27 resultados para Sciatica
STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, controlled, observational outcome study using clinical, radiographic, and patient/physician-based questionnaire data, with patient outcomes at 12 months follow-up. OBJECTIVE: To validate appropriateness criteria for low back surgery. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Most surgical treatment failures are attributed to poor patient selection, but no widely accepted consensus exists on detailed indications for appropriate surgery. METHODS: Appropriateness criteria for low back surgery have been developed by a multispecialty panel using the RAND appropriateness method. Based on panel criteria, a prospective study compared outcomes of patients appropriately and inappropriately treated at a single institution with 12 months follow-up assessment. Included were patients with low back pain and/or sciatica referred to the neurosurgical department. Information about symptoms, neurologic signs, the health-related quality of life (SF-36), disability status (Roland-Morris), and pain intensity (VAS) was assessed at baseline, at 6 months, and at 12 months follow-up. The appropriateness criteria were administered prospectively to each clinical situation and outside of the clinical setting, with the surgeon and patients blinded to the results of the panel decision. The patients were further stratified into 2 groups: appropriate treatment group (ATG) and inappropriate treatment group (ITG). RESULTS: Overall, 398 patients completed all forms at 12 months. Treatment was considered appropriate for 365 participants and inappropriate for 33 participants. The mean improvement in the SF-36 physical component score at 12 months was significantly higher in the ATG (mean: 12.3 points) than in the ITG (mean: 6.8 points) (P = 0.01), as well as the mean improvement in the SF-36 mental component score (ATG mean: 5.0 points; ITG mean: -0.5 points) (P = 0.02). Improvement was also significantly higher in the ATG for the mean VAS back pain (ATG mean: 2.3 points; ITG mean: 0.8 points; P = 0.02) and Roland-Morris disability score (ATG mean: 7.7 points; ITG mean: 4.2 points; P = 0.004). The ATG also had a higher improvement in mean VAS for sciatica (4.0 points) than the ITG (2.8 points), but the difference was not significant (P = 0.08). The SF-36 General Health score declined in both groups after 12 months, however, the decline was worse in the ITG (mean decline: 8.2 points) than in the ATG (mean decline: 1.2 points) (P = 0.04). Overall, in comparison to ITG patients, ATG patients had significantly higher improvement at 12 months, both statistically and clinically. CONCLUSION: In comparison to previously reported literature, our study is the first to assess the utility of appropriateness criteria for low back surgery at 1-year follow-up with multiple outcome dimensions. Our results confirm the hypothesis that application of appropriateness criteria can significantly improve patient outcomes.
INTRODUCTION: Two subcutaneous injections of adalimumab in severe acute sciatica significantly reduced the number of back operations in a short-term randomised controlled clinical trial. OBJECTIVE: To determine in a 3-year follow-up study whether the short-term benefit of adalimumab in sciatica is sustained over a longer period of time. METHODS: The primary outcome of this analysis was incident discectomy. Three years after randomisation, information on surgery could be retrieved in 56/61 patients (92%).A multivariate Cox proportional hazard models, adjusted for potential confounders, was used to determine factors predisposing to surgery. RESULTS: Twenty-three (41%) patients had back surgery within 3 years, 8/29 (28%) in the adalimumab group and 15/27 (56%) in the placebo group, p=0.04. Adalimumab injections reduced the need for back surgery by 61% (HR)=0.39 (95% CI 0.17 to 0.92). In a multivariate model, treatment with a tumour necrosis factor-α antagonist remained the strongest protective factor (HR=0.17, p=0.002). Other significant predictors of surgery were a good correlation between symptoms and MRI findings (HR=11.6, p=0.04), baseline intensity of leg pain (HR=1.3, p=0.06), intensity of back pain (HR=1.4, p=0.03) and duration of sickness leave (HR=1.01 per day, p=0.03). CONCLUSION: A short course of adalimumab in patients with severe acute sciatica significantly reduces the need for back surgery.
Background Based on several experimental results and on a preliminary study, a trial was undertaken to assess the efficacy of adalimumab, a TNF-α inhibitor, in patients with radicular pain due to lumbar disc herniation. Methods A multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial was conducted between May 2005 and December 2007 in Switzerland. Patients with acute (< 12 weeks) and severe (Oswestry Disability index > 50) radicular leg pain and imaging-confirmed lumbar disc herniation were randomised to receive as adjuvant therapy either two subcutaneous injections of adalimumab (40 mg) at 7 days interval or matching placebo. The primary outcome was leg pain, which was recorded every day for 10 days and at 6-weeks and 6- months based on a visual analogue scale (0 to 100). Results Of the 265 patients screened, 61 were enrolled (adalimumab= 31) and 4 were lost to follow-up. Over time, the evolution of leg pain was more favourable in the adalimumab group than in the placebo group (p<0.001). However, the effect size was relatively small and at last follow-up the difference was 13.8 (CI95% -11.5 - 39.0). In the adalimumab group twice as many patients fulfilled the criteria for "responders" and for "low residual disease impact" ( p<0.05) and fewer surgical discectomies were performed (6 versus 13, p=0.04). Conclusion The addition of a short course of adalimumab to the treatment regimen of patients suffering from acute and severe sciatica resulted in a small decrease in leg pain and in significantly fewer surgical procedures.
Introduction: Two subcutaneous injections of adalimumab in severeacute sciatica have demonstrated a significant benefit on the numberof back surgeries in a short-term randomized controlled clinical trial[1]. This 3-year follow-up study aimed to determine whether theshort-term benefit was sustained over a longer period of time.Methods: Information on surgery was retrieved in 56/61 patients(93%). We used a Cox proportional hazard models to determinefactors predisposing to surgery.Results: Twenty-three (41%) patients had back surgery within 3 years,8/29 (28%) in the adalimumab group and 15/ 27 (56%) in the placebogroup, p = 0.038. Adalimumab injections reduced the need for backsurgery by 61% (Hazard Ratio (HR): 0.39 (95% CI: 0.17-0.92). In amultivariate model, treatment with a TNF-α antagonist remained thestrongest protective factor (HR 0.17, p = 0.002). Other significantpredictors of surgery were a good correlation between symptomsand MRI findings (HR = 11.6, p = 0.04), baseline intensity of leg pain(HR = 1.3, p = 0.06), intensity of back pain (HR = 1.4, p = 0.03)and duration of sickness leave (HR = 1.01 per day, p = 0.03).Conclusion: A short course of adalimumab in patients with severeacute sciatica significantly reduces the need for back surgery.
We hypothesised that the inflammation seen around the nerve root in patients with sciatica may be caused by microbial infection. We used a newly developed serological test to diagnose deep-seated infections caused by low virulent gram-positive microorganisms. 43 of 140 (31%) patients with sciatica tested positive. Intervertebral disc material from a further 36 patients with severe sciatica who had undergone microdiscectomy was cultured for the presence of microorganisms. 19 of these patients (53%) had positive cultures after long-term incubation. Propionibacterium acnes was isolated from 16 of the 19 (84%) positive samples. Low virulent microorganisms, in particular P acnes, might be causing a chronic low-grade infection in the lower intervertebral discs of patients with severe sciatica. These microorganisms could have gained access to the spinal disc after previous minor trauma.
Sousa FAEF, Colhado OCG - Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia in the Treatment of Discal Lombosciatalgia: A Comparative Clinical Study between Methylprednisolone and Methylprednisolone with Levobupivacaine. Background and objectives: Lumbar epidural technique has been used in the treatment of lombosciatalgia since 1953. In most cases, methylprednisolone is used along with a local anesthetic, and it is not known whether the isolated use of methylprednisolone is equally effective in relieving symptoms. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of two different solutions - methylprednisolone with saline and methylprednisolone with levobupivacaine injected in the epidural space to heal lombosciatalgia secondary to lumbar herniated disk. Methods: Sixty individuals ASA I and II, of both genders, ages 18 to 65 years participated in this randomized, double-blind study over a period of one year. They underwent interlaminar lumbar epidural analgesia without radioscopic control to heal a lombosciatalgia and they were divided into two groups: G-M (methylprednisolone + saline) and G-M + L (methylprednisolone + levobupivacaine + saline) both at a volume of 10 mL. Diagnosis was based on history, physical exam, and imaging exam (MRI). The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was applied in a total of two blockades, 15 days apart. Results: A reduction in pain severity was observed in the methylprednisolone-levobupivacaine group, but without statistical significance. Conclusions: The analgesic efficacy of the G-M + L solution was superior to that of the G-M solution in the treatment of discal lombosciatalgia regarding the shorter time to onset of analgesia, but this was not significant at the time of discharge, and both solutions were effective in the treatment of discal lombosciatalgia.
A Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) é um método que promove o alongamento da musculatura estática (tónica), incluindo a intervertebral, que está constantemente em contração, originando grandes forças compressivas sobre o disco intervertebral. Apesar de ser uma modalidade de tratamento muito utilizada, existem poucos estudos que suportem a sua base teórica e a sua efetividade clínica. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade do método de RPG no tratamento de um caso de lombociatalgia de origem discal. Métodos: Estudo de caso clínico de um professor de 56 anos de idade, com sintomas de hérnia discal lombar no nível de L4-L5, associada a uma anterolistesis de L5, confirmada por Ressonância Magnética. A avaliação e tratamento centrou-se no método de RPG realizado ao longo de duas sessões. Na primeira sessão foi utilizada uma postura de abertura de coxofemoral em decúbito durante 30 minutos, enquanto que na segunda foi utilizada inicialmente essa postura durante 20 minutos, seguida de uma postura em fechamento de coxofemoral em carga durante 15 minutos. Foram analisados os dados relativos à avaliação postural (inspecção visual), à dor (Escala Visual Analógica), à força muscular dos peroniais e extensores dos dedos (Teste Muscular Manual), à presença de formigueiro e ao reflexo aquiliano antes e depois de cada uma das sessões. Resultados: No final das duas sessões, verificaram-se alterações na avaliação postural, principalmente com a diminuição da hiperlordose lombar e da retroversão dos ilíacos, normalização do reflexo aquiliano e da força muscular, diminuição da sensação de formigueiro e desaparecimento total da dor. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que a Reeducação Postural Global foi efectiva no tratamento de um caso de lombociatalgia com origem numa hérnia discal lombar.
Introduction: Sciatic nerve variations are relatively common. These variations are often very significant in several fields of Medicine. The purpose of this paper is to present two such variants and discuss their clinical implications. Material and Methods: Three Caucasian cadavers with no prior history of lower limb trauma or surgery were dissected and found to present anatomical variants of the sciatic nerve. Results: In all cases the sciatic nerve divided above the popliteal fossa. In two cases (cadavers 1 and 2) it divided on both sides in the inferior portion of the gluteal region in its two terminal branches: the common fibular and the tibial nerves. In another case (cadaver 3) the sciatic nerve was found to divide inside the pelvis just before coursing the greater sciatic notch. The common fibular nerve exited the pelvis above the pyriformis muscle and then passed along its posterior aspect, while the tibial nerve coursed deep to the pyriformis muscle. Discussion: According to the literature, the anatomical variant described in cadaver 3 is considered relatively rare. This variant can predispose to nerve entrapment and thus to the pyriformis syndrome, sciatica and coccygodynia. The high division of the sciatic nerve, as presented in cadavers 1 and 2, can make popliteal nerve blocks partially ineffective. Conclusion: The anatomical variants associated with a high division of the sciatic nerve, must always be born in mind, as they are relatively prevalent, and have important clinical implications, namely in Anesthesiology, Neurology, Sports Medicine and Surgery.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Mecânica.
Sacral insufficiency fractures have been described in association with conditions leading to osteoporosis. No association with spondylolisthesis has been described to date. A 60-year-old patient with known lumbosacral isthmic spondylolisthesis presented with exacerbation of symptoms initially thought to be linked to her known spinal pathology. Plain radiography, computer tomography, MRI and bone scan confirmed the presence of a recent sacral insufficiency fracture with anterior angulation. Conservative treatment resulted in improvement of symptoms after 6 months. Care should be taken when considering older patients for more aggressive treatment if they present with exacerbation of back pain and sciatica in the presence of a pre-existing spondylolisthesis. A suspicion of insufficiency fracture should be raised if risk factors exist and further investigations ordered in particular if plain radiography is normal. Lumbosacral fusion might be inappropriate in this setting.