7 resultados para Sarcocystidae
Esporocistos de Sarcocystis foram identificados nas amostras fecais de um cachorro-do-mato. Eles foram dados por via oral para um bezerro em aleitamento, sendo observados cistos com morfologia compatível com os de Sarcocystis cruzi na musculatura cardíaca e esquelética, três meses após a infecção. Musculatura cardíaca deste bezerro foi dada para um segundo cão doméstico livre de coccídios, que eliminou esporocistos compatíveis com os de Sarcocystis em suas fezes, tendo com períodos pré-patente e patente 11 e 12 dias após a infecção respectivamente. Para comparar a morfologia dos esporocistos e cistos, um segundo cão, também livre de coccídios, foi alimentado com musculatura cardíaca de um bovino infectando naturalmente e positivo para cistos de S. cruzi. Esporocistos compatíveis com os eliminados pelo primeiro cão foram encontrados nas fezes. Apesar dos esporocistos eliminados pelo cachorro-do-mato serem significativamente diferentes dos eliminados pelos cães infectados experimentalmente, pode se considerar com base na morfologia dos esporocistos, cistos e na transmissão biológica que a espécie encontrada nas fezes do cachorro-do-mato é Sarcocystis cruzi.
Objetivou-se, no presente estudo, pesquisar a prevalência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em 812 amostras de soros sangüíneos de bovinos leiteiros procedentes de propriedades rurais de sete municípios das microrregiões de Itapecuru-Mirim, Médio Mearim e Presidente Dutra, estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Para o cálculo do tamanho da amostra, considerou-se um soroprevalência de 34,7% para N. caninum, com erro máximo de 9,5% e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Para a detecção da presença de anticorpos da classe IgG, utilizou-se a técnica de Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFI), com ponto de corte 1:200, usando como antígeno, taquizoítos da cepa NC-1, mantida em cultura celular no Laboratório de Diagnóstico das Parasitoses dos Animais da Escola de Medicina Veterinária da UFBA. Do total de amostras analisadas, encontrou-se uma prevalência de 50,74%. Os títulos variaram de 1:200 a 1:6400, assim distribuídos: 108 (26,21%) amostras de soro apresentaram título de 1:200; 132 (32,04%) 1:400; 94 (22,81%) 1:800; 46 (11,16%) 1:1600; 23 (5,58%) 1:3200 e nove (2,18%) com títulos de 1:6400. Dentre as microrregiões, a Itapecuru-Mirim apresentou o menor percentual de animais soropositivos (20,69%) e Presidente Dutra o maior (47,66%). Com relação à variável sexo, observou-se maior prevalência de sororreagentes nas fêmeas (46,80%) do que nos machos (52,46%). Não se verificou diferença significativa (P>0,05) para as variáveis microrregiões, sexo e idade. Conclui-se que os bovinos leiteiros das regiões estudadas estão expostos à infecção por N. caninum.
Besnoitia besnoiti is an apicomplexan parasite responsible for bovine besnoitiosis, a disease with a high prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions and re-emerging in Europe. Despite the great economical losses associated with besnoitiosis, this disease has been underestimated and poorly studied, and neither an effective therapy nor an efficacious vaccine is available. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential enzyme for the acquisition of the correct three-dimensional structure of proteins. Current evidence suggests that in Neosporacaninum and Toxoplasmagondii, which are closely related to B. besnoiti, PDI play an important role in host cell invasion, is a relevant target for the host immune response, and represents a promising drug target and/or vaccine candidate. In this work, we present the nucleotide sequence of the B. besnoiti PDI gene. BbPDI belongs to the thioredoxin-like superfamily (cluster 00388) and is included in the PDI_a family (cluster defined cd02961) and the PDI_a_PDI_a'_c subfamily (cd02995). A 3D theoretical model was built by comparative homology using Swiss-Model server, using as a template the crystallographic deduced model of Tapasin-ERp57 (PDB code 3F8U chain C). Analysis of the phylogenetic tree for PDI within the phylum apicomplexa reinforces the close relationship among B. besnoiti, N. caninum and T. gondii. When subjected to a PDI-assay based on the polymerisation of reduced insulin, recombinant BbPDI expressed in E. coli exhibited enzymatic activity, which was inhibited by bacitracin. Antiserum directed against recombinant BbPDI reacted with PDI in Western blots and by immunofluorescence with B. besnoiti tachyzoites and bradyzoites.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii belong to the Sarcocystidae family, and both have one definitive and various intermediary hosts. Owing to their weak immune systems, immunocompromised persons might be prone to opportunistic infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of anti- N. caninum and anti- T. gondii antibodies in immunocompromised individuals.METHODS:This cross-sectional study investigated the rates of N. caninum and T. gondii , as assessed using immunofluorescent antibody reaction (IFAT) with 1:50 and 1:16 dilution, respectively, in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).RESULTS:The seropositivity for N. caninum was 26.1% (81/310) in Mato Grosso do Sul and 31.2% (10/32) in Paraná and for T. gondii was 76.8% (238/310) in Mato Grosso do Sul and 68.7% (22/32) in Paraná.CONCLUSIONS:There is evidence of anti- N caninum and anti- T. gondii antibodies in patients with HIV. Other aspects of T. gondii , which is a zoonosis, and N. caninum , which might affect immunodeficient individuals, need to be evaluated and reported.
The Sarcocystis genus includes obligatory two-host life cycle protozoan parasites. It is the most numerous of the six genera of the Sarcocystidae family. The infection caused by parasites of this genus is a zoonotic and cosmopolitan disease known as sarcosistosis or sarcosporidiosis. The sarcositosis though frequently asymptomatic in its definitive hosts can be fatal in its intermediate hosts. The usual diagnoses of sarcosistosis takes place through a histological demonstration of schizonts in blood vessels and organs, and the presence of cysts in muscle tissue by necropsy or biopsy, this second method still more common and based on morphological features of the sarcocyst. However, these methods can be inadequate to a precise identification of the infector species once that, besides the genus being of numerous species, these often present similar morphological features. Another factor that makes the diagnostic more difficult is the non specificity of some Sacocystis species to their hosts. Consequently, molecular diagnostic methods have been used in order to identify the infector species and the parasite specific biological cycles, demonstrating also new species and coevolutive aspects between parasite and host. Among the most employed molecular techniques the Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR), the nested-PCR and the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) stands out
For supporting the Brazilian bovine encephalitis surveillance program this study examined the differential diagnosis of Neospora caninum in central nervous system (CNS) by histological analysis (HE staining), immunohistochemistry (IHC), and nested-PCR using a set of primers from the Nc5 region of the genomic DNA and ITS1 region of the ribosomal DNA. A sample of 302 cattle presenting neurological syndrome and negative for rabies, aged 0 to 18 years, from herds in 10 Brazilian states was evaluated for N caninum from January 2007 to April 2010. All specimens tested negative with IHC and nested-PCR using primers from the ITS I region of ribosomal DNA, while two positive cases (0.66%) were found using primers from the Nc5 region of genomic DNA: a 20 month-old male and a 72 month-old female, both from Sao Paulo State. Only the male presented severe multifocal necrotizing encephalitis associated with mononuclear cell infiltration, a pathognomonic lesion caused by parasites of the family Sarcocystidae, and only this case was associated with N caninum thus representing 0.33% positivity. Future studies should explore the association of IHC and nested-PCR with real-time PCR, a quantitative method that could be standardized for improving the detection of N. caninum in bovine CNS specimens.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na especialidade de Sanidade Animal