986 resultados para SIMILARITY INDEX
Retinal image quality is commonly analyzed through parameters inherited from instrumental optics. These parameters are defined for ‘good optics’ so they are hard to translate into visual quality metrics. Instead of using point or artificial functions, we propose a quality index that takes into account properties of natural images. These images usually show strong local correlations that help to interpret the image. Our aim is to derive an objective index that quantifies the quality of vision by taking into account the local structure of the scene, instead of focusing on a particular aberration. As we show, this index highly correlates with visual acuity and allows inter-comparison of natural images around the retina. The usefulness of the index is proven through the analysis of real eyes before and after undergoing corneal surgery, which usually are hard to analyze with standard metrics.
The classification of texts has become a major endeavor with so much electronic material available, for it is an essential task in several applications, including search engines and information retrieval. There are different ways to define similarity for grouping similar texts into clusters, as the concept of similarity may depend on the purpose of the task. For instance, in topic extraction similar texts mean those within the same semantic field, whereas in author recognition stylistic features should be considered. In this study, we introduce ways to classify texts employing concepts of complex networks, which may be able to capture syntactic, semantic and even pragmatic features. The interplay between various metrics of the complex networks is analyzed with three applications, namely identification of machine translation (MT) systems, evaluation of quality of machine translated texts and authorship recognition. We shall show that topological features of the networks representing texts can enhance the ability to identify MT systems in particular cases. For evaluating the quality of MT texts, on the other hand, high correlation was obtained with methods capable of capturing the semantics. This was expected because the golden standards used are themselves based on word co-occurrence. Notwithstanding, the Katz similarity, which involves semantic and structure in the comparison of texts, achieved the highest correlation with the NIST measurement, indicating that in some cases the combination of both approaches can improve the ability to quantify quality in MT. In authorship recognition, again the topological features were relevant in some contexts, though for the books and authors analyzed good results were obtained with semantic features as well. Because hybrid approaches encompassing semantic and topological features have not been extensively used, we believe that the methodology proposed here may be useful to enhance text classification considerably, as it combines well-established strategies. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The silicoflagellate and ebridian assemblages in early middle Eocene Arctic cores obtained by IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX) were studied in order to decipher the paleoceanography of the upper water column. The assemblages in Lithologic Unit 2 (49.7-45.1 Ma), one of the biosiliceous intervals, were usually endemic as compared to the assemblages that occurred outside of the Arctic Ocean. The presence of these endemic assemblages is probably due to a unique environmental setting, controlled by the degree of mixing between the low-salinity Arctic waters and relatively high salinity waters supplied from outside the Arctic Ocean, such as the Atlantic and possibly the Western Siberian Sea. Using the basin-to-basin fractionation model, the early middle Eocene Arctic Ocean corresponds to an estuarine circulation type, which includes the modern-day Black Sea. The abundant down-core occurrence of ebridians strongly suggests the past presence of low-salinity waters, and may indicate that low oxygen concentrations prevailed in the euphotic layer, on the basis of the ecology of the modern ebridian Hermesinum adriaticum.
Póster presentado en SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, 16-19 April 2012.
Impact of disturbance on forest stand density, basal area, dbh class distribution of density and basal area, species richness, species diversity and similarity index was assessed through monitoring six, one-hectare, permanent forest plots after a period of 24 years in tropical moist forests of Uttara Kannada district, Western Ghats, India. It was observed that all sites lost trees due to removal by people and mortality. Loss of trees was more in sites that are easily accessible and closer to human habitation. In spite of a decrease in tree density, an increase in basal area was observed in some forest plots, which could be on account of stimulatory growth of surviving trees. Decrease in basal area in other sites indicates greater human pressure and overexploitation of trees. Preponderance of lower girth class trees, and a unimodal reverse `J-shaped' curve of density distribution as observed in majority of the sites in the benchmark year, was indicative of regenerating status of these forests. The decrease in number of species in all forest sites was due to indiscriminate removal of trees by people, without sparing species with only a few individuals, and also due to mortality of trees of rare species. Higher species richness and diversity in the lowest dbh class in most of the sites in the benchmark year is indicative of the existence of favorable conditions for sylvigenesis. The decrease in the similarity index suggests extirpation of species, favoring invasion and colonization by secondary species. To minimize human pressure on forests and to facilitate regeneration and growth, proper management planning and conservation measures are needed.
Image inpainting is the process of filling the unwanted region in an image marked by the user. It is used for restoring old paintings and photographs, removal of red eyes from pictures, etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient inpainting algorithm which takes care of false edge propagation. We use the classical exemplar based technique to find out the priority term for each patch. To ensure that the edge content of the nearest neighbor patch found by minimizing L-2 distance between patches, we impose an additional constraint that the entropy of the patches be similar. Entropy of the patch acts as a good measure of edge content. Additionally, we fill the image by considering overlapping patches to ensure smoothness in the output. We use structural similarity index as the measure of similarity between ground truth and inpainted image. The results of the proposed approach on a number of examples on real and synthetic images show the effectiveness of our algorithm in removing objects and thin scratches or text written on image. It is also shown that the proposed approach is robust to the shape of the manually selected target. Our results compare favorably to those obtained by existing techniques
We develop a new dictionary learning algorithm called the l(1)-K-svp, by minimizing the l(1) distortion on the data term. The proposed formulation corresponds to maximum a posteriori estimation assuming a Laplacian prior on the coefficient matrix and additive noise, and is, in general, robust to non-Gaussian noise. The l(1) distortion is minimized by employing the iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithm. The dictionary atoms and the corresponding sparse coefficients are simultaneously estimated in the dictionary update step. Experimental results show that l(1)-K-SVD results in noise-robustness, faster convergence, and higher atom recovery rate than the method of optimal directions, K-SVD, and the robust dictionary learning algorithm (RDL), in Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian noise. For a fixed value of sparsity, number of dictionary atoms, and data dimension, l(1)-K-SVD outperforms K-SVD and RDL on small training sets. We also consider the generalized l(p), 0 < p < 1, data metric to tackle heavy-tailed/impulsive noise. In an image denoising application, l(1)-K-SVD was found to result in higher peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) over K-SVD for Laplacian noise. The structural similarity index increases by 0.1 for low input PSNR, which is significant and demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed method. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O estudo objetivou avaliar a composição florística e estrutural dos componentes arbustivo-arbóreo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa submontana em diferentes estágios de regeneração natural, na vertente sudeste do Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande/RJ. Para o inventário florístico foram realizadas coletas assistemáticas em diferentes trechos nessa vertente. A complementação da lista de espécies foi feita a partir, da consulta às exsicatas dos herbários do Rio de Janeiro (FCAB, GUA, HB, HRJ, R, RB, RBR, RFA, RFFP e RUSU) e do inventário fitossociológico. Foi verificado o status de conservação das espécies inventariadas para a Flora Brasileira. Para o inventário fitossociológico foram estabelecidas 34 parcelas amostrais, totalizando 1,02 ha de área amostrada. Todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com DAP ≥ 5 cm foram registrados e, após identificação, foram depositados no Herbário da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (HRJ). O pacote estatístico FITOPAC 2.1. foi utilizado para a análise dos dados. A similaridade entre o remanescente investigado neste estudo e as outras quatorze áreas distintas do Rio de Janeiro, da própria Ilha Grande ou não, foi avaliada, utilizando-se o coeficiente de Similaridade de Sorensen; pelo critério de agrupamento por ligação média não ponderada (UPGMA) e pelo método de autorreamostragem para a estrutura de grupos; utilizados os programas PAST v1.34 e Multiv 2.4. A partir do levantamento em herbários e dos inventários florístico e fitossociológico realizados neste trabalho, foram analisados 3.470 registros, sendo 1.778 do levantamento de herbários, 1.536 do levantamento fitossociológico e 156 do inventário florístico. Esses registros corresponderam a 606 espécies ou morfo-espécies de Angiospermas e uma de Pteridófita. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de 22 espécies ameaçadas de extinção para a Flora do Brasil. Dentre, as quais, sete são exclusivas da amostragem fitossociológica: Abarema cochliacarpos (Gomes) Barneby & J.W. Grimes, Chrysophyllum flexuosum Mart., Ficus pulchella Schott ex Spreng., Macrotorus utriculatus Perkins, Myrceugenia myrcioides (Cambess.) O.Berg, Rudgea interrupta Benth e Urbanodendron bahiense (Meisn.) Rohwer. No estudo fitossociológico, inventariou-se 1.536 indivíduos de 217 espécies, subordinadas a 53 famílias. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H) calculado foi de 4,702 nats/ind e equabilidade (J) de 0,874. As 10 famílias com maior riqueza foram: Myrtaceae (31 spp.), Rubiaceae (21), Fabaceae (17), Lauraceae (12), Euphorbiaceae (11), Monimiaceae (8), Melastomataceae (7), Sapindaceae (7), Sapotaceae (6) e Annonaceae (6). Os 10 maiores Valores de Importância das espécies foram para Chrysophyllum flexuosum (3,43%), Lamanonia ternata Vell. (3,40%), Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão (2,83%), Actinostemon verticillatus (Klotzsch) Baill. (2,55%), Psychotria brasiliensis Vell. (2,55%), Eriotheca pentaphylla (Vell.) A. Robyns (2,28%), Guatteria australis A. St.-Hil. (2,12%), Mabea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (2,04%), Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. (1,89%) e Rustia formosa (Cham. & Schltdl. ex DC.) Klotzsch (1,82%). Amostraram-se 27% de espécies representadas por apenas um indivíduo. As análises florísticas avaliadas a partir do Índice de Similaridade de Sorensen indicaram como principais variáveis para a formação dos blocos, os diferentes valores de diversidade para as áreas e a distribuição fitogeográfica das espécies. Os resultados obtidos junto aos dados dos grupos ecológicos, para os indivíduos da fitossociologia, indicaram maior percentual de indivíduos secundários tardios amostrados. Conclui-se que a área de estudo é uma floresta secundária em estágio intermediário de regeneração, com grande riqueza de espécies, muitas das quais de relevante importância ecológica.
Several alpine vertebrates share a distribution pattern that extends across the South-western Palearctic but is limited to the main mountain massifs. Although they are usually regarded as cold-adapted species, the range of many alpine vertebrates also includes relatively warm areas, suggesting that factors beyond climatic conditions may be driving their distribution. In this work we first recognize the species belonging to the mentioned biogeographic group and, based on the environmental niche analysis of Plecotus macrobullaris, we identify and characterize the environmental factors constraining their ranges. Distribution overlap analysis of 504 European vertebrates was done using the Sorensen Similarity Index, and we identified four birds and one mammal that share the distribution with P. macrobullaris. We generated 135 environmental niche models including different variable combinations and regularization values for P. macrobullaris at two different scales and resolutions. After selecting the best models, we observed that topographic variables outperformed climatic predictors, and the abruptness of the landscape showed better predictive ability than elevation. The best explanatory climatic variable was mean summer temperature, which showed that P. macrobullaris is able to cope with mean temperature ranges spanning up to 16 degrees C. The models showed that the distribution of P. macrobullaris is mainly shaped by topographic factors that provide rock-abundant and open-space habitats rather than climatic determinants, and that the species is not a cold-adapted, but rather a cold-tolerant eurithermic organism. P. macrobullaris shares its distribution pattern as well as several ecological features with five other alpine vertebrates, suggesting that the conclusions obtained from this study might be extensible to them. We concluded that rock-dwelling and open-space foraging vertebrates with broad temperature tolerance are the best candidates to show wide alpine distribution in the Western Palearctic.
The 1912 Jaccard index modification led to the formulation of the Biocoenotic Stability Report (BSR). It is another similarity index based on the evaluation of two opposite ecological states affecting both compared biotopes.
A avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens é de especial importância em diversas aplicações, por exemplo na compressão de imagens, onde pode ser utilizada para regular a taxa que deve ser empregada para que haja a máxima compressão (permitindo perda de dados) sem comprometer a qualidade final; outro exemplo é na inserção de marcas dágua, isto é, introdução de informações descritivas utilizadas para atestar a autenticidade de uma imagem, que devem ser invisíveis para o observador. O SSIM (Structural SIMilarity) é uma métrica de avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens de referência completa projetada para imagens em tons de cinza. Esta dissertação investiga sua aplicação na avaliação de imagens coloridas. Para tanto, inicialmente é feito um estudo do SSIM utilizando quatro diferentes espaços de cores RGB, YCbCr, Lαβ e CIELAB. O SSIM é primeiramente calculado nos canais individuais desses espaços de cores. Em seguida, com inspiração no trabalho desenvolvido em (1) são testadas formas de se combinar os valores SSIM obtidos para cada canal em um valor único os chamados SSIM Compostos. Finalmente, a fim de buscar melhores correlações entre SSIM e avaliação subjetiva, propomos a utilização da mínima diferença de cor perceptível, calculada utilizando o espaço de cores CIELAB, conjuntamente com o SSIM. Para os testes são utilizados três bancos de dados de imagens coloridas, LIVE, IVC e TID, a fim de se conferir consistência aos resultados. A avaliação dos resultados é feita utilizando as métricas empregadas pelo VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) para a avaliação da qualidade de vídeos, com uma adaptação. As conclusões do trabalho sugerem que os melhores resultados para avaliação da qualidade de imagens coloridas usando o SSIM são obtidas usando os canais de luminância dos espaços de cores YCbCr, Lαβ e especialmente o CIELAB. Também se concluiu que a utilização da mínima diferença de cor perceptível contribui para o melhoramento dos resultados da avaliação objetiva.
选取内蒙古草原三种主要草原类型(草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原)代表性群落羊草杂类草群落、羊草群落和大针茅群落、小针茅群落,应用样线法沿水分梯度研究放牧对内蒙古草原不同植物群落功能群组成、多样性、生产力以及多样性与生产力关系的影响和放牧对土壤种子库组成、大小以及多样性的影响,在此基础上,研究土壤种子库与地上植被间的关系。主要结论如下: 1 放牧对植物群落的影响 荒漠草原的放牧演替规律为小针茅群落→猪毛菜 + 小针茅群落→猪毛菜群落;典型草原为羊草或大针茅群落→糙隐子草 + 大针茅群落或克氏针茅群落→星毛委陵菜 + 糙隐子草群落;草甸草原为羊草杂类草群落→羊草 + 贝加尔针茅群落,这是不同物种对牧压的不同适应结果造成的。 放牧使4种草原群落生活型功能群组分间发生强烈的生态替代作用,但不同的群落生态替代模式不同:放牧使小针茅群落多年生丛生禾草作用减弱,一二年生草本作用增强;羊草群落和大针茅群落多年生丛生禾草、多年生根茎禾草作用减弱,多年生杂类草作用增强;羊草杂类草群落多年生根茎禾草作用减弱,多年生丛生禾草作用增强。放牧使非旱生和C3植物作用减弱,而旱生、C4植物作用增强。 放牧对4种群落物种和功能群多样性的影响随不同的群落而表现不同:物种丰富度、物种多样性、生活型多样性 和水分生态类型多样性除羊草杂类草群落外随放牧强度的加大而降低,但适度放牧增加了羊草杂类草群落的上述多样性指标。 群落地上现存量一般随放牧强度的增大而下降,但小针茅群落反之,主要与一年生植物猪毛菜的生物量迅速增加有关。除羊草群落外,0~10 cm 地下生物量随放牧强度的变化不显著;除大针茅群落外,放牧显著降低0~30 cm 地下生物量。 放牧影响下内蒙古草原植物群落生物量随水分生态类型多样性的升高而升高,其回归方程为:Y = 809 + 774x (R2=0.84, P<0.001),其中Y代表群落地上现存量和地下生物量之和,x代表群落水分生态类型多样性。 2 放牧对土壤种子库的影响 小针茅群落、大针茅群落、羊草群落和羊草杂类草群落土壤种子库组成中均以多年生杂类草为主,分别占各自群落种子库总物种数的40%、52%、54%和67%。 生活型功能群种子库密度除羊草杂类草群落外,均以一二年生草本占优势。中度放牧升高了除小针茅群落外多年生禾草种子库密度;放牧增大了小针茅群落和羊草杂类草群落一二年生草本种子库密度;除羊草杂类草群落外,放牧对多年生杂类草种子库密度影响不大;总种子库组成中,灌木半灌木和小半灌木种子库密度不大,不随取样时间和牧压而变化。 中度放牧种子库总密度最大,小针茅群落在重度放牧最大,主要是由于猪毛菜种子库密度在重度放牧突增所致。总体上,内蒙古草原4种群落在不同取样时间不同牧压下种子库总密度波动在20.8~3819.2粒/m2。 土壤种子库物种丰富度最大值一般出现在10月份,除羊草杂类草群落外,不放牧群落较放牧群落为高,中度放牧使羊草杂类草群落土壤种子库物种丰富度增加。中度放牧增加了小针茅群落、大针茅群落7月份和羊草杂类草群落各取样时间土壤种子库物种多样性。 3 地上植被与土壤种子库的关系 土壤种子库的优势种在特定时间特定放牧强度下与地上现有植被优势种一致,但一致率仅为三次取样时间不同放牧强度下总体的23.3%。 地上植被与土壤种子库物种组成相似性指数受不同取样时间的影响,一般的10月取样最大。不同放牧强度对二者间的相似性亦有影响,中度放牧提高了小针茅群落、羊草杂类草群落各取样时间和大针茅群落、羊草群落4月份的相似性指数。隔年二次萌发法提高了二者间的相似性水平。总体上相似性指数变动在0.1~0.75之间。 地上植被现存量、总密度与各取样时间土壤种子库总密度之间不存在显著的相关性。 4 对于估计土壤种子库密度、物种组成和确定种子库与地上植被间的关系,隔年二次萌发法对于弥补直接萌发法本身所具有的不足不失为一种有益的尝试。
外来种紫茎泽兰 (Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.) 对我国西南地区生态系统的危害已长达50~60年之久,我国于20世纪70年代开展紫茎泽兰的研究,但目前仍然没有能力将其限制在一个可控范围之内,随着我国对生物多样性重要性认识的加深,对于紫茎泽兰的研究也越来越深入。本文以四川攀枝花受入侵生态系统为例,通过对该地区植被、土壤种子库以及当地紫茎泽兰无性繁殖和种子萌发特征开展研究,分析受入侵生态系统的特征,结合紫茎泽兰种群补充特征,揭示紫茎泽兰入侵机制,探索管理受害生态系统的方法。 所选实验点为紫茎泽兰危害严重的地带,群落中紫茎泽兰为优势种,伴生种灌木18种,草本植物65种,草本层以紫茎泽兰最为昌盛,种群构成为1~4年生植株与其荫庇下大量的实生幼苗,Drude多度极大,频度达100%。紫茎泽兰与灌木重要值之间极显著负相关 (P<0.01) ,与其他草本重要值之间极显著负相关 (P<0.01) ,灌木与其他草本重要值间的相关性不显著 (P>0.05) 。说明紫茎泽兰的生长与灌木或草本间存在微妙的此消彼长的关联,充分显示了紫茎泽兰与当地物种间的竞争事实。 紫茎泽兰种子雨前的种子库为所研究地区绝大部分物种的长久性土壤种子库,本地区种子库的组成物种共有13种,包括灌木和草本。紫茎泽兰占整个种子库储量的61.3%,在长久种子库中占有明显的优势;种子库与植被间相似度为0.31,虽然种子库中物种均为植被的组成成分,但是植被中绝大多数物种种子未检测出,种子库中出现的物种与该物种本身的生理生态特性密切相关。种子雨是种子库的来源,紫茎泽兰种子雨前表层种子储量只占种子雨后的7.4%,中下层储量占33.8%,共占41.2%,即每年仅58.8%的种子在当年雨季萌发,剩余的在土壤中保持休眠状态。依 目前的研究结果,本地植被仅靠自然恢复的可能性不大。 紫茎泽兰种子最适发芽温度为25℃;储藏1.5 a后的种子萌发率有所下降,25℃下萌发率由77%下降为66%;紫茎泽兰种子有良好的休眠机制,对生境的干扰可以促进紫茎泽兰长久土壤种子库的形成,为紫茎泽兰种群补充奠定了基础。稀疏的植被有利于紫茎泽兰种子萌发及幼苗建植,对原生植被的破坏则促进了紫茎泽兰实生苗的补充。因而保护原始生境、减少对原生态系统的破坏,是减少和抑制紫茎泽兰种群补充的有效途径。 紫茎泽兰 (克隆) 离体无性繁殖的部位为根颈部分,其他离体部分没有无性繁殖能力或很弱;灌丛和路域生境下的离体部分在给予相同培养条件下,克隆繁殖效益有差别,灌丛生境萌芽较早,而主茎和叶生长速度较慢。拔除干扰对于紫茎泽兰萌生新枝具有刺激作用,对紫茎泽兰植株上部的割取类似于给它提供更新复壮的机会,因此在紫茎泽兰防治过程中一定要注意将其拔除干净,以防后患。
In order to carry out Biometric studies, 75 samples were caught from 3 locations ( Tajan river, Sefidrud and Shirud) using Salic and the length (±1 mm) and weights (± 5 gr) of samples were determined. Using One-way ANOVA by SPPSS software, there wasn’t significant difference between locations in length and fecondity (P ≥0.01(, but there was significant difference between Shirud and tajan samples with sefidrud in weight ) P≤0.01(. In order to carry out genetic variation studies, 210 fish were caught from 3 different regions of the Iranian coastline (Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud) and 1 region in Azerbaijan (Waters of the Caspian Sea close to Kura River mouth) during 2008-2009 . Genomic DNA was extracted of fin using the phenol-chloroform. The quantity and quality of DNA from samples were assessed by spectrophptometer and 1% agarose gel electro-phoresis. PCR was carried out using 15 paired microsatellite primers. PCR products were separated on 8% polyacrylamide gels that were stained using silver nitrate. Molecular weight calculate using UVTech software. The recorded microsatellite genotypes were used as input data for the GENALEX software version 6 package in order to calculate allele and genotype frequencies, observed (Ho) and (He) expected heterozygosities and to test for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic distance between two populations was estimated from Nei standard genetic distance and genetic similarity index (Nei, 1972). Genetic differentiation between populations was also evaluated by the calculation of pairwise estimates of Fst and Rst values. From 15 SSR markers were used in this investigation, 9 of them were polymorph. Average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.54 and 0.49 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed in all of location except Anzali lagoon- autumn in AF277576 and EF144125, Khoshkrud in EF144125 and Gorganrud and Kura in AF277576. Using Fst and Rst there was significant difference between locations ) P≤0.01(. According to Fst , the highest population differentiation (Fst= 0.217) was between Gorganrud and Khoshkrud that have the lowest Nm and the lowest (Fst= 0.086) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon that have the highest Nm. Using Rst the highest population differentiation (Rst= 0.271) was between Tonekabon and spring Anzali lagoon and the lowest (Rst= 0.026) was between Tonekabon and Autumn Anzali 159 lagoon. Also the difference between Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon was noticeable (Fst=0.15). AMOVA analysis with consideration of 2 sampling regions (Iran and Azerbaijan) and 7 sampling locations (Iran: Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud, Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon ; Azerbaijan: the Kura mouth) revealed that almost all of the variance in data namely 83% )P≤0.01( was within locations, Genetic variances among locations was 14% )P≤0.01( and among regions was 3% )P≤0.01(. The genetic distance was the highest (0.646) between Gorganrud and Autumn Anzali lagoon populations, whereas the lowest distance (0.237) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon River. Result obtained from the present study show that at least 2 different population of Rutilus frissi kutum are found in the Caspian sea,which are including the kura river population and the southern Caspian sea samples and it appears that there is more than one population in southern Caspian sea that should be attantioned in artifical reproduction Center and stoke rebilding.