909 resultados para Síndroma de Down


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Este trabalho de investigação resulta de uma preocupação pessoal e profissional (atendendo que sou educadora de infância), assim como as dificuldades de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais no jardim de infância, e o papel do educador na inclusão da criança com Síndrome de Down no pré-escolar. Considerou-se pertinente trabalhar esta temática, dado que se encontra cada vez mais crianças com necessidades educativas especiais integradas nas turmas regulares, incluindo as crianças portadoras com Síndrome de Down. A entrada da criança no ensino pré-escolar possibilita o início do seu processo de socialização e individualização, uma participação ativa dos pais contribui de forma positiva para o desenvolvimento da criança. A intervenção precoce é fundamental uma vez que esta é a forma de estimular o mais cedo possível, as crianças com necessidades educativas especiais, através de atividades diversificadas que lhe são dirigidas e que servem de orientação e apoio aos pais. Os educadores precisam de estar conscientes da sua importância bem como das funções que desempenham, devem ainda conhecer as limitações que estas crianças enfrentam para lhes proporcionar uma educação adequada à sua problemática As novas tecnologias, as adaptações curriculares e o Currículo Especifico Individual, vão permitir um acompanhamento mais diferenciado e adaptado à realidade destes alunos.


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A presença de crianças portadoras de deficiência ou incapacidade permanente é uma realidade manifestamente presente no nosso quotidiano escolar. Mas será que os professores percecionam a sua (in) competência para lidar com esta problemática? No presente estudo, procuramos refletir um pouco sobre toda a problemática da Trissomia 21, centrando a nossa atenção na atuação dos professores. Desde logo, procuramos perceber a importância da inclusão em todo o processo de inovação educacional que se deseja construir. Não basta dizer que é importante incluir as crianças portadoras de Síndrome de Down na escola regular. É preciso criar as condições para que estas crianças possam ter sucesso e, para isso, será absolutamente necessário a formação adequada de professores assim como de extrema importância é efetuar uma adaptação curricular às suas capacidades individuais. Assim, o nosso estudo teve como objetivos: Analisar a problemática da Inclusão das crianças Trissomia 21 na escola regular; Verificar em que medida o professor da Escola Regular tem formação adequada para atender as crianças com Trissomia 21 e tentar recriar estratégias de aprendizagem de acordo com as caraterísticas individuais das crianças que o professor tem na sua sala. A amostra do nosso projeto figurou-se num grupo de cerca de 130 docentes de agrupamentos de escolas do Concelho de Guimarães, professores educadores, do jardim-de-infância e do 1º, 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico (CEB). Após a análise dos dados recolhidos nos inquéritos propostos aos professores podemos concluir que os professores do ensino regular assumem não possuir formação específica para atender às crianças com Síndrome de Down, pois revelam alguma insegurança em lidar com as situações com que se deparam no seu quotidiano. Contudo afirmam atuar da melhor maneira possível, diligenciando as melhores condições e metodologias de intervenção. Foi sintomática e consensual a necessidade sentida, pela generalidade dos professores, na necessidade de um apoio especializado.


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Os Contos de Fadas contribuem para o desenvolvimento psicológico e intelectual das crianças, uma vez que despertam a curiosidade destas para novas aprendizagens, permitindo que entrem no mundo do imaginário. Os Contos permitem que as crianças criem estratégias para se posicionarem e compreenderem o mundo e os conflitos com que o homem se confronta no seu dia-a-dia. Na perspetiva de vários psicanalistas que estudam esta temática, os Contos de Fadas retratam-nos de uma forma simbólica os problemas do nosso quotidiano, ajudando as crianças a ultrapassar medos e frustrações, a entender o amor, a compreender a morte, o envelhecimento e a resolver alguns conflitos existenciais como, por exemplo, a luta entre o bem e o mal. Os Contos de Fadas exercem uma influência muito benéfica na formação da personalidade da criança. A leitura de Contos e de pequenas histórias é uma atividade enriquecedora para as crianças com Trissomia 21, uma vez que favorece os processos de compreensão, fluência e motivação para a aprendizagem. Com base nestas constatações pretende-se compreender a influência que os Contos de Fadas têm na interiorização de valores morais por parte de uma criança com Trissomia 21 quando comparada com uma criança sem qualquer Síndrome. A investigação iniciou-se com uma etapa inicial de estudo dos fundamentos teóricos da temática, através da realização de uma revisão da literatura, que resultou na identificação do problema de investigação a partir do qual se definiram os objetivos, questões de investigação e hipóteses conducentes à sua resolução. Numa segunda fase recorreu-se a uma metodologia de investigação baseada num estudo de caso que permitiu responder à questão de investigação e simultaneamente compreender a importância e pertinência que, a fantasia dos Contos de Fada tem na criatividade e imaginação da criança assim como concluir que no aspeto concreto da assimilação de valores morais apenas a criança sem qualquer Síndrome é capaz de os assimilar, ao contrário da criança com Trissomia 21 que apenas vê os Contos de Fada como mero entretenimento.


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Incluir alunos com necessidades educativas especiais em turmas e escolas de ensino regular é um assunto pertinente e de uma atualidade relevante. O presente estudo teve como consequência uma preocupação pessoal e profissional relativa à inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular, considerando a seguinte questão: o ensino regular está preparado para aceitar a inclusão dos alunos com T21? Esta problemática da inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas, nas escolas regulares, é um teste às escolas, aos seus recursos humanos e materiais. A exigência de incluir alunos “diferentes” nas turmas e escolas, leva-nos a refletir se as mesmas, neste início de século, estão ou não preparadas para receber este tipo de alunos. Se os professores têm formação adequada para acompanhar, criar planos de desenvolvimento, tirar partido das suas capacidades e se estão preparados para dar respostas a esta heterogeneidade nas suas salas de aula? Neste trabalho pretendemos também saber que estratégias de inclusão existem para estes alunos. Pretende-se saber se a metodologia usada, pelos profissionais da educação, é eficaz e se impulsiona na superação das dificuldades apresentadas. Se a legislação protege estes alunos e promove a igualdade de oportunidade no acesso e sucesso à educação e à cultura.


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Reconfiguration of corporate structures and the retailer-supplier interface in the retail industry have restructured product markets and supply chains, as well as supermarket employment, over the past decade or so (Baret, Lehndorff & Sparks 2000; du Gay 1996). Various studies have examined the consequent changes in labour usage practices within supermarkets or superstores (Baret et al. 2000; Marchington 1995; Penn & Wirth 1993; Sparks 1992; Dawson, Findlay & Sparks 1987, 1986). Commonly, this literature explores the interplay between shifts in the structure of the labour market, broader societal trends and retailers’ employment strategies. One study found that domestic and gender dimensions, accompanied by industrial relations regimes, exert considerable influence on patterns of labour usage (Baret et al. 2000). However, while the types of labour usage and the drivers of changes to labour usage patterns have attracted significant academic attention, research has largely overlooked the ways in which the nature of supermarket work has evolved as a result of changing technology, which effectively bolsters managerial prerogative, and which has affected the skill levels of workers in the industry (Marchington 1995).


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Background Motivation has been identified as an area of difficulty for children with Down syndrome. Although individual differences in mastery motivation are presumed to have implications for subsequent competence, few longitudinal studies have addressed the stability of motivation and the predictive validity of early measures for later academic achievement, especially in atypical populations. Method The participants were 25 children with Down syndrome. Mastery motivation, operationalised as persistence, was measured in early childhood and adolescence using tasks and parent report. At the older age, preference for challenge, another aspect of mastery motivation, was also measured and the children completed assessments of academic competence. Results There were significant concurrent correlations among measures of persistence at both ages, and early task persistence was associated with later persistence. Persistence in early childhood was related to academic competence in adolescence, even when the effects of cognitive ability at the younger age were controlled. Conclusions For children with Down syndrome, persistence appears to be an individual characteristic that is relatively stable from early childhood to early adolescence. The finding that early mastery motivation is significant for later achievement has important implications for the focus of early interventions.


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Maternal behaviors and child mastery behaviors were examined in 25 children with Down syndrome and 43 typically developing children matched for mental age (24–36 months). During a shared problem-solving task, there were no group differences in maternal directiveness or support for autonomy, and mothers in the two groups used similar verbal strategies when helping their child. There were also no group differences in child mastery behaviors, measured as persistence with two optimally challenging tasks. However, the two groups differed in the relationships of maternal style with child persistence. Children with Down syndrome whose mothers were more supportive of their autonomy in the shared task displayed greater persistence when working independently on a challenging puzzle, while children of highly directive mothers displayed lower levels of persistence. For typically developing children, persistence was unrelated to maternal style, suggesting that mother behaviors may have different causes or consequences in the two groups.


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Prags Boulevard will form a 2km long pedestrian spine running east-west between the historic cities of Copenhagen and Amager. It is located on a some-what run down site, which accommodated illicit functions such as casual drug use and drinking, as well as sheds for squatters. The renovation of this site by the city of Copenhagen forms part of the Holmbladsgade renovation project, and a two-phase competition was held in 2001 to develop a green area and meeting place, transforming it into a place that residents would want to visit rather than avoid. The designer, local landscape architect Kristine Jensens recognises that though the site is linear it ‘has no traffic importance’, though as she notes ‘we like the project because it runs straight east west from the city pulse to the water of Oresund’. In developing the project, she has attempted to allow it to ‘run parallel’ to its existing illicit uses, using a ‘light touch’ of insertions. While it would be hard to describe the project as truly light in its touch (graphically, it is a very bold scheme), there is no doubt that it is parallel: in terms of use it runs alongside rather than against existing uses; in terms of its type it’s all about length, like a boulevard, although it clearly differs from a boulevard in other respects.


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Web 1.0 referred to the early, read-only internet; Web 2.0 refers to the ‘read-write web’ in which users actively contribute to as well as consume online content; Web 3.0 is now being used to refer to the convergence of mobile and Web 2.0 technologies and applications. One of the most important developments in mobile 3.0 is geography: with many mobile phones now equipped with GPS, mobiles promise to “bring the internet down to earth” through geographically-aware, or locative media. The internet was earlier heralded as “the death of geography” with predictions that with anyone able to access information from anywhere, geography would no longer matter. But mobiles are disproving this. GPS allows the location of the user to be pinpointed, and the mobile internet allows the user to access locally-relevant information, or to upload content which is geotagged to the specific location. It also allows locally-specific content to be sent to the user when the user enters a specific space. Location-based services are one of the fastest-growing segments of the mobile internet market: the 2008 AIMIA report indicates that user access of local maps increased by 347% over the previous 12 months, and restaurant guides/reviews increased by 174%. The central tenet of cultural geography is that places are culturally-constructed, comprised of the physical space itself, culturally-inflected perceptions of that space, and people’s experiences of the space (LeFebvre 1991). This paper takes a cultural geographical approach to locative media, anatomising the various spaces which have emerged through locative media, or “the geoweb” (Lake 2004). The geoweb is such a new concept that to date, critical discourse has treated it as a somewhat homogenous spatial formation. In order to counter this, and in order to demonstrate the dynamic complexity of the emerging spaces of the geoweb, the paper provides a topography of different types of locative media space: including the personal/aesthetic in which individual users geotag specific physical sites with their own content and meanings; the commercial, like the billboards which speak to individuals as they pass in Minority Report; and the social, in which one’s location is defined by the proximity of friends rather than by geography.


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Assessment frames the focus of this paper, which emerges from our collaborative research, Dancing Between Diversity and Consistency: Refining Assessment in Postgraduate Degrees in Dance, funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). We examine the attributes of danced ‘doctorateness’, giving special attention to those factors in the Australian environment, which may endow resilience to concepts of excellence, independent thinking and originality when kinaesthetic knowledge becomes pivotal to research. Have the small pool of examiners and relationships between academia and the professional artistic environment shaped these doctorates in a particular way? Can these perspectives illuminate and forge parameters by which to legitimate danced insight? These and related issues are interrogated giving voice to supervisors, research deans, candidates and industry professionals across Australia who participated in this research project.


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The Northern Hemisphere slumbers, dreaming that – one day – it is going to split up its empire, before the seas boil and the towers collapse. During this same dark night, Australia is wide awake, chirpy as a Canadian, strapping as a Bondi blonde, having an election...


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Information behaviour (IB) is an area within Library and Information Science that studies the totality of human behaviour in relation to information, both active and passive, along with the explicit and the tacit mental states related to information. This study reports on a recently completed dissertation research that integrates the different models of information behaviours using a diary study where 34 participants maintained a daily journal for two weeks through a web log or paper diary. This resulted in thick descriptions of IB, which were manually analysed using the Grounded Theory method of inquiry, and then cross-referenced through both text-analysis and statistical analysis programs. Among the many key findings of this study, one is the focus this paper: how participants express their feelings of the information seeking process and their mental and affective states related specifically to the sense-making component which co-occurs with almost every other aspect of information behaviour. The paper title – Down the Rabbit Hole and Through the Looking Glass – refers to an observation that some of the participants made in their journals when they searched for, or avoided information, and wrote that they felt like they have fallen into a rabbit hole where nothing made sense, and reported both positive feelings of surprise and amazement, and negative feelings of confusion, puzzlement, apprehensiveness, frustration, stress, ambiguity, and fatigue. The study situates this sense-making aspects of IB within an overarching model of information behaviour that includes IB concepts like monitoring information, encountering information, information seeking and searching, flow, multitasking, information grounds, information horizons, and more, and proposes an integrated model of information behaviour illuminating how these different concepts are interleaved and inter-connected with each other, along with it's implications for information services.


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This third edition of Laying down the criminal law: A handbook for youth workers is essential to understanding young people’s experiences with criminal justice in Queensland. The text comprises detailed scenarios of situations where a young person would have contact with the system, and young people ‘in trouble’ (for example, being excluded from school). The text discusses how workers support the young person in talking to police, going to court, or being a victim of crime. One scenario notes how a youth worker responds to 15 year old Stephen staying at a youth shelter after leaving home and having contact with police. Scenarios are supplemented with information about confidentiality and negligence, and how workers consider these concepts supporting young people...


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Despite a lack of consistent empirical evidence, there has been an ongoing assumption that intellectual disability is associated with reduced levels of motivation. The participants in this study were 33 children with Down syndrome ages 10–15 years and 33 typically developing 3–8-year-old children. Motivation was measured through observational assessments of curiosity, preference for challenge, and persistence, as well as maternal reports. There were no significant group differences on motivation tasks, but mothers of children with Down syndrome rated their children significantly lower on motivation than did parents of typically developing children. There were some intriguing group differences in the pattern of correlations among observations and parent reports. The findings challenge long-held views that individuals with intellectual disability are invariably deficient in motivation.