933 resultados para Scale-free network


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In this paper, we revisit the issue of the public goods game (PGG) on a heterogeneous graph. By introducing a new effective topology parameter, 'degree grads' phi, we clearly classify the agents into three kinds, namely, C-0, C-1, and D. The mechanism for the heterogeneous topology promoting cooperation is discussed in detail from the perspective of C0C1D, which reflects the fact that the unreasoning imitation behaviour of C-1 agents, who are 'cheated' by the well-paid C-0 agents inhabiting special positions, stabilizes the formation of the cooperation community. The analytical and simulation results for certain parameters are found to coincide well with each other. The C0C1D case provides a picture of the actual behaviours in real society and thus is potentially of interest.


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Large-degree nodes in scale-free networks are normally responsible for large cascades of epidemics. However, recent research shows small-degree nodes can also produce large-scale epidemics in the real world. In this letter, we investigate the relation between local and global influence of individuals in scale-free network in order to theoretically explain this real-world phenomenon. The local influence of an individual corresponds to the node degree, and the global influence of an individual reflects the expected number of individuals directly or indirectly influenced by this individual in epidemics. We formalize the later as the novel epidemic betweenness concept, to mathematically estimate the global influence of individuals. Our analysis shows that the global influence follows power-law distributions in scale-free networks. We also observe that the average global influence of individuals is power-law to the degree of nodes, which well explains the reason why large-degree nodes are more likely to produce large cascades of epidemics. In addition, we discover that some smalldegree nodes also possess large global influence in terms of epidemics betweenness. This well explains the counter-intuitive phenomenon in recent research.


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Range and load play key roles in the problem of attacks on links in random scale-free (RSF) networks. In this paper we obtain the approximate relation between range and load in RSF networks by the generating function theory, and then give an estimation about the impact of attacks on the efficiency of the network. The results show that short-range attacks are more destructive for RSF networks, and are confirmed numerically.


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In this paper, scale-free networks and their functional robustness with respect to structural perturbations of the network are studied. Two types of perturbations are distinguished: random perturbations and attacks. The robustness of directed and undirected scale-free networks is studied numerically for two different measures and the obtained results are compared. For random perturbations, the results indicate that the strength of the perturbation plays a crucial role. In general, directed scale-free networks are more robust than undirected scale-free networks.


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An explosive synchronization can be observed in scale-free networks when Kuramoto oscillators have natural frequencies equal to their number of connections. The present paper reports on mean-field approximations to determine the critical coupling of such explosive synchronization. It has been verified that the equation obtained for the critical coupling has an inverse dependence on the network average degree. This expression differs from those whose frequency distributions are unimodal and even. In this case, the critical coupling depends on the ratio between the first and second statistical moments of the degree distribution. Numerical simulations were also conducted to verify our analytical results.


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This paper presents an algorithm for generating scale-free networks with adjustable clustering coefficient. The algorithm is based on a random walk procedure combined with a triangle generation scheme which takes into account genetic factors; this way, preferential attachment and clustering control are implemented using only local information. Simulations are presented which support the validity of the scheme, characterizing its tuning capabilities.


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In studies of complex heterogeneous networks, particularly of the Internet, significant attention was paid to analysing network failures caused by hardware faults or overload. There network reaction was modelled as rerouting of traffic away from failed or congested elements. Here we model network reaction to congestion on much shorter time scales when the input traffic rate through congested routes is reduced. As an example we consider the Internet where local mismatch between demand and capacity results in traffic losses. We describe the onset of congestion as a phase transition characterised by strong, albeit relatively short-lived, fluctuations of losses caused by noise in input traffic and exacerbated by the heterogeneous nature of the network manifested in a power-law load distribution. The fluctuations may result in the network strongly overreacting to the first signs of congestion by significantly reducing input traffic along the communication paths where congestion is utterly negligible. © 2013 IEEE.


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Scale-free networks are often used to model a wide range of real-world networks, such as social, technological, and biological networks. Understanding the structure of scale-free networks evolves into a big data problem for business, management, and protein function prediction. In the past decade, there has been a surge of interest in exploring the properties of scale-free networks. Two interesting properties have attracted much attention: the assortative mixing and community structure. However, these two properties have been studied separately in either theoretical models or real-world networks. In this paper, we show that the structural features of communities are highly related with the assortative mixing in scale-free networks. According to the value of assortativity coefficient, scale-free networks can be categorized into assortative, disassortative, and neutral networks, respectively. We systematically analyze the community structure in these three types of scale-free networks through six metrics: node embeddedness, link density, hub dominance, community compactness, the distribution of community sizes, and the presence of hierarchical communities. We find that the three types of scale-free networks exhibit significant differences in these six metrics of community structures. First, assortative networks present high embeddedness, meaning that many links lying within communities but few links lying between communities. This leads to the high link density of communities. Second, disassortative networks exhibit great hubs in communities, which results in the high compactness of communities that nodes can reach each other via short paths. Third, in neutral networks, a big portion of links act as community bridges, so they display sparse and less compact communities. In addition, we find that (dis)assortative networks show hierarchical community structure with power-law-distributed community sizes, while neutral networks present no hierarchy. Understanding the structure of communities from the angle of assortative mixing patterns of nodes can provide insights into the network structure and guide us in modeling information propagation in different categories of scale-free networks.


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[EN]Based on the theoretical tools of Complex Networks, this work provides a basic descriptive study of a synonyms dictionary, the Spanish Open Thesaurus represented as a graph. We study the main structural measures of the network compared with those of a random graph. Numerical results show that Open-Thesaurus is a graph whose topological properties approximate a scale-free network, but seems not to present the small-world property because of its sparse structure. We also found that the words of highest betweenness centrality are terms that suggest the vocabulary of psychoanalysis: placer (pleasure), ayudante (in the sense of assistant or worker), and regular (to regulate).


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The simple efficiency model is developed on scale-free networks with communities to study the effect of the communities in complex networks on efficiency dynamics. For some parameters, we found that the state of system will transit from a stagnant phase to a growing phase as the strength of community decreases.


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Ubiquitous parallel computing aims to make parallel programming accessible to a wide variety of programming areas using deterministic and scale-free programming models built on a task abstraction. However, it remains hard to reconcile these attributes with pipeline parallelism, where the number of pipeline stages is typically hard-coded in the program and defines the degree of parallelism.

This paper introduces hyperqueues, a programming abstraction that enables the construction of deterministic and scale-free pipeline parallel programs. Hyperqueues extend the concept of Cilk++ hyperobjects to provide thread-local views on a shared data structure. While hyperobjects are organized around private local views, hyperqueues require shared concurrent views on the underlying data structure. We define the semantics of hyperqueues and describe their implementation in a work-stealing scheduler. We demonstrate scalable performance on pipeline-parallel PARSEC benchmarks and find that hyperqueues provide comparable or up to 30% better performance than POSIX threads and Intel's Threading Building Blocks. The latter are highly tuned to the number of available processing cores, while programs using hyperqueues are scale-free.


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Il cervello è una rete di cellule nervose connesse da assoni e le cellule stesse sono reti di molecole connesse da reazioni biochimiche. Anche le società sono reti di persone collegate da rapporti di amicizia, parentela e legami professionali. Su più larga scala, catene alimentari ed ecosistemi possono essere rappresentati come reti di specie viventi. E le reti pervadono la tecnologia: Internet, reti elettriche e sistemi di trasporto non sono che pochi degli esempi possibili. Anche il linguaggio che si sta usando in questo momento per veicolare questi ragionamenti a chi legge è una rete, fatta di parole connesse da relazioni sintattiche. A dispetto dell'importanza e della pervasività delle reti, gli scienziati hanno sempre avuto poca comprensione delle loro strutture e proprietà. In che modo le interazioni di alcuni nodi non funzionanti in una complessa rete genetica possono generare il cancro? Come può avvenire così rapidamente la diffusione in taluni sistemi sociali e di comunicazioni, portando ad epidemie di malattie e a virus informatici? Come possono alcune reti continuare a funzionare anche dopo che la maggioranza dei loro nodi ha, invece, smesso di farlo? [...] Le reti reali sono realmente casuali?