977 resultados para Savings directive


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This paper is situated within a theoretical discussion that asserts a positive correlation between indirectness and politeness, and uses these claims as a springboard for an examination of polite ways of issuing directives in eighteenth century Chinese. On the basis of an analysis of directive speech acts from dialogue in the novel Honglou meng, it argues that the concept of indirectness, as it applies to the illocutionary transparency of individual speech acts, has no particular value in the culture and language of eighteenth century Chinese men. It is found that other linguistic devices such as particles, the reduplication of verbs, terms of address, and the presence and sequencing of supportive moves are far more significant to the communication of politeness. The findings suggest a need to rethink current theoretical positions on this subject and move beyond the analysis of individual speech acts to examine the role discourse structure and management play in the enactment of politeness. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The European Union's (EU) decision to include aviation into the Emissions Trade Scheme was heatedly contested. Countries around the world, but mainly the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa group (BRICS) and the US, denounced the EU's initiate as illegal and unilateral. Following a decade of frustrated negotiations at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this paper interrogates why such measure, in principle climate-friendly, inspired so much global resentment. I argue that concerns with competitiveness and risks of legal inconsistency are important, but insufficient elements to explain the core of the conflict. The paper suggests that the EU was strongly criticized because third countries perceived this action as an imposed solution, which fostered an environment of distrust. Therefore, I claim that the problem has more to do with a normative divide than with a substantive divergence on what should be done regarding aviation emissions. My analysis is informed by the present literature on the links between trade and climate change, but gives particular weight to first-hand information through interviews with key stakeholders. The paper is divided in three parts. First, it presents the scope of the EU directive in historical perspective. Second, it explores the EU's measure through three different angles: legal, economical and political. The final part explores some possible solutions to overcome these divergences.


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This article has as main objective to evaluate the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs), in particular the eHealth (electronic health), in the implementation of the directive 2011/24/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9th, on the exercise of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare within Member States of European Union. Being currently underway the deadline for transposition of the Directive, it is important to analyze the probable results for national health systems. Innovatively, the Directive specifically proposes the implementation of a European network of eHealth in the provision of cross-border healthcare. Within ICT, we focus on telemedicine as a key tool for the implementation, on a context of public budgets constrains. In this context, it is assumed that the EU will support and promote cooperation and the exchange of scientific information between member states within the framework of a voluntary network composed by the national authorities responsible for health (or eHealth). We apply the S.W.O.T. (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis to forecast the main points that should be focused on deeper research. We discuss the technological, economic and social aspects of the use of ICT on the implementation of the directive. It is thus important to evaluate the context of ICT by S.W.O.T. tool to define strategies to sensitize policy-makers, health managers, and citizens, in order to be able to turn threats into opportunities and mitigating the weaknesses in the implementation of the Directive and to promote a better healthcare access for citizens, ensuring safe, effective healthcare and with different quality.


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Prémio - CEN/TC 287 AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN INSIRE 2012 Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive on Road Infrastructure in Portugal Inês Soares, aluna de Mestrado em engenharia civil do ISEL, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa e Paulo Martins, e o seu orientador, receberam um prémio europeu, no dia 27 de junho, em Istambul na Turquia, numa conferência internacional organizada pela Comissão Europeia e pelo governo Turco.  A jovem portuguesa foi escolhida entre cerca de 20 candidatos de vários países. Paulo Matos Martins, professor no ISEL, além de mentor do trabalho premiado, foi orientador de mestrado da aluna e explica que se trata de um estudo sobre a aplicação da Diretiva comunitária INSPIRE à infraestrutura rodoviária nacional que contou com a estreita colaboração do InIR, Instituto da Infraestrutura Rodoviária através da coorientação da engenheira Adelaide Costa e colaboração técnica do engenheiro Rui Luso Soares.  O projeto-piloto correspondeu à criação de uma aplicação informática que permite aceder a informação geográfica harmonizada relativa à infraestrutura rodoviária nacional, de acordo com as disposições de execução INSPIRE, dando cumprimento aos requisitos impostos pela Diretiva às entidades responsáveis por este tipo de informação, entre as quais se incluem diversos organismos públicos (podendo no futuro vir a incluir as autarquias), permitindo aos decisores políticos e a todos os cidadãos o fácil acesso a informação de qualidade sobre as infraestruturas, o território e o ambiente. 


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais


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Mestrado em Ciências Actuariais


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The Spanish savings banks attracted quite a considerable amount of interest within the scientific arena, especially subsequent to the disappearance of the regulatory constraints during the second decade of the 1980s. Nonetheless, a lack of research identified with respect to mainstream paths given by strategic groups, and the analysis of the total factor productivity. Therefore, on the basis of the resource-based view of the firm and cluster analysis, we make use of changes in structure and performance ratios in order to identify the strategic groups extant in the sector. We attain a threeways division, which we link with different input-output specifications defining strategic paths. Consequently, on the basis of these three dissimilar approaches we compute and decompose a Hicks-Moorsteen total factor productivity index. Obtained results put forward an interesting interpretation under a multi-strategic approach, together with the setbacks of employing cluster analysis within a complex strategic environment. Moreover, we also propose an ex-post method of analysing the outcomes of the decomposed total factor productivity index that could be merged with non-traditional techniques of forming strategic groups, such as cognitive approaches.


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In this paper we re-examine the long standing and puzzling correlation between national savings and investment in industrial countries. We apply an econometric methodology that allows us to separate idiosyncratic correlation at the country level from correlation at the global level. In a major break with the existing literature, we find no evidence of a long run relationship in the idiosyncratic components of savings and investment. We also find that the global components in savings and investments comove, indicating that they react to shocks of a global nature.


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Genuine Savings has emerged as a widely-used indicator of sustainable development. In this paper, we use long-term data stretching back to 1870 to undertake empirical tests of the relationship between Genuine Savings (GS) and future well-being for three countries: Britain, the USA and Germany. Our tests are based on an underlying theoretical relationship between GS and changes in the present value of future consumption. Based on both single country and panel results, we find evidence supporting the existence of a cointegrating (long run equilibrium) relationship between GS and future well-being, and fail to reject the basic theoretical result on the relationship between these two macroeconomic variables. This provides some support for the GS measure of weak sustainability. We also show the effects of modelling shocks, such as World War Two and the Great Depression.


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Genuine Savings (GS), also known as ‘net adjusted savings’, is a composite indicator of the sustainability of economic development. Genuine Savings reflects year-on-year changes in the total wealth or capital of a country, including net investment in produced capita, investment in human capital, depletion of natural resources, and damage caused by pollution. A negative Genuine Savings rate suggests that the stock of national wealth is declining and that future utility must be less than current utility, indicating that economic development is non-sustainable (Hamilton and Clemens, 1999). We make use of data over a 150 year period to examine the relationship between Genuine Savings and a number of indicators of well-being over time, and compare the relative changes in human, produced, and components of natural capital over the period. Overall, we find that the magnitude of genuine savings is positively related to changes in future consumption, with some evidence of a cointegrating relationship. However, the relationships between genuine savings and infant mortality or average heights are less clear.


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A major initiative of the Thatcher and Major Conservative administrations was that public sector ancillary and professional services provided by incumbent direct service organisations [DSOs] be put out to tender. Analyses of this initiative, in the UK and elsewhere, found costs were often reduced in the short run. However, few if any studies went beyond the first round of tendering. We analyze data collected over successive rounds of tendering for cleaning and catering services of Scottish hospitals in order to assess the long term consequences of this initiative. The experience of the two services was very different. Cost savings for cleaning services tended to increase with each additional round of tendering and became increasingly stable. In accordance with previous results in the literature, DSOs produced smaller cost reductions than private contractors: probably an inevitable consequence of the tendering process at the time. Cost savings from DSOs tended to disappear during the first round of tendering, but they appear to have been more permanent in successive rounds. Cost savings for catering, on the other hand, tended to be much smaller, and these were not sustained.