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Background: Treatment of multinodular goiters (MNGs) is highly controversial. Radioiodine (RAI) therapy is a nonsurgical alternative for the elderly who decline surgery. Recently, recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) has been used to augment RAI uptake and distribution. In this study, we determined the outcome of 30 mCi RAI preceded by rhTSH (0.1 mg) in euthyroid (EU) and hyperthyroid (subclinical/clinical) patients with large MNGs. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study. Forty-two patients (age, 43-80 years) with MNGs were treated with 30 mCi RAI after stimulation with 0.1 mg of rhTSH. Patients were divided into three groups, according to thyroid function: EU (n = 18), subclinically hyperthyroid (SC-H, n = 18), and clinically hyperthyroid (C-H, n = 6). All patients underwent a 90-day low-iodine diet before treatment, and those with clinical hyperthyroidism received methimazole 10 mg daily for 30 days. Serum TSH, free thyroxine (FT4), total triiodothyronine (TT3), and thyroglobulin were measured at baseline and at 24, 48, 72, 168 hours, and 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months after therapy. Thyroid volume was assessed by computed tomography at baseline and every 6 months. Results: Patients had high iodine urinary excretion (308 +/- 108 mu g I/L) at baseline. TSH levels at baseline were within the normal range (1.5 +/- 0.7 mu U/mL) in the EU group and suppressed (< 0.3 mu U/mL) in the SC-H and C-H groups. After rhTSH, serum TSH peaked at 24 hours reaching 12.4 +/- 5.85 mu U/mL. After RAI administration, patients in both hyperthyroid groups had a higher increase in FT4 and TT3 compared with those in the EU group (p < 0.001). Thyroglobulin levels increased equally in all three groups until day 7. Thyroid volume decreased significantly in all patients. Side effects were more common in the SC-H and C-H groups (31.4% and 60.4%, respectively) compared with EU patients (17.8%). Permanent hypothyroidism was more prevalent in the EU group (50%) compared with the SC-H (11%) and C-H (16.6%) groups. Conclusions: Patients with MNG may have subclinical and clinical nonautoimmune iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. Despite a low-iodine diet and therapy with methimazole, hyperthyroid patients have a significantly higher increase in FT4 and TT3 levels after RAI ablation. This can lead to important side effects related mostly to the cardiac system. We strongly advise that patients with SC-H and C-H be adequately treated with methimazole and low-iodine diet aiming to normalize their hyperthyroid condition before rhTSH-stimulated treatment with RAI.
Pair correlations between large transverse momentum neutral pion triggers (p(T) = 4-7 GeV/c) and charged hadron partners (p(T) = 3-7 GeV/c) in central (0%-20%) and midcentral (20%-60%) Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV are presented as a function of trigger orientation with respect to the reaction plane. The particles are at larger momentum than where jet shape modifications have been observed, and the correlations are sensitive to the energy loss of partons traveling through hot densematter. An out-of-plane trigger particle produces only 26 +/- 20% of the away-side pairs that are observed opposite of an in-plane trigger particle for midcentral (20%-60%) collisions. In contrast, near-side jet fragments are consistent with no suppression or dependence on trigger orientation with respect to the reaction plane. These observations are qualitatively consistent with a picture of little near-side parton energy loss either due to surface bias or fluctuations and increased away-side parton energy loss due to a long path through the medium. The away-side suppression as a function of reaction-plane angle is shown to be sensitive to both the energy loss mechanism and the space-time evolution of heavy-ion collisions.
A numerical renormalization-group study of the conductance through a quantum wire containing noninteracting electrons side-coupled to a quantum dot is reported. The temperature and the dot-energy dependence of the conductance are examined in the light of a recently derived linear mapping between the temperature-dependent conductance and the universal function describing the conductance for the symmetric Anderson model of a quantum wire with an embedded quantum dot. Two conduction paths, one traversing the wire, the other a bypass through the quantum dot, are identified. A gate potential applied to the quantum wire is shown to control the current through the bypass. When the potential favors transport through the wire, the conductance in the Kondo regime rises from nearly zero at low temperatures to nearly ballistic at high temperatures. When it favors the dot, the pattern is reversed: the conductance decays from nearly ballistic to nearly zero. When comparable currents flow through the two channels, the conductance is nearly temperature independent in the Kondo regime, and Fano antiresonances in the fixed-temperature plots of the conductance as a function of the dot-energy signal interference between them. Throughout the Kondo regime and, at low temperatures, even in the mixed-valence regime, the numerical data are in excellent agreement with the universal mapping.
Activation of the cephalosporin side-chain precursor to the corresponding CoA-thioester is an essential step for its incorporation into the P-lactam backbone. To identify an acyl-CoA ligase involved in activation of adipate, we searched in the genome database of Penicillium chrysogenum for putative structural genes encoding acyl-CoA ligases. Chemostat-based transcriptome analysis was used to identify the one presenting the highest expression level when cells were grown in the presence of adipate. Deletion of the gene renamed aclA, led to a 32% decreased specific rate of adipate consumption and a threefold reduction of adipoyl-6-aminopenicillanic acid levels, but did not affect penicillin V production. After overexpression in Escherichia coli, the purified protein was shown to have a broad substrate range including adipate. Finally, protein-fusion with cyan-fluorescent protein showed co-localization with microbody-borne acyl-transferase. Identification and functional characterization of aclA may aid in developing future metabolic engineering strategies for improving the production of different cephalosporins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Stepped out lower section of wall houses seating, shelving and water features to outdoor room and living areas.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
As seen from adjacent block.
Most regional programs focus on the supply side of regions, emphasizing the attraction conditions offered, such as infrastructure, labor skills, tax incentives, etc. This study analyzes one aspect of the demand side, that is, how investment decisions of private firms are made by asking the question: ""Do corporations decide the same way on investments in different parts of the territory?"" The paper analyzes the investments of 373 large Brazilian firms during 1996-2004. Based on the investment decisions of these firms, the role of sales, cash-flow, external financing, and working capital is investigated through regression analysis. The regional influence is captured by explanatory variables representing regional and firm characteristics, and by interaction dummies between the region and the main investment determinants. The results indicate significant differences across regions in the importance of investment determinants. This information is important for regional development policy, because different mechanisms should be used in different regions to foster private investments.
H-1 NMR spectra of the thyroid hormone thyroxine recorded at low temperature and high field show splitting into two peaks of the resonance due to the H2,6 protons of the inner (tyrosyl) ring. A single resonance is observed in 600 MHz spectra at temperatures above 185 K. An analysis of the line shape as a function of temperature shows that the coalescence phenomenon is due to an exchange process with a barrier of 37 kJ mol(-1). This is identical to the barrier for coalescence of the H2',6' protons of the outer (phenolic) ring reported previously for the thyroid hormones and their analogues. It is proposed that the separate peaks at low temperature are due to resonances for H2,6 in cisoid and transoid conformers which are populated in approximately equal populations. These two peaks are averaged resonances for the individual H2 and H6 protons. Conversion of cisoid to transoid forms can occur via rotation of either the alanyl side chain or the outer ring, from one face of the inner ring to the other. It is proposed that the latter process is the one responsible for the observed coalescence phenomenon. The barrier to rotation of the alanyl side chain is greater than or equal to 37 kJ mol(-1), which is significantly larger than has previously been reported for Csp(2)-Csp(3) bonds in other Ph-CH2-X systems. The recent crystal structure of a hormone agonist bound to the ligand-binding domain of the rat thyroid hormone receptor (Wagner et al. Nature 1995, 378, 690-697) shows the transoid form to be the bound conformation. The significant energy barrier to cisoid/transoid interconversion determined in the current study combined with the tight fit of the hormone to its receptor suggests that interconversion between the forms cannot occur at the receptor site but that selection for the preferred bound form occurs from the 50% population of the transoid form in solution.
Aim Chagas` disease is an endemic parasitosis found in Latin America. The disease affects different organs, such as heart, oesophagus, colon and rectum. Megacolon is the most frequent long-term complication, caused by damage to the myoenteric and submucous plexus, ultimately leading to a functional barrier to the faeces. Patients with severe constipation are managed surgically. The study aimed to analyse the 10-year minimum functional outcome after rectosigmoidectomy with posterior end-to-side anastomosis (RPESA). Method A total of 21 of 46 patients were available for follow up. Patients underwent clinical, radiological and manometric evaluation, and the results were compared with preoperative parameters. Results Of the 21 patients evaluated, 81% (17) were female, with a mean age of 60.6 years. Good function was achieved in all patients, with significant improvement in defaecatory frequency (P < 0.0001), usage of enemas (P < 0.0001) and patient satisfaction. Barium enema also showed resolution of the colonic and rectal dilatation in 19 cases evaluated postoperatively. Conclusion Minimal 10-year follow up of RPESA showed excellent functional results, with no recurrence of constipation.
The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy and potential side effects of repeated doses of oral sucrose for pain relief during procedures in NICU. Thirty-three preterm neonates were randomly allocated in blind fashion into two groups, the sucrose group (SG = 17) and the control group (CG = 16). The responses of neonates to pain and distress were assessed during blood collection on four consecutive assessment (ass.) days. For the first assessment, the neonates did not receive any solution before the blood collection procedure. During the next three days, the SG received oral sucrose (25%; 0.5 ml/kg) and the CG received sterile water, 2 min before each minor acute painful procedure. The neonates were evaluated during blood collection each morning. The assessment was divided into five phases: Baseline (BL), Antisepsis (A), Puncture (P), Dressing (D), and Recovery (R). The neonates` facial activity (NFCS), behavioral state, and heart rate were evaluated. The data analysis used cut-off scores for painful and distressful responses. No side effects of using sucrose were detected. There were significantly fewer SG neonates with facial actions signaling pain than CG neonates in P (ass.2) and in A (ass.3). We found significantly fewer SG neonates in the awake state than CG neonates in P (ass.2 and ass.4). There were significantly fewer SG neonates crying during A (ass.2), P (ass.2 and ass.4), and D (ass.3). There was no statistical difference between-groups for physiological response. The efficacy of sucrose was maintained for pain relief in preterm neonates with no side effects. (C) 2007 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.