405 resultados para Síndromes de Usher
Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.
Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.
Chaperone-usher (CU) fimbriae are adhesive surface organelles common to many Gram-negative bacteria. Escherichia coli genomes contain a large variety of characterised and putative CU fimbrial operons, however, the classification and annotation of individual loci remains problematic. Here we describe a classification model based on usher phylogeny and genomic locus position to categorise the CU fimbrial types of E. coli. Using the BLASTp algorithm, an iterative usher protein search was performed to identify CU fimbrial operons from 35 E. coli (and one Escherichia fergusonnii) genomes representing different pathogenic and phylogenic lineages, as well as 132 Escherichia spp. plasmids. A total of 458 CU fimbrial operons were identified, which represent 38 distinct fimbrial types based on genomic locus position and usher phylogeny. The majority of fimbrial operon types occupied a specific locus position on the E. coli chromosome; exceptions were associated with mobile genetic elements. A group of core-associated E. coli CU fimbriae were defined and include the Type 1, Yad, Yeh, Yfc, Mat, F9 and Ybg fimbriae. These genes were present as intact or disrupted operons at the same genetic locus in almost all genomes examined. Evaluation of the distribution and prevalence of CU fimbrial types among different pathogenic and phylogenic groups provides an overview of group specific fimbrial profiles and insight into the ancestry and evolution of CU fimbriae in E. coli.
Usher syndrome (USH) is an inherited blindness and deafness disorder with variable vestibular dysfunction. The syndrome is divided into three subtypes according to the progression and severity of clinical symptoms. The gene mutated in Usher syndrome type 3 (USH3), clarin 1 (CLRN1), was identified in Finland in 2001 and two mutations were identified in Finnish patients at that time. Prior to this thesis study, the two CLRN1 gene mutations were the only USH mutations identified in Finnish USH patients. To further clarify the Finnish USH mutation spectrum, all nine USH genes were studied. Seven mutations were identified: one was a previously known mutation in CLRN1, four were novel mutations in myosin VIIa (MYO7A) and two were a novel and a previously known mutation in usherin (USH2A). Another aim of this thesis research was to further study the structure and function of the CLRN1 gene, and to clarify the effects of mutations on protein function. The search for new splice variants resulted in the identification of eight novel splice variants in addition to the three splice variants that were already known prior to this study. Studies of the possible promoter regions for these splice variants showed the most active region included the 1000 bases upstream of the translation start site in the first exon of the main three exon splice variant. The 232 aa CLRN1 protein encoded by the main (three-exon) splice variant was transported to the plasma membrane when expressed in cultured cells. Western blot studies suggested that CLRN1 forms dimers and multimers. The CLRN1 mutant proteins studied were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and some of the USH3 mutations caused CLRN1 to be unstable. During this study, two novel CLRN1 sequence alterations were identified and their pathogenicity was studied with cell culture protein expression. Previous studies with mice had shown that Clrn1 is expressed in mouse cochlear hair cells and spiral ganglion cells, but the expression profile in mouse retina remained unknown. The Clrn1 knockout mice display cochlear cell disruption/death, but do not have a retinal phenotype. The zebrafish, Danio rerio, clrn1 was found to be expressed in hair cells associated with hearing and balance. Clrn1 expression was also found in the inner nuclear layer (INL), photoreceptor layer and retinal pigment epithelium layer (RPE) of the zebrafish retina. When Clrn1 production was knocked down with injected morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) targeting Clrn1 translation or correct splicing, the zebrafish larvae showed symptoms similar to USH3 patients. These larvae had balance/hearing problems and reduced response to visual stimuli. The knowledge this thesis research has provided about the mutations in USH genes and the Finnish USH mutation spectrum are important in USH patient diagnostics. The extended information about the structure and function of CLRN1 is a step further in exploring USH3 pathogenesis caused by mutated CLRN1 as well as a step in finding a cure for the disease.
A major theme of this book is that feedback should encourage dialogue; between students and lecturers, amongst peers and individually, as a form of self-critique and reflection. Here we endorse that theme but also propose an understanding of dialogue that goes beyond simple exchang or the presence of two or more voices. Inspired by Freire’s (1996) critical pedagogy we seek to make a link between the social nature of learning, the social nature of dialogue and the role of feedback as dialogue in a broader transformative learning process, and not merely as an adjunct to assessment.
Usher syndrome, a combination of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and sensorineural hearing loss with or without vestibular dysfunction, displays a high degree of clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Three clinical subtypes can be distinguished, based on the age of onset and severity of the hearing impairment, and the presence or absence of vestibular abnormalities. Thus far, eight genes have been implicated in the syndrome, together comprising 347 protein-coding exons.
RESUMO:Enquadramento teórico Nas famílias das pessoas com síndromas psicóticas, a história natural da prestação de cuidados informais é ainda pouco conhecida. Independentemente disso, o impacto sobre os cuidadores tem sido alvo de intervenções familiares (IF) psicoeducativas. Não esquecendo que contextos clínicos diferentes, como é o caso das demências, exibem, nas famílias, especificidades a explorar, torna-se crucial aperfeiçoar métodos para avaliação de grupos de risco e estudo da efectividade das IF. As intervenções em grupos para familiares (IGF) são exequíveis e cobrem parte das necessidades das famílias. Ao invés de outras IF, falta evidência inequívoca de que as IGF influenciem o prognóstico da esquizofrenia (diminuindo as taxas de recaída ou melhorando o funcionamento dos doentes). Em Portugal, são praticamente inexistentes dados sobre avaliação de IGF. O estudo FAPS (FAmílias de Pessoas com PSicose) teve como objectivos: estudar a adesão a uma IGF, avaliar a efectividade desta e estudar prospectivamente uma coorte de familiares que não tivessem aderido (considerando dimensões da experiência de cuidar e preditores putativos: suporte social, coping, sentido de coerência-SOC, covariáveis clínico-funcionais do doente). Adicionalmente, intentou a validação do Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire, versão europeia (IEQ-EU), numa população portuguesa.
Tesis (Especialidad en Pediatría). U. A. N. L.
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL, 2005
Introducción: El ECG es una herramienta básica en el estudio del dolor torácico, no hay evidencia que demuestre si la interpretación electrocardiográfica de los especialistas de medicina interna y emergencias es similar a la de cardiólogos en casos de SCA. El propósito de este estudio es determinar si existe concordancia en interpretación de los hallazgos electrocardiográficos más frecuentes en la fase aguda de los síndromes coronarios. Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo de concordancia diagnóstica electrocardiográfica, realizado en un hospital universitario de cuarto nivel. Se escogieron los hallazgos electrocardiográficos más frecuentes en síndromes coronarios agudos para ser evaluados por 3 diferentes especialidades y se hizo el análisis de concordancia mediante el cálculo estadístico kappa. Resultados: Se analizaron 200 electrocardiogramas aleatorizados, de pacientes con SCA entre noviembre de 2012 a abril de 2013. La edad promedio fue 65,14 años, la mayoría hombres (62,5%), la hipertensión arterial y enfermedad coronaria fueron las comorbilidades más frecuentes. Se encontró un grado de concordancia moderada (k = 0.61 – 0.80, p <0.001) entre cardiólogos vs emergenciólogos y cardiólogos vs internistas, excepto en lesión subendocárdica (k = 0.11 y 0.24 respectivamente), hubo un grado de concordancia débil (k = 0.41 – 0.60, p <0.001) entre emergenciólogos e internistas. El hallazgo en el que hubo grado de concordancia muy bueno (k > 0.81) fue bloqueo de rama izquierda. Conclusión: Existe grado de concordancia moderada en la lectura electrocardiográfica en la mayoría de variables en relación con síndrome coronario agudo entre los especialistas de medicina interna y emergencias al compararlo con cardiólogos.
Al final de la guía se encuentra un mapa de la región y una ficha para rellenar por el alumno
Se han organizado seminarios de grupos de padres con hijos afectados por parálisis cerebral y/o síndromes afines dentro de las medidas de atención a la diversidad en el ámbito familiar, para prevenir y/o paliar las dificultades educativas y de integración social de alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales transitorias o permanentes, asociadas a condiciones personales de discapacidad sensorial, motórica y/o psíquica. Los contenidos de los seminarios desarrollados han sido variados ya que se ha tenido en cuenta la diversidad de características de la población usuaria, así como de sus familias. Por tanto, ha sido necesario invertir recursos técnicos de diferentes especialidades.Los objetivos: Favorecer el intercambio de experiencias entre las familias usuarias de ASPACE. Ampliar y canalizar la información que los padres de los afectados poseen respecto a temas comunes en las personas con parálisis cerebral y síndromes afines. Realizar orientaciones profesionales especializadas en las diversas áreas de intervención, enmarcadas en el contexto socio-familiar en el que se insertan. Impulsar el papel de la familias como fuente óptima, mediadora y potenciadora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y del desarrollo de capacidades de personas con parálisis cerebral y síndromes afines. Valorar el contexto socio-familiar de los padres y su capacidad de aprendizaje para planificar temas de debate específicos que se adecuen a las características de cada caso. Favorecer la vinculación interfamiliar con los recursos de su entorno y garantizar el proceso de adecuación familiar a las necesidades educativas y asistenciales de sus hijos. Extraer conclusiones y analizar las vías necesarias para producir cambios que persigan mejorar la calidad de vida tanto en los propios afectados como de sus familias..
Los síndromes mielodisplásicos son un grupo heterogéneo de desórdenes clonales de las células madre hematopoyéticas caracterizadas por displasia y producción inefectiva de células sanguíneas. Los agentes estimulantes de la eritropoyesis (AEE) constituyen una alternativa terapéutica para un grupo de pacientes con síndromes mielodisplásicos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura de estudios aleatorizados controlados, que evaluaron la eficacia y seguridad de los AEE en adultos con diagnóstico de síndrome mielodisplásico hasta febrero de 2014. A partir de la búsqueda se encontraron 1071 referencias, se obtuvieron 12 referencias, correspondiente a 9 estudios que cumplieron criterios de selección. Todos evaluaron algún AEE pero el grupo comparador difirió entre ellos; De los estudios seleccionados, ninguno evaluó el desenlace de supervivencia según brazos de tratamiento. 3 de los estudios evaluaron el desenlace de calidad de vida en grupos comparativos diferentes, reportando mejorías no estadísticamente significativas. 7 de los estudios evaluaron la respuesta hematológica reportando resultados divergentes según diversas definiciones de la variable de interés. Los desenlaces de seguridad fueron reportaron en 3 de los estudios, ocurriendo en baja proporción y con incidencia similar entre los grupos comparadores y el tratamiento con AEE. Las evaluaciones de riesgo de sesgo consideraron un estudio con bajo riesgo de sesgo, 4 estudios con riesgo incierto y 4 estudios con riesgo alto de sesgo. Los estudios evaluados fueron considerados en su mayoría con riesgo de sesgo incierto o alto. Se sugiere evaluar dichos desenlaces de interés de manera estandarizada en investigaciones futuras en el tema.