995 resultados para Samuel Stokes
The artificial dissipation effects in some solutions obtained with a Navier-Stokes flow solver are demonstrated. The solvers were used to calculate the flow of an artificially dissipative fluid, which is a fluid having dissipative properties which arise entirely from the solution method itself. This was done by setting the viscosity and heat conduction coefficients in the Navier-Stokes solvers to zero everywhere inside the flow, while at the same time applying the usual no-slip and thermal conducting boundary conditions at solid boundaries. An artificially dissipative flow solution is found where the dissipation depends entirely on the solver itself. If the difference between the solutions obtained with the viscosity and thermal conductivity set to zero and their correct values is small, it is clear that the artificial dissipation is dominating and the solutions are unreliable.
Andrew Tooke's 1691 English translation of Samuel Pufendorf's De officio hominis et civis, published as The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature, brought Pufendorf's manual fo statist natural law into English politics at a moment of temporary equilibrium in the unfinished contest between Crown and Parliament for the rights and powers of sovereignty. Drawing on the authors' re-edition of The Whole Duty of Man, this article describes and analyses a telling instance of how--by translation--the core political terms and concepts of the German natural jurist's 'absolutist' formulary were reshaped for reception in the different political culture of late seventeenth-century England.
We consider the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with a time-delayed convective term and a forcing term which contains some hereditary features. Some results on existence and uniqueness of solutions are established. We discuss the asymptotic behaviour of solutions and we also show the exponential stability of stationary solutions.
We investigate nonclassical Stokes-operator variances in continuous-wave polarization-squeezed laser light generated from one and two optical parametric amplifiers. A general expression of how Stokes-operator variances decompose into two-mode quadrature operator variances is given. Stokes parameter variance spectra for four different polarization-squeezed states have been measured and compared with a coherent state. Our measurement results are visualized by three-dimensional Stokes-operator noise volumes mapped on the quantum Poincare sphere. We quantitatively compare the channel capacity of the different continuous-variable polarization states for communication protocols. It is shown that squeezed polarization states provide 33% higher channel capacities than the optimum coherent beam protocol.
A presença do teatro de Samuel Beckett no teatro em Portugal.
We present systems of Navier-Stokes equations on Cantor sets, which are described by the local fractional vector calculus. It is shown that the results for Navier-Stokes equations in a fractal bounded domain are efficient and accurate for describing fluid flow in fractal media.
Este artigo analisa a presença da dramaturgia de Samuel Beckett no teatro em Portugal (de 1959 a 2006).
pp. 177-185
A Usina Hidrelétrica de Samuel está localizada no rio Jamari, primeiro afluente da margem direita do rio Madeira, cerca de 56 km abaixo de Porto Velho-RO. A hidrelétrica teve sua construção iniciada em abril/1982 e entrou em operação a partir de abril/89. O estudo comparativo da ictiofauna, na área de influência daquela hidrelétrica, nas fases de pré e pós-enchimento do reservatório, mostra que as comunidades de peixes sofreram profundas alterações pelo represamento: houve redução da diversidade no reservatório, bem como o aumento de pira-nha-preta (Serrasalmuts rhombeus),tucunaré (Cichla monoculus),aracu-comum (Schizodon fasciatus)e mapará (Hypophthalmus edentatus);imediatamente à jusante da represa houve um aumento de mandi (Pimelodus blochii)\além disso, houve redução dos peixes detritívoros e frugívoros e aumento dos piscivoros.As comunidades de peixes do canal principal do Jamari parecem ter sido mais influenciadas pelo represamento do rio do que aquelas dos lagos marginais. A atividade pesqueira, antes restrita à foz do Jamari, foi intensificada na área do reservatório e isso vem constituindo-se num sério obstáculo para o manejo da pesca. Estes aspectos são comentados e algumas ações são propostas para melhor gerenciamento da pesca c sustentabilidade dos recursos pesqueiros.