994 resultados para Safety at school


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Background Excessive speed contributes to the incidence and severity of road crashes. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) has successfully explained variance in speeding intentions and behaviour. However, studies have shown that more than 40% of the variance in outcome measures of speeding remains unexplained, thus, suggesting additional constructs may help to enhance the TPB’s predictive power. Therefore, this study examined mindfulness; a promising construct which has not yet been tested as an additional TPB predictor. Aims The aims of this study were to explore drivers’ beliefs about speeding in school zones using the extended TPB as a framework and to examine the effect that mindfulness had on driver speeding behaviour in school zones. Methods Australian drivers (N = 17) participated in one of four focus group discussions. The overall sample was comprised of five males and twelve females who were aged between 17 to56 years. All participants were recruited via purposive sampling among 1st year psychology students at a large South East Queensland University. The group discussions took approximately one hour and were guided by a structured interview schedule which sought to elicit drivers’ beliefs, thoughts and opinions on speeding in school zones and the factors which motivate such behaviour. Results Overall, thematic analysis revealed some similar issues emerged across the groups. . In particular and perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, given public concerns regarding the want to ensure the safety of school children, there was much agreement that speeding in school zones was dangerous and unacceptable. Somewhat paradoxically however, some participants also agreed that they had unintentionally or mindlessly sped in school zones. There were several factors that drivers believed influenced their speeding in school zones including their current mood (e.g., if in a bad mood, anxious, or excited they may be more likely to drive without awareness of, and being attentive to, their driving environment) and the extent to which they were familiar with the environment (i.e., more familiar contexts, more likely to drive mindlessly). Thus, although drivers expressed a belief that speeding in school zones was dangerous and acceptable, the extent to which a driver is mindful does influence whether or not a driver may actually engage in speeding in this context. Discussion and conclusions This study highlights the potential role of mindfulness in helping to explain speeding behaviour in school zones. Mindless drivers may speed unintentionally and while unintentional still be endangering the safety and lives of school children. The findings of this research suggest that unintentional speeding, especially in school zones, may be reduced by countermeasures which heighten the extent to which drivers are mindful of approaching and/or driving through a school zone, such as street markings and engineering measures (e.g.,flashing lights and speed bumps).


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This elicitation study was designed to explore salient behavioural, normative, and control beliefs in accordance with the Theory Planned Behaviour (TPB) and in relation to drivers’ speeding behaviour in school zones. The study also explored mindfulness and habit as additional constructs in the TPB framework. The aim of this study was to identify those beliefs which influenced drivers’ speeding behaviour in school zones and thus gain greater insight into the motivating factors underpinning the behaviour which may inform interventions to reduce this behaviour. Seventeen Australian drivers participated in one of a series of focus group discussions. Overall, conceptual content analysis revealed some similar issues across the groups. In particular, highlighting the influence of behavioural and normative beliefs, there was much agreement that there were no real advantages to speeding in school zones with the behaviour considered dangerous and unacceptable and likely to also be regarded as such by important others. In addition, given the public concern about safety of school children, acknowledgment of such concern represented an important factor discouraging one’s likelihood of engaging in speeding in school zones (i.e., complying with the school zone speed limit). However, despite normative support not to speed, and the need to ensure children’s safety as an important factor discouraging speeding, the study also found that there was a tendency for drivers to report unintentionally speeding in a school zone. Instances of unintentional speeding were reported as occurring due to several reasons including a driver’s current affective state (e.g., more likely to speed in a school zone if they were in a bad mood), the extent to which they were familiar with the environment (i.e., more likely to drive mindlessly – on ‘autopilot’ - in more familiar contexts) and when feeling fatigued. The theoretical implications of including mindfulness and habit with TPB constructs and the practical implications in terms of suggested interventions are discussed.


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To examine whether students’ school engagement, relationships with teachers, educational aspirations and involvement in fights at school are associated with various measures of subsequent substance use.

Data were drawn from the Belfast Youth Development Study (n = 2968). Multivariate logistic models examined associations between school-related factors (age 13/14) and substance use (age 15/16).

The two factors which were consistently and independently associated with regular substance use among both males and females were student–teacher relationships and fighting at school: positive teacher-relationships reduced the risk of daily smoking by 48%, weekly drunkenness by 25%, and weekly cannabis use by 52%; being in a fight increased the risk of daily smoking by 54%, weekly drunkenness by 31%, and weekly cannabis use by 43%. School disengagement increased the likelihood of smoking and cannabis use among females only.

Further research should focus on public health interventions promoting positive relationships and safety at school.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"June 1980."


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Informatie wordt gegeven over de beleidsvraag, de probleemopzet, het onderzoeksontwerp met kernvariabelelen, het onderzoeksproces en de belangrijkste uitkomsten van deze multiniveau, longitudinale veiligheidsmonitor. Tenslotte worden enkele van de meest kenmerkende aspecten van deze onderzoeksmethode behandeld.


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Road safety education is not just about safe driving. Best practice road safety education seeks to improve knowledge and change attitudes relating to being safe, and making sure others are safe on the road. Typical topics might include: • Strengthening attitudes toward safe road use behaviours and avoiding risks • Supporting behaviours to ensure others are safe • Promoting knowledge of traffic rules.


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Injury is the leading cause of death among young people (AIHW, 2008). A primary contributing factor to injury among adolescents is risk taking behaviour, including road related risks such as risky bicycle and motorcycle use and riding with dangerous or drink-drivers. Injury rates increase dramatically throughout adolescence, at the same time as adolescents are becoming more involved in risk taking behaviour. Also throughout this period, adolescents‟ connectedness to school is decreasing (Monahan, Oesterle & Hawkins, 2010; Whitlock, 2004). School connectedness refers to „the extent to which students feel personally accepted, respected, included, and supported by others in the school‟ (Goodenow, 1993, p. 80), and has been repeatedly shown to be a critical protective factor in adolescent development. For example, school connectedness has been shown to be associated with decreased risk taking behaviour, including violence and alcohol and other drug use (e.g., Resnick et al., 1997), as well as with decreased transport risk taking and vehicle related injuries (Chapman et al., accepted April 2011). This project involved the pilot evaluation of a school connectedness intervention (a professional development program for teachers) to reduce adolescent risk taking behaviour and injury. This intervention has been developed for use as a component of the Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY) curriculum based injury prevention program for early adolescents. The objectives of this research were to: 1. Implement a trial School Connectedness intervention (professional development program for teachers) in ACT high schools, and evaluate using comparison high schools. 2. Determine whether the School Connectedness program impacts on adolescent risk taking behaviour and associated injuries (particularly transport risks and injuries). 3. Evaluate the process effectiveness of the School Connectedness program.


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Despite ongoing improvements in behaviour change strategies, licensing models and road law enforcement measures young drivers remain significantly over-represented in fatal and non-fatal road related crashes. This paper focuses on the safety of those approaching driving age and identifies both high priority road safety messages and relevant peer-led strategies to guide the development school programs. It summarises the review in a program logic model built around the messages and identified curriculum elements, as they may be best operationalised within the licensing and school contexts in Victoria. This paper summarises a review of common deliberate risk-taking and non-deliberate unsafe driving behaviours among novice drivers, highlighting risks associated with speeding, driving while fatigued, driving while impaired and carrying passengers. Common beliefs of young people that predict risky driving were reviewed, particularly with consideration of those beliefs that can be operationalised in a behaviour change school program. Key components of adolescent risk behaviour change programs were also reviewed, which identified a number of strategies for incorporation in a school based behaviour change program, including: a well-structured theoretical design and delivery, thoughtfully considered peer-selected processes, adequate training and supervision of peer facilitators, a process for monitoring and sustainability, and interactive delivery and participant discussions. The research base is then summarised in a program logic model with further discussion about the quality of the current state of knowledge of evaluation of behaviour change programs and the need for considerable development in program evaluation.


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Young workers are over-represented in workplace injury statistics and there is growing interest in addressing their vulnerability and safety exposure. Such concerns have been raised within a broader discursive framework of responsibilisation which has seen a transfer of responsibility for workplace safety from employer to worker. This article examines the potential for self-advocacy as a strategy for improving the safety of young workers through the provision of resources to articulate and act on workplace rights. The study utilises data derived from 48 group interviews involving 216 high school students (13–16 years of age) at 19 high schools in Queensland, Australia, who were asked to discuss their knowledge and experience of workplace rights and responsibilities. The limitations of the safety self-advocacy approach are explored, including the social, developmental and organisational issues that might affect the ability or willingness of school-aged workers to self-advocate. The findings reveal that the notion of self-advocacy is internalised by young people before they even enter the formal labour market but that in practice, attempts by young people to enact rights to safety are often dismissed or undermined.


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Sirve de guía en temas de salud y relacionados con la seguridad en la enseñanza de la ciencia y de la tecnología en las escuelas primarias y establecimientos similares, tales como escuelas de párvulos, escuelas intermedias y algunas escuelas para niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Por tanto, se incluye a alumnos en la franja de edad de tres a once o doce años.