960 resultados para STRUCTURAL PHASE-DIAGRAM


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X-ray diffraction analyses of the pure components n-tricosane and n-pentacosane and of their binary mixed samples have enabled us to characterize the crystalline phases observed at low temperature. On the contrary to what was announced in literature on the structural behavior of mixed samples in odd-odd binary systems with D n = 2, the three domains are not all orthorhombic. This work has enabled us to show that two of the domains are, in fact, monoclinic, (Aa, Z = 4) and the other one is orthorhombic (Pca21, Z = 4). The conclusions drawn in this work can be easily transposed to other binary systems of n-alkanes.


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The structural state and static and dynamic magnetic properties of TbCu2 nanoparticles are reported produced by mechanical milling under inert atmosphere. The core magnetic structure retains the bulk antiferromagnetic arrangement. The overall interpretation is based on a superantiferromagnetic behavior which at low temperatures coexists with a canting of surface moments and mismatch of antiferromagnetic sublattices of the nanoparticles.


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We investigate the phase diagram of a discrete version of the Maier-Saupe model with the inclusion of additional degrees of freedom to mimic a distribution of rodlike and disklike molecules. Solutions of this problem on a Bethe lattice come from the analysis of the fixed points of a set of nonlinear recursion relations. Besides the fixed points associated with isotropic and uniaxial nematic structures, there is also a fixed point associated with a biaxial nematic structure. Due to the existence of large overlaps of the stability regions, we resorted to a scheme to calculate the free energy of these structures deep in the interior of a large Cayley tree. Both thermodynamic and dynamic-stability analyses rule out the presence of a biaxial phase, in qualitative agreement with previous mean-field results.


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Emulsions containing liquid crystals present interesting properties and advantages such as the skin moisturize increase, active release modulation, and emulsion stabilization. In this work, emulsions containing annatto, coffee and tea tree oils, and nonionic surfactants were developed. The HLB method was used for selection of surfactants. The required HLB value was established (9.0). Liquid crystals were attained when used the surfactant mixture Ceteareth-5 and Steareth-2 and identified as lamellar. The emulsions showed pseudoplastic behavior and tixotropy. The ternary diagram was useful in the selection of the proportion of surfactant and oily phase considering skin compatibility and liquid crystal presence.


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The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalization group. By examining various low-energy excitations of finite chains, the metal-insulator phase boundary is determined precisely and agrees with the predictions of strong coupling theory in the antiadiabatic regime and is consistent with renormalization group arguments in the adiabatic regime. The Luttinger liquid parameters, determined by finite-size scaling, are consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.


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We study the spin-1/2 Heisenberg models on an anisotropic two-dimensional lattice which interpolates between the square lattice at one end, a set of decoupled spin chains on the other end, and the triangular-lattice Heisenberg model in between. By series expansions around two different dimer ground states and around various commensurate and incommensurate magnetically ordered states, we establish the phase diagram for this model of a frustrated antiferromagnet. We find a particularly rich phase diagram due to the interplay of magnetic frustration, quantum fluctuations, and varying dimensionality. There is a large region of the usual two-sublattice Neel phase, a three-sublattice phase for the triangular-lattice model, a region of incommensurate magnetic order around the triangular-lattice model, and regions in parameter space where there is no magnetic order. We find that the incommensurate ordering wave vector is in general altered from its classical value by quantum fluctuations. The regime of weakly coupled chains is particularly interesting and appears to be nearly critical. [S0163-1829(99)10421-1].


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Using a new version of the density-matrix renormalization group we determine the phase diagram of a model of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain where the spins interact with quantum phonons. A quantum phase transition from a gapless spin-fluid state to a gapped dimerized phase occurs at a nonzero value of the spin-phonon coupling. The transition is in the same universality class as that of a frustrated spin chain, to which the model maps in the diabatic limit. We argue that realistic modeling of known spin-Peierls materials should include the effects of quantum phonons.


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This work provides experimental phase diagram of mitotane, a drug used in the chemotherapy treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma, in compressed and/or supercritical CO(2). The synthetic-static method in a high-pressure variable-volume view cell coupled with a transmitted-light intensity probe was used to measure the solid-fluid (SF) equilibrium data. The phase equilibrium experiments were determined in temperature ranging from (298.2 to 333.1) K and pressure up to 22 MPa. Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS) with classical mixing rule was used to correlate the experimental data. Excellent agreement was found between experimental and calculated values. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As a function of temperature, the layered compound K2Na[Ag(CN)213 displays dramatic variations in luminescence thermochromism with major trend changes occurring around 80 K. In order to understand these interesting optical properties, high-resolution neutron diffraction investigations were performed on a polycrystalline sample of this material in the temperature range from 1.5 to 300 K, and previous synchrotron X-ray data of Larochelle et al. (Solid State Commun. 114, 155 (2000)) were reinterpreted. The corresponding significant structural changes were found to be continuous with an anomalous increase of the monoclinic c-lattice parameter with decreasing temperature, associated with slight reorientations of two inequivalent, approximately linear N-C-Ag-C-N units. In the whole temperature range, the crystal structure is monoclinic with the space group C2/m. Based on the structural results, the major luminescence thermochromism changes around 80 K are attributed to the dominance of a back energy transfer process from low- to high-energy excitons at high temperatures. (E) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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We introduce a microscopic model for particles with dissimilar patches which displays an unconventional "pinched'' phase diagram, similar to the one predicted by Tlusty and Safran in the context of dipolar fluids [Science 290, 1328 (2000)]. The model-based on two types of patch interactions, which account, respectively, for chaining and branching of the self-assembled networks-is studied both numerically via Monte Carlo simulations and theoretically via first-order perturbation theory. The dense phase is rich in junctions, while the less-dense phase is rich in chain ends. The model provides a reference system for a deep understanding of the competition between condensation and self-assembly into equilibrium-polymer chains.


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We investigate the phase behaviour of 2D mixtures of bi-functional and three-functional patchy particles and 3D mixtures of bi-functional and tetra-functional patchy particles by means of Monte Carlo simulations and Wertheim theory. We start by computing the critical points of the pure systems and then we investigate how the critical parameters change upon lowering the temperature. We extend the successive umbrella sampling method to mixtures to make it possible to extract information about the phase behaviour of the system at a fixed temperature for the whole range of densities and compositions of interest. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We present the first version of a new tool to scan the parameter space of generic scalar potentials, SCANNERS (Coimbra et al., SCANNERS project., 2013). The main goal of SCANNERS is to help distinguish between different patterns of symmetry breaking for each scalar potential. In this work we use it to investigate the possibility of excluding regions of the phase diagram of several versions of a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model, with future LHC results. We find that if another scalar is found, one can exclude a phase with a dark matter candidate in definite regions of the parameter space, while predicting whether a third scalar to be found must be lighter or heavier. The first version of the code is publicly available and contains various generic core routines for tree level vacuum stability analysis, as well as implementations of collider bounds, dark matter constraints, electroweak precision constraints and tree level unitarity.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, films and membranes were prepared by solvent casting from dimethylformamide, DMF, by systematically varying polymer/solvent ratio and solvent evaporation temperature. The effect of the processing conditions on the morphology, degree of porosity, mechanical and thermal properties and crystalline phase of the polymer were evaluated. The obtained microstructure is explained by the Flory-Huggins theory. For the binary system, the porous membrane formation is attributed to a spinodal decomposition of the liquid-liquid phase separation. The morphological features were simulated through the correlation between the Gibbs total free energy and the Flory-Huggins theory. This correlation allowed the calculation of the PVDF/DMF phase diagram and the evolution of the microstructure in different regions of the phase diagram. Varying preparation conditions allow tailoring polymer 2 microstructure while maintaining a high degree of crystallinity and a large β crystalline phase content. Further, the membranes show adequate mechanical properties for applications in filtration or battery separator membranes.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene), PVDF-CTFE, membranes were prepared by solven casting from dimethylformamide, DMF. The preparation conditions involved a systematic variation of polymer/solvent ratio and solvent evaporation temperature. The microstructural variations of the PVDF-CTFE membranes depend on the different regions of the PVDF-CTFE/DMF phase diagram, explained by the Flory-Huggins theory. The effect of the polymer/solvent ratio and solvent evaporation temperature on the morphology, degree of porosity, β-phase content, degree of crystallinity, mechanical, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the PVDF-CTFE polymer were evaluated. In this binary system, the porous microstructure is attributed to a spinodal decomposition of the liquid-liquid phase separation. For a given polymer/solvent ratio, 20 wt%, and higher evaporation solvent temperature, the β-phase content is around 82% and the piezoelectric coefficient, d33, is - 4 pC/N.