976 resultados para School programme
The Summer School aims to enable and foster a climate of inquiry for critical thinking, quantitative analysis and explore existing relevant data sources. We aim to develop the concepts and tools associated with quantitative research related to child health and wellbeing. Building on participants’ existing knowledge of research, policy and practice, we will focus on the quantitative skills necessary to mine and critique relevant national databases, conduct basic quantitative research and apply these skills to work. The SPSS workshops will provide participants with a basic understanding of a statistical programme for analysing empirical data and the open clinics will allow participants to discuss their own research issues with experts.
Learning to read is a key goal during primary school: reading difficulties may curtail children’s learning trajectories. Controversy remains regarding what types of interventions are effective for children at risk for academic failure, such as children in disadvantaged areas. We present data from a complex intervention to test the hypothesis that phonic skills and word recognition abilities are a pivotal and specific causal mechanism for the development of reading skills in children at risk for poorer literacy outcomes.
Over 500 pupils across 16 primary schools took part in a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial from school year 1 to year 3. Schools were randomly allocated to the intervention or the control arm. The intervention involved a literacy-rich after-school programme. Children attending schools in the control arm of the study received the curriculum normally provided. Children in both arms completed batteries of language, phonic skills, and reading tests every year. We used multilevel mediation models to investigate mediating processes between intervention and outcomes.
Children who took part in the intervention displayed improvements in reading skills compared to those in the control arm. Results indicated a significant indirect effect of the intervention via phonics encoding.
The results suggest that the intervention was effective in improving reading abilities of children at risk, and this effect was mediated by improving children’s phonic skills. This has relevance for designing interventions aimed at improving literacy skills of children exposed to socio-economic disadvantage. Results also highlight the importance of methods to investigate causal pathways from intervention to outcomes.
Los colegios p??blicos del Programa Colegios Biling??es de la Comunidad de Madrid desarrollan un curr??culo educativo de calidad, cuyos resultados son evaluables y homologables en el ??mbito europeo. Desde su primera infancia, los alumnos empiezan a adquirir de forma paulatina una base en ambas lenguas. Este disco DVD V??deo de la serie Did??ctica contiene v??deos con filmaciones de clases de Lengua Inglesa en Educaci??n Infantil y primer ciclo de Educaci??n Primaria en colegios p??blicos de la Comunidad de Madrid..
Los colegios p??blicos del Programa Colegios Biling??es de la Comunidad de Madrid desarrollan un curr??culo educativo de calidad, cuyos resultados son evaluables y homologables en el ??mbito europeo. Desde su primera infancia, los alumnos empiezan a adquirir de forma paulatina una base en ambas lenguas. Este disco DVD V??deo de la serie Did??ctica contiene v??deos con filmaciones de clases de M??sica en el primer ciclo de Educaci??n Primaria en colegios p??blicos de la Comunidad de Madrid..
Los colegios p??blicos biling??es de la Comunidad de Madrid desarrollan un curr??culo educativo de alta calidad, cuyos resultados son evaluables y homologables en el ??mbito europeo. Desde su primera infancia, los alumnos empiezan a adquirir de forma paulatina una base en ambas lenguas. Este disco DVD V??deo contiene v??deos en espa??ol e ingl??s con informaci??n general del Programa Colegios Billing??es y sus caracter??sticas, muchos de los cuales son filmaciones en las propias sesiones de clase, clasificadas seg??n las tres principales materias afectadas: Lengua Inglesa, Conocimiento del Medio y M??sica. Por ??ltimo, ofrece mapas con la se??alizaci??n de los centros educativos que lo llevan a cabo. .
Los colegios p??blicos del Programa Colegios Biling??es de la Comunidad de Madrid desarrollan un curr??culo educativo de calidad, cuyos resultados son evaluables y homologables en el ??mbito europeo. Desde su primera infancia, los alumnos empiezan a adquirir de forma paulatina una base en ambas lenguas. Este disco DVD V??deo de la serie Did??ctica contiene v??deos con filmaciones de clases de Conocimiento del Medio en el primer ciclo de Educaci??n Primaria en colegios p??blicos de la Comunidad de Madrid..
Der 1795-1798 verfasste Text "De re scholastica Anglica cum Germanica comparata" (Über das englische Schulwesen im Vergleich zum deutschen) des sächsischen Rektors Friedrich August Hecht ist die erste bekannte Schrift zur Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft. Ihre zentrale Materialgrundlage bilden englische und deutsche Schulbücher für Latein- und Gelehrtenschulen. Aus deutschsprachiger Sekundärliteratur übernimmt Hecht darüber hinaus Informationen über schulorganisatorische, curriculare und didaktische Besonderheiten der englischen Public Schools Westminster und Eton, und setzt sie zu den ihm aus eigener Praxis bekannten deutschen (sächsischen) Schulverhältnissen in Beziehung. Der Gedanke der Transnationalität im Bildungsbereich, der sich aktuell etwa im Begriff von transnationalen Bildungsräumen ausdrückt, hat bei Hecht der Sache nach drei Anknüpfungspunkte: die bildungspolitische Wirksamkeit transnationaler Herrscherfamilien, die gemeineuropäische Bedeutung der Gebildeten- und Gelehrtensprache Latein und die nationübergreifende Dimension des humanistischen Bildungskanons. Das alte Europa kannte Nationen und Staaten, aber es kannte noch keine Nationalstaaten. Die Deutschen sind für Hecht noch eine alteuropäische Nation, die Engländer dagegen auf dem Wege zur oder sind schon Staatsnation. Die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft entsteht mit Hechts Schrift in einer Situation, da die alte transnationale Ordnung der Nationen und Staaten in die neue internationale Ordnung der Nationalstaaten übergeht. (DIPF/Orig.)
To assess the effectiveness of a school based physical activity programme during one school year on physical and psychological health in young schoolchildren. Cluster randomised controlled trial. 28 classes from 15 elementary schools in Switzerland randomly selected and assigned in a 4:3 ratio to an intervention (n=16) or control arm (n=12) after stratification for grade (first and fifth grade), from August 2005 to June 2006. 540 children, of whom 502 consented and presented at baseline. Children in the intervention arm (n=297) received a multi-component physical activity programme that included structuring the three existing physical education lessons each week and adding two additional lessons a week, daily short activity breaks, and physical activity homework. Children (n=205) and parents in the control group were not informed of an intervention group. For most outcome measures, the assessors were blinded. Primary outcome measures included body fat (sum of four skinfolds), aerobic fitness (shuttle run test), physical activity (accelerometry), and quality of life (questionnaires). Secondary outcome measures included body mass index and cardiovascular risk score (average z score of waist circumference, mean blood pressure, blood glucose, inverted high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides). 498 children completed the baseline and follow-up assessments (mean age 6.9 (SD 0.3) years for first grade, 11.1 (0.5) years for fifth grade). After adjustment for grade, sex, baseline values, and clustering within classes, children in the intervention arm compared with controls showed more negative changes in the z score of the sum of four skinfolds (-0.12, 95 % confidence interval -0.21 to -0.03; P=0.009). Likewise, their z scores for aerobic fitness increased more favourably (0.17, 0.01 to 0.32; P=0.04), as did those for moderate-vigorous physical activity in school (1.19, 0.78 to 1.60; P<0.001), all day moderate-vigorous physical activity (0.44, 0.05 to 0.82; P=0.03), and total physical activity in school (0.92, 0.35 to 1.50; P=0.003). Z scores for overall daily physical activity (0.21, -0.21 to 0.63) and physical quality of life (0.42, -1.23 to 2.06) as well as psychological quality of life (0.59, -0.85 to 2.03) did not change significantly. A school based multi-component physical activity intervention including compulsory elements improved physical activity and fitness and reduced adiposity in children. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15360785.
The Department of Health is providing a central data store for child obesity data collected by PCTs to be available for live implementation by the end of June 2006. The central data store will be accessible by PCTs via Unify, the DH performance management system.
This guidance has been developed following wide consultation with primary care trusts (PCTs) and schools. It provides advice to PCTs on: arrangements for measuring the height and weight of primary and middle school children as part of the National Child Measurement Programme; and upload of this information to the Information Centre for health and social care (IC). refer to the resource
Föräldraskap upplevs som en utmanande uppgift i dag och det påstås att föräldrar oftare än förr skulle var i behov av råd och stöd beträffande barnuppfostran. Denna uppgift kan ytterligare försvåras om det i familjen finns ett hyperaktivt okoncentrerat barn att uppfostra. Detta arbete undersökte effekterna av ett kortvarigt gruppbaserat interventionsprogram benämnt Familjeskolan POP (Preschool Overactivity Programme). Familjeskolan är avsedd för familjer med barn i lekåldern, som visar beteendesvårigheter såsom ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Deficit Disorder) eller CD (Conduct Disorder). Målet för Familjeskolan är att öka föräldrarnas kunskaper och självförtroende då de har ett krävande svårhanterligt barn att uppfostra. Familjeskolan strävar också till att reducera barns icke-önskvärda beteenden genom att öka deras sociala färdigheter och koncentrationsförmåga. Familjeskolan verkställdes i Helsingfors vid ADHD- centrets lokaliteter. 45 mödrar och deras barn från huvudstadsregionen deltog i denna undersökning. Av dessa deltog 33 i Familjeskola-programmet medan de 12 övriga bildade den s.k. kontrollgruppen. Undersökningsresultaten tyder på förbättringar beträffande både moderns och faderns föräldrakunskaper efter Familjeskola-interventionen. Det är att lägga märke till att enbart mödrar deltog i interventionsprogrammet. Efter programmet klarade mödrar enligt egen utsaga vardagen bättre. Speciellt hade de blivit bättre på att hantera barnens beteendesvårigheter och hyperaktivt okoncentrerat beteende. Resultaten påvisade också att programmet var effektivast för de mödrar som före Familjeskolan upplevde sig besitta ringa föräldrakunskaper. Mödrarna rapporterade en signifikant minskning i barnens totala beteendesvårigheter. Efter interventionen ansåg mödrarna att deras barn var mindre olydiga, hyperaktiva samt att deras beteendesvårigheter var lindrigare. Enligt dagvårdspersonalen hade barnens totala beteendesvårigheter och problem med koncentration och hyperaktivitet också minskat. Motsvarande förbättringar uppnåddes inte i kontrollgruppen. Resultaten från uppföljningsintervjun, visade också att barnens beteendeförändringar var bestående både hemma och i daghemmet. Både föräldrar och dagvårdspersonalen rapporterade en signifikant minskning i barnens totala svårigheter jämfört med innan familjerna påbörjade interventionen. Föräldrarna rapporterade en marginell minskning i barnens ADHD-liknande beteende, beteendesvårigheter och i svårigheter med kamrater, dagvårdspersonalen däremot rapporterade en signifikant minskning i barnens beteendesvårigheter, hyperaktivt/okoncentrerat beteende samt i svårigheter med kamrater mellan innan familjerna påbörjade interventionen och uppföljningen ett år efter. Resultaten av denna undersökning stödjer hypotesen att kortvariga gruppbaserade interventionsprogram kan åstadkomma permanenta förbättringar i föräldrakunskaper och barns beteende. Detta gäller främst hyperaktivitet, koncentrationssvårigheter och trotsighet.
OBJECTIVES To describe uptake of chlamydia screening, determine rates of repeated yearly screening and investigate determinants of repeated participation in an organised school-based screening programme. METHODS The authors analysed data from 1995 to 2005 from female and male students in up to 13 schools in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The authors calculated proportions of students tested among all enrolled students and among those with parental consent and the percentage of positive chlamydia tests in each school year. The authors used random effects logistic regression to examine the effect of past screening history on subsequent participation. RESULTS 35 041 students were registered for at least one school year. Overall coverage was >30% in all school years. Among all students registered for 4 years, 10.6% (95% CI 9.3% to 12.0%) of women and 12.7% (95% CI 11.2% to 14.2%) of men had a test every year. Among students with parental consent for 4 years, 49.3% (95% CI 44.6% to 54.1%) of women and 59.3% (95% CI 54.5% to 64.0%) of men had a test every year. Among students registered for 2 or more years, those with a previous positive chlamydia test were less likely to have a subsequent test (female adjusted OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.88 and male adjusted OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.02). Chlamydia positivity increased over time. CONCLUSIONS High levels of uptake can be achieved in school-based chlamydia screening programmes, but repeated yearly screening is difficult to sustain over time.
This article analyses the use of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and other evidence in educational policy discourse in the context of direct-democratic votes in Switzerland. The results of a quantitative content analysis show that PISA is used by all actors to support a wide range of policy measures and ideological positions. Other evidence, however, is only used to support single specific policy positions. These findings demonstrate the ubiquity of PISA. The article discusses these results in view of the question of whether the incorporation of evidence into policy debates contributes to informed discourse.
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