27 resultados para Sacredness


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A huge billboard faces me as I crawl down Punt Road Melbourne, its wild purple and yellow-daubed sports fan (male) leering over the northbound traffic. Its message: 'Sport is a Religion, so pray for Yamaha Stadium Sound'  Canny advertising, hooking into aussie culture, selecting an aussie take on religion/ sport (fun, serious, primitive, fanatic, central). Next, there's the Next fashion ad, with its larger than life-sized photograph of a gorgeously dressed young female eying off the pope's long white robe, comparing outfits. Fashion as religion, or better than, really, is the inference-she looks mildly
amused, and he looks a little nonplussed. And then there are the many Qantas advertisments for 'Spirit of. Australia' featuring Aboriginal figures, with backdrops of Dlum and the red desert. As cultural tour businesses know, there's money to be made in taking urban, nonIndigenous tourists to visit their 'spiritual other', the Aboriginal.1 Or there's the multicultural, children's version of the ad, with all the little global travellers of the future featured in wonderful locations. Spirit of Australia.


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The paper provides a close lecture of the arguments and methods of legal construction, employed in the extensive individual opinions written by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the case which authorized the same sex civil union. After tracing an outline of the legal problem and his possible solutions, we analyze the individual opinions, showing their methodological syncretism, the use of legal methods and arguments in a contradictory way as well the deficiencies in the reasoning. The Justices use legal arguments, but do not meet the requirements of rationality in the decision-making. We have a rhetorical attempt that aims to satisfy the public opinion than to offer a comprehensive and coherent solution according the normative elements of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.


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The paper provides a close lecture of the arguments and methods of legal construction, employed in the extensive individual opinions written by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the case which authorized the same sex civil union. After tracing an outline of the legal problem and his possible solutions, we analyze the individual opinions, showing their methodological syncretism, the use of legal methods and arguments in a contradictory way as well the deficiencies in the reasoning. The Justices use legal arguments, but do not meet the requirements of rationality in the decision-making. We have a rhetorical attempt that aims to satisfy the public opinion than to offer a comprehensive and coherent solution according the normative elements of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.


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This research reports on a project concerned with the relationship between the person and the environment in the context of achieving a contemplative or existential state – a state which can be experienced either consciously or subconsciously. The need for such a study originated with the desire to contribute to the design of multicultural spaces which could be used for a range of activities within the public and the personal arena, activities including contemplation, meditation and prayer. The concept of ‘sacred’ is explored in the literature review and in primary interviews with the participants of this study. Given that the word ‘sacred’ is highly value-laden and potentially alienating for some people, it was decided to use the more accessible term ‘contemplative’. The outcomes of the study inform the practice of interior design and architecture which tends currently to neglect the potential for all spaces to be existentially meaningful. Informed by phenomenological methodology, data were collected from a diverse group of people, using photo-elicitation and interviews. The technique of photo-elicitation proved to be highly effective in helping people reveal their everyday lived experience of contemplative spaces. Reflective analysis (Van Manen 2000) was used to explore the data collected. The initial stage of analysis produced three categories of data: varying conceptions of contemplation, aspects of the person involved in the contemplation, and aspects of environment involved in contemplation. From this, it was found that achieving a state of contemplation involves both the person and the environment in a dialectic process of unfolding. The unfolding has various physical, psycho-social, and existential dimensions or qualities which operate sequentially and simultaneously. Two concepts emerged as being central to unfolding: ‘Cleansing’ and ‘Nothingness’. Unfolding is found to comprise the Core; Distinction; Manifestation; Cleansing; Creation; and Sharing. This has a parallel with Mircea Eliade’s (1959) definition of sacred as something that manifests itself as different from the profane. The power of design, re-contextualization through utility and purpose, and the existential engagements between the person and environment are used as a basis for establishing the potential contribution of the study to interior design. In this way, the study makes a contribution to our understanding of how space and its elements inspire, support and sustain person environment interaction – particularly at the existential level – as well as to our understanding of the multi-dimensional and holistic nature of this interaction. In addition, it points to the need for a phenomenological re-conceptualisation of the design/client relationship. In summary, the contributions of this research are: the exploration of contemplative experience as sacred experience; an understanding of the design of space as creating engagement between person and environment; a rationale for the introduction of a phenomenological approach to the relationship between designer and clients; and raising awareness of the spiritual in a holistic approach to design.


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The world of football is a matter of life and death for many of its fans, and has also attracted much sociological attention. Much of this scholarly work focuses on issues such as deviance, identity, globalisation and commodification (Elias and Dunning 1986; Giulianotti and Robertson 2009). More recently, there has been some evidence of a cultural approach to football and to the football shirt (Benzecry 2008). In this paper, we seek to develop this trend by examining the football shirt as a totem, and by understanding it as inserted into circuits of the sacred and the profane, and the authentic and the inauthentic. Through examples such as shirt throwing, badge kissing, shirt swapping and supporters‟ efforts to construct alternative, protest strips, we show that the football shirt is deeply embedded in narratives of authenticity, sacredness and profaneness. In doing so, we aim to represent football as a rich cultural practice, which involves secular rituals and performances.


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This study discusses the legitimacy basis of political power and its changes in historical African societies. It starts from Luc de Heusch s tenet that political power required a legitimacy basis of a spiritual kind, often formulated as sacred kingship. In ancient and pre-literate societies such kings were held to be responsible for the fertility of man, land and cattle. The king was a paradoxical figure, symbolising society, but standing above it, while simultaneously being its victim by being ritually killed at old age. This was also how Owambo sacred kings were conceived. De Heusch suggested that African kings derived their power over fertility from having been made sacred monsters in the rituals of installation. With the example of Owambo kingship, this study argues that the transgressive and monstrous aspect is only one of several dimension of a king s sacredness and brings out the nurturing and symbolically female aspect, identified but not analysed further by de Heusch. In the Owambo kingly installation a king-elect was made sacred, and part of it was that a link was ritually created to the early owners of the land. Their consent made it possible for the king to promote fertility and to appropriate power emblems needed for ruling. In the kingdom of Ondonga the early owners of the land were the spirits of early Bushman inhabitants and those of an early kingly clan, both neglected in public memory. The sacred dimension of kingship was further augmented when kings manipulated and appropriated rain rituals and initiation rituals, both of which were related to fertility. The study argues that even though there were aspects of the sacred monster in Owambo kingship, its manifestation was, in part, a distortion of the reciprocal aspect of kingship that was expressed in the homage paid to various ancestor spirits. A change in succession practices from ritual regicide to political assassination took place concomitant with the introduction of firearms, and this broke the sacrificial aspect of sacred kingship paving the way for a more predatory form of kingship while the sacred status of the king was retained.


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In Taita Hills, south-eastern Kenya, remnants of indigenous mountain rainforests play a crucial role as water towers and socio-cultural sites. They are pressurized due to poverty, shortage of cultivable land and the fading of traditional knowledge. This study examines the traditional ecological knowledge of Taitas and the ways it may be applied within transforming natural resource management regimes. I have analyzed some justifications for and hindrances to ethnodevelopment and participatory forest management in light of recently renewed Kenyan forest policies. Mixed methods were applied by combining an ethnographic approach with participatory GIS. I learned about traditionally protected forests and their ecological and cultural status through a seek out the expert method and with remote sensing data and tools. My informants were: 107 household interviewees, 257 focus group participants, 73 key informants and 87 common informants in participatory mapping. Religious leaders and state officials shared their knowledge for this study. I have gained a better understanding of the traditionally protected forests and sites through examining their ecological characteristics and relation to social dynamics, by evaluating their strengths and hindrances as sites for conservation of cultural and biological diversity. My results show that, these sites are important components of a complex socio-ecological system, which has symbolical status and sacred and mystical elements within it, that contributes to the connectivity of remnant forests in the agroforestry dominated landscape. Altogether, 255 plant species and 220 uses were recognized by the tradition experts, whereas 161 species with 108 beneficial uses were listed by farmers. Out of the traditionally protected forests studied 47 % were on private land and 23% on community land, leaving 9% within state forest reserves. A paradigm shift in conservation is needed; the conservation area approach is not functional for private lands or areas trusted upon communities. The role of traditionally protected forests in community-based forest management is, however, paradoxal, since communal approaches suggests equal participation of people, whereas management of these sites has traditionally been the duty of solely accredited experts in the village. As modernization has gathered pace such experts have become fewer. Sacredness clearly contributes but, it does not equal conservation. Various social, political and economic arrangements further affect the integrity of traditionally protected forests and sites, control of witchcraft being one of them. My results suggest that the Taita have a rich traditional ecological knowledge base, which should be more determinately integrated into the natural resource management planning processes.


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A presente dissertação analisa a possibilidade da prática da eutanásia ativa e voluntária em pacientes com doenças incuráveis à luz da bioética e do direito. O trabalho é de natureza teórica e foi realizado através de pesquisa bibliográfica, que levantou publicações, nacionais e internacionais, inclusive na imprensa, sobre os temas tratados na dissertação, a saber: eutanásia, morte, vida, dignidade, autonomia, princípios bioéticos, liberdade. O levantamento bibliográfico compreendeu, preferencialmente, obras sobre filosofia, ética, bioética, medicina e direito, que permitiram a análise das questões teóricas envolvidas diretamente no estudo. Aborda-se o conceito de morte e suas transformações ao longo dos anos e as distinções necessárias entre os conceitos do fim da vida, que apesar de muito próximos tem suas especificidades. Apresenta-se os princípios bioéticos da não maleficência e da beneficência, com a finalidade de discutir os limites da intervenção médica sobre o paciente, bem como o princípio da autonomia na visão da bioética e do direito, com o intuito de demonstrar que o doente incurável é um ser autônomo, com vontades e desejos que devem ser respeitados. Examinam-se os direitos à vida e a liberdade para fins de ponderação em face do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Diferenciam-se os princípios da sacralidade da vida e da qualidade da vida, na busca de uma integração entre eles e faz-se uma análise do Código de Ética Médica e da Resolução CFM n 1.805 de 2006, que autoriza a ortotanásia, para confrontar os limites da prática médica e da autonomia do paciente. Pontua-se o estado atual da criminalização da eutanásia no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro apontando-se o quão perversa pode se tornar essa criminalização para aquele que sofre e, que através da compaixão laica e da solidariedade deve-se buscar meios hábeis para se permitir a eutanásia, sem deixar de proteger os vulnerados de eventuais abusos. Utilizam-se os casos de Ramón Sampedro e Vincent Humbert, pessoas que por causa de um acidente ficaram tetraplégicas e solicitaram na justiça uma morte digna, para exemplificar os diversos conceitos utilizados nesse trabalho. Por fim, apresentam-se os requisitos pessoais e formais mínimos para que a declaração de vontade de um paciente incurável, que pede uma morte digna, seja respeitada, quando essa vontade é expressa de forma inequívoca por ele, tendo como exemplo, a legislação da Bélgica e da Holanda, onde a eutanásia é permitida observando-se determinados requisitos.


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Cette thèse défend l’idée que plusieurs auteurs modernistes ont utilisé des concepts centraux à la croyance religieuse traditionnelle afin de préconiser le changement social. Au lieu de soutenir l'hypothèse de la sécularisation, qui prétend que les modernistes ont rejeté la religion en faveur d'une laïcité non contestée, j'argumente en faveur de ce que j'appelle « la spiritualité moderniste, » qui décrie une continuité intégrale des concepts spirituels dans l'agitation de la période moderniste qui a déstabilisée les institutions qui avait auparavant jeté les bases de la société Occidentale. En me basant sur les écrit de Sigmund Freud, William James et Émile Durkheim concernant les fins poursuivis par la religion, je développe cinq concepts centraux de la croyance religieuse que les modernistes ont cherché à resignifier, à savoir la rédemption, la communauté, la sacralité, le spectre, et la liturgie, et, dans chaque cas, j'ai montré comment ces catégories ont été réinterprétées pour traiter des questions considérées comme essentielles au début du vingtième siècle, à savoir ce que l’on identifie aujourd’hui comme le féminisme, l'écologie, la biopolitique, les crises, et le rôle du poète. Le chapitre I se concentre sur la rédemption par le féminin telle qu’on la trouve dans le recueil de vers de H.D. portant sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Trilogy (1944-1946), qui projette un certain espoir grâce à un mélange synchrétique de Christianisme, de mythes anciens, d’astrologie, et de psychologie. Mon deuxième chapitre discute de The Grapes of Wrath (1939) de John Steinbeck, qui élargit le rôle de la communauté en avançant une écologie universelle qui concevoit tous les gens comme étant intimement liés entre eux et avec le monde. Le chapitre III traite de la notion du sacré dans The Light in August (1932) de Willam Faulkner et Nightwood (1936) de Djuna Barnes, qui préconisent une foi privatisée qui accentue l'illégitimité des concepts de sacralité et de pollution en élevant des individus qui sont marginalisés biopolitiquement. Le chapitre IV cherche à comprendre le retour des morts, et je soutiens que le topos a été utilisé par les modernistes comme un symbole de crises sociales; le chapitre enquête d'abord sur “The Jolly Corner” (1908) de Henry James, que j'ai lu comme la séquence rêvée d'un homme faisant face à son propre spectre, Ulysses (1922) de James Joyce, où Stephen Dedalus est hanté de façon répétée par le spectre de sa mère, et Mrs. Dalloway (1925) de Virginia Woolf, qui se concentre sur le motif caché de la Fête des Morts. Ma cinquième section traite de la liturgie, la langue poétique utilisée pour les rites religieux, dans la première poésie de Wallace Stevens, qui conçoit le rôle du poète comme une vocation de l'imagination.


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L’art symboliste pictural ou théâtral qui s’est développé à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle est habité par le sacré, que celui-ci se manifeste sous la forme du spirituel, du religieux ou sous toute autre forme (spiritisme, occultisme, mysticisme). Quelle que soit sa forme, le sacré est pour tous les symbolistes lié à l’art. Leurs recherches formelles, multiples et variées, tendent toutes à faire surgir l’invisible du visible. Or toutes voient l’émergence, dans les œuvres, de la représentation de la femme, qui dès lors devient intimement liée au «symbolisme». En véhiculant le sacré, la femme devient le symbole des idées des artistes sur leur art, voire le symbole du rapport de l’artiste à son art. Ainsi la thèse étudie la femme dans son rapport aux idées et à l’esthétique propres à chaque artiste, dans son interrelation avec l’art et le sacré et les études détaillées des œuvres dramatiques et picturales visent à montrer la variété et la complexité de ses représentations. En même temps, cette recherche est une étude d’ensemble concernant les relations entre le théâtre et la peinture dans la période fin-de-siècle, abordées non pas de l’extérieur, mais de l’intérieur (c’est-à-dire par les caractéristiques propres des œuvres), dans le cadre de la théorie de l’image ouverte, telle qu’elle a été développée par Georges Didi-Huberman. Finalement, que la forme d’expression artistique soit celle de l’art dramatique ou celle de l’art pictural, la femme n’est dans les œuvres que la manifestation d’une réflexion esthétique qui est aussi une réflexion philosophique, elle est le lieu de rencontre entre le Moi et l’Autre à partir duquel s’origine l’œuvre.


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Avec la participation de 38 Montréalais d'origine congolaise, dont 21 femmes et 17 hommes


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El propósito central del artículo es el de analizar qué tipo de sentimientos morales serían los que deberían despertar los testimonios de las víctimas en los miembros de una comunidad política que pretende ser democrática, incluyente y respetuosa de los derechos humanos. De la mano de Avishai Margalit, Tzvetan Todorov, Peter Strawson, Martha Nussbaum, Elizabeth Spelman y Manuel Reyes Mate, a lo largo del texto defenderemos la tesis de que las narraciones y representaciones del sufrimiento injusto padecido por las víctimas son aquellas que son capaces de despertar una indignación y compasión informada en los ciudadanos. Para mostrar el alcance y significado de esta tesis, nos centraremos en analizar dos de los problemas más serios a los que se enfrenta una política de la memoria que privilegia a las víctimas. El primero de ellos tiene que ver con los riesgos que se presentan por las distorsiones que son usuales en los relatos de las víctimas y que en buena parte están ligadas a una especie de sacralidad que se les atribuye a quienes atestiguan acerca de la violencia que han padecido. El segundo problema que analizaremos está relacionado con la recepción e interpretación que hacen los miembros de la comunidad política acerca de ese sufrimiento. En concreto, discutiremos los distintas formas de banalización que pueden darse entre los ciudadanos al momento de interpretar las narraciones que representan el daño. En la última parte del texto, analizaremos el testimonio ejemplar de Harriet Jacobs con el fin de mostrar de que manera un testimonio puede generar en su audiencia sentimientos de indignación y compasión informadas.


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In a reading of the Rolf de Heer film Ten Canoes this article explores the pervasive, contemporary challenge of culture difference and its representation. Focusing on notions of sacredness, as one node of extreme difference, the article argues that older formulations of sacredness which bifurcated spirit and flesh are now being replaced by more holistic understandings. As western film audiences engage with representations of difference in Indigenous cultures, a set of questions are raised: what is the nature of real dialogue between different cultures? Can such dialogues move beyond mute recording, or silent respect, or automatic celebration? Can they enter a new space of dialectical relationship in which different cultural perspectives can be fully investigated, without making the other culture a static, or oversimplified or iconic abstraction?