15 resultados para SQUATS


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of 8 weeks of strength and power training on the expression of genes related to the canonical WNT pathway and beta-catenin protein levels in physically active men. Twenty-five subjects (27.4 +/- A 4.6 years) were balanced based on their relative maximum strength in the squat exercise (squat 1RM/body mass) and randomly assigned to strength training (ST) (n = 10), power training (PT) (n = 10), and control (C) (n = 5) groups. The ST and the PT groups performed high and low intensity squats, respectively, thrice a week, for 8 weeks. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle were collected before and after the training period. Relative strength and power increased similarly in both ST and PT groups (P < 0.001). Fiber cross-sectional area also increased similarly in both ST and PT groups. Gene expression and beta-catenin protein expression levels were assessed by real-time PCR and Western blot. Certain genes were up-regulated in the ST group (WNT1: 6.4-fold, P < 0.0001; SFRP1: 3.3-fold, P < 0.0001 and LEF1: 7.3-fold, P < 0.0001) and also in the PT group (WNT1: 24.9-fold, P < 0.0001; SFRP1: 2.7-fold, P < 0.0001; LEF1: 34.1-fold, P < 0.0001 and Cyclin D1: 7.7-fold, P < 0.001). In addition, the expression of key WNT pathway genes was substantially more responsive to PT than to ST (WNT1: P < 0.0001; LEF1: P < 0.0001 and Cyclin D1: P < 0.001). Finally, the total beta-catenin protein content increased only in the PT group (P < 0.05). Our data indicate that a PT regimen triggers greater responses in key elements of the WNT pathway.


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Miarka, B, Del Vecchio, FB, and Franchini, E. Acute effects and postactivation potentiation in the special judo fitness test. J Strength Cond Res 25(2): 427-431, 2011-The purpose of this study was to compare the acute short-term effects of (1) plyometric exercise, (2) combined strength and plyometric exercise (contrast), and (3) maximum strength performance in the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT). Eight male judo athletes (mean +/- SD, age, 19 +/- 1 years; body mass, 60.4 +/- 5 kg; height, 168.3 +/- 5.4 cm) took part in this study. Four different sessions were completed; each session had 1 type of intervention: (a) SJFT control, (b) plyometric exercises + SJFT, (c) maximum strength + SJFT, and (d) contrast + SJFT. The following variables were quantified: throws performed during series A, B, and C; total number of throws; heart rate immediately and 1 minute after the test; and test index. Significant differences were found in the number of throws during series A: the plyometric exercise (6.4 +/- 0.5 throws) was superior (p < 0.05) to the control condition (5.6 +/- 0.5 throws). Heart rate 1 minute after the SJFT was higher (p < 0.01) during the plyometric exercise (192 +/- 8 bpm) than during the contrast exercise (184 +/- 9 bpm). The contrast exercise (13.58 +/- 0.72) resulted in better index values than the control (14.67 +/- 1.30) and plyometric exercises (14.51 +/- 0.54). Thus, this study suggests that contrast and plyometric exercises performed before the SJFT can result in improvements in the test index and anaerobic power of judo athletes, respectively.


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Batista, MAB, Roschel, H, Barroso, R, Ugrinowitsch, C, and Tricoli, V. Influence of strength training background on postactivation potentiation response. J Strength Cond Res 25(9): 2496-2502, 2011-The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the subjects` level of maximal dynamic strength and training background on postactivation potentiation (PAP). A group of 23 subjects, composed of power track-and-field athletes (PT = 8), bodybuilders (BB = 7), and physically active subjects (PA = 8), participated in the study. Maximal dynamic strength (1 repetition maximum test) was assessed in the leg press exercise for subjects` characterization. Their countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) performance was assessed before and after 2 different conditioning activity (CA) protocols (1 or 3 maximum voluntary isometric contractions [MVICs] of 5-second duration in the leg press exercise) or after control (no CA), performed on separate days. No significant differences among groups were found for CMJ height or take-off velocity after any of the CA protocols (p <= 0.05). However, individual analysis showed that some subjects increased performance in response to the CA, despite their previous training history. We concluded that subjects` level of maximal dynamic strength and training background have no influence on PAP manifestation. Our data suggest that coaches should individually identify the athletes that are PAP responders before introducing MVICs as part of their warm-up routines.


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Abad, CCC, Prado, ML, Ugrinowitsch, C, Tricoli, V, and Barroso, R. Combination of general and specific warm-ups improves leg-press one repetition maximum compared with specific warm-up in trained individuals. J Strength Cond Res 25(8): 2242-2245, 2011-Accurate assessment of muscular strength is critical for exercise prescription and functional evaluation. The warm-up protocol may affect the precision of the 1 repetition maximum (1RM) test. Testing guidelines recommend performing both general and specific warm-ups before strength tests. The general warm-up intends to raise muscle temperature, whereas the specific warm-up aims to increase neuromuscular activation. Although there is scientific evidence for performing the specific warm-up, the effects of general warm-up on strength tests are still unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the combination of a general with a specific warm-up (G + SWU) protocol would improve leg press 1RM values compared with a specific warm-up (SWU) protocol. Thirteen participants were tested for leg-press 1RM under 2 warm-up conditions. In the first condition, participants performed the SWU only, which was composed of 1 set of 8 repetitions at approximately 50% of the estimated 1RM followed by another set of 3 repetitions at 70% of the estimated 1RM. In the second condition (G + SWU), participants performed the 1RM test after a 20-minute general warm-up on a stationary bicycle at 60% of HRmax and the same specific warm-up as in the SWU. Values of 1RM in SWU and in G + SWU were compared by a paired t-test, and significance level was set at p <= 0.05. Strength values were on average 8.4% (p = 0.002) higher in the G + SWU compared with the SWU. These results suggest that the G + SWU induced temperature-dependent neuromuscular adjustments that increased muscle force production capacity. Therefore, these results support the recommendations of the testing guidelines to perform a moderate intensity general warm-up in addition to the specific warm-up before maximum strength assessments.


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This study investigated the influence of two warm-up protocols on neural and contractile parameters of knee extensors. A series of neuromuscular tests including voluntary and electrically evoked contractions were performed before and after running- (R (WU); slow running, athletic drills, and sprints) and strength-based (S (WU); bilateral 90 degrees back squats, Olympic lifting movements and reactivity exercises) warm ups (duration ~40 min) in ten-trained subjects. The estimated overall mechanical work was comparable between protocols. Maximal voluntary contraction torque (+15.6%; P < 0.01 and +10.9%; P < 0.05) and muscle activation (+10.9 and +12.9%; P < 0.05) increased to the same extent after R (WU) and S (WU), respectively. Both protocols caused a significant shortening of time to contract (-12.8 and -11.8% after R (WU) and S (WU); P < 0.05), while the other twitch parameters did not change significantly. Running- and strength-based warm ups induce similar increase in knee extensors force-generating capacity by improving the muscle activation. Both protocols have similar effects on M-wave and isometric twitch characteristics.


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Amb l’objectiu de conèixer les relacions existents entre la força, el rendiment esportiu i la lesionabilitat en un equip masculí de bàsquet professional, es realitza un estudi prospectiu, observacional i descriptiu d’anàlisis d’estadístiques (71 partits), test de mig esquat (n = 7) i patologia lesional, monitoritzant la temporada 09/10, on es relacionen les dades obtingudes de cada jugador referents al rendiment esportiu per partit (valoració estadística), les mitjanes de força, velocitat i potència de cada mesocicle i la lesionabilitat. La tècnica estadística utilitzada ha estat la correlació a partir del paràmetre rho de Spearman. Aquestes correlacions entre força i lesionabilitat mostren que a valors de força més elevats hi ha més lesions: amb 80 kg són molt significatives per a lesions totals (LT) i potència (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006), i significatives per força (rho = 0,823; p = 0,023) i velocitat (rho = 0,774; p = 0,041); la velocitat amb 90 kg es relaciona amb lesions time loss (TL) (rho = 0,878; p = 0,009), i la potència amb 100 kg, amb lesions totals (LT) (rho = 0,805; p = 0,029) i V100 (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006) molt significativament. I la relació entre força i rendiment és significativament negativa en 5 dels 7 mesocicles, és a dir, a menys força, més rendiment. En conclusió, durant l’execució del mig esquat, hi ha valors de força adients per rendir millor i lesionar-se menys: de 800 N a 1.050 N i amb càrregues de 80 kg a 90 kg.


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Introduction: Les stratégies d’optimisation de la performance chez les athlètes sont de plus en plus exploitées par les entraîneurs et préparateurs physiques. La potentialisation de post- activation (PAP) est reconnue comme étant un phénomène pouvant mener à une augmentation des performances. L’objectif de la présente étude était de donc décrire les effets d’une pré-sollicitation à la hanche sur la coordination inter-musculaire et la performance au cours d’un exercice épuisant. Méthodes: Six athlètes de patins de vitesse de courte piste (3 de sexe masculin et 3 de sexe féminin; âge: 20.2 ± 2.8 ans; moyenne±écart-type) ont exécuté aléatoirement un exercice qui consistait en 2 séries de 9 blocs de squats sautés maximaux, entre-coupés d’un squat isométrique d’une durée de 5 secondes sans pré-sollicitation préalable (CON) et avec une tâche de pré-sollicitation unilatérale de squat isométrique (EXP) contre une barre fixe de 2x3 secondes. Le pic de puissance moyen, l’amplitude et la fréquence moyenne d’EMG, et la vitesse et l’accélération angulaires des premiers et derniers blocs étaient enregistrés. Résultats: La pré-sollicitation isométrique maximale des membres inférieurs n’a pas amélioré de manière significative la performance de sauts et la coordination des muscles stabilisateurs à la hanche. La fréquence spectrale moyenne a néanmoins témoigné de l’implication de stratégies compensatoires du membre inférieur gauche en réponse à la fatigue. Conclusion: La pré-sollicitation des stabilisateurs à la hanche n’augmenterait pas la performance de squats répétés. Par contre, la fréquence moyenne du grand fessier et du tibial antérieur gauche ont suggéré meilleure résistance à la fatigue des muscles du membre inférieur non-dominant avec une pré-sollicitation. Les résultats de la présente étude indiquent donc la pertinence de considérer la pré-sollicitation dans un objectif de performance et de réadaptation sachant que l’asymétrie est omniprésente chez les athlètes et qu’elle est impliquée dans le taux élevé de blessures enregistré chez cette population.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pereira, GR, Leporace, G, Chagas, DV, Furtado, LFL, Praxedes, J, and Batista, LA. Influence of hip external rotation on hip adductor and rectus femoris myoelectric activity during a dynamic parallel squat. J Strength Cond Res 24(10): 27492754, 2010-This study sought to compare the myoelectric activity of the hip adductors (HAs) and rectus femoris (RF) when the hip was in a neutral position or externally rotated by 30 degrees or 50 degrees (H0, H30, and H50, respectively) during a parallel squat. Ten healthy subjects performed 10 repetitions of squats in each of the 3 hip positions and the myoelectric activities of the HAs and RF were recorded. The signal was then divided into categories representing concentric (C) and eccentric (E) contractions in the following ranges of motion: 0-30 degrees (C1 and E1), 30-60 degrees (C2 and E2), and 60-90 degrees (C3 and E3) of knee flexion. From those signals, an root mean square (RMS) value for each range of motion in each hip position was obtained. All values were normalized to those obtained during maximum voluntary isometric contraction. We found that HAs showed a significant increase in myoelectric activity during C3 and E3 in the H30 and H50 positions, as compared with H0. Meanwhile, RF activity did not significantly differ between hip positions. Both muscles showed higher activation during 60-90 degrees (C3 and E3) of knee flexion, as compared with 0-30 degrees (C1 and E1) and 30-60 degrees (C2 and E2). The results suggest that if the aim is to increase HA activity despite the low percentage of muscle activation, squats should be performed with 30 degrees of external rotation and at least 90 degrees of knee flexion.


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The relationship between time in dreams and real time has intrigued scientists for centuries. The question if actions in dreams take the same time as in wakefulness can be tested by using lucid dreams where the dreamer is able to mark time intervals with prearranged eye movements that can be objectively identified in EOG recordings. Previous research showed an equivalence of time for counting in lucid dreams and in wakefulness (LaBerge, 1985; Erlacher and Schredl, 2004), but Erlacher and Schredl (2004) found that performing squats required about 40% more time in lucid dreams than in the waking state. To find out if the task modality, the task length, or the task complexity results in prolonged times in lucid dreams, an experiment with three different conditions was conducted. In the first condition, five proficient lucid dreamers spent one to three non-consecutive nights in the sleep laboratory. Participants counted to 10, 20, and 30 in wakefulness and in their lucid dreams. Lucidity and task intervals were time stamped with left-right-left-right eye movements. The same procedure was used for these condition where eight lucid dreamers had to walk 10, 20, or 30 steps. In the third condition, eight lucid dreamers performed a gymnastics routine, which in the waking state lasted the same time as walking 10 steps. Again, we found that performing a motor task in a lucid dream requires more time than in wakefulness. Longer durations in the dream state were present for all three tasks, but significant differences were found only for the tasks with motor activity (walking and gymnastics). However, no difference was found for relative times (no disproportional time effects) and a more complex motor task did not result in more prolonged times. Longer durations in lucid dreams might be related to the lack of muscular feedback or slower neural processing during REM sleep. Future studies should explore factors that might be associated with prolonged durations.


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Creatine Kinase (CK) is used as a measure of exercise-induced muscle membrane damage. During acute eccentric (muscle lengthening) exercise, muscle sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and Z-lines are damaged, thus causing muscle proteins and enzymes to leak into the interstitial fluid. Strenuous eccentric exercise produces an elevation of oxygen free radicals, which further increases muscle damage. Muscle soreness and fatigue can be attributed to this membrane damage. Estradiol, however, may preserve membrane stability post-exercise (Brancaccio, Maffulli, & Limongelli, 2007; Carter, Dobridge, & Hackney, 2001; Tiidus, 2001). Because estradiol has a similar structure to Vitamin E, which is known to have antioxidant properties, and both are known to affect membrane structure, researchers have proposed that estrogen acts as an antioxidant to provide a protective effect on the post-exercise muscle of women (Sandoval & Matt, 2002). As a result, it has been postulated that muscles in women incur less damage in response to an acute strenuous exercise as compared to men. PURPOSE: To determine if circulating estrogen concentrations are related to muscle damage, as measured by creatine kinase activity and to determine gender differences in creatine kinase as a marker of muscle damage in response to an acute heavy resistance exercise protocol. METHODS: 7 healthy, resistance-trained, eumenhorrheic women (23±3 y, 169±9.1 cm, 66.4±10.5 kg) and 8 healthy, resistance-trained men (25±5 y, 178±6.7 cm, 82.3±9.33 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. Subjects performed an Acute Resistance Exercise Test (ARET) consisting of 6 sets of 5 repetitions Smith machine squats at 90% of their previously determined 1-RM. Blood samples were taken pre-, mid-, post-, 1 hour post-, 6 hours post-, and 24 hours post-exercise. Samples were stored at -80ºC until analyzed. Serum creatine kinase was measured using an assay kit from Genzyme (Framingham, MA). Serum estradiol was measured by an ELISA from GenWay (San Diego, CA). Estradiol b-receptor presence on granulocytes was measured via flow cytometry using primary antibodies from Abcam (Cambridge, MA) and PeCy7 antibodies (secondary) from Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA). RESULTS: No significant correlations between estrogen and CK response were found after an acute resistant exercise protocol. Moreover, no significant change in estradiol receptors were expressed on granulocytes after exercise. Creatine Kinase response, however, differed significantly between genders. Men had higher resting CK concentrations throughout all time points. Creatine Kinase response increased significantly after exercise in both men and women (p=0.008, F=9.798). Men had a significantly higher CK response at 24 hours post exercise than women. A significant condition/sex/time interaction was exhibited in CK response (p=0.02, F=4.547). Perceived general soreness presented a significant condition, sex interaction (p=0.01, F=9.532). DISCUSSION: Although no estradiol and CK response correlations were found in response to exercise, a significant difference in creatine kinase activity was present between men and women. This discrepancy of our results and findings in the literature may be due to the high variability between subjects in creatine kinase activity as well as estrogen concentrations. The lack of significance in change of estradiol receptor expression on granulocytes in response to exercise may be due to intracellular estradiol receptor staining and non-specific gating for granulocytes rather than additional staining for neutrophil markers. Because neutrophils are the initial cells present in the inflammatory response after strenuous exercise, staining for estrogen receptors on this cell type may allow for a better understanding of the effect of estrogen and its hypothesized protective effect against muscle damage. Furthermore, the mechanism of action may include estradiol receptor expression on the muscle fiber itself may play a role in the protective effects of estradiol rather than or in addition to expression on neutrophils. We have shown here that gender differences occur in CK activity as a marker of muscle damage in response to strenuous eccentric exercise, but may not be the result of estradiol concentration or estradiol receptor expression on granulocytes. Other variables should be examined in order to determine the mechanism involved in the difference in creatine kinase as a marker of muscle damage between men and women after heavy resistance exercise.


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Several studies have tried to find countermeasures against musculoskeletal de-conditioning during bed-rest, but none of them yielded decisive results. We hypothesised that resistive vibration exercise (RVE) might be a suitable training modality. We have therefore carried out a bed-rest study to evaluate its feasibility and efficacy during 56 days of bed-rest. Twenty healthy male volunteers aged 24 to 43 years were recruited and, after medical check-ups, randomised to a non-exercising control (Ctrl) group or a group that performed RVE 11 times per week. Strict bed-rest was controlled by video surveillance. The diet was controlled. RVE was performed in supine position, with a static force component of about twice the body weight and a smaller dynamic force component. RVE comprised four different units (squats, heel raises, toe raises, kicks), each of which lasted 60 - 100 seconds. Pre and post exercise levels of lactate were measured once weekly. Body weight was measured daily on a bed scale. Pain questionnaires were obtained in regular intervals during and after the bed-rest. Vibration frequency was set to 19 Hz at the beginning and progressed to 25.9 Hz (SD 1.9) at the end of the study, suggesting that the dynamic force component increased by 90%. The maximum sustainable exercise time for squat exercise increased from 86 s (SD 21) on day 11 of the BR to 176 s (SD 73) on day 53 (p = 0.006). On the same days, post-exercise lactate levels increased from 6.9 mmol/l (SD2.3) to 9.2 mmol/l (SD 3.5, p = 0.01). On average, body weight was unchanged in both groups during bed-rest, but single individuals in both groups depicted significant weight changes ranging from -10% to + d10% (p < 0.001). Lower limb pain was more frequent during bed-rest in the RVE subjects than in Ctrl (p = 0.035). During early recovery, subjects of both groups suffered from muscle pain to a comparable extent, but foot pain was more common in Ctrl than in RVE (p = 0.013 for plantar pain, p = 0.074 for dorsal foot pain). Our results indicate that RVE is feasible twice daily during bed-rest in young healthy males, provided that one afternoon and one entire day per week are free. Exercise progression, mainly by progression of vibration frequency, yielded increases in maximum sustainable exercise time and blood lactate. In conclusion, RVE as performed in this study, appears to be safe.


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The phenomenon post activation potentiation (PAP) can be defined as an increase in muscle performance following a heavy contraction of a movement that utilizes the same muscle group (i.e. improved 20m sprint following a high intensity squat). However, research has yet to examine if heavy squats elicit PAP on the squat itself. Further, past studies have not yet analyzed if PAP is elicited at a moderate intensity (i.e. 60% one-repetition maximum-1RM).