988 resultados para School graduation
OBJECTIVES: The Shape of Training report recommended that full registration is aligned with medical school graduation. As part of a General Medical Council-funded study about the preparedness for practice of UK medical graduates, we explored UK stakeholders' views about this proposal using qualitative interviews (30 group and 87 individual interviews) and Framework Analysis.
SETTING: Four UK study sites, one in each country.Save
PARTICIPANTS: 185 individuals from eight stakeholder groups: (1) foundation year 1 (F1) doctors (n=34); (2) fully registered trainee doctors (n=33); (3) clinical educators (n=32); (4) undergraduate/postgraduate Deans, and Foundation Programme Directors (n=30); (5) other healthcare professionals (n=13); (6) employers (n=7); (7) policy and government (n=11); (8) patient and public representatives (n=25).
RESULTS: We identified four main themes: (1) The F1 year as a safety net: patients were protected by close trainee supervision and 'sign off' to prevent errors; trainees were provided with a safe environment for learning on the job; (2) Implications for undergraduate medical education: if the proposal was accepted, a 'radical review' of undergraduate curricula would be needed; undergraduate education might need to be longer; (3) Implications for F1 work practice: steps to protect healthcare team integration and ensure that F1 doctors stay within competency limits would be required; (4) Financial, structural and political implications: there would be cost implications for trainees; clarification of responsibilities between undergraduate and postgraduate medical education would be needed. Typically, each theme comprised arguments for and against the proposal.
CONCLUSIONS: A policy change to align the timing of full registration with graduation would require considerable planning and preliminary work. These findings will inform policymakers' decision-making. Regardless of the decision, medical students should take on greater responsibility for patient care as undergraduates, assessment methods in clinical practice and professionalism domains need development, and good practice in postgraduate supervision and support must be shared.
Grant Chapman, University of Southern California Law School graduation, 1925.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Judge Advocate General's School graduation banquet
Over the past one hundred years, interscholastic athletic programs have evolved to a place of prominence in both public and private education across America. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) estimates that approximately 3.96 million males and 2.80 million females participated in organized high school athletic programs during the 2001–2002 school year at over 17 thousand public and private high schools. The popularity of interscholastic athletic programs has resulted in continuous investigations of the relationship between high school athletic programs and academic performance. ^ The present study extends earlier investigations by examining the relation of athletic participation to several indicators of academic performance for senior high school students. This research examined: (a) average daily attendance of varsity athletes and non-athletes; (b) final cumulative grade point average; and (c) test scores on the tenth grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FLAT) in both reading and in mathematics. ^ Data were collected on 2081 randomly selected male and female high school students identified as athletes or non-athletes at ten public senior high schools in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools district. The results of the overall analyses showed a positive and significant relationship between athletic participation and educational performance. On average, athletes were absent fewer days from school per year than non-athletes and athletes earned a significantly higher cumulative grade point average than their non-athlete peers. A significant statistical difference was also found in the tenth grade FCAT test scores in both reading and mathematics for athletes and non-athletes when eighth grade FCAT test scores in reading and mathematics were used as co-variates. Athletes earned significantly higher Grade 10 FCAT test scores in both reading and mathematics than non-athletes. ^ Although cause and effect cannot be inferred from this study, the findings do indicate the potentially beneficial value of athletic programs in public secondary education. The study concluded that Florida high school graduation requirements might seriously consider the role of interscholastic athletic programs as a valid and essential extra-curricular activity. ^
Understanding the language of one’s cultural environment is important for effective communication and function. As such, students entering U.S. schools from foreign countries are given access to English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs and they are referred to as English Language Learner (ELL) students. This dissertation examined the correlation of ELL ACCESS Composite Performance Level (CPL) score to the End of Course tests (EOCTs) and the Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGTs) in the four content courses (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies). A premise of this study was that English language proficiency is critical in meeting or exceeding state and county assessment standards. A quantitative descriptive research design was conducted using Cross-sectional archival data from a secondary source. There were 148 participants from school years 2011-2012 to 2013- 2014 from Grades 9-12. A Pearson product moment correlation was run to assess the relationship between the ACCESS CPL (independent variable) and the EOCT scores and the GHSGT scores (dependent variables). The findings showed that there was a positive correlation between ACCESS CPL scores and the EOCT scores where language arts showed a strong positive correlation and mathematics showed a positive weak correlation. Also, there was a positive correlation between ACCESS CPL scores and GHSGT scores where language arts showed a weak positive correlation. The results of this study indicated that that there is a relationship between the stated variables, ACCESS CPL, EOCT and GHSGT. Also, the results of this study showed that there were positive correlations at varying degrees for each grade levels. While the null hypothesis for Research Question 1 and Research Question 2 were rejected, there was a slight relationship between the variables.
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine how four high schools used an Early Warning Indicator Report (EWIR) to improve ninth grade promotion rates. Ninth grade on-time promotion is an early predictor of a student’s likelihood to graduate (Bornsheuer, Polonyi, Andrews, Fore, & Onwuegbuzie, 2011; Leckrone & Griffith, 2006; Roderick, Kelley-Kemple, Johnson, & Beechum, 2014; Zvoch, 2006). The analysis revealed both similarities and differences in the ways that the four schools used the EWIR. The research took place in a large urban school district in the Mid-Atlantic. Sixteen participants from four high schools and the district’s central office voluntarily participated in face-to-face interviews. The researcher utilized a qualitative case study method to examine the implementation of the EWIR system in Wyatt School District. The interview data was transcribed and analyzed, along with district documents, to identify categories in this cross case analysis. Three primary themes emerged from the data: (1) targeted school structures for EWIR implementation, (2) the EWIR identified necessary supports for students, and (3) the central office support for school staff. The findings revealed the various ways that the target schools implemented the EWIR in their buildings and the level of support that they received from the central office that aided them in using the EWIR to improve ninth grade promotion rates. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher provided a number of key recommendations: (1) Districts should provide professional development to schools to ensure that schools have the support they need to implement the EWIR successfully; (2) There should be increased accountability from the central office for schools using the EWIR to identify impactful interventions for ninth graders; and (3) The district needs to assign dedicated central office staff to support the implementation of the EWIR in high schools across the district. As schools continue to face the challenge of improving ninth grade promotion rates, effective use of an Early Warning Indicator Report is recommended to provide school and district staff with data needed to impact overall student performance.
Esta tese objetiva a análise de provas discursivas de Língua Portuguesa de vestibulares, na perspectiva da leitura, focando a compreensão de texto, suas estratégias e os conhecimentos prévios necessários ao egresso do Ensino Médio. São analisadas as provas discursivas de Língua Portuguesa da UERJ, UNIRIO, UFF e UFRJ, realizadas nos vestibulares 2006, 2007 e 2008. Parte-se das seguintes hipóteses: as provas solicitam conhecimentos prévios baseados nos programas, habilidades e competências a serem desenvolvidos no nível médio; a dificuldade apresentada na realização das questões está relacionada não só ao conhecimento disciplinar de língua portuguesa, mas também à capacidade/estratégia de leitura dos enunciados e à dificuldade de seleção e interação de diferentes conhecimentos específicos relacionados ao seu uso pragmático. A partir de tais hipóteses, propõem-se os seguintes objetivos: levantar os conhecimentos específicos relativos ao ensino de língua portuguesa; compreender a relação do processo de leitura na ativação do conhecimento prévio; relacionar o processo de avaliação do vestibular ao contexto da educação básica; buscar explicação para as questões com nota média baixa. Para atingir os objetivos, contextualiza-se o ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Ensino Médio; aborda-se a leitura, no viés da compreensão de texto, focalizando principalmente conhecimentos prévios e inferências; faz-se uma breve história do vestibular, seus objetivos e seu papel; a seguir, analisam-se as provas indicadas, levantando-se conhecimento prévio, habilidades e competências envolvidas no processo de compreensão de texto. As principais conclusões são: as questões das provas analisadas estão de acordo com os programas publicados pelas universidades e com os PCNs; o nível de exigência é graduado, conforme as competências e habilidades variadas; o conhecimento prévio organizado e esquematizado é fundamental para a realização de inferências adequadas
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo implementar e avaliar um programa de inserção de jovens com deficiência intelectual em atividades laborais na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.Para tal, foi utilizado o conceito de emprego customizado, que baseia-se na criação e/ou adaptação de postos de trabalho em empresas e outras instituições, se adequando a demanda do empregadorcom as habilidades do sujeito com deficiência, de forma a criar uma função que atenda às necessidades de ambas as partes. Um dos procedimentos da customização do trabalho é o Perfil Pessoal Positivo PPP, uma estratégia para traçar as habilidades e dificuldades dos jovens e adultos com deficiência, de forma a facilitar sua inserção no mercado de trabalho e outros espaços sociais. Participaram da pesquisa quatro jovens com deficiência intelectual, denominados treinandos indicados pelos professores de uma escola especial da rede pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, oriundos decursos de formação inicial e continuada em auxiliar de serviços gerais e auxiliar de contínuo-reprografia. Utilizou-se a metodologia de pesquisa-ação, com dados colhidos através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos com deficiência intelectual e os funcionários da Faculdade de Educação, assim como observação de seu desempenho. Como dados complementares, também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as mães dos jovens e os funcionários da Faculdade de Educação que aturaram diretamente com os treinandos. As entrevistas iniciais com os treinandos serviram como base para traçar seu o PPP, e determinar que atividades seriam mais adequadas para eles. Já as realizadas com os gestores da Faculdade, visaram compreender a dinâmica de funcionamento e as necessidades de trabalho da instituição.A elaboração do PPPpermitiu romperas barreiras impostas pelas exigências do mercado de trabalho, como escolarização mínima, capacitação, entre outras, pois, compreendendo as características do sujeito, é possível encontrar funções laborais que se adequem às suas singularidades e, ao mesmo tempo, atendam às necessidades do empregador. Concluímos, com base nos dados colhidos, que analisar o ambiente de trabalho com o objetivo de oferecer mão deobra adequada para a demanda é pré-requisito para a contratação e inclusão laboral de pessoas com deficiência. A customização do emprego contribui para a eliminação das barreiras atitudinais e preconceitos, aumentando as probabilidades de um desempenho e produção laboral satisfatória, beneficiando, tanto a instituição quanto o funcionário.
In dem Bildungsbericht [von Dessau-Roßlau] wurden thematische Schwerpunkte festgelegt, die sich weitestgehend auf das formale Lernen in Institutionen beziehen. Thematisch hat der Bildungsbericht die folgenden Schwerpunkte: Elementare Bildung, Allgemeinbildende Schulen, Berufsbildungssystem – Berufsbildende Schulen, Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung und informelles Lernen. Da insbesondere die Übergänge zwischen den Institutionen wichtige Punkte in der Bildungsbiographie sind, werden sie in den jeweiligen Kapiteln kurz anhand ihrer Besonderheiten und Auffälligkeiten beschrieben. Neben der allgemeinen Darstellung der Teilbereiche werden alle Bereiche in Bezug auf drei Einflussfaktoren untersucht: Demographischer Wandel, Soziale Ungleichheit, Geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheit. Diese drei Themenkomplexe sind als Querschnittsthemen allen Schwerpunkten vorangestellt und beschreiben, welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Faktoren haben bzw. wie groß ihr Einfluss auf die Teilbereiche ist. (DIPF/Orig.)
Mit dem vorliegenden kommunalen Bildungsbericht 2013 legt die Stadt Dessau-Roßlau nach 2011 zum zweiten Mal eine Bestandsaufnahme der Bildungslandschaft Dessau-Roßlau vor. Damit ist die Bildungsberichterstattung im Programm „Lernen vor Ort“ zu einem wichtigen Baustein und Planungsinstrument geworden. Der Bildungsbericht ist gleichzeitig eine Einladung an alle Interessierten durch die konstruktive Auseinandersetzung mit den Ergebnissen die nächsten Schritte in eine zukunftsfähige Bildungslandschaft mitzugestalten. (DIPF/Orig.)
Der Bericht "Erziehung und Bildung in Offenbach. Bericht 2015" (EBO), herausgegeben von Stadt Offenbach am Main, wird zum 9. Mal veröffentlicht. Erstmals wurden Daten der integrierten Ausbildungsberichterstattung für Hessen (iABE) einbezogen. Sie ermöglichen eine wohnortspezifische Analyse der Übergänge von der Sekundarstufe I in unterschiedliche Zielbereiche, wie z.B. Berufsabschluss oder Hochschulreife. Der EBO 2015 bietet vermehrt Zeitreihen, um langfristige Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich darzustellen. Der Standortbestimmung dienen darüber hinaus interkommunale Vergleiche. Der EBO beinhaltet seit dem Bericht 2009 den von der Jugendhilfeplanung entwickelten „Index bildungsrelevanter sozialer Belastung“. Mit diesem können besondere pädagogischen Bedarfe in den 14 Grundschulbezirken ermittelt und faire, d.h. die unterschiedlichen Anteile bildungsbenachteiligter Schüler/-innen berücksichtigende, Schulleistungsvergleiche ermöglicht werden. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse rücken erstmals die Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund in den Fokus: So fällt auf, dass im Übergang Grundschule/Gymnasium die Übergangsquote bei Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund um 15 Prozentpunkte niedriger liegt als die der Mädchen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Sie liegt sogar knapp unter der Übergangsquote der Jungen mit Migrationshintergrund. Eine Erklärung dafür, dass die Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund beim Übergang zum Gymnasium nicht zu den Bildungsgewinnern zählen, steht aber aus. Der Bericht verdeutlicht auch, dass der Bereich der Sprachförderung in allen Bildungsbereichen – „lebenslang“ – in der Kommune eine herausragende Rolle spielt. Der Bericht greift Linien des "Orientierungsrahmen für Bildungsentwicklung“ der Stadt Offenbach" auf. Der Prozess und die Erarbeitung wurden erstmals von der Fachstelle Bildungskoordinierung und Beratung federführend koordiniert. (DIPF/Autor)
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of 5 stakeholder groups—students, parents, community organization representatives, guidance counsellors, and secondary school principals—in dealing with a mandatory secondary school graduation requirement in Ontario. The requirement is that students must complete 40 hours of eligible community involvement activities during their high school years in order to graduate. Ten stakeholders were interviewed regarding the nature of the community involvement program, what makes it work, and suggestions for improvement. The study found that although this program has the potential to provide a meaningful experience for students, and students are seen to gain from their experience in multiple ways, it depends substantially on the commitment of students, educators, and community organizations to make it worthwhile. Stakeholders recommended changes to the current program, which included making it a more structured process that would increase the consistency ofhow this program is implemented, finding ways to curb cheating and to reduce the administrative burden on schools, having more support from the Ontario provincial government and Ontario Ministry of Education and Training in the promotion and communication of this program, and developing partnerships between community organizations and schools to enrich the application of this program. This study concludes with a recommendation that the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training consider introducing Service-Learning, a curriculum-based experiential service and learning process, as an enhancement to the current community involvement program.
Norah and Fred Fisher welcomed John Fisher into the world on November 29, 1912, not knowing what an influential role he would play in shaping Canada's history. John Fisher grew up as the middle child of five brothers and sisters in Frosty Hollow, New Brunswick, close to today’s town of Sackville. Sackville’s main industry was the Enterprise Foundry which the Fisher family owned and operated; however, Fisher had no plans of going into the family business. He was more inspired by his maternal grandfather, Dr. Cecil Wiggins, who lived with the family after retiring from the Anglican ministry. Wiggins encouraged all his grandchildren to be well read and to take part in discussions on current events. There were often visitors in the Fisher household taking part in discussions about politics, religion, and daily life. Fisher forced himself to take part in these conversations to help overcome his shyness in social settings. These conversations did help with his shyness and also in forming many opinions and observations about Canada. It put Fisher on the road to becoming Mr. Canada and delivering the many eloquent speeches for which he was known. Fisher did not venture far from home to complete his first degree. In 1934 he graduated from Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB with an Arts degree. The same year Fisher enrolled in Dalhousie’s law school. During his time at Dalhousie, Fisher discovered radio through Hugh Mills. Mills or “Uncle Mel” was on CHNS, Halifax’s only radio station at the time. Fisher began by making appearences on the radio drama show. By 1941 he had begun writing and broadcasting his own works and joined the staff as an announcer and continuity writer. In 1936 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was formed, the first National radio station. Fisher joined the CBC shortly after it’s beginning and remained with them, as well as the Halifax Herald newspaper, even after his law school graduation in 1937. By 1943 Fisher’s talks became a part of the CBC’s programming for a group of maritime radio stations. Fisher once described his talks as follows “my talks weren’t meant to be objective. . . they were meant to be favourable. They were ‘pride builders’” He began his famed John Fisher Reports at CBC Toronto when he transfered there shortly after the war. This program brought emmence pride to the fellow Canadians he spoke about leading to approximately 3500 requests per year to speak at banquets and meeting throughout Canada and the United States. Fisher was a well travelled indivdual who would draw on personal experiences to connect with his audience. His stories were told in simple, straight forward language for anyone to enjoy. He became a smooth, dynamic and passionate speaker who sold Canada to Canadians. He became a renowned journalist, folk historian, writer and broadcaster. Fisher was able to reach a vast array of people through his radio work and build Canadian pride, but he did not stop there. Other ways Fisher has contributed to Canada and the Canadian people include: Honoured by five Canadian Universities. 1956, became the Director of the Canadian Tourist Association. 1961, was appointed Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Canada. 1963, Commissioner of the Centennial Commission (the Federal Agency Responsible for Canada’s 100th birthday) 1968, received the Service Medal , a coveted Order of Canada. President of John Fisher Enterprises Ltd., private consultant work, specializing in Centennial planning, broadcasts, lectures and promotion. John Fisher continued recording radio broadcasts even after his diagnosis with cancer. He would record 3 or 4 at a time so he was free to travel across Canada, the U.S., Europe and Mexico in search of treatments. Fisher passed away from the disease on February 15, 1981 and he is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto.