Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic implicated in matrix remodeling, on dermal and lung fibroblasts obtained from SSc patients. Dermal and lung fibroblasts from SSc patients and healthy subjects were treated with ciprofloxacin. Western blotting was used to analyze protein levels and RT-PCR was used to measure in RNA expression. The pharmacologic inhibitor UO126 was used to block Erk1/2 signaling. SSc dermal fibroblasts demonstrated a significant decrease in collagen type I mRNA and protein levels after antibiotic treatment, while healthy dermal fibroblasts were less sensitive to ciprofloxacin, downregulating collagen only at the protein levels. Connective tissue growth factor (CCN2) gene expression was significantly reduced and matrix metalloproteinase (MMPI) levels were enhanced after ciprofloxacin treatment to a similar extent in healthy and SSc fibroblasts. Ciprofloxacin induced Erk1/2 phosphorylation, and Erk1/2 blockade completely prevented MMP1 upregulation. However. Smad1 and Smad3 activation in response to TGF beta was not affected. The expression of friend leukemia integration factor 1 (Fli1). a transcriptional repressor of collagen, was increased after treatment with ciprofloxacin only in SSc fibroblasts, and this was accompanied by a decrease in the levels of DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1). Similar effects were observed in SSc-interstitial lung disease (ILD) lung fibroblasts. In summary, our study demonstrates that ciprofloxacin has antifibrotic actions in SSc dermal and lung fibroblasts via the downregulation of Dnmt1, the upregulation of Fli1 and induction of MMPI gene expression via an Erk1/2-dependent mechanism. Thus, our data suggest that ciprofloxacin may he an attractive therapy for SSc skin and lung fibrosis.
Diseases are believed to arise from dysregulation of biological systems (pathways) perturbed by environmental triggers. Biological systems as a whole are not just the sum of their components, rather ever-changing, complex and dynamic systems over time in response to internal and external perturbation. In the past, biologists have mainly focused on studying either functions of isolated genes or steady-states of small biological pathways. However, it is systems dynamics that play an essential role in giving rise to cellular function/dysfunction which cause diseases, such as growth, differentiation, division and apoptosis. Biological phenomena of the entire organism are not only determined by steady-state characteristics of the biological systems, but also by intrinsic dynamic properties of biological systems, including stability, transient-response, and controllability, which determine how the systems maintain their functions and performance under a broad range of random internal and external perturbations. As a proof of principle, we examine signal transduction pathways and genetic regulatory pathways as biological systems. We employ widely used state-space equations in systems science to model biological systems, and use expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms and Kalman filter to estimate the parameters in the models. We apply the developed state-space models to human fibroblasts obtained from the autoimmune fibrosing disease, scleroderma, and then perform dynamic analysis of partial TGF-beta pathway in both normal and scleroderma fibroblasts stimulated by silica. We find that TGF-beta pathway under perturbation of silica shows significant differences in dynamic properties between normal and scleroderma fibroblasts. Our findings may open a new avenue in exploring the functions of cells and mechanism operative in disease development.
Diseases are believed to arise from dysregulation of biological systems (pathways) perturbed by environmental triggers. Biological systems as a whole are not just the sum of their components, rather ever-changing, complex and dynamic systems over time in response to internal and external perturbation. In the past, biologists have mainly focused on studying either functions of isolated genes or steady-states of small biological pathways. However, it is systems dynamics that play an essential role in giving rise to cellular function/dysfunction which cause diseases, such as growth, differentiation, division and apoptosis. Biological phenomena of the entire organism are not only determined by steady-state characteristics of the biological systems, but also by intrinsic dynamic properties of biological systems, including stability, transient-response, and controllability, which determine how the systems maintain their functions and performance under a broad range of random internal and external perturbations. As a proof of principle, we examine signal transduction pathways and genetic regulatory pathways as biological systems. We employ widely used state-space equations in systems science to model biological systems, and use expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms and Kalman filter to estimate the parameters in the models. We apply the developed state-space models to human fibroblasts obtained from the autoimmune fibrosing disease, scleroderma, and then perform dynamic analysis of partial TGF-beta pathway in both normal and scleroderma fibroblasts stimulated by silica. We find that TGF-beta pathway under perturbation of silica shows significant differences in dynamic properties between normal and scleroderma fibroblasts. Our findings may open a new avenue in exploring the functions of cells and mechanism operative in disease development.
Background Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a metabolic disease characterized by vesicles and blisters in sun-exposed areas and scleroderma-like lesions in sun-exposed and non-sun-exposed areas. Mast cells participate in the pathogenesis of bullous diseases and diseases that show sclerosis, including PCT. Moreover, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is the main cytokine in the development of tissue sclerosis. The correlation of mast cells and TGF-beta with the lesions of PCT has not been examined, however. The possible role of mast cells and TGF-beta (and the relationship between them) in the development of PCT lesions is discussed. Methods To quantify mast cells and cells expressing TGF-beta in skin samples from patients with PCT and controls, immunohistochemical studies were performed in tissue sections allied to morphometric analyses. Results The numbers of mast cells and cells expressing TGF-beta per square millimiter were increased in the PCT group relative to controls, and there was a direct and significant correlation between the mast cell number and cells expressing TGF-beta in PCT. Conclusions The results suggest that the increased number of mast cells and of cells expressing TGF-beta, as well as their direct correlation, may contribute to the pathogenesis of the skin lesions in PCT.
Objectives To evaluate the gene expression profile of fibroblasts from affected and non-affected skin of systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients and from controls. Materials and methods Labeled cDNA from fibroblast cultures from forearm (affected) and axillary (non-affected) skin from six diffuse SSc patients, from three normal controls, and from MOLT-4/HEp-2/normal fibroblasts (reference pool) was probed in microarrays generated with 4193 human cDNAs from the IMAGE Consortium. Microarray images were converted into numerical data and gene expression was calculated as the ratio between fibroblast cDNA (Cy5) and reference pool cDNA (Cy3) data and analyzed by R environment/Aroma, Cluster, Tree View, and SAM softwares. Differential expression was confirmed by real time PCR for a set of selected genes. Results Eighty-eight genes were up- and 241 genes down-regulated in SSc fibroblasts. Gene expression correlation was strong between affected and non-affected fibroblast samples from the same patient (r>0.8), moderate among fibroblasts from all patients (r=0.72) and among fibroblasts from all controls (r=0.70), and modest among fibroblasts from patients and controls (r=0.55). The differential expression was confirmed by real time PCR for all selected genes. Conclusions Fibroblasts from affected and non-affected skin of SSc patients shared a similar abnormal gene expression profile, suggesting that the widespread molecular disturbance in SSc fibroblasts is more sensitive than histological and clinical alterations. Novel molecular elements potentially involved in SSc pathogenesis were identified.
La sclérodermie (sclérose systémique, ScS) est une maladie auto-immune du tissu conjonctif caractérisée par l’épaississement de la peau, l’apparition spontanée de lésions cicatricielles, des maladies des vaisseaux sanguins, divers degrés d’inflammation, en association avec un système immunitaire hyperactif. La pathogénèse exacte de cette maladie est inconnue et aucun traitement approprié n’est disponible. La fibrose est un élément distinctif de la maladie de ScS et est considérée résulter d’une incapacité à mettre fin de façon appropriée à la réponse normale de réparation des plaies. L’analyse histologique du stade initial de la ScS révèle une infiltration périvasculaire de cellules mononucléaires dans le derme, associée à une synthèse accrue de collagène dans les fibroblastes environnants. Ainsi, la compréhension des moyens de contrôler le stade inflammatoire de la ScS pourrait être bénéfique pour contrôler la progression de la maladie peu après son apparition. La mPGES-1 est une enzyme inductible qui agit en aval de la cyclo- oxygénase (COX) pour catalyser spécifiquement la conversion de la prostaglandine (PG) H2 en PGE2. La mPGES-1 joue un rôle clé dans l’inflammation, la douleur et l’arthrite;; toutefois, le rôle de la mPGES-1 dans les mécanismes de fibrose, spécifiquement en rapport avec la ScS humaine, est inconnu. Mon laboratoire a précédemment montré que les souris à mPGES-1 nulle sont résistantes à la fibrose cutanée induite par la bléomycine, à l’inflammation, à l’épaississement cutané, à la production de collagène et à la formation de myofibroblastes. Sur la base de ces résultats, j’ai formulé l’hypothèse que l’inhibition pharmacologique de la mPGES-1 régulera à la baisse la production de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires et pro-fibreux au cours de la maladie de ScS. Afin d’explorer le rôle de la mPGES-1 dans l’inflammation et la fibrose associées à la maladie de ScS, j’ai d’abord examiné l’expression de la mPGES-1 dans la peau normale comparativement à des biopsies de peau extraites de patients atteints de ScS. Mes résultats ont montré que la mPGES-1 est nettement élevée dans la peau de patients atteints de ScS en comparaison avec la peau humaine normale. De plus, les niveaux de PGE2 dérivés de la mPGES-1 étaient également significativement plus élevés dans les fibroblastes cutanés isolés de patients atteints de ScS comparativement aux fibroblastes isolés de témoins sains. J’ai également étudié l’effet de l’inhibition pharmacologique de la mPGES-1 sur l’expression de marqueurs pro- fibreux. Mes études ont montré que l’expression de médiateurs pro-fibreux clés (α-SMA, endothéline-1, collagène de type 1 et facteur de croissance du tissu conjonctif (FCTC)) est élevée dans les fibroblastes cutanés ScS en comparaison avec les fibroblastes cutanés normaux. Un traitement avec un inhibiteur de la mPGES-1 a eu pour effet de réduire significativement l’expression de l’α-SMA, de l’endothéline-1, du collagène de type 1 mais pas du FCTC dans les fibroblastes ScS, sans effet significatif sur les fibroblastes normaux. J’ai en outre examiné l’effet de l’inhibition de la mPGES-1 sur des cytokines pro-inflammatoires clés impliquées dans la pathologie de la ScS, incluant IL-6, IL-8 et MCP-1. L’inhibition pharmacologique de la mPGES- 1 a eu pour effet de réduire significativement les niveaux de production de cytokines pro- inflammatoires IL6, IL8 et MCP-1 dans les fibroblastes avec lésion ScS comparativement à des fibroblastes non traités. De plus, les patients atteints de ScS ont présenté des niveaux plus élevés de p-AKT, de p-FAK et de p-SMAD3 en comparaison avec les fibroblastes cutanés normaux. L’inhibiteur de la mPGES-1 a pu réguler à la baisse cette expression accrue de p-AKT et de p- FAK, mais pas de p-SMAD3, dans les fibroblastes ScS. Ces résultats ont suggéré que l’inhibition de la mPGES-1 pourrait être une méthode viable pour réduire le développement de sclérose cutanée et constituent une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour contrôler les mécanismes fibreux et inflammatoires associés à la pathophysiologie de la maladie de ScS. L’un des autres processus critiques reliés à l’évolution de la réponse fibreuse associée à la maladie de ScS est la différenciation des fibroblastes en des cellules activées spécialisées iii iv appelées myofibroblastes, responsables de déclencher une signalisation adhésive excessive et le dépôt excessif de matrice extracellulaire, conduisant à la destruction de l’architecture de l’organe. Ainsi, l’identification des facteurs endogènes qui initient/ favorisent la différenciation fibroblaste-myofibroblaste peut mener à des stratégies thérapeutiques prometteuses pour contrôler l’excès de signalisation adhésive et de fibrose associé à la maladie de ScS. Des études antérieures dans le domaine de la biologie du cancer ont suggéré que l’éphrine B2, une protéine transmembranaire appartenant à la famille des éphrines, est impliquée dans la signalisation adhésive et le remodelage extracellulaire. Cependant, son rôle dans la fibrose n’a jamais été exploré. Dans la deuxième partie de mon étude, j’ai donc étudié le rôle de l’éphrine B2 dans la fibrose. Mes études montrent que l’expression de l’éphrine B2 est significativement augmentée dans la peau humaine ScS comparativement à la peau normale. Plus important encore, le traitement in vitro de fibroblastes de la peau humaine normale avec de l’éphrine B2 recombinante est capable de transformer des fibroblastes en cellules myofibroblastiques manifestant toutes les caractéristiques myofibroblastiques typiques, incluant la formation accrue de fibres de tension, des adhérences focales, l’activation accrue de la FAK, un accroissement de l’expression et de la migration de fibroblastes et de leur adhérence à la fibronectine à la fois chez les fibroblastes cutanés normaux et ScS. En outre, j’ai traité des souris avec de l’éphrine B2 recombinante et montré que ces souris ont développé une fibrose cutanée significative associée à une épaisseur dermique et à une synthèse de collagène augmentées, une teneur en hydroxyproline (teneur en collagène) accrue et un nombre accru de myofibroblastes exprimant de l’α-SMA, une activation augmentée de la FAK et de marqueurs pro-fibreux incluant le collagène de type 1 et le FCTC. Dans l’ensemble, mes études ont identifié deux médiateurs endogènes cruciaux impliqués dans la propagation de l’inflammation et de la fibrose associées à la maladie de ScS. L’inhibition de la mPGES-1 pourrait représenter une bonne stratégie alternative pour contrer l’inflammation et la fibrose au moins durant les stades précoces de la maladie de ScS. De plus, une signalisation excessive de l’éphrine B2 favorise la signalisation adhésive et fibreuse en déclenchant la différenciation de fibroblastes en myofibroblastes par l’activation de la voie de signalisation de la FAK. Ainsi, l’inhibition d’éphrine B2 bloquera la formation de fibroblastes-myofibroblastes et régulera à la baisse la fibrose associée à la maladie de ScS. En somme, la mPGES-1 et l’éphrine B2 semblent toutes deux des cibles attrayantes pour le traitement de la ScS et des troubles fibreux qui y sont reliés.
Reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency promises to boost cellular therapy. Most instances of direct reprogramming have been achieved by forced expression of defined exogenous factors using multiple viral vectors. The most used 4 transcription factors, octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4), (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (SOX2), Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4), and v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (C-MYC), can induce pluripotency in mouse and human fibroblasts. Here, we report that forced expression of a new combination of transcription factors (T-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 1A [TCL-1A], C-MYC, and SOX2) is sufficient to promote the reprogramming of human fibroblasts into pluripotent cells. These 3-factor pluripotent cells are similar to human embryonic stem cells in morphology, in the ability to differentiate into cells of the 3 embryonic layers, and at the level of global gene expression. Induced pluripotent human cells generated by a combination of other factors will be of great help for the understanding of reprogramming pathways. This, in turn, will allow us to better control cell-fate and apply this knowledge to cell therapy.
Phototherapy is noninvasive, painless and has no known side effect. However, for its incorporation into clinical practice, more well-designed studies are necessary to define optimal parameters for its application. The viability of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional stress irradiated with either a red laser, an infrared laser, or a red light-emitting diode (LED) was analyzed. Irradiation parameters were: red laser (660 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)), infrared laser (780 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)), and red LED (637 +/- 15 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)). All applications were punctual and performed with a spot with 0.4 mm(2) of diameter for 4 or 8 s. The Kruskal-Wallis test and analysis of variance of the general linear model (p <= 0.05) were used for statistical analysis. After 72 h, phototherapy with low-intensity laser and LED showed no toxicity at the cellular level. It even stimulated methylthiazol tetrazolium assay (MTT) conversion and neutral red uptake of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional stress, especially in the group irradiated with infrared laser (p = 0.004 for MTT conversion and p < 0.001 for neutral red uptake). Considering the parameters and protocol of phototherapy used, it can be concluded that phototherapy stimulated the viability of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional deficit resembling those found in traumatized tissue in which cell viability is reduced. (C) 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3602850]
Cell cycle synchronization by serum starvation (SS) induces apoptosis in somatic cells. This side effect of SS is hypothesized to negatively affect the outcome of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). We determined whether apoptotic fibroblasts affect SCNT yields. Serum-starved, adult, bovine fibroblasts were stained with annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide to allow apoptosis detection by flow cytometry. Positive and negative cells sorted by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) and an unsorted control group were used as nuclear donors for SCNT. Reconstructed embryos were cultured in vitro and transferred to synchronized recipients. Apoptosis had no effect on fusion and cleavage rates; however, it resulted in reductions in blastocyst production and quality measured by apoptotic index. However, reconstructed embryos with apoptotic cells resulted in pregnancy rates similar to that of the control on day 30, and generated one live female calf. In conclusion, we showed that apoptotic cells present in serum-starved cultures negatively affect embryo production after SCNT without compromising full-term development. Further studies will evaluate the ability of the oocyte to reprogram cells in specific phases of apoptosis.
The dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan (-)-hinokinin (HK) was obtained by partial synthesis from (-)-cubebin, isolated from the dry seeds of the pepper, Piper cubeba. In view of the trypanocidal activity of HK and its potential as a lead compound for drug development, evaluation of its possible genotoxic activity is required. We have tested HK for possible genotoxicity and evaluated the compound`s effect on the activity of the clastogens doxorubicin (DXR) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in the micronucleus (MN) assay with Chinese hamster lung fibroblast V79 cells. HK alone did not induce MN, at concentrations up to 128 mu M. In combined treatments, HK reduced the frequency of MN induced by MMS. With respect to DXR, HK exerted a protective effect at lower concentrations, but at higher concentrations it potentiated DXR clastogenicity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Considering the belief that natural lipids are safer for topical applications and that carotenoids are able to protect cells against photooxidative damage, we have investigated whether topical creams and lotions, produced with Buriti oil and commercial surfactants, can exert photoprotective effect against UVA and UVB irradiation on keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Cell treatment was divided into two steps, prior and after exposition to 30 min of UVA plus UVB radiation or to 60 min of UVA radiation. Emulsions prepared with ethoxylated fatty alcohols as surfactants and containing alpha-tocopherol caused phototoxic damage to the cells, especially when applied prior to UV exposure. Damage reported was due to prooxidant activity and phototoxic effect of the surfactant. Emulsions prepared with Sorbitan Monooleate and PEG-40 castor oil and containing panthenol as active ingredient, were able to reduce the damages caused by radiation when compared to non-treated cells. When the two cell lines used in the study were compared, keratinocytes showed an increase in cell viability higher than fibroblasts. The Buriti oil emulsions could be considered potential vehicles to transport antioxidants precursors and also be used as adjuvant in sun protection, especially in after sun formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into adult skin fibroblasts has provided measurable amounts of therapeutic proteins in animal models. However, the major problem emerging from these experiments was a limited time of vector encoded gene expression once transduced cells were engrafted We hypothesized that sustained transduced gene expression in quiescent fibroblasts in vivo might be obtained by using a fibronectin (Fn) promoter. Fibronectin plays a key role in cell adhesion, migration and wound healing and is up-regulated in quiescent fibroblasts. Retroviral vectors containing human adenosine deaminase (ADA) cDNA linked to rat fibronectin promoter (LNFnA) or viral LTR promoter (LASN) were compared for their ability to express ADA from transduced primary rat skin fibroblasts in vivo. Skin grafts formed from fibroblasts transduced with LNFnA showed strong human ADA enzyme activity from 1 week to 3 months. In contrast, skin grafts containing LASN-transduced fibroblasts tested positive for human ADA for weeks 1 and 2, were faintly positive at week 3 and showed no human ADA expression at 1, 2 and 3 months. Thus, a fibronectin promoter provided sustained transduced gene expression at high levels for at least 3 months in transplanted rat skin fibroblasts, perhaps permitting the targeting of this tissue for human gene therapy.
The pathways involved in the maintenance of human embryonic stem (hES) cells remain largely unknown, although some signaling pathways have been identified in mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells. Fibroblast feeder layers are used to maintain the undifferentiated growth of hES cells and an examination of the conditioned media (CM) of human neonatal fibroblasts (HNFs) could provide insights into the maintenance of hES cells. The neonatal foreskin fibroblast line (HNF02) used in this study was shown to have a normal 2n = 46, XY chromosomal complement and to support the undifferentiated growth of the Embryonic Stem Cell International Pte. Ltd.-hES3 cell line. The CM of HNF02 was examined using two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (2-D LCMS) and two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight tandem mass spectrometry (2-DE/MALDI). A total of 102 proteins were identified, 19 by 2-DE/MALDI, 53 by 2-D LCMS and 30 by both techniques. These proteins were classified into 15 functional groups. Proteins identified in the extracellular matrix and differentiation and growth factor functional categories were considered most likely to be involved in the maintenance of hES cell growth, differentiation and pluripotency as these groups contained proteins involved in a variety of events including cell adhesion, cell proliferation and inhibition of cell proliferation, Writ signaling and inhibition of bone morphogenetic proteins.
Fibroblasts are thought to be partially responsible for the persisting contractile forces that result in burn contractures. Using a monolayer cell culture and fibroblast populated collagen lattice (FPCL) three-dimensional model we subjected hypertrophic scar and non-cicatricial fibroblasts to the antifibrogenic agent pentoxifylline (PTF - 1 mg/mL) in order to reduce proliferation, collagen types I and III synthesis and model contraction. Fibroblasts were isolated from post-burn hypertrophic scars (HSHF) and non-scarred skin (NHF). Cells were grown in monolayers or incorporated into FPCL`s and exposed to PTF. In monolayer, cell number proliferation was reduced (46.35% in HSHF group and 37.73% in NHF group, p < 0.0001). PTF selectively inhibited collagen III synthesis in the HSHF group while inhibition was more evident to type I collagen synthesis in the NHF group. PTF also reduced contraction in both (HSHF and NHF) FPCL. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.