946 resultados para School subjects
Almost a decade ago, the new subject of citizenship was created in the English National Curriculum and several universities were funded to train teachers in this new subject. This presented a rare challenge, namely how to train people to teach a subject that did not exist in schools, and in which they were unlikely to have a specialist degree. In this article we have taken the opportunity afforded by the
tenth birthday of the report in which Crick recommended this curriculum reform to reflect on that experience from the perspective of teacher educators. Through reflecting on the case study of citizenship education in England we highlight several themes that are of more general interest to teacher educators. The key issues that have emerged in this case study relate to the general problems of translating central policy into classroom practice; the nature and aims of subjects in the curriculum; and the identities of teachers in secondary schools. The article illustrates how teacher educators responded to the formidable challenge of creating (or at least contributing to) a new subject and a subject community.
Este libro se centra en la enseñanza de las ciencias en la escuela a alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los once y diecinueve años. Desarrolla como tema principal la idea de que la ciencia en la escuela es una entidad con su propia identidad, con pocos elementos en común con la ciencia misma. Es decir, es una materia de enseñanza impartida por miembros de la profesión docente en instituciones educativas. En este contexto escolar, se examinan tanto la evolución de la ciencia en el futuro, las competencias profesionales de los profesores como, en su aprendizaje se refleja la investigación educativa.
Es una introducción general a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la escuela secundaria, pues proporciona a los profesores los conocimientos que necesitan saber sobre aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación, curriculo y desarrollo profesional.
This paper examines the factors that influence pupil take up of a subject, in this case history, at GCSE. The research indicates that pupils enjoy history but significant factors prevent many from choosing it for further study; these include factors that are beyond the control of teachers, such as government policy and the way this is interpreted by senior managers in school, and factors that are within the control of teachers. The paper suggests that there are lessons that departments can learn from more successful departments but there are also important side effects of government policy that are having unintended consequences.
"The following chapters are published preliminary to the preparation of a much more elaborate work along the same general lines." - Pref.
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Research Topic/Aim: Horizontal gender inequalities appear to be rather stable, with girls more often choosing ‘female' service professions, and boys choosing career paths related to science, technology, engineering or mathematics, since measures to bring more women into typical ‘male' jobs and more men into typical ‘female' jobs did not turn out to be sustainable. This paper focuses on gender stereotypes, namely non-egalitarian patriarchal gender-role orientations and gender associations of the school subjects German and mathematics. Dealing with and abolishing such gender stereotypes may be key strategy to reach sustainability regarding more equal vocational choices. Thus, gender stereotypes will be theorised and empirically analysed as a major predictor of gender-typical vocational perspectives considering interest in these school subjects as a mediating factor. Furthermore, we focus on structural patriarchy as a root of gender-role orientations, and teacher gender regarding its impact on gendered images of subjects. Theoretical and methodology framework: Our analyses of gender segregation in vocational aspirations and vocational choice center on Gottfredson's (2002; Gottfredson and Becker, 1981) Theory of Circumscription, Compromise and Self-Creation. One of the main assumptions of this theory is that people associate jobs with particular sexes and those jobs that do not fit particular gender roles are not considered. Empirical analyses are based on survey data of eighth-graders in the Swiss canton of Bern (N = 672). Structural Equation Models (SEM) for male and female students are estimated. Conclusions/Findings: Results reveal different patterns for boys and girls; for boys, gender-typical (male) vocational perspective could be explained via gender role orientations, interest in mathematics and gender associations of the school subjects, for girls, the factors under consideration could be empirically linked to ‘atypical vocational perspective'. Relevance to Nordic educational research: The study focuses on gender relations in society and how they are reproduced. Gender segregation in vocational choice and at the labour market is a universal issue - affecting both egalitarian and non-egalitarian gender regimes in similar ways. Although in general Northern countries appear to be more equal regarding gender inequality, gender segregation is rather persistent (Jarman, Blackburn and Brooks, 2012) and therefore remains a relevant topic.
The purpose of this study was to identify the smoking prevalence among high school students in rural areas of Thailand and the factors associated with their smoking habits. The sample population was comprised of 946 volunteer students of both sexes enrolled in the twelfth grade classes of the 1981-82 school year in randomly chosen regional public high schools throughout the country. Data were obtained from a formal self-administered questionnaire survey. The comparisons were treated by classified smoking habits as "non-smoker," "trier," "ex-smoker," and "smoker."^ The study presented the low rate of cigarette smoking habits among female students, compared to male students. Significant differences of smoking-related habits were found among those who had exemplar models for smoking habits; fathers, siblings and peers were their reference groups. Parental approval was found to be a significant factor associated with students' smoking habits. The awareness of health hazards, the perceptions of the influence of cigarette advertisement, and the attitudes toward the concerns of government in cigarette manufacturing were also factors associated with cigarette smoking habits of high school subjects. ^
cont. VI. The application of standard measurements to school administration. [By] D.C. Bliss. VII. A half-year's progress in the achievement of one school system. A. The progress as measured by the Thorndike visual vocabulary test. B. The progress as measured by the Courtis tests, series B. [By] H.G. Childs. VIII. Courtis tests in arithmetic: value to superintendents and teacher. [By] S.A. Courtis. IX. Use of standard tests at Salt Lake City, Utah. [By] E. P. Cubberley. X. Reading. [By] C.H. Judd. XI. Studies by the Bureau of research and efficiency of Kansas City, Mo. [By] George Melcher. XII. The effects of efficiency tests in reading on a city school system. [By] E.E. Oberholtzer. XIII. Investigation of spelling in the schools of Oakland, Cal. [By] J.B. Sears. XIV. Standard tests as aids in the classification and promotion of pupils. [By] Daniel Starch. XV. The use of mental tests in the school. [By] G.M. Whipple.
The author will explore the performance of boys and girls in external examinations in Slovenia at the beginning of upper secondary and tertiary education. These are critical points in students’ educational career at which he/she has to choose a school/university. Since both transitions are managed centrally by appropriate authorities, this is also a question of Educational Governance. Transitions between levels of education should, above all, assure fairness in selection procedures. At the point of transition to upper secondary schools we will explore differences between students’ achievements in various school subjects tested at the national assessment of knowledge (NA), and their school grades by gender. Since only school grades are used as admission criteria to upper secondary schools, this comparison of school grades with external and more objective measure of students’ achievement will show possible bias. In Slovenia admission to tertiary education usually consists of (externally assessed) Matura results and school grades in the last two years of upper secondary school. The author will compare the effects of both most commonly used measures of academic achievement on admission in view of gender differences. Study courses where selection procedure was actually applied will be of specific interest since they can show signs of (un)fairness. Results show signs of bias and build case for better Educational Governance. (DIPF/Orig.)
This paper issues a challenge to the notion of domain-general teaching and learning, positing that different subject areas require distinct approaches to developing student knowledge and understanding. The aim has been to observe and compare awareness and explication of disciplinarity in four senior secondary school subjects: Biology, History, Music and Physics. Specifically, we were interested in: (1) teachers’ concepts of what it means to ‘know the discipline’, to ‘think like a disciplinary expert’ and to ‘teach and learn the discipline’; and (2) how teachers draw these concepts together to build student knowledge in the classroom. The research informs educational practice and policy, in particular curricular initiatives involving interdisciplinary curricula.
This dissertation examined the research-based teacher education at the University of Helsinki from different theoretical and practical perspectives. Five studies focused on these perspectives separately as well as overlappingly. Study I focused on the reflection process of graduating teacher students. The data consisted of essays the students wrote as their last assignment before graduating, where their assignment was to examine their development as researchers during their MA thesis research process. The results indicated that the teacher students had analysed their own development thoroughly during the process and that they had reflected on theoretical as well as practical educational matters. The results also pointed out that, in the students’ opinion, personally conducted research is a significant learning process. -- Study II investigated teacher students’ workplace learning and the integration of theory and practice in teacher education. The students’ interviews focused on their learning of teacher’s work prior to education. The interviewees’ responses concerning their ‘surviving’ in teaching prior to teacher education were categorized into three categories: learning through experiences, school as a teacher learning environment, and case-specific learning. The survey part of the study focused on integration of theory and practice within the education process. The results showed that the students who worked while they studied took advantage of the studies and applied them to work. They set more demanding teaching goals and reflected on their work more theoretically. -- Study III examined practical aspects of the teacher students’ MA thesis research as well as the integration of theory and practice in teacher education. The participants were surveyed using a web-based survey which dealt with the participants’ teacher education experiences. According to the results, most of the students had chosen a practical topic for their MA thesis, one arising from their work environment, and most had chosen a research topic that would develop their own teaching. The results showed that the integration of theory and practice had taken place in much of the course work, but most obviously in the practicum periods, and also in the courses concerning the school subjects. The majority felt that the education had in some way been successful with regards to integration. -- Study IV explored the idea of considering teacher students’ MA thesis research as professional development. Twenty-three teachers were interviewed on the subject of their experiences of conducting research about their own work as teachers. The results of the interviews showed that the reasons for choosing the MA thesis research topic were multiple: practical, theoretical, personal, professional reasons, as well as outside effect. The objectives of the MA thesis research, besides graduating, were actual projects, developing the ability to work as teachers, conducting significant research, and sharing knowledge of the topic. The results indicated that an MA thesis can function as a tool for professional development, for example in finding ways for adjusting teaching, increasing interaction skills, gaining knowledge or improving reflection on theory and/or practice, strengthening self-confidence as a teacher, increasing researching skills or academic writing skills, as well as becoming critical and being able to read scientific and academic literature. -- Study V analysed teachers’ views of the impact of practitioner research. According to the results, the interviewees considered the benefits of practitioner research to be many, affecting teachers, pupils, parents, the working community, and the wider society. Most of the teachers indicated that they intended to continue to conduct research in the future. The results also showed that teachers often reflected personally and collectively, and viewed this as important. -- These five studies point out that MA thesis research is and can be a useful tool for increasing reflection doing with personal and professional development, as well as integrating theory and practice. The studies suggest that more advantage could be taken of the MA thesis research project. More integration of working and studying could and should be made possible for teacher students. This could be done in various ways within teacher education, but the MA thesis should be seen as a pedagogical possibility.