956 resultados para School organization


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In discussions of educational administration theory, school culture has emerged as a contentious construct characterized by polarized positions. The underlying tensions are between conflicting structuralist and post-structuralist perspectives. These have led to views of Christian school culture and school organization as being either, on the one hand, static, positivist, hierarchical, individualistic and capitalistic or, on the other, dynamic, coherentist, communally interdependent, service oriented and Christ-centered. All schools demonstrate an ethos or organizational culture by default if not by design. It is therefore imperative for Christian school administrators, educators, and the community to consciously define the aspects of school culture that reflect the shared biblical values of the Christian school community.


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This research study, descriptive and exploratory in nature, had as objectives to know the perceptions of the teacher/students of a graduation course in Educational Sciences about their leaders, measured and evaluated through the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) and to verify if existed differences between the public and private school organizations in the four characteristics defined for the ALQ: a) self-conscious; b) transparency; c) moral/ethics; d) balanced processing. A non-probabilistic sample by convenience consisted of 86 participants from Brazil. The results of this research study show that the level of authenticity of the leader, in the four characteristics defined for the ALQ, in the perception of the subjects inquired, is above of the moderate level. Having in account the type of school organization (public or private), the differences found in the levels of the four characteristics defined for the ALQ were not statistically significant even though, the leaders of the private schools demonstrated to possess slightly higher values in the four analysed sub areas.


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The Dutch “brede school” (BS) development originates in the 1990s and has spread unevenly since: quicker in the primary than secondary educational sector. In 2007, there were about 1000 primary and 350 secondary BS schools and it is the intention of the government as well as the individual municipalities to extend that number and make the BS the dominant school form of the near future. In the primary sector, a BS cooperates with crèche and preschool facilities, besides possible other neighborhood partners. The main targets are, first, to enhance educational opportunities, particularly for children with little (western-) cultural capital, and secondly to increase women’s labor market participation by providing extra familial care for babies and small children. All primary schools are now obliged to provide such care. In the secondary sector, a BS is less neighborhood-orientated than a primary BS because those schools are bigger and more often located in different buildings. As in the primary sector, there are broad and more narrow BS, the first profile cooperating with many non-formal and other partners and facilities and the second with few. On the whole, there is a wide variety of BS schools, with different profiles and objectives, dependent on the needs and wishes of the initiators and the neighborhood. A BS is always the result of initiatives of the respective school and its partners: parents, other neighborhood associations, municipality etc. BS schools are not enforced by the government although the general trend will be that existing school organizations transform into BS. The integration of formal and non-formal education and learning is more advanced in primary than secondary schools. In secondary education, vocational as well as general, there is a clear dominance of formal education; the non-formal curriculum serves mainly two lines and objectives: first, provide attractive leisure activities and second provide compensatory courses and support for under-achievers who are often students with migrant background. In both sectors, primary and secondary, it is the formal school organization with its professionals which determines the character of a BS; there is no full integration of formal and non-formal education resulting in one non-disruptive learning trajectory, nor is there the intention to go in that direction. Non-formal pedagogues are partly professionals, like youth- and social workers, partly volunteers, like parents, partly non-educational partners, like school-police, psycho-medical help or commercial leisure providers. Besides that, the BS is regarded by government educational and social policy as a potential partner and anchor for community development. It is too early to make reliable statements about the effects of the BS movement in the Netherlands concerning the educational opportunities for disadvantaged children and their families, especially those with migrant background, and combat further segregation. Evaluation studies made so far are moderately positive but also point to problems of overly bureaucratized structures and layers, lack of sufficient financial resources and, again, are uncertain about long-term effects.


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School failure is a chronic problem in many developing countries and in some developed as Portugal due to factors like cognitive deficiencies of children, an inadequate family environment, low SES and bad teaching methods or school organization. It is important to develop effective and simple intervention strategies able to cope with the problem at an individual level independently of the cause. The general objective of the following study is to develop behavioral training techniques to help children with problems of school failure. 6 - 12 years old children attending ISCED 1, with academic difficulties because of family problems, social exclusion (living in poverty or belonging to an ethnic minority) or poor schooling were trained. Cognitive-behavioral techniques that have been widely used to train persons with intellectual, sensorial, physical or social deficiencies were applied. Results are evaluated in terms of % of attained objectives, time, and (subjective) teacher satisfaction. Some results of individual children are shown. Training programs seem to be successful independently of the (mostly unknown) cause of failure of the trained subject.


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[Es] Esta aportación sintetiza el estudio que están desarrollando profesores del Área de Didáctica y Organización escolar de la UPV y de la UAB (2005-06). Su contenido aborda las relaciones entre los estadios de desarrollo organizativo y curricular y los resultados escolares. Los primeros datos sugieren que hay una mayor cohesión y coherencia en los centros pequeños, de titularidad pública y de un solo modelo lingüístico. Curiosamente, esta aparente identidad común se apoya más en la estructura participativa y en los sistemas de aprendizaje organizacional y no tanto en la cultura institucional y la cultura colaborativa. Estas últimas dependen más del tamaño del centro y del modelo lingüístico que de la titularidad. Llama la atención que el liderazgo transformacional se vincula más a la titularidad pública y a los centros de secundaria, no relacionándose significativamente con el tamaño del centro, el modelo lingüístico o los años vinculados al ejercicio de cargos.


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Esta tese analisa a concepção de uma professora sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem de uma criança com Síndrome de Down incluída em uma classe comum de Educação Infantil. Também foi objeto de estudo a busca, junto à referida professora, de procedimentos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento social, afetivo e cognitivo da aluna. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, combinando um estudo de caso de cunho etnográfico com uma pesquisa-ação. Como procedimentos de coletas de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, observação participante e a autoscopia. A análise dos dados foi feita com base na análise de conteúdo, conforme proposta por Bardin (1977). Os dados obtidos, que vêm ao encontro com outros estudos, mostraram as dificuldades de implementação das políticas públicas de inclusão no âmbito do sistema educacional, em geral, e especificamente no caso da escola foco. O processo de inclusão torna-se complexo em virtude de variáveis como: despreparo dos professores em lidar com alunos com deficiência, ausência de conhecimento por parte de professores sobre flexibilização de estratégias de ensino aprendizagem e de organização escolar que não levam em conta a diversidade do alunado. Vimos que a presença da aluna na classe não garantia sua participação nas atividades e que seu processo de escolarização era dificultado pela falta de conhecimentos da professora sobre o desenvolvimento de sujeitos com deficiência intelectual e práticas pedagógicas alternativas. A partir da pesquisa-ação, constatamos mudanças positivas por parte da menina com relação ao desenvolvimento social e afetivo e que a professora, mesmo diante de limitações pedagógicas, contribuiu para esses avanços. Os dados revelaram que os conhecimentos pedagógicos que a professora demonstrava ter, com base nas atividades propostas para os alunos, estavam baseados no ensino tradicional, com uma concepção de educação infantil voltada para a prontidão para a alfabetização, evidenciando uma dificuldade em desenvolver o trabalho pedagógico numa perspectiva sócio-histórica.


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Background: Research on barriers to professional advancement for women in academic medicine has not adequately considered the role of environmental factors and how the structure of organizations affects professional advancement and work experiences. This article examines the impact of the hierarchy, including both the organization's hierarchical structure and professionals' perceptions of this structure, in medical school organization on faculty members' experience and advancement in academic medicine. Methods: As part of an inductive qualitative study of faculty in five disparate U.S. medical schools, we interviewed 96 medical faculty at different career stages and in diverse specialties, using in-depth semistructured interviews, about their perceptions about and experiences in academic medicine. Data were coded and analysis was conducted in the grounded theory tradition. Results: Our respondents saw the hierarchy of chairs, based on the indeterminate tenure of department chairs, as a central characteristic of the structure of academic medicine. Many faculty saw this hierarchy as affecting inclusion, reducing transparency in decision making, and impeding advancement. Indeterminate chair terms lessen turnover and may create a bottleneck for advancement. Both men and women faculty perceived this hierarchy, but women saw it as more consequential. Conclusions: The hierarchical structure of academic medicine has a significant impact on faculty work experiences, including advancement, especially for women. We suggest that medical schools consider alternative models of leadership and managerial styles, including fixed terms for chairs with a greater emphasis on inclusion. This is a structural reform that could increase opportunities for advancement especially for women in academic medicine. © 2010 Copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Desde há mais de um século que o estudo da gestão ocupa um lugar de relevo no campo da investigação movimentando o mundo das organizações no sentido do aumento da produtividade e da qualidade dos serviços prestados. Se é certo que a economia influencia a educação, também esta influencia todo o desenvolvimento económico, social e cultural. Com efeito, sobre a Escola exercem-se crescentes pressões tentando promover o aumento da qualidade do serviço educativo prestado, tornando-se cada vez mais importante reflectir sobre a problemática da organização escolar e, por consequência, da sua liderança, dada a importância que esta assume nos contextos educativos. Embora plasmada na produção normativa, a liderança não tem sido objecto de aprofundados estudos e reflexão. Com a presente investigação, que denominamos Lideranças nas Organizações Escolares – Estudos de caso sobre o desempenho dos Presidentes dos Agrupamentos de Escolas, pretendemos perceber a opinião dos docentes acerca do desempenho dos seus gestores e dos processos de liderança postos em prática enquanto factores determinantes das organizações escolares de sucesso. Para tal começámos por analisar a administração e gestão das escolas em Portugal e as suas transformações legislativas nas últimas décadas para, de seguida, procedemos à revisão da literatura sobre as questões da liderança, sem esquecer as suas ligações com a problemática da análise organizacional e das teorias da administração. No sentido de dar maior consistência e argumentação à reflexão sobre a temática da liderança em Portugal debruçámo-nos ainda sobre a colegialidade docente e a sua importância no desenvolvimento da gestão e da liderança nas escolas portuguesas. Em termos metodológicos, optámos por estudos de caso no âmbito dos quais aplicámos um inquérito por questionário aos docentes dos três Agrupamentos de Escolas seleccionados, entrevistámos os Presidentes dos Conselhos Executivos e elementos dos órgãos de gestão intermédia de cada uma destas organizações escolares. Os dados foram apresentados e discutidos tendo como referencial o quadro teórico proposto, identificaram-se os modos de desempenho e de liderança dos Presidentes dos Agrupamentos em análise, constituindo aspecto fundamental a ter em conta nesta investigação a importância que a colegialidade docente assume nos modos de gestão e de liderança das nossas escolas.


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2012