27 resultados para SNIP


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Esta Tesis tiene dos partes. La Primera Parte es Teórica y Metodológica y trata de la actual crisis de paradigma en las Ciencias Sociales, y de cómo se puede remontar con la Teoría del Pensamiento Complejo, siempre que sus propuestas se centren en modelos empíricos de Análisis de Redes Sociales debidamente matematizados y estadísticamente refrendados. La propuesta del tesista propone enriquecer el actual homo economicus, incorporando la importancia de las relaciones con el grupo (coactivas, coercitivas o motivacionales), a través de un nuevo objeto de estudio: los Proyectos. Es mediante los Proyectos, donde los individuos y los grupos en los que interactúan, transan y organizan sus esfuerzos. El problema reside en que, no existe hasta la fecha, una sistematización y modelización de los Proyectos como objeto de estudio en las Ciencias Sociales. Sin embargo, hay una amplia experiencia de análisis y sistematización de Proyectos tanto en la Economía de la Empresa (Management, Business Administration), como en la Economía Pública. En esta Tesis se estudia todo lo publicado recientemente sobre los Proyectos de Inversión Pública (PIPs) y su eficiencia en Latinoamérica. En la Segunda Parte, centrada en un Trabajo Empírico y su modelización, el tesista crea una Base de Datos (BdD) primaria, a partir del Banco de Proyectos (BdP) del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) del Perú (2001-2014), que recoge todos los Proyectos de Inversión Pública (PIP), cerca de 400.000 PIPs Iniciales, los tabula en 48 categorías y posteriormente, “deja hablar a los datos” jugando a relacionar, correlacionar, inducir hipótesis y verificarlas mediante un sistema que se centra en la operativa tipo “Big Data”. A esto le denomina “triangular” porque mezcla en el esfuerzo, herramientas de Estadística Descriptiva, Estadística Inferencial y Econometría para poder refrendar el conocimiento inducido, que siempre en ciencia, es una mera certeza probabilística. El tesista concluye que en el caso del Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública del Perú (SNIP) y más específicamente, de los procesos administrativos que emplea -denominados “Ciclo PIP”-, queda claro que se está trabajando con “fenómenos emergentes” cuyo comportamiento no se adapta a una Distribución Normal. Y que dicho comportamiento errático se debe a que la Inversión Pública es cíclica (Ecuación Evolutiva de Price) y a que el “Ciclo PIP” opera a todo nivel (GN, GR, GL) en función de las relaciones entre los miembros que componen su red. Ergo, es un tema a Analizar con Social Network Analysis (Análisis Social de Redes, ARS). El tesista concluye que las redes de “Ciclo PIP” en el Perú fallan principalmente por problemas de escasez de personal técnico multisectorial debidamente cualificado. A manera de conclusión, propone la creación de una Plataforma Web 3.0 (metadatos), que utilice un Sistema de Razonamiento Basado en Casos (SRBC) para aprovechar el conocimiento que dimana de los éxitos y fracasos de los propios PIPs, con el fin de facilitar las gestiones de los miembros de la red que formulan, evalúan y ejecutan los PIPs en el Perú, tanto a nivel Municipal (GP) como Regional (GR) y Nacional (GN).


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O presente trabalho pretende avaliar as diferenças de efeitos que os modelos de sobrecarga rodoviária de dez regulamentos (RSA, EC1-2, NBR, AASHTO, SATCC, CSA, IRC:6, SNiP, Manual de Hong Kong, NCP) provocam em pontes rodoviárias de pequeno a médio vão. Numa primeira parte são cobertas questões relacionadas com os efeitos dinâmicos em pontes referenciando-se diversos estudos. Em seguida são apresentados os principais fatores que influenciam os efeitos das sobrecargas rodoviárias. Os modelos de sobrecarga rodoviária, definidos nos diversos regulamentos, são descritos pormenorizadamente com o objetivo de clarificar e facilitar a sua aplicação. No que se refere à componente numérica do trabalho, a quantificação dos efeitos que cada modelo origina foi realizada através da modelação em elementos finitos de tabuleiros de comprimento variável entre 10 e 40 metros. Longitudinalmente analisaram-se os valores máximos do momento fletor e do esforço transverso, e numa análise transversal estudaram-se os valores máximos de momentos fletores positivos e negativos originados em cada tabuleiro. No capítulo 7 é realizada uma análise comparativa dos efeitos causados pelos modelos de sobrecarga rodoviária definidos em cada regulamento tomando como referência os valores obtidos pelo RSA.


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La faiblesse des muscles respiratoires peut entraîner une dyspnée, un encombrement bronchique et une insuffisance respiratoire potentiellement fatale. L'évaluation de la force musculaire respiratoire s'impose donc dans les affections neuro-musculaires, mais également dans les situations de dyspnée inexpliquée par une première évaluation cardiaque et pulmonaire. À la spirométrie, une faiblesse musculaire est suspectée sur la base de la boucle débit-volume montrant un débit de pointe émoussé et une fin prématurée de l'expiration. Une diminution importante de la capacité vitale en position couchée suggère une paralysie diaphragmatique. La force inspiratoire est mesurée par la pression inspiratoire maximale (PImax) contre une quasi-occlusion des voies aériennes. Ce test relativement difficile est d'interprétation délicate en cas de collaboration insuffisante. La mesure de la pression nasale sniff (SNIP) est une alternative utile, car elle élimine le problème des fuites autour de l'embout buccal et la réalisation du reniflement est facile. De même, la pression trans-diaphragmatique sniff mesure la force du diaphragme au moyen de sondes oesophagienne et gastrique. En cas de collaboration insuffisante, on peut recourir à la stimulation magnétique des nerfs phréniques qui induit une contraction non-volontaire du diaphragme. La force expiratoire est mesurée par la pression expiratoire maximale (PEmax) contre une quasi-occlusion. La force disponible pour tousser est mesurée par la pression gastrique à la toux, ou plus simplement par le débit de pointe à la toux. Chez les patients à risque, la mesure de la force des muscles respiratoires permet d'instaurer à temps une assistance ventilatoire ou à la toux.


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Twitch mouth pressure (Pmo,tw) during magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation and sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP) were recently proposed as alternative noninvasive methods for assessing inspiratory muscle strength. This study aimed to compare their reproducibility with maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) in normal subjects. Ten healthy subjects were studied at functional residual capacity in semirecumbent position. Cervical magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation was performed during gentle expiration against an occlusion incorporating a small leak. Constancy of stimulation was controlled by recording diaphragmatic electromyogram. Within and between-session reproducibility of pressure were studied for Pmo,tw, SNIP, and MIP. The subjects were studied during a session of 10 manoeuvres repeated after 1 day and 1 month. The mean values were 16 cmH2O for Pmo,tw, 118 cmH2O for SNIP, and 115 cmH2O for MIP. For the three tests, the within subject variation was small in relation to between-subject variation, with the intraclass correlation coefficient ranging 0.79-0.90 for Pmo,tw, 0.85-0.92 for SNIP, and 0.88-0.92 for MIP. At 1 day interval, the coefficient of repeatability (2 SD of differences) was 3.6 cmH2O for Pmo,tw, 32 cmH2O for SNIP and 28 cmH2O for MIP. At 1 month interval, the coefficient of repeatability was 5.8 cmH2O for Pmo,tw, 23 cmH2O for SNIP and 21 cmH2O for MIP. We conclude that the within session reproducibility of the new tests twitch mouth pressure and sniff nasal inspiratory pressure is sufficient to be clinically useful. For sniff nasal inspiratory pressure, the between session reproducibility established after 1 day was maintained after 1 month. For twitch mouth pressure, the between session reproducibility declined slightly after 1 month. These characteristics should be considered when using these methods to follow an individual patient over time.


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In subjects with normal lung mechanics, inspiratory muscle strength can be reliably and easily assessed by the sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP), which is the pressure measured in an occluded nostril during a maximal sniff performed through the contralateral nostril. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the SNIP in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), where pressure transmission from alveoli to upper airways is likely to be dampened. Twenty eight patients with COPD were studied (mean forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) = 36% of predicted). The SNIP and the sniff oesophageal pressure (sniff Poes) were measured simultaneously during maximal sniffs, and were compared to the maximal inspiratory pressure obtained against an occlusion (MIP). All measurements were performed from functional residual capacity in the sitting position. The ratio SNIP/sniff Poes was 0.80, and did not correlate with the degree of airflow limitation. The ratio MIP/sniff Poes was 0.87, and the ratio SNIP/MIP was 0.97. Inspiratory muscle weakness, as defined by a low sniff Poes, was present in 17 of the 28 patients. A false diagnosis of weakness was made in eight patients when MIP was considered alone, in four when SNIP was considered alone, and in only three patients when MIP and SNIP were combined. We conclude that both the sniff nasal inspiratory pressure and the maximal inspiratory pressure moderately underestimate sniff oesophageal pressure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although suboptimal in this condition, the sniff nasal inspiratory pressure appears useful to complement the maximal inspiratory pressure for assessing inspiratory muscle strength in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


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The objective of this paper was to show the potential additional insight that result from adding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to plant performance evaluation criteria, such as effluent quality (EQI) and operational cost (OCI) indices, when evaluating (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The proposed GHG evaluation is based on a set of comprehensive dynamic models that estimate the most significant potential on-site and off-site sources of CO2, CH4 and N2O. The study calculates and discusses the changes in EQI, OCI and the emission of GHGs as a consequence of varying the following four process variables: (i) the set point of aeration control in the activated sludge section; (ii) the removal efficiency of total suspended solids (TSS) in the primary clarifier; (iii) the temperature in the anaerobic digester; and (iv) the control of the flow of anaerobic digester supernatants coming from sludge treatment. Based upon the assumptions built into the model structures, simulation results highlight the potential undesirable effects of increased GHG production when carrying out local energy optimization of the aeration system in the activated sludge section and energy recovery from the AD. Although off-site CO2 emissions may decrease, the effect is counterbalanced by increased N2O emissions, especially since N2O has a 300-fold stronger greenhouse effect than CO2. The reported results emphasize the importance and usefulness of using multiple evaluation criteria to compare and evaluate (plant-wide) control strategies in a WWTP for more informed operational decision making


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Background: The myotonic dystrophy (MD) is a multisystem neuromuscular disease that can affect the respiratory muscles and heart function, and cause impairment in quality of life. Objectives: Investigate the changes in respiratory muscle strength, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and autonomic modulation heart rate (HR) in patients with MD. Methods: Twenty-three patients performed assessment of pulmonary function, sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP), the maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressure, and of HRQoL (SF-36 questionnaire). Of these patients, 17 underwent assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) at rest, in the supine and seated positions. Results: The values of respiratory muscle strength were 64, 70 and 80% of predicted for MEP, MIP, and SNIP, respectively. Significant differences were found in the SF-36 domains of physical functioning (58.7 ± 31,4 vs. 84.5 ± 23, p<0.01) and physical problems (43.4 ± 35.2 vs. 81.2 ± 34, p<0.001) when patients were compared with the reference values. Single linear regression analysis demonstrated that MIP explains 29% of the variance in physical functioning, 18% of physical problems and 20% of vitality. The HRV showed that from supine position to seated, HF decreased (0.43 x 0.30), and LF (0.57 x 0.70) and the LF/HF ratio (1.28 x 2.22) increased (p< 0.05). Compared to healthy persons, LF was lower in both male patients (2.68 x 2.99) and women (2.31 x 2.79) (p< 0.05). LF / HF ratio and LF were higher in men (5.52 x 1.5 and 0.8 x 0.6, p <0.05) and AF in women (0.43 x 0.21) (p< 0.05). There was positive correlation between the time of diagnosis and LF / HF ratio (r = 0.7, p <0.01). Conclusions: The expiratory muscle strength was reduced. The HRQoL was more impaired on the physical aspects and partly influenced by changes in inspiratory muscle strength. The HRV showed that may be sympathetic dysfunction in autonomic modulation of HR, although with normal adjustment of autonomic modulation during the change of posture. The parasympathetic modulation is higher in female patients and sympathetic tends to increase in patients with longer diagnosis


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The strength of respiratory muscle are frequently assessed by maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure, however, the maneuvers to assess PImax and PEmax are difficult for many patients. The sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP) is a simple and noninvasive technique use to assess inspiratory muscles strength. Reference values have been previous established for SNIP in adults but no previous studies have provided reference values for SNIP in adult Brazilian population. The main objective of this study were propose reference values of SNIP for Brazilian population through establishment of relationship between anthropometric measurements, physical activity profile and SNIP and at the same time compare the values obtained with reference values previously published. We studied 117 subjects (59 male and 58 female) distributed in different age grouped 20-80 years old. The results showed on significant positive relationship between SNIP and height and negative correlation with age (p<0.05). In the multiple linear regression analysis only age continued to have an independent predictive role for the two dependent variables that correlated with SNIP. The values of SNIP found in Brazilian population were higher when compared with predict values of previous studies. The results of this study provide reference equations of SNIP for health Brazilian population from 20 to 80 years old


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The clinical importance of evaluating the respiratory muscles with a variety of tests has been proposed by several studies, once that the combination of several tests would allow a better diagnosis and therefore, a better clinical follow of disorders of the respiratory muscles. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of adapting a national electronic manovacuometer to measure the nasal inspiratory pressure (study 1) and analyze the level of load intensity of maximum voluntary ventilation, as well as the variables that may influence this maneuver in healthy subjects (study 2). We studied 20 healthy subjects by a random evaluation of two measures of SNIP in different equipments: a national and an imported. In study 2 it was analyzed the intensity of the load of MVV test, change in pressure developed during the maneuver, the possible differences between genders, and the correlations between the flow developed in the test and the result of MVV. In study 1 it was found the average for both measures of nasal inspiratory pressures: 125 ± 42.4 cmH2O for the imported equipment and 131.7 ± 28.7 cmH2O for the national one. Pearson analysis showed a significant correlation between the average, with a coefficient r = 0.63. The average values showed no significant differences evaluated by paired t test (p> 0.05). In the Bland-Altman analysis it was found a BIAS = 7 cmH2O, SD 32.9 and a confidence interval of - 57.5 cmH2O up to 71.5 cmH2O. In the second study it was found significant differences between the genders in the air volume moved, being higher in males 150.9 ± 13.1 l / min vs 118.5 ± 15.7 L / min for (p = 0.0002, 95% CI 44.85 to 20:05). Regarding the inspiratory and expiratory loading, they were significantly higher in men than in women, peak inspiratory pressure (34.7 ± 5.3 cmH2O vs 19.5 ± 4.2 cmH2O, 95% CI - 18.0 to -12.3, p <0.0001), peak expiratory (33.8 vs. 23.1 ± 5.9 cmH2O ± 5.4 cmH2O, 95% CI -17.1 to - 4.6, p <0.0001), and the delta pressure (59.7 ± 10 cmH2O vs 36.8 ± 8.3 cmH2O, 95% CI 14.5 to 31.2, p <0.0002). The Pearson correlation showed that the flow generated by the maneuver is strongly correlated with the delta-expiratory pressure / inspiratory (r2= 0.83,R = 0.91, 95%IC 0.72 a 0.97 e p< 0.0001).Through these results we suggest that the national electronic manovacuometer is feasible and safe to perform the sniff test in healthy subjects. For the MVV, there are differences between the genders in the intensity of pressure developed during the maneuver. We found a load intensity considered low during the MVV, and found a strong correlation between the flow generated in the test and the delta pressure expiratory / inspiratory


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This article claim to estabilish a epistemologic discourse from the science history´s point of view in a moment where its statute,methods , approachs and possibility conditions, in history´s crisis period, depares itself in risk, as universitary institutions as european´s social imagination about knowing for excellence. Our spotlight though is the concept of space, a strong question to a timeless snip, once philosophy and History renounced this concept due to the time question, so commum used until nowdays in both discourses. From this perspective, we search to elucidate Spengler´s history and space point of view, attempting to the occidental idea produced by the author, tapping to the symbolical and discursive dynamics and its dialogic relation with westerner´s political and cultural in the end of XIX century toward second great war. Thereby Spengler´s effort was always crucial to define concepts of history, science, art, space,civilizations, culture, city, country and mainly discussing spenglerian relation to social-political facts that sorrounded him. And finally, his project of cientific revolution, which was displayed by Spengler as a challenge to History of science´s paradigm


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This study examines the determinations of the structural crisis of capital in the democratic control effected on the councils of rights and policies. Therefore the research aimed to apprehend and analyze the conjunctural and structural determinations and cyclical changes that incide on democratic control established by the Federal Constitution of 1988. The specific objectives turned to: (1) identify and analyze the theoretical and political fundamentals of democratic control in the production of social service in ENPESS 2010, in the productions of CFESS and the journal social services and society, (2) apprehend and analyze the possibilities, limits, contradictions and social direction of democratic control in contemporaneity and (3) identify and analyze the major political forces that constitute support and opposition to the exercise of democratic control. To approximate to the intended objectives the way theoretical and methodological covered was based in a perspective of totality that allows the apprehension of the object of study in their contradictory dimensions of universality, particularity and singularity. The results enabled to develop critical analysis of theoretical production of the Brazilian social service on the subject, having as snip studies of the journals social service and society; works of ENPESS 2010 and CFESS positioning. It was found, so in analysis undertaken, the spaces of democratic control suffer inflections of capital that shape their practices and social direction. In theoretical productions chosen, identified the prevalence of democratic control studied under an endogenous perspective to participatory canals, with incipient connections to the structural/conjunctural determinations of a historical period of crisis and seeks to restore the hegemony of capital. The positioning of the CFESS tends to recognition of democratic control in its contradictory dynamics recognizing the limits imposed by the sociability of the capital at the present time


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The genesis of the research emerges from reflection about the space dynamics of the capital and to the capital. The expansion and the incorporation of territory for capital reveal, in part, strategies of the capitalism production way, which shows the search for accumulation conditions, expanding the alternatives of territory use that is, nowadays, selective and uneven. The present work verified the mechanisms where the capital imposes its practices through the agrarian structure and the valuation of land market, meaning, in our knowledge, that the reproduction of inequalities is showed, many times, by the wide land speculation and the fast land valuation. For this, the snip space will be the Sibaúma community, belonging to Tibau do Sul district, located in Rio Grande do Norte state. It‟s a rural area that has, gradually, changing through the advent of urban characteristics, given the association of public and private investments, both domestic and international. Through the empirical observations, inside the Sibaúma community, it was found expansion strategies, incorporation and appropriation of territory by capital. As a result of this practice, it‟s occurring the land valuation and the presence of a process of socio-spatial segregation, through the encouraging the opening of new subdivisions, mainly for construction of second homes and tourism enterprises in order to meet the demand of a higher socioeconomic level. The areas still available in Sibaúma, constitute into a reserve of value for the achievement of capitalist rent, being a mechanism of capital reproduction. In this way, to studying the socio-spatial transformations, caused by spatial valuation, we turn to the project of social space designed by Santos(2006), from the perspective of capitalist production of space, by understanding the historical process of formation, the mechanisms and the actions of social actors that produce and consume space


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)