPM). These conclusions are illustrated for the problem of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of multiple digitally-modulated signals.
We present a method for analyzing the curvature (second derivatives) of the conical intersection hyperline at an optimized critical point. Our method uses the projected Hessians of the degenerate states after elimination of the two branching space coordinates, and is equivalent to a frequency calculation on a single Born-Oppenheimer potential-energy surface. Based on the projected Hessians, we develop an equation for the energy as a function of a set of curvilinear coordinates where the degeneracy is preserved to second order (i.e., the conical intersection hyperline). The curvature of the potential-energy surface in these coordinates is the curvature of the conical intersection hyperline itself, and thus determines whether one has a minimum or saddle point on the hyperline. The equation used to classify optimized conical intersection points depends in a simple way on the first- and second-order degeneracy splittings calculated at these points. As an example, for fulvene, we show that the two optimized conical intersection points of C2v symmetry are saddle points on the intersection hyperline. Accordingly, there are further intersection points of lower energy, and one of C2 symmetry - presented here for the first time - is found to be the global minimum in the intersection space
In this study a minimum variance neuro self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed for complex multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) dynamic systems. An approximation model is constructed, which consists of two functional blocks. The first block uses a linear submodel to approximate dominant system dynamics around a selected number of operating points. The second block is used as an error agent, implemented by a neural network, to accommodate the inaccuracy possibly introduced by the linear submodel approximation, various complexities/uncertainties, and complicated coupling effects frequently exhibited in non-linear MIMO dynamic systems. With the proposed model structure, controller design of an MIMO plant with n inputs and n outputs could be, for example, decomposed into n independent single input-single output (SISO) subsystem designs. The effectiveness of the controller design procedure is initially verified through simulations of industrial examples.
AMS subject classification: 49J52, 90C30.
A class of semilinear evolution equations of the second order in time of the form u(tt)+Au+mu Au(t)+Au(tt) = f(u) is considered, where -A is the Dirichlet Laplacian, 92 is a smooth bounded domain in R(N) and f is an element of C(1) (R, R). A local well posedness result is proved in the Banach spaces W(0)(1,p)(Omega)xW(0)(1,P)(Omega) when f satisfies appropriate critical growth conditions. In the Hilbert setting, if f satisfies all additional dissipativeness condition, the nonlinear Semigroup of global solutions is shown to possess a gradient-like attractor. Existence and regularity of the global attractor are also investigated following the unified semigroup approach, bootstrapping and the interpolation-extrapolation techniques.
The asymptotic behavior of a class of coupled second-order nonlinear dynamical systems is studied in this paper. Using very mild assumptions on the vector-field, conditions on the coupling parameters that guarantee synchronization are provided. The proposed result does not require solutions to be ultimately bounded in order to prove synchronization, therefore it can be used to study coupled systems that do not globally synchronize, including synchronization of unbounded solutions. In this case, estimates of the synchronization region are obtained. Synchronization of two-coupled nonlinear pendulums and two-coupled Duffing systems are studied to illustrate the application of the proposed theory.
We give conditions on f involving pairs of lower and upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the two point boundary value problem y" + f(x, y, y') = 0, x epsilon [0, 1], y(0) = 0 = y(1). In the special case f(x, y, y') = f(y) greater than or equal to 0 we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and of Lakshmikantham et al.
Subcycling algorithms which employ multiple timesteps have been previously proposed for explicit direct integration of first- and second-order systems of equations arising in finite element analysis, as well as for integration using explicit/implicit partitions of a model. The author has recently extended this work to implicit/implicit multi-timestep partitions of both first- and second-order systems. In this paper, improved algorithms for multi-timestep implicit integration are introduced, that overcome some weaknesses of those proposed previously. In particular, in the second-order case, improved stability is obtained. Some of the energy conservation properties of the Newmark family of algorithms are shown to be preserved in the new multi-timestep extensions of the Newmark method. In the first-order case, the generalized trapezoidal rule is extended to multiple timesteps, in a simple way that permits an implicit/implicit partition. Explicit special cases of the present algorithms exist. These are compared to algorithms proposed previously. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.