62 resultados para Schisandra henryi


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五味子科(Schisandraceae)隶属于木兰亚纲八角目(Illiciales),为攀缘藤本,花单性,雌雄异株或同株。近年来分子系统学的研究结果显示,一个包括八角目在内的所谓ANITA类群(Amborellaceae – Nymphaeales – Illiciales – Trimeniaceae - Austrobaileyaceae)代表了被子植物最基部的类群。这使得五味子科成为解决原始被子植物起源和演化问题的重要类群之一,而倍受关注。作为被子植物的原始类群,其繁育系统、传粉生物学和种子传播等方面的知识对于理解被子植物起源和基部各大类群之间的系统发育关系是至关重要的,而五味子科在这些方面的研究几乎还是空白。本研究选取几种代表不同雄蕊群类型的五味子科植物,对其进行传粉生物学和种子散播方式的研究,在此基础上讨论了该科植物和早期被子植物的传粉机制和种子散播机制。 1.翼梗五味子的传粉生物学 翼梗五味子是严格的雌雄异株。雄花在颜色、形状和大小上都与雌花非常相似,但是数量明显多于雌花。在开放后,雌雄花的花被片都不完全张开,把雄蕊群和雌蕊群包在其中,花被片和雄蕊群或雌蕊群之间的空隙非常狭小。翼梗五味子的花不能产热,不能散发出花香,也不分泌花蜜。翼梗五味子的传粉者只有Megommata sp.(瘿蚊科)的雌性成虫,花粉是对传粉者的唯一回报。Megommata sp.访问翼梗五味子的雄花摄取花粉作为其卵巢发育或产卵所需的额外营养,而雌花则是通过模拟雄花的形态来吸引昆虫的。绿叶五味子的传粉机制与翼梗五味子相似,也是雌花模拟雄花的形态欺骗昆虫访花。这种欺骗性传粉在基部被子植物是普遍存在的。 2.南五味子的传粉生物学 南五味子是雌雄同株。雌雄花的花被片都是黄色,子房绿色,雄蕊有黄色和红色两种颜色,开黄色雄花的和开红色雄花的植株在所研究的14个居群中都是随机分布的。南五味子的雌雄花都是在晚上开放,并能散发出强烈的花香,红色雄花、黄色雄花和雌花的花香成分非常相似,主要成分都是丁酸甲酯 (methyl butyrate)。南五味子的雌雄花还可以产生热量。南五味子的传粉者只有一种昆虫-- Megommata sp.(瘿蚊科),它们的访花时间与花香的散发时间以及花热产生的时间基本吻合,都集中在花开后的4-5小时内。在南五味子中,花香在吸引传粉者上起着决定性作用,花热可以增强花香的散发,而花色则不起作用。花粉是南五味子对Megommata sp.的唯一的回报,雌花利用与雄花相同的诱物(花香和花热)来吸引传粉者,因此南五味子的传粉系统也是一种欺骗性传粉。 3.五味子科植物的传粉系统 五味子科植物的花一般比较小,花器官多而不定,螺旋状排列。五味子科不存在风媒传粉,传粉昆虫主要是双翅目昆虫和甲虫类。翼梗五味子、南五味子、绿叶五味子只是由瘿蚊科Megommata属的一种昆虫来传粉的,表现出一种专化地传粉系统。而Schisandra glabra则有多种昆虫参与传粉,表现出泛化的传粉系统。以瘿蚊为媒介的传粉系统中,只有雄花能为昆虫提供报酬,而雌花则是通过模拟雄花来欺骗昆虫访花的。在这个欺骗性传粉系统中,味觉和视觉线索对瘿蚊都是很重要的,五味子的雌花可以通过模拟雄花的形态或者通过散发出与雄花相同的花香气味来吸引传粉者的。在泛化传粉的系统中,花粉、柱头和花被片都可作为昆虫的食物,并且S.glabra花还可以为昆虫提供栖息或交配场所。 五味子科植物的传粉模式符合“菌蚊类昆虫传粉综合征”。这个传粉综合征的特点是:植物一般具有较小的两性花或单性花、能散发强烈的花香、能够产生花热;传粉昆虫是菌蚊科、瘿蚊科和其他长角亚目的昆虫;欺骗性传粉;具有自交不亲和现象。Austrobaileyales 分支中的各类群和睡莲科植物都适合这个传粉综合征。 4.五味子科植物的种子散播 五味子的果实都是由小浆果组成的聚合果,五味子属的果实是长穗状,南五味子属的呈球形。成熟小浆果的颜色从红色到紫红色;具有中等大小的种子。翼梗五味子的果实是以小浆果为单位脱落的,整个脱落过程仅持续13天,种子是由鸟类和哺乳类散播的。异形南五味子和南五味子的聚合果虽然都是球形的,但是异形南五味子的果实和种子比南五味子大得多;它们的果实脱落和种子散播方式有很大差异,异形南五味子是整个聚合果脱落,脱落时间集中在20天内,而南五味子是以小浆果为单位脱落,脱落时间可长达4个月之久。异形南五味子的种子很可能是通过鸟类来散播的,而南五味子则没有发现有效的种子散播者。在五味子科内,果实形态总的进化趋势是由短到长,南五味子属所具有的球形聚合果很可能代表了五味子科果实的祖先性状。五味子科植物果实形状的进化可能最少要经历两个过程。在白垩纪和第三纪的交界期前后,由于气候和植被的变化,一些五味子类群的果实和种子变大;而后在第三纪,随着特化的果实散播者如鸟类和鼠类的出现,五味子科一些种类的花托在果期明显变长,球形聚合果进化成长穗状聚合果。


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Crickets have two tympanal membranes on the tibiae of each foreleg. Among several field cricket species of the genus Gryllus (Gryllinae), the posterior tympanal membrane (PTM) is significantly larger than the anterior membrane (ATM). Laser Doppler vibrometric measurements have shown that the smaller ATM does not respond as much as the PTM to sound. Hence the PTM has been suggested to be the principal tympanal acoustic input to the auditory organ. In tree crickets (Oecanthinae), the ATM is slightly larger than the PTM. Both membranes are structurally complex, presenting a series of transverse folds on their surface, which are more pronounced on the ATM than on the PTM. The mechanical response of both membranes to acoustic stimulation was investigated using microscanning laser Doppler vibrometry. Only a small portion of the membrane surface deflects in response to sound. Both membranes exhibit similar frequency responses, and move out of phase with each other, producing compressions and rarefactions of the tracheal volume backing the tympanum. Therefore, unlike field crickets, tree crickets may have four instead of two functional tympanal membranes. This is interesting in the context of the outstanding question of the role of spiracular inputs in the auditory system of tree crickets.


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 目的:从小花五味子中发现具有抗HIV 活性的化学成分。方法:采用多种柱层析分离进行化合物的分离 和纯化,通过波谱分析鉴定化合物的结构,化合物的抗HIV21 活性通过对HIV21 感染C8166 细胞致细胞病变的抑制试验得 到。结果:从小花五味子的茎藤部分分离得到了4 个木脂素,分别鉴定为micrantherin A (1) , gomisin K3 (2) , gomisin G (3) 和 vladinol F (4) 。化合物4 具有显著的抗HIV21 活性,IC50 = 3151μg/ mL ,选择指数为27145。结论:化合物1 为新的木脂素, 化合物4 的抗HIV21 活性值得进一步研究。


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Two new highly oxygenated nortriterpenoids with a unique norcycloartane skeleton, micrandilactones B and C (1-2), were isolated from Schisandra micrantha; micrandilactone C ( 2) exhibited an EC50 value of 7.71 mu g/mL (SI > 25.94) against HIV-1 replication with minimal cytotoxicity, and the potent anti-HIV-1 activity and unique structural features of 2 make it a promising lead for therapeutic development of a new generation of anti-HIV drug.


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Lancifodilactone G (1), a novel, highly oxygenated nortriterpenoid featuring a partial enol structure and a spirocyclic moiety, was isolated from the medicinal plant Schisandra lancifolia. Its structure and stereochemistry were determined from extensive one- and two-dimensional NMR and mass spectral data, coupled with single-crystal X-ray analysis. Compound 1 exerted minimal cytotoxicity against C8166 cells (CC50 > 200 mu g/mL) and showed anti-HIV activity with EC50 = 95.47 +/- 14.19 mu g/mL and a selectivity index in the range of 1.82-2.46.


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Lancifodilactone F (1), possessing an unprecedented rearranged pentanortriterpenoid backbone derived from cycloartane, was isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra lancifolia (Rehd. et Wils) A. C. Smith. Its structure was established by comprehensive NMR and MS spectroscopic analysis, coupled with single-crystal X-ray experiment. Compound 1 exerted minimal cytotoxicity against C8166 cells (CC50 > 200 mu g/mL) and showed anti-HIV activity with EC50 = 20.69 +/- 3.31 mu g/mL and a selectivity index > 6.62.


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Six new nortriterpenoids, lancifodilactones 1-N (1-6), as well as nine known ones, were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra lancifolia. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic methods including 2D NMR analysis, and the


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Two novel nortriterpenoid compounds, sphenadilactones A (1) and B (2), have been isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra sphenanthera. The structural elucidation of 1 and 2 was accomplished by extensive NMR analysis. The relative stereochemistry


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A new trinorcycloartane triterpenoid, lancifodilactone H (1), and a new A ring-secocycloartane triterpenoid, lancifoic acid A (2), together with a known compound, nigranoic acid (3), were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra lancifolia. Their


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Rubriflordilactones A (1) and B (2), two novel highly unsaturated rearranged bisnortriterpenoids possessing a biosynthetically modified aromatic D-ring, were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra rubriflora. Their structures were established on