27 resultados para Síncope vasovagal


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Introducción: El sincope vasovagal es la principal causa de pérdida transitoria de la consciencia. Las guías internacionales de tratamiento del síncope recomiendan con un nivel de evidencia débil, el implante de marcapasos para pacientes refractarios al tratamiento médico que tienen respuesta cardioinhibitoria. Hasta el momento no existe una revisión sistemática que resuma la mejor evidencia disponible a la fecha sobre la estimulación con marcapasos en síncope vasovagal para disminuir recurrencias. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados acerca del uso del marcapasos en síncope vasovagal para disminuir recurrencias. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 299 resultados, de los cuales solo 8 cumplieron los criterios de selección. Se evaluó la recurrencia de síncopes en el grupo de estimulación con marcapasos comparada con el grupo sin estimulación. Con diferencias metodológicas marcadas en los estudios seleccionados en general no hay una evidencia sólida para asegurar que el marcapasos disminuye recurrencias de síncope vasovagal. Discusión: El marcapasos en síncope vasovagal no tiene efecto benéfico en disminución de recurrencias cuando se implanta a toda la población refractaria al tratamiento médico para disminuir recurrencias. Solamente un grupo con características clínicas muy seleccionadas podría beneficiarse de la estimulación con marcapasos para disminuir recurrencias de síncope. Conclusión: La evidencia disponible sugiere que el marcapasos no tiene efecto en disminución de recurrencias en todo el grupo de pacientes con síncope vasovagal refractarios a tratamiento médico.


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Introdução: A perda transitória da consciência e tónus postural seguido de rápida recuperação é definida como síncope. Tem sido dada atenção a uma síncope de origem central com descida da pressão sistémica conhecida por síncope vasovagal (SVV). Objetivos: A análise da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (HRV) é uma das principais estratégias para estudar a SVV através de protocolos padrão (por exemplo tilt test). O principal objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a importância relativa de diversas variáveis, tais como pressão arterial diastólica e sistólica, (dBP) e (sBP), volume sistólico (SV) e resistência periférica total (TPR) na HRV. Métodos: Foram usados modelos estatísticos mistos para modelar o comportamento das variáveis acima descritas na HRV. Analisaram-se mais de mil e quinhentas observações de quatro pacientes com SVV, previamente testados com análise espectral clássica para a fase basal (LF/HF=3.01) e fases de tilt (LF/HF=0.64), indicando uma predominância vagal no período tilt. Resultados: O modelo 1 revelou o papel importante da dBP e uma baixa influência de SV, na fase de tilt, relativos à HRV. No modelo 2 a TPR revelou uma baixa influência na HRV na fase de tilt entre os pacientes. Conclusões: Verificou-se que a HRV é influenciada por um conjunto de variáveis fisiológicas, cuja contribuição individual pode ser usada para compreender as flutuações cardíacas. O uso de modelos estatísticos salientou a importância de estudar o papel da dBP e SV na SVV.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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This article presents a critical review of the literature about the potential benefit of cardiac pacing in patients suffering from vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope. The manifestation of vasovagal syncope comprises some reflex bradycardia and vasoplegia resulting in cerebral hypoperfusion that ultimately leads to a loss of consciousness. The literature reports conflicting results of the potential benefit of cardiac pacing on the prevention of recurrence of vasovagal events. A detailed analysis of the inclusion criteria of these studies permits to clarify the discrepancy. Only patients older than 50 years with prolonged sinus pause at time of syncope benefit of the implantation of a cardiac pacemaker.


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Introducción. El síncope es una patología frecuente en urgencias, afecta adolescentes y adultos mayores, en estos últimos se asocia con mayor frecuencia a cardiopatía estructural y riesgo de desenlace adverso, el ecocardiograma juega un papel importante en su diagnóstico etiológico. Objetivo. Establecer la frecuencia de cardiopatía estructural detectada por ecocardiografía, en pacientes que consultaron a urgencias por síncope. Métodos. Es un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en el cual se revisaron las historias clínicas de pacientes adultos que consultaron a urgencias por síncope y a los cuales se les realizó ecocardiograma, estableciéndose la frecuencia de presentación de las más importantes cardiopatías estructurales. Resultados. Evaluados 149 pacientes, 60 presentaron un ecocardiograma normal (40%); 89 un ecocardiograma anormal, de estos las cardiopatías más frecuentes fueron: alteraciones contráctiles del ventrículo izquierdo (35,0%), hipertrofia concéntrica severa (27,5%), cardiopatía dilatada (15,0%), fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo <40% (12,5%), hipertrofia excéntrica severa (7,5%), estenosis aórtica severa (2,5%). Discusión. Los resultados probablemente están relacionados con las características de la población atendida en un centro cardiovascular de referencia, esto podría explicar además la baja frecuencia de cardiopatía típicamente asociada a sincope cardiogénico detectada en el estudio al compararla con estudios hechos sobre población general. Conclusión. El ecocardiograma es una herramienta diagnóstica útil en la detección de causas cardiogénicas y no cardiogénicas de sincope. Las cardiopatías estructurales más frecuentemente halladas están relacionadas con enfermedades cardiovasculares prevalentes en la población atendida. Mientras la sospecha clínica del médico tratante sea justificada, el estudio debería realizarse.


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Introducción: El síncope es un motivo frecuente de consulta en Urgencias, definir el estudio y el destino de estos pacientes es motivo de controversia. Se han diseñado varias escalas para estratificación del riesgo en pacientes con esta entidad. En este estudio se comparan las características operativas de 4 escalas para la decisión de hospitalizar pacientes con síncope que consultan a un servicio de urgencias de una institución de III y IV Nivel Métodos. Estudio analítico transversal, en el que se aplicaron las 4 escalas de riesgo a pacientes que consultaron por síncope al servicio de Urgencias durante un período de 6 meses y que fueron hospitalizados en la institución donde se realizó. Se evaluaron los resultados aplicando el programa Epidat 3.1 para sensibilidad y especificidad, índice de Youden. Resultados. Se incluyeron en total 91 pacientes. La sensibilidad de las escalas San Francisco, OESIL, EGSYS y la institucional para el requerimiento de hospitalización fue de 79%, 87%. 63% y 95% respectivamente y la especificidad fue de 52%, 40%, 64% y 14%. EL riesgo de mortalidad no fue adecuadamente detectado por la escala de San Francisco.. Conclusiones. Ninguna de las escalas aplicadas a los pacientes hospitalizados que consultaron por síncope a urgencias superó el juicio clínico para definir la hospitalización. Sin embargo, la escala OESIL y la institucional pueden ayudar a corroborar la decisión clínica de hospitalizar en esta población.


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BACKGROUND: In Brazil little is known about adverse reactions during donation and the donor characteristics that may be associated with such events. Donors are offered snacks and fluids before donating and are required to consume a light meal after donation. For these reasons the frequency of reactions may be different than those observed in other countries. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted of eligible whole blood donors at three large blood centers located in Brazil between July 2007 and December 2009. Vasovagal reactions (VVRs) along with donor demographic and biometric data were collected. Reactions were defined as any presyncopal or syncopal event during the donation process. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify predictors of VVRs. RESULTS: Of 724,861 donor presentations, 16,129 (2.2%) VVRs were recorded. Rates varied substantially between the three centers: 53, 290, and 381 per 10,000 donations in Recife, Sao Paulo, and Belo Horizonte, respectively. Although the reaction rates varied, the donor characteristics associated with VVRs were similar (younger age [18-29 years], replacement donors, first-time donors, low estimated blood volume [EBV]). In multivariable analysis controlling for differences between the donor populations in each city younger age, first-time donor status, and lower EBV were the factors most associated with reactions. CONCLUSION: Factors associated with VVRs in other locations are also evident in Brazil. The difference in VVR rates between the three centers might be due to different procedures for identifying and reporting the reactions. Potential interventions to reduce the risk of reactions in Brazil should be considered.


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Carotid sinus massage (CSM) is commonly used to identify carotid sinus hypersensitivity (CSH) as a possible cause for syncope, especially in older patients. However, CSM itself could provoke classical vasovagal syncope (VVS) in pre disposed subjects.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Head-up tilt (HUT) testing is a widely used diagnostic tool in patients with suspected vasovagal syncope (VVS). However, no gold standard exists for this examination and the various protocols used have a limited sensitivity and specificity. Our aim was to determine the sensitivity of a sequential HUT testing protocol including venepuncture (VP) and sublingual nitroglycerin application. METHODS This was a retrospective analysis of the diagnostic gain of a sequential HUT testing protocol including VP applied 10 min after the start of HUT testing and sublingual application of nitroglycerin 20 min after the start of the test protocol in 106 patients with a final diagnosis of VVS. The sensitivity of the test protocol was compared between patients with positive and negative history for VP induced VVS. RESULTS Overall, pre-syncope or syncope occurred in 68 patients (64.2%). Only 17% of all patients fainted spontaneously within 10 min of passive HUT. Another 39.6% fainted within 20 min. Application of nitroglycerin after 20 min of HUT evoked syncope in another 7.5% until the end of 45 min of HUT. The sensitivity of the test protocol for evoking (pre-)syncope was 94.4% in patients with a positive history for VP associated VVS and 58% in patients with a negative history (P < 0.01**); 85.7% of patients with a positive history and 42.9% of patients with a negative history fainted within 20 min of HUT testing (P < 0.01**). CONCLUSIONS Implementation of VP in sequential HUT testing protocols allows the sensitivity of HUT testing to be increased, especially in patients with a positive history for VP associated VVS.


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Describes case studies of 2 males (aged 28 and 30 yrs) in which in vivo practice was applied to needle phobia and associated vasovagal fainting. In vivo practice combines skill acquisition with an opportunity to disconfirm negative expectations. Substantial improvements in self-efficacy, anxiety, and performance were obtained. Treatment gains generalized to other settings and were maintained at 3–6 mo follow-up. In vivo practice is recommended for further research into needle phobias.


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Using the belief basis of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), the current study explored the rate of mild reactions reported by donors in relation to their first donation and the intention and beliefs of those donors with regard to returning to donate again. A high proportion of first-time donors indicated that they had experienced a reaction to blood donation. Further, donors who reacted were less likely to intend to return to donate. Regression analyses suggested that targeting different beliefs for those donors who had and had not reacted would yield most benefit in bolstering donors’ intentions to remain donating. The findings provide insight into those messages that could be communicated via the mass media or in targeted communications to retain first-time donors who have experienced a mild vasovagal reaction.


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BACKGROUND Negative donation experiences, including vasovagal reactions, deter donor retention. However, whether this deterrence effect varies as a function of whole blood (WB) donation history and requests to donate the same or a different product remains unclear. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS The responses of 894 eligible WB donors who had been approached to convert to plasmapheresis and 954 eligible first-time plasmapheresis donors who had been surveyed on their last donation experience and their intention to donate plasma were considered. This information was matched with individual vasovagal reaction records, deferral category, WB donation history, and subsequent donation behavioral data obtained from the blood collection agency. RESULTS Path analysis indicated that the application of a deferral and an officially recorded vasovagal reaction decreased donors' intentions to continue plasmapheresis donation, but had no effect on WB donors' intentions to convert to plasmapheresis. Consistent with past findings, vasovagal reactions occurred more frequently with female and inexperienced donors. CONCLUSION Experiencing vasovagal reactions and deferrals may not universally deter donors from continuing to donate. Rather, the offer to convert to another form of donation—in this instance, plasmapheresis—after experiencing a negative donation event while donating WB may be sufficient to eliminate the deterrence effect on retention.


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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Recurrent syncope has a significant impact on quality of life. The development of measurement scales to assess this impact that are easy to use in clinical settings is crucial. The objective of the present study is a preliminary validation of the Impact of Syncope on Quality of Life questionnaire for the Portuguese population. METHODS: The instrument underwent a process of translation, validation, analysis of cultural appropriateness and cognitive debriefing. A population of 39 patients with a history of recurrent syncope (>1 year) who underwent tilt testing, aged 52.1 ± 16.4 years (21-83), 43.5% male, most in active employment (n=18) or retired (n=13), constituted a convenience sample. The resulting Portuguese version is similar to the original, with 12 items in a single aggregate score, and underwent statistical validation, with assessment of reliability, validity and stability over time. RESULTS: With regard to reliability, the internal consistency of the scale is 0.9. Assessment of convergent and discriminant validity showed statistically significant results (p<0.01). Regarding stability over time, a test-retest of this instrument at six months after tilt testing with 22 patients of the sample who had not undergone any clinical intervention found no statistically significant changes in quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that this instrument is of value for assessing quality of life in patients with recurrent syncope in Portugal.


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BACKGROUND: Up to 60% of syncopal episodes remain unexplained. We report the results of a standardized, stepwise evaluation of patients referred to an ambulatory clinic for unexplained syncope. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 939 consecutive patients referred for unexplained syncope, who underwent a standardized evaluation, including history, physical examination, electrocardiogram, head-up tilt testing (HUTT), carotid sinus massage (CSM) and hyperventilation testing (HYV). Echocardiogram and stress test were performed when underlying heart disease was initially suspected. Electrophysiological study (EPS) and implantable loop recorder (ILR) were used only in patients with underlying structural heart disease or major unexplained syncope. We identified a cause of syncope in 66% of patients, including 27% vasovagal, 14% psychogenic, 6% arrhythmias, and 6% hypotension. Noninvasive testing identified 92% and invasive testing an additional 8% of the causes. HUTT yielded 38%, CSM 28%, HYV 49%, EPS 22%, and ILR 56% of diagnoses. On average, patients with arrhythmic causes were older, had a lower functional capacity, longer P-wave duration, and presented with fewer prodromes than patients with vasovagal or psychogenic syncope. CONCLUSIONS: A standardized stepwise evaluation emphasizing noninvasive tests yielded 2/3 of causes in patients referred to an ambulatory clinic for unexplained syncope. Neurally mediated and psychogenic mechanisms were behind >50% of episodes, while cardiac arrhythmias were uncommon. Sudden syncope, particularly in older patients with functional limitations or a prolonged P-wave, suggests an arrhythmic cause.


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