929 resultados para SEROTONIN RELEASE
Tonic immobility (TI) is a temporary state of profound motor inhibition induced by situations that generate intense fear, with the objective of protecting an animal from attacks by predators. A preliminary study by our group demonstrated that microinjection into the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) of an agonist to 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2) receptors promoted a decrease in TI duration. In the current study, the effects of GABAergic stimulation of the BLA and the possible interaction between GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors on TI modulation were investigated. Observation revealed that GABAergic agonist muscimol (0.26 nmol) reduced the duration of TI episodes, while microinjection of the GABAergic antagonist bicuculline (1 nmol) increased TI duration. Additionally, microinjection of 5-HT(2) agonist receptors (alpha-methyl-5-HT, 0.32 nmol) into the BLA decreased TI duration, an effect reversed by pretreatment with bicuculline (at the dose that had no effect per se, 0.2 nmol). Moreover, the activation of GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors in the BLA did not alter the spontaneous motor activity in the open field test. These experiments demonstrated that the activation of GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors of the BLA possibly produce a reduction in unconditioned fear that decreases the TI duration in guinea pigs, but this is not due to increased spontaneous motor activity, which could affect a TI episode nonspecifically. Furthermore, these results suggest an interaction between GABAergic and serotoninergic mechanisms mediated by GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors. In addition, the GABAergic circuit of the BLA presents a tonic inhibitory influence on TI duration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is involved in a wide variety of biological and toxicological responses, including neuroendocrine signaling. Due to the complexity of neuroendocrine pathways in e.g. the hypothalamus and pituitary, there are limited in vitro models available despite the strong demand for such systems to study and predict neuroendocrine effects of chemicals. In this study, the applicability of the AhR-expressing rat hypothalamic GnV-3 cell line was investigated as a novel model to screen for neuroendocrine effects of AhR ligands using 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) as reference compound. The qRT-PCR analyses demonstrated the presence of several sets of neurotransmitter receptors in the GnV-3 cells. TCDD (10nM) altered neurotransmitter signaling by up-regulation of glutamate (Grik2), gamma-amino butyric acid (Gabra2) and serotonin (Ht2C) receptor mRNA levels. However, no significant changes in basal and serotonin-evoked intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) or serotonin release were observed. On the other hand, TCDD de-regulated period circadian protein homolog 1 (Per1) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (Gnrh) mRNA levels within a 24-h time period. Both Per1 and Gnrh genes displayed a similar mRNA expression pattern in GnV-3 cells. Moreover, the involvement of AhR in TCDD-induced alteration of Neuropeptide Y (Npy) gene expression was found and confirmed by using siRNA targeted against Ahr in GnV-3 cells. Overall, the combined results demonstrate that GnV-3 cells may be a suitable model to predict some mechanisms of action and effects of AhR ligands in the hypothalamus.
Cannabinerge Substanzen können das Verhalten in einer dosisabhängigen, aber biphasischen Weise beeinflussen. Eine Erklärung für diese Art der Effekte könnte die Verteilung des CB1 Rezeptors auf verschiedenen Neuronentypen sein. CB1 Rezeptoren in glutamatergen und GABAergen Neuronen sind hier besonders wichtig, da die entsprechenden Neurotransmitter als Gegenspieler die neuronale Erregung kontrollieren. Spezifische Deletion des CB1 Rezeptor-Gens von einer der beiden Populationen führte zu gegensätzlichen Phenotypen, genauer gesagt, einem erniedrigten, bzw. einem gesteigerten Interaktiondrang. Tiere, bei denen der CB1 Rezeptor ausschließlich in striatalen, GABAergen „Medium Spiny“ Neuronen deletiert wurde, zeigten keinen veränderten Phänotyp. Dies legt nahe, dass der CB1 Rezeptor in kortikalen glutamatergen und GABAergen Neuronen für einen ausgeglichenen Interaktionsdrang entscheidend ist (siehe Kapitel 3).rnDiese dosisabhängigen, biphasischen Effekte auf das Verhalten können auch im „Forced Swim Test“ (FST) beobachtet werden. Ein möglicher Mechanismus, durch den Cannabinoide das Stressverhalten beeinflussen können, wäre die Regulierung der Monoaminausschüttung. Um die Abhängigkeit der Cannabinoideffekte von der Serotonintransmission zu untersuchen, wurden Dosen von CB1 Rezeptoragonisten und –antagonisten mit antidepressiv-induzierenden Eigenschaften bei gleichzeitiger Inhibition der Serotonintransmission im FST getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass lediglich der Agonisteffekt durch die Inhibition der Serotoninauschüttung beeinflusst wird. Zusätzlich konnte die Abhängigkeit des Antagonisteneffekts von funktionsfähigen GABAergen CB1 Rezeptoren nachweisen werden. Interessanter Weise konnte der durch die Deletion von glutamatergen CB1 Rezeptoren induzierte Phänotyp durch Inhibition der Serotoninausschüttung blockiert werden (siehe Kapitel 4).rnEin indirekter Einfluss auf Serotoninausschüttung scheint also wahrscheinlich zu sein. Bis jetzt blieb jedoch unklar, inwieweit cannabinerge Substanzen direkt auf serotonerge Neuronen wirken können. Im Jahr 2007 konnte unsere Gruppe die Expression des CB1 Rezeptors in serotonergen Neuronen auf mRNA- und Proteinebene nachweisen. Die Züchtung und Analyse einer mutanten Mauslinie, in welcher der CB1-Rezeptor spezifisch in serotonergen Neuronen ausgeschaltet wurde, zeigte bei männlichen Tieren eine schwache, aber signifikante Verhaltensänderungen, die durch soziale Stimuli und lebensbedrohlichen Situationen ausgelöst wurde. So ist es erstmals gelungen nachzuweisen, dass serotonerge CB1-Rezeptoren eine physiologische Relevanz besitzen (siehe Kapitel 5).rn
Los mastocitos son células del tejido conectivo que participan en la génesis y modulación de las respuestas inflamatorias celulares. En trabajos previos hemos demostrado que xanthatina (xanthanólido sesquiterpeno aislado de Xanthium cavanillesii Schouw) inhibe la activación de mastocitos inducida por secretagogos experimentales. Sin embargo, se desconoce su efecto sobre la activación de mastocitos inducida por estímulos fisiopatológicos. Estos estímulos incluyen, entre otros, los neuropéptidos pro-inflamatorios sustancia P y neurotensina, responsables de una de las principales vías de inflamación neurogénica. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de xanthatina sobre la activación de mastocitos inducida por sustancia P y neurotensina. Mastocitos peritoneales de rata se incubaron con: 1) PBS (basal); 2) sustancia P (100 Fm); 3) neurotensina (50 Fm); 4) xanthatina (8-320 Fm)+sustancia P; 5) xanthatina (8-320 Fm)+neurotensina. La viabilidad de los mastocitos se evaluó con azul tripán. En las soluciones de incubación se cuantificó serotonina liberada (marcador de activación). En las células se cuantificó serotonina remanente (no liberada) y se analizó la morfología celular por microscopía óptica y electrónica de transmisión. Tratamiento estadístico: ANOVA-1 y Tukey-Kramer. La incubación de mastocitos con xanthatina inhibió (P<0,01), en forma dosisdependiente, la liberación de serotonina inducida por sustancia P y neurotensina, sin modificar la viabilidad celular. Los mastocitos tratados con neuropéptidos mostraron características morfológicas de degranulación, mientras que la morfología de los mastocitos tratados con xanthatina+neuropéptido fue semejante a los basales. En conclusión, xanthatina inhibe la activación de mastocitos inducida por sustancia P y por neurotensina. Este sesquiterpeno podría representar una nueva alternativa en el tratamiento de las inflamaciones neurogénicas.
Contexto: La eficacia de los cannabinoides en el dolor neuropático es desconocida. El control del dolor es determinante en los pacientes ya que genera un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: El presente trabajo pretende demostrar la evidencia sobre la eficacia de los medicamentos cannabinoides en el control del dolor neuropático oncológico, mediante la evaluación de la literatura disponible. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura incluyendo estudios experimentales, observacionales y revisiones sistemáticas en un periodo de 15 años. Se incluyeron todos los estudios desde el años 2000 con evidencia IB según la escala de evidencia de Oxford. Resultados: Cuatro estudios cumplieron criterios para su inclusión, sin embargo la evidencia es baja y no permite recomendar o descartar los cannabinoides como terapia coadyuvante en control del dolor neuropático oncológico. La combinación de THC/CDB (Sativex®) parece ser un medicamento seguro pues no se reportaron muertes asociadas a su uso, sin embargo la presentación de eventos adversos a nivel gastrointestinal y neurológico podría aumentar el riesgo de interacciones medicamentosas y tener un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes oncológicos. Conclusiones: No hay suficiente literatura y la evidencia no es suficiente para recomendar o descartar el uso de los cannabinoides en dolor neuropático oncológico. Futuros estudios deben realizarse para analizar el beneficio de estos medicamentos. Aunque ética y socialmente hay resistencia para el uso de los cannabinoides, actualmente hay una gran discusión política en el mundo y en Colombia para su aceptación como terapia en el control del dolor.
The beta-adrenergic blocker and 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist pindolol has been combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders to shorten the onset of the clinical action and/or increase the proportion of responders. The results of a previous study have shown that pindolol potentiates the panicolytic effect of paroxetine in rats submitted to the elevated T-maze (ETM). Since reported evidence has implicated the 5-HT(1A) receptors of the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (DPAG) in the panicolytic effect of antidepressants, rats treated with pindolol (5.0 mg/kg, i.p.) and paroxetine (1.5 mg/kg, i.p.) received a previous intra-DPAG injection of the selective 5-HT(1A) antagonist, WAY-100635 (0.4 mu g) and were submitted to the ETM. Pretreatment with WAY-100635 reversed the increase in escape latency, a panicolytic effect, determined by the pindolol-paroxetine combination. These results implicate the 5-HT(1A) receptors of the DPAG in the panicolytic effect of the pindolol-paroxetine combination administered systemically. They also give further preclinical support for the use of this drug combination in the treatment of panic disorder. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent evidence has shown that the serotonergic mechanism of the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) participates in the regulation of renal and hormonal responses to isotonic blood volume expansion (BVE). We investigated the BVE-induced Fos activation along forebrain and hindbrain nuclei and particularly within the serotonergic clusters of the raphe system that directly project to the LPBN. We also examined whether there are changes in the concentration of serotonin (5HT) within the raphe nucleus in response to the same stimulus. With this purpose, we analyzed the cells doubly labeled for Fos and Fluorogold (FG) following BVE (NaCl 0.15 M, 2 ml/100 g b.w., 1 min) 7 days after FG injection into the LPBN. Compared with the control group, blood volume-expanded rats showed a significant greater number of Fos-FG double-labeled cells along the nucleus of the solitary tract, locus coeruleus, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, central extended amygdala complex, and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) cells. Our study also showed an increase in the number of serotonergic DRN neurons activated in response to isotonic BVE. We also observed decreased levels of 5HT and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography) within the raphe nucleus 15 min after BVE. Given our previous evidence on the role of the serotonergic system in the LPBN after BVE, the present morphofunctional findings suggest the existence of a key pathway (DRN-LPBN) that may control BVE response through the modulation of 5HT release. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the citotoxic activity of two commonly used anti-depressants: paroxetine and bupropion. We also evaluated the in vitro natural killer activity (NKA) after incubating the blood samples with the antidepressants. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples from 15 healthy volunteers were collected and the mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated and incubated for 24h with (or without = control cells) paroxetine and bupropion, in concentrations of 30, 100 and 1000 ng/ml. After the incubation period in both groups, the amount of dead cells was calculated using trypam blue technique. NKA was evaluated using the classic51Cr release assay. CONCLUSIONS: PBMCs dead cells occurred in both groups and in proportion to all pharmacological concentrations. Nevertheless, the NKA was not affected, even with the reduction in the number of effective cells.
Addictive properties of drugs of misuse are generally considered to be mediated by an increased release of dopamine (DA) in the ventral striatum. However, recent experiments indicated an implication of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in behavioural responses to psychostimulants and opiates. We show now that DA release induced in the ventral striatum by morphine (20 mg/kg) is completely blocked by prazosin (1 mg/kg), an alpha1-adrenergic antagonist. However, morphine-induced increases in DA release in the ventral striatum were found to be similar in mice deleted for the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (alpha1b-AR KO) and in wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting the presence of a compensatory mechanism. This acute morphine-evoked DA release was completely blocked in alpha1b-AR KO mice by SR46349B (1 mg/kg), a 5-HT2A antagonist. SR46349B also completely blocked, in alpha1b-AR KO mice, the locomotor response and the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine (20 mg/kg) and D-amphetamine (2 mg/kg). Accordingly, the concomitant blockade of 5-HT2A and alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in WT mice entirely blocked acute locomotor responses but also the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine, D-amphetamine or cocaine (10 mg/kg). We observed, nevertheless, that inhibitory effects of each antagonist on locomotor responses to morphine or D-amphetamine were more than additive (160%) in naïve WT mice but not in those sensitized to either drug. Because of these latter data and the possible compensation by 5-HT2A receptors for the genetic deletion of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors, we postulate the existence of a functional link between these receptors, which vanishes during the development of behavioural sensitization.
One of the best known crustacean hormones is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH). However, the mechanisms involved in hormone release in these animals are poorly understood, and thus constitute the central objective of the present study. Different groups of crustaceans belonging to diverse taxa (Chasmagnathus granulata, a grapsid crab and Orconectes limosus, an astacid) were injected with serotonin, fluoxetine, or a mixture of both, and glycemic values (C. granulata and O. limosus) and CHH levels (O. limosus) were determined after 2 h in either submerged animals or animals exposed to atmospheric air. Both serotonin and fluoxetine caused significant hyperglycemia (P<0.05) after injection into the blood sinus of the two species, an effect enhanced after exposure to atmospheric air. In C. granulata blood glucose increased from 6.1 to 43.3 and 11.4 mg/100 ml in submerged animals and from 5.7 to 55.2 and 22.5 mg/100 ml in air-exposed animals after treatment with serotonin and fluoxetine, respectively. In O. limosus the increases were from 1.2 to 59.7 and 135.2 mg/100 ml in submerged animals and from 2.5 to 200.3 and 193.6 mg/100 ml in air-exposed animals after treatment with serotonin and fluoxetine, respectively. Serotonin and fluoxetine also caused a significant increase in the circulating levels of CHH in O. limosus, from 11.9 to 43 and 45.7 fmol/ml in submerged animals and from 13.2 to 32.6 and 45.7 fmol/ml in air-exposed animals, respectively, thus confirming their action as neuroregulators in these invertebrates.
Breeding for high and low hypothermic responses to systemic administration of a serotonin1A (5-HT1A) receptor agonist (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin, 8-OH-DPAT) has resulted in high DPAT-sensitive (HDS) and low DPAT-sensitive (LDS) lines of rats, respectively. These lines also differ in several behavioral measures associated with stress. In the present microdialysis study we observed that basal 5-HT concentrations in the prefrontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus did not differ significantly between HDS and LDS rats. Thus, behavioral differences between the HDS and LDS lines might not be attributed to differences in basal 5-HT release. However, both lines had lower basal levels of 5-HT release than their randomly bred control group (random DPAT-sensitive, RDS) in the prefrontal cortex (mean ± SEM, pg/20 µl, was 3.0 ± 0.4 for LDS, 3.8 ± 0.3 for HDS and 6.4 ± 0.6 for RDS; F(2,59) = 5.8, P<0.005). The administration of (±)-fenfluramine (10 mg/kg) induced a greater increase in hippocampal 5-HT levels in HDS rats (500%) as compared with LDS (248%) or RDS (243%) rats (P<0.0001). There were no significant differences in the prefrontal cortex among lines, with a fenfluramine-induced 5-HT increase of about 900% in the three groups. This differential response to fenfluramine may be due to functional alterations of hippocampal 5-HT reuptake sites in the HDS line.
The duration of the intraerythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium is a key factor in the pathogenicity of this parasite. The simultaneous attack of the host red blood cells by the parasites depends on the synchronicity of their development. Unraveling the signals at the basis of this synchronicity represents a challenging biological question and may be very important to develop alternative strategies for therapeutic approaches. Recently, we reported that the synchrony of Plasmodium is modulated by melatonin, a host hormone that is synthesized only during the dark phases. Here we report that N-acetyl-serotonin, a melatonin precursor, also releases Ca2+ from isolated P. chabaudi parasites at micro- and nanomolar concentrations and that the release is blocked by 250 mM luzindole, an antagonist of melatonin receptors, and 20 mM U73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor. On the basis of confocal microscopy, we also report the ability of 0.1 µM melatonin and 0.1 µM N-acetyl-serotonin to cross the red blood cell membrane and to mobilize intracellular calcium in parasites previously loaded with the fluorescent calcium indicator Fluo-3 AM. The present data represent a step forward into the understanding of the signal transduction process in the host-parasite relationship by supporting the idea that the host hormone melatonin and N-acetyl-serotonin generate IP3 and therefore mobilize intracellular Ca2+ in Plasmodium inside red blood cells.
Recent studies have established a fimctional correlation of serotonergic and adrenergic function in the brain regions with insulin secretion in diabetic rats (Vahabzadeh et al., 1995). Administration of 5-HT”. agonist 8-OH-DPAT to conscious rats caused an increase in blood glucose level. This increase in blood glucose is due to inhibition of insulin secretion by increased circulating EPI (Chaouloff et al., 1990a; Chaouloff et al., 1990d; Chaoulo1T& Jeanrenaud, 1987). The increase in EPI is brought about by increased sympathetic stimulation. This increase can lead to increased sympatho-medullary stimulation thereby inhibiting insulin release (Bauhelal & Mir, 1993, Bauhelal & Mir, 1990a; Chaouloffet al., 1990d). Also, studies have shown that Gi protein in the liver has been decreased in diabetes which will increase gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis thereby causing hyperglycaemia (Pennington, 1987). Serotonergic control is suggested to exert different effects on insulin secretion according to the activation of different receptor subclasses (Pontiroli et al., 1975). In addition to this mechanism, the secretion of insulin is dependent on the turnover ratio of endogenous 5-hydroxy tryptophan (5-HTP) to 5-HT in the pancreatic islets (Jance er al., 1980). The reports so far stated does not explain the complete mechanism and the subclass of 5-HT receptors whose expression regulate insulin secretion in a diabetic state. Also, there is no report of a direct regulation of insulin secretion by 5-HT from the pancreatic islets even though there are reports stating that the pancreatic islets is a rich source of 5-HT (Bird et al., 1980). Therefore, in the present study the mechanism by which 5-HT and its receptors regulate insulin secretion from pancreatic [3-cells was investigated. Our results led to the following hypotheses by which 5-HT and its receptors regulate the insulin secretion.
Pineal melatonin release exhibits a circadian rhythm with a tight nocturnal pattern. Melatonin synthesis is regulated by the master circadian clock within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and is also directly inhibited by light. The SCN is necessary for both circadian regulation and light inhibition of melatonin synthesis and thus it has been difficult to isolate these two regulatory limbs to define the output pathways by which the SCN conveys circadian and light phase information to the pineal. A 22-h light-dark (LD) cycle forced desynchrony protocol leads to the stable dissociation of rhythmic clock gene expression within the ventrolateral SCN (vlSCN) and the dorsomedial SCN (dmSCN). In the present study, we have used this protocol to assess the pattern of melatonin release under forced desynchronization of these SCN subregions. In light of our reported patterns of clock gene expression in the forced desynchronized rat, we propose that the vlSCN oscillator entrains to the 22-h LD cycle whereas the dmSCN shows relative coordination to the light-entrained vlSCN, and that this dual-oscillator configuration accounts for the pattern of melatonin release. We present a simple mathematical model in which the relative coordination of a single oscillator within the dmSCN to a single light-entrained oscillator within the vlSCN faithfully portrays the circadian phase, duration and amplitude of melatonin release under forced desynchronization. Our results underscore the importance of the SCN`s subregional organization to both photic input processing and rhythmic output control.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)