947 resultados para Screening method


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This study aimed to identify new peptide antigens from Chlamydia (C.) trachomatis in a proof of concept approach which could be used to develop an epitope-based serological diagnostic for C. trachomatis related infertility in women. A bioinformatics analysis was conducted examining several immunodominant proteins from C. trachomatis to identify predicted immunoglobulin epitopes unique to C. trachomatis. A peptide array of these epitopes was screened against participant sera. The participants (all female) were categorized into the following cohorts based on their infection and gynecological history; acute (single treated infection with C. trachomatis), multiple (more than one C. trachomatis infection, all treated), sequelae (PID or tubal infertility with a history of C. trachomatis infection), and infertile (no history of C. trachomatis infection and no detected tubal damage). The bioinformatics strategy identified several promising epitopes. Participants who reacted positively in the peptide 11 ELISA were found to have an increased likelihood of being in the sequelae cohort compared to the infertile cohort with an odds ratio of 16.3 (95% c.i. 1.65 – 160), with 95% specificity and 46% sensitivity (0.19-0.74). The peptide 11 ELISA has the potential to be further developed as a screening tool for use during the early IVF work up and provides proof of concept that there may be further peptide antigens which could be identified using bioinformatics and screening approaches.


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Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a well known form of environmental attack in low carat gold jewellery. It is desirable to have a quick, easy and cost effective way to detect SCC in alloys and prevent them from being used and later failing in their application. A facile chemical method to investigate SCC of 9 carat gold alloys is demonstrated. It involves a simple application of tensile stress to a wire sample in a corrosive environment such as 1–10 % FeCl3 which induces failure in less than 5 minutes. In this study three quaternary (Au, Ag, Cu and Zn) 9 carat gold alloy compositions were investigated for their resistance to SCC and the relationship between time to failure and processing conditions is studied. It is envisaged that the use of such a rapid and facile screening procedure at the production stage may readily identify alloy treatments that produce jewellery that will be susceptible to SCC in its lifetime.


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Drug induced liver injury is one of the frequent reasons for the drug removal from the market. During the recent years there has been a pressure to develop more cost efficient, faster and easier ways to investigate drug-induced toxicity in order to recognize hepatotoxic drugs in the earlier phases of drug development. High Content Screening (HCS) instrument is an automated microscope equipped with image analysis software. It makes the image analysis faster and decreases the risk for an error caused by a person by analyzing the images always in the same way. Because the amount of drug and time needed in the analysis are smaller and multiple parameters can be analyzed from the same cells, the method should be more sensitive, effective and cheaper than the conventional assays in cytotoxicity testing. Liver cells are rich in mitochondria and many drugs target their toxicity to hepatocyte mitochondria. Mitochondria produce the majority of the ATP in the cell through oxidative phosphorylation. They maintain biochemical homeostasis in the cell and participate in cell death. Mitochondria is divided into two compartments by inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. The oxidative phosphorylation happens in the inner mitochondrial membrane. A part of the respiratory chain, a protein called cytochrome c, activates caspase cascades when released. This leads to apoptosis. The aim of this study was to implement, optimize and compare mitochondrial toxicity HCS assays in live cells and fixed cells in two cellular models: human HepG2 hepatoma cell line and rat primary hepatocytes. Three different hepato- and mitochondriatoxic drugs (staurosporine, rotenone and tolcapone) were used. Cells were treated with the drugs, incubated with the fluorescent probes and then the images were analyzed using Cellomics ArrayScan VTI reader. Finally the results obtained after optimizing methods were compared to each other and to the results of the conventional cytotoxicity assays, ATP and LDH measurements. After optimization the live cell method and rat primary hepatocytes were selected to be used in the experiments. Staurosporine was the most toxic of the three drugs and caused most damage to the cells most quickly. Rotenone was not that toxic, but the results were more reproducible and thus it would serve as a good positive control in the screening. Tolcapone was the least toxic. So far the conventional analysis of cytotoxicity worked better than the HCS methods. More optimization needs to be done to get the HCS method more sensitive. This was not possible in this study due to time limit.


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A research element of the European Union (EU) sixth Framework project BioCop focused on the development of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor assay for the detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish as an alternative to the increasingly ethically unacceptable mouse bioassay. A biosensor assay was developed using both a saxitoxin binding protein and chip surface in tandem with a highly efficient simple extraction procedure. The present report describes the single laboratory validation of this immunological screening method, for this complex group of toxins with differing toxicities, according to the European Decision 2002/657/EC in conjunction with IUPAC and AOAC single laboratory validation guidelines. The different performance characteristics (detection capability CC beta, specificity/selectivity, repeatability, reproducibility, stability, and applicability) were determined in relation to the EU regulatory limit of 800 mu g of saxitoxin equivalents (STX eq) per kg of shellfish meat. The detection capability CC beta was calculated to be 120 mu g/kg. Intra-assay repeatability was found to be between 2.5 and 12.3% and interassay reproducibility was between 6.1 and 15.2% for different shellfish matrices. Natural samples were also evaluated and the resultant data displayed overall agreements of 96 and 92% with that of the existing AOAC approved methods of mouse bioassay (MBA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively.


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A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) optical biosensor method was developed for the detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish. This application was transferred in the form of a prototype kit to seven laboratories using Biacore QSPR optical biosensor instrumentation for interlaboratory evaluation. Each laboratory received 20 shellfish samples across a range of species including blind duplicates for analysis. The samples consisted of 4 noncontaminated samples spiked in duplicate with a low level of PSP toxins (240 mu g STXcliHCl equivalents/kg), a high level of saxitoxin (825 mu g STXdiHCl/kg), 2 noncontarninated, and 14 naturally contaminated samples. All 7 participating laboratories completed the study, and HorRat values obtained were


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A rapid imununoassay using an optical biosensor (BIAcore(TM)) for determining the presence of sulphadiazine (SDZ) residues in pig bile was developed. SDZ,cas immobilised onto the surface of a dextran-coated silicon chip and a solution containing SDZ antibody, sample and buffer was injected over the chip surface. The level of antibody binding to the chip was determined after 20 s and the surface of the chip was then regenerated over a 1-min period prior to another sample injection taking place. Standard curves were constructed to allow quantification of SDZ presence in sample. Concentrations ranging from 0 to 10.64 mu g ml(-1) SDZ were detected in bile samples taken from experimentally fed pigs and randomly selected pigs taken from a local slaughterhouse. These results were compared to the concentrations of SDZ detected by high-performance liquid chromatography: in associated tissues. When concentrations in bile exceeded 0.6 mu g ml(-1) SDZ, the corresponding edible tissue was above the maximum residue level (MRL), i.e. 0.1 mu g g(-1) in 13 out of 14 cases. Wizen the bile concentration was less than 0.6 mu ml(-1) the associated tissue concentrations never exceeded rite MRL. This experiment has indicated that biosensor analysis of bile is a highly effective method for detecting violative SDZ residues in meat.


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A highly sensitive broad specificity monoclonal antibody was produced and characterised for microcystin detection through the development of a rapid surface plasmon resonance (SPR) optical biosensor based immunoassay. The antibody displayed the following cross-reactivity: MC-LR 100%; MC-RR 108%; MC-YR 68%; MC-LA 69%; MC-LW 71%; MC-LF 68%; and Nodularin 94%. Microcystin-LR was covalently attached to a CM5 chip and with the monoclonal antibody was employed in a competitive 4min injection assay to detect total microcystins in water samples below the WHO recommended limit (1µg/L). A 'total microcystin' level was determined by measuring free and intracellular concentrations in cyanobacterial culture samples as this toxin is an endotoxin. Glass bead beating was used to lyse the cells as a rapid extraction procedure. This method was validated according to European Commission Decision 96/23/EC criteria. The method was proven to measure intracellular microcystin levels, the main source of the toxin, which often goes undetected by other analytical procedures and is advantageous in that it can be used for the monitoring of blooms to provide an early warning of toxicity. It was shown to be repeatable and reproducible, with recoveries from spiked samples ranging from 74 to 123%, and had % CVs below 10% for intra-assay analysis and 15% for inter-assay analysis. The detection capability of the assay was calculated as 0.5ng/mL for extracellular toxins and 0.05ng/mL for intracellular microcystins. A comparison of the SPR method with LC-MS/MS was achieved by testing six Microcystis aeruginosa cultures and this study yielded a correlation R(2) value of 0.9989.


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This EU funded 'HealthyHay'project stablished a sainfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia) germplasm bank at NIAB, Cambridge, with 306 accessions from around the world. A screening method was developed to characterise tannins by thiolytic degradation [1] directly in green plants for the first time. the method was validated by separate analysis of unextractable, extractable and purified tannins using thiolysis, HPLC-GPC and MALDI-TOF MS. Most tannins (58 to 73% of the total) could be recovered after Toyopearl HW50 fractionation with water, aqueous methanol and acetone. the greatest losses during purification occurred amongst larger molecular weight tannins with mean degree of polymerisation (mDP) > 18. The composition of water-,aqueous methanol- and acetone-soluble tannins differed considerably in their mDP and trans/cis ratios, but not in their prodelphinidin/orocyanidin (PD/PC) ratios.


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Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar a correlação entre a contagem eletrônica de células somáticas (eCCS) com o Somaticell® sob diferentes níveis de contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite e patógenos causadores de mastites, além de calcular a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos do Somaticell® utilizando diferentes limites de CCS estabelecidos pelos diferentes países. Trezentos e quarenta amostras de leite foram coletadas assepticamente após realização do California Mastitis Test (CMT). O Somaticell® e a eCCS foram realizados em todas as amostras de leite. A correlação entre o Somaticell® e a contagem eletrônica foi determinada de acordo com o CMT, patógeno isolado e escore de eCCS. de acordo com os escores de CCS estabelecidos, 26,5% das amostras de leite apresentaram escore 1 (69-166 x10³células mL-1), 26,8% escore 2 (167-418x10³células mL-1), 27,4% escore 3 (419-760x10³células mL-1) e 19,4% escore 4 (761 to 1970x10³células mL-1). A eCCS e o Somaticell® apresentaram correlação positiva em quase todos os escores estudados (exceto escore 2 e 3). O valor de r obtido entre CCS e o Somaticell® foi de 0,32. Observou-se que, quando o limite de CCS estabelecido aumentou, a sensibilidade decresceu e os valores de especificidade aumentaram. Os valores preditivos apresentaram-se constantes em todos os limites. Quando o limite de CCS era baixo (<760,000 células mL-1), Somaticell® forneceu resultados consistentemente mais elevados que os valores de CCS. Já para amostras com CCS elevada, Somaticell® resultou em menores contagens que a eCCS. A correlação entre os dois métodos permaneceu relativamente constante em todas as condições e os valores de sensibilidade e especificidade do teste são altamente dependentes do limite estabelecido. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que o Somaticell® não é útil para avaliar a CCS do leite, pois seus resultados são significativamente diferentes da eCCS, no entanto, pode ser utilizado como método de triagem, tal como o CMT, para a detecção do aumento da CCS do leite.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)