997 resultados para School heads


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Using data from a representative sample of public primary schools in Madagascar, this paper analyzes engagement at work among school directors and investigates the impact of school heads' supervisory roles on teachers' behavior at work. The results show clear signs of weak management within public primary schools. We find that school heads' engagement at work is positively associated with their employment conditions, job satisfaction, and overall working environment. The results also indicate that principals' management styles have a positive effect on teachers’ commitment at work, but no significant impact on absenteeism.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender, no contexto geopolítico de Timor-Leste, quais as imagens, funções e estatutos das línguas que aí circulam e, simultaneamente, percecionar de que modo a Escola gere essa pluralidade linguística. Para o efeito, tivemos em conta as representações/imagens relativamente às línguas, às suas funções e estatutos, não só dos alunos e dos diferentes atores educativos (professores, diretores de escola e formadores do 1.º e 2.º ciclo), mas também aquelas que circulam em contexto social alargado, onde incluímos os intervenientes e os responsáveis pelas políticas educativas e outros elementos da população. Foi deste modo que procurámos perceber de que forma tais representações se influenciam reciprocamente e se refletem na Escola. O estudo realizado foi de cariz etnográfico. Assim, o investigadorobservador, colocado no terreno, foi produzindo um diário do observador e recolhendo informação etnográfica, através da sua convivência com a sociedade timorense (escritos do quotidiano, questionário à polícia, observação de aula, entre outros), auscultando as “vozes” quer dos alunos (por meio de biografias linguísticas e desenhos), quer dos atores educativos (através de biografias linguísticas e entrevistas), quer ainda dos intervenientes nas políticas educativas (com recurso a entrevistas) e de alguns jovens timorenses, recorrendo de novo às entrevistas. Simultaneamente, foi feita uma recolha documental, ao longo de todo o período em que o estudo decorreu, que integrou fontes escritas (documentos oficiais, como sejam os documentos reguladores das políticas linguísticas e os manuais, fontes não oficiais, incluindo documentos vários e testemunhos e fontes estatísticas, como os Censos) e fontes não escritas (imagens e sons registados, estes posteriormente transcritos). Todos estes dados foram classificados em dados primários e secundários, em função da sua relevância para o estudo. Para a sua análise socorremo-nos da análise de conteúdo para as biografias, as entrevistas e os manuais de língua portuguesa, estes no quadro de uma abordagem para a diversidade linguística e cultural, de uma análise documental para os documentos reguladores do Sistema Educativa e outros documentos oficiais relativos às línguas e, finalmente, recorremos a uma análise biográfica (Molinié, 2011) para os desenhos realizados pelos alunos. Os resultados obtidos vieram evidenciar o multilinguismo social e escolar que se vive no país, as imagens e as funções que as línguas desempenham nestes dois contextos, o escolar e o da sociedade alargada, permitindo-nos compreender que a Escola não é apenas um microcosmos dentro da sociedade, mas um espaço de encontro, por vezes de confronto, entre diversas línguas, culturas e identidades. Ela é também espaço onde as questões do plurilinguismo são mais desafiantes na medida em que as línguas não são apenas objeto de ensino aprendizagem, mas desempenham igualmente funções importantes na aquisição dos saberes escolares, na interação social e no desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos. Nestes contextos, ocorrem duas situações relevantes, uma é o facto de a Escola ser um lugar onde os repertórios linguísticos plurilingues dos alunos entram em contacto com as línguas de escolarização, o português, o tétum e o malaio indonésio e outra é que saberes escolares e saberes culturais utilizam línguas diferentes, isto é, os primeiros são veiculados em tétum e português, eventualmente em malaio indonésio, mas os saberes culturais são expressos nas línguas autóctones, ameaçadas, porém, por uma crescente expansão do tétum. Contudo, estas línguas criam também espaços privados, identitários e de coesão social dentro da grande cidade que é Díli. São línguas “secretas” e “de defesa.” Por fim, referiremos a urgência para que se tomem medidas no sentido de se criar um consenso sobre a normalização do tétum, que conduza à sua aplicação em contexto educativo e ao seu desenvolvimento funcional, isto é, que leve à planificação do seu estatuto. Visa-se, com este estudo, contribuir para que os atores, acima referidos, possam «repensar» a Escola, em Timor Leste, e, em particular, no que diz respeito à gestão das línguas que nela circulam, através de uma política linguística (educativa) que beneficie o Sistema Educativo, com eventuais repercussões no âmbito do currículo, da produção de materiais e da formação de professores. Face aos resultados obtidos, ainda que consideremos este estudo como parcelar, pelo facto de ter decorrido, sobretudo, na capital timorense, permitimo-nos sugerir a necessidade de esbater fronteiras entre o espaço escolar e as realidades dos alunos, encontrando uma gestão escolar deste plurilinguismo que crie um currículo mais integrador dos saberes linguísticos dos alunos.


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Este estudo teve como principal objectivo ser um contributo para a compreensão e identificação dos impactos importantes que os Projectos Europeus, na área da Educação, no âmbito da sub-acção Comenius 1 - Parcerias entre Escolas, do Programa Sócrates, tiveram e têm na comunidade educativa do concelho de Silves. O estudo parte, assim, da seguinte questão de investigação: Quais são os impactos percepcionados pelos professores coordenadores dos projectos Comenius 1 nas diferentes dimensões do processo educativo? Neste sentido, estabeleceram-se as seguintes questões secundárias: • Como se construíram e implementaram estes Projectos nas Escolas? • De que forma é que estes Projectos foram integrados no desenho curricular da escola? • Quais foram as maiores dificuldades sentidas pelos responsáveis pelos Projectos na implementação dos mesmos? Através de uma metodologia qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas semi­estruturadas a cinco professores de escolas diferentes do Concelho de Silves e recorreu-se à análise documental e de testemunhos. Os resultados parecem indicar que a implementação deste tipo de projectos nas escolas deixa impactos em todos os intervenientes (na Escola, no Conselho Executivo, nos Professores da escola e das escolas parceiras, no Pessoal não Docente, na Comunidade Envolvente, na Família, no responsável pelo Projecto e nos alunos) e que, muitas vezes, esses impactos só se verificam a longo prazo. Verificamos também que a implementação destes projectos segue três princípios essenciais: a planificação, a realização e a avaliação sendo que as escolas tentam integrar os projectos no seu Projecto Educativo. As maiores dificuldades sentidas verificaram-se a nível da organização da escola, da carga burocrática inerente ao projecto e do pouco envolvimento e participação de alguns professores. Sugere-se que a Escola aposte cada vez mais na implementação deste tipo de projectos, pois estes podem contribuir para uma Escola mais democrática, mais flexível, com mais qualidade, mais motivadora e mais Europeia. ABSTRACT; The aim of this study was to understand and to identify the biggest impacts that the Community's education-related action programmes "Socrates" (namely Comenius 1) have in the School policy. So, the central question of this research was to find out, from the coordinators points of view, which were the most important impacts of the Comenius projects. This central question led to the formulation of the following three questions: a) How were the Comenius projects implemented at school? b) How were the Comenius projects integrated in school organisation and structure? c) Which were the difficulties coordinators had to face in order to organize and implement a Comenius project? Using a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were held with five teachers from different schools in the region of Silves. The following instruments were used during the research: analysis of documents and interviews. The results of the research revealed that the Comenius projects have impacts (although they take a lot of time to be felt) on School, on School heads, on other teachers, on School staff, on the region, on parents, on coordinators and on pupils. They also revealed that the preparation, the activities and the evaluation are important moments to implement Comenius project and that all the projects are included in the School policy. The biggest difficulties had to do with the school organization, with the coordination work and with the lack of motivation and of participation of some colleagues. It is suggested that schools should implement more Comenius projects, because they can lead to a more democratic, flexible, motivating and European School.


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This study focused on the leadership perceptions of 6 department heads, the conditions for their leadership role and their strategies, and supports for navigating their role. Research participants engaged in 2 sets of semistructured interviews; this resulted in a wealth of richly detailed data. It is clear that department heads do act as teacher leaders, even if they do not use this language to discuss their roles. Five elements of the role of the department head as teacher leader unfolded. The research participants perceived their leadership role to be rooted in teaching. They noted their management and leadership roles. They recognized the importance of support for their work and the support that they provide to others. In addition, they provided an overview of key strategies that they implement to lead in their individualized contexts. Department heads also noted the difficulties associated with their position and the effects that these challenges have on them as individuals. This research has resulted in a number of key recommendations for stakeholders. Department heads themselves need to openly discus's their leadership role with their colleagues and their administrators. In turn, administrators need to develop a deeper understanding of the role along with the potential for balkanization in schools. In addition, unions, school districts, and professional bodies need to develop a system of support for department heads and other teacher leaders. With ongoing meaningful communication and professional development, department heads will be more fully recognized as teacher leaders.


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This paper presents a strategy to predict the lifetime of rails subjected to large rolling contact loads that induce ratchetting strains in the rail head. A critical element concept is used to calculate the number of loading cycles needed for crack initiation to occur in the rail head surface. In this technique the finite element method (FEM) is used to determine the maximum equivalent ratchetting strain per load cycle, which is calculated by combining longitudinal and shear stains in the critical element. This technique builds on a previously developed critical plane concept that has been used to calculate the number of cycles to crack initiation in rolling contact fatigue under ratchetting failure conditions. The critical element concept simplifies the analytical difficulties of critical plane analysis. Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to identify the critical element in the mesh, and then the strain values of the critical element are used to calculate the ratchetting rate analytically. Finally, a ratchetting criterion is used to calculate the number of cycles to crack initiation from the ratchetting rate calculated.


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A number of factors are thought to increase the risk of serious psychiatric disorder, including a family history of mental health issues and/or childhood trauma. As a result, some mental health advocates argue for a pre-emptive approach that includes the use of powerful anti-psychotic medication with young people considered at-risk of developing bipolar disorder or psychosis. This controversial approach is enabled and, at the same time, obscured by medical discourses that speak of promoting and maintaining youth “wellbeing”, however, there are inherent dangers both to the pre-emptive approach and in its positioning within the discourse of wellbeing. This chapter critically engages with these dangers by drawing on research with “at-risk” children and young people enrolled in special schools for disruptive behaviour. The stories told by these highly diagnosed and heavily medicated young people act as a cautionary tale to counter the increasingly common perception that pills and “Dr Phil’s” can cure social ills.


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Debates around the importance of school ethos have gathered pace in recent years. Whilst it is not clear why this concept has become increasingly important in the educational vernacular the marketisation of education seems to have had some effect. As schools are forced to compete they have become concerned to identify and promote their 'Unique Selling Points' as a means of attracting and maintaining a long term 'customer' base. Defining a school in terms of its particular 'ethos' therefore offers a useful means of identifying and encapsulating the particular strengths of the school. It is thus not uncommon for heads to market their schools on the basis of their endorsing a 'liberal ethos' a 'caring ethos' or a 'sporting ethos' (Gardner, 2003).

The purpose of this chapter is to use empirical evidence to explore the meaning of a 'pluralist ethos' or 'integrated ethos', within the integrated school context in Northern Ireland.


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This article examines operational Private Finance Initiative (PFI) school projects and reports the experiences of UK headteachers. It considers the impact of project size on value for money (VFM). Headteachers involved in small projects are more satisfied with costs than those involved in large projects, but headteachers involved in larger projects are more satisfied with affordability. Generally, heads are more satisfied with the buildings than with the services. The authors question the government’s recent policy changes to increase the size of PFI projects.


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This paper argues that an understanding of ethos is essential for appreciating the process of policy implementation in schools. Whilst educational literature consistently refers to the importance of ethos as a means of understanding the distinctive nature of schools, there is little exploration of school ethos as an effective mediator of policy. Drawing on qualitative data collected in three primary schools it will be demonstrated how ethos can act as a bridge or a barrier to the successful construction of the model of collaborative relationships between school governors and heads, as set out by the education reform legislation of the late 1980s


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This paper evaluates the long-run effects of economic instability. In particular, we study the impact of idiosyncratic shocks to father’s income on children’s human capital accumulation variables such as school drop-outs, repetition rates and domestic and non-domestic labor. Although, the problem of child labor in Brazil has declined greatly during the last decade, the number of children working is still substantial. The low levels of educational attainment in Brazil are also a main cause for concern. The large rotating panel data set used allows for the estimation of the impacts of changes in occupational and income status of fathers on changes in his child’s time allocation circumstances. The empirical analysis is restricted to families with fathers, mothers and at least one child between 10 and 15 years of age in the main Brazilian metropolitan areas during the 1982-1999 period. We perform logistic regressions controlling for child characteristics (gender, age, if he/she is behind in school for age), parents characteristics (grade attainment and income) and time and location variables. The main variables analyzed are dynamic proxies of impulses and responses, namely: shocks to household head’s income and unemployment status, on the one hand and child’s probability of dropping out of school, of repeating a grade and of start working, on the other. The findings suggest that father’s income has a significant positive correlation with child’s dropping out of school and of repeating a grade. The findings do not suggest a significant relationship between a father’s becoming unemployed and a child entering the non-domestic labor market. However, the results demonstrate a significant positive relationship between a father becoming unemployed and a child beginning to work in domestic labor. There was also a positive correlation between father becoming unemployed and a child dropping out and repeating a grade. Both gender and age were highly significant with boys and older children being more likely to work, drop-out and repeat grades.


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Introduction: HEADS UP {Health Education And Discovering Science while Unlocking Potential} aims to improve health literacy and increase student interest in health science careers by providing cutting-edge content from world-renowned researchers in the Texas Medical Center and beyond to the K-12 school community. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Introduction: The Virtual Molecular Biology Lab is an innovative, computer-based educational program designed to teach advanced high school biology students how to create a transgenic mouse model in a simulated laboratory setting. It was created in an effort to combat the current decrease in adolescent enthusiasm for and academic achievement in science and science careers, especially in Hispanic students. Because studies have found that hands-on learning, particularly computer-based instruction, is effective in enhancing science achievement, the Virtual Lab is a potential tool for increasing the number of Hispanic students that choose to enter science fields. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Objective. To evaluate the HEADS UP Virtual Molecular Biology Lab, a computer-based simulated laboratory designed to teach advanced high school biology students how to create a mouse model. ^ Design. A randomized clinical control design of forty-four students from two science magnet high schools in Mercedes, Texas was utilized to assess knowledge and skills of molecular laboratory procedures, attitudes towards science and computers as a learning tool, and usability of the program. ^ Measurements. Data was collected using five paper-and-pencil formatted questionnaires and an internal "lab notebook." ^ Results. The Virtual Lab was found to significantly increase student knowledge over time (p<0.005) and with each use (p<0.001) as well as positively increase attitudes towards computers (p<0.001) and skills (p<0.005). No significant differences were seen in science attitude scores.^ Conclusion. These results provide evidence that the HEADS UP Virtual Molecular Biology Lab is a potentially effective educational tool for high school molecular biology education.^