999 resultados para Rotação diferencial
Stellar differential rotation is an important key to understand hydromagnetic stellar dynamos, instabilities, and transport processes in stellar interiors as well as for a better treatment of tides in close binary and star-planet systems. The space-borne high-precision photometry with MOST, CoRoT, and Kepler has provided large and homogeneous datasets. This allows, for the first time, the study of differential rotation statistically robust samples covering almost all stages of stellar evolution. In this sense, we introduce a method to measure a lower limit to the amplitude of surface differential rotation from high-precision evenly sampled photometric time series such as those obtained by space-borne telescopes. It is designed for application to main-sequence late-type stars whose optical flux modulation is dominated by starspots. An autocorrelation of the time series is used to select stars that allow an accurate determination of spot rotation periods. A simple two-spot model is applied together with a Bayesian Information Criterion to preliminarily select intervals of the time series showing evidence of differential rotation with starspots of almost constant area. Finally, the significance of the differential rotation detection and a measurement of its amplitude and uncertainty are obtained by an a posteriori Bayesian analysis based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (hereafter MCMC) approach. We apply our method to the Sun and eight other stars for which previous spot modelling has been performed to compare our results with previous ones. The selected stars are of spectral type F, G and K. Among the main results of this work, We find that autocorrelation is a simple method for selecting stars with a coherent rotational signal that is a prerequisite to a successful measurement of differential rotation through spot modelling. For a proper MCMC analysis, it is necessary to take into account the strong correlations among different parameters that exists in spot modelling. For the planethosting star Kepler-30, we derive a lower limit to the relative amplitude of the differential rotation. We confirm that the Sun as a star in the optical passband is not suitable for a measurement of the differential rotation owing to the rapid evolution of its photospheric active regions. In general, our method performs well in comparison with more sophisticated procedures used until now in the study of stellar differential rotation
Analogous to sunspots and solar photospheric faculae, which visibility is modulated by stellar rotation, stellar active regions consist of cool spots and bright faculae caused by the magnetic field of the star. Such starspots are now well established as major tracers used to estimate the stellar rotation period, but their dynamic behavior may also be used to analyze other relevant phenomena such as the presence of magnetic activity and its cycles. To calculate the stellar rotation period, identify the presence of active regions and investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation, we apply two methods: a wavelet analysis and a spot model. The wavelet procedure is also applied here to study pulsation in order to identify specific signatures of this particular stellar variability for different types of pulsating variable stars. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool for treating several problems in astrophysics. In this work, we show that the time-frequency analysis of stellar light curves using the wavelet transform is a practical tool for identifying rotation, magnetic activity, and pulsation signatures. We present the wavelet spectral composition and multiscale variations of the time series for four classes of stars: targets dominated by magnetic activity, stars with transiting planets, those with binary transits, and pulsating stars. We applied the Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution. By applying the wavelet transform to the signal, we obtain the wavelet local and global power spectra. The first is interpreted as energy distribution of the signal in time-frequency space, and the second is obtained by time integration of the local map. Since the wavelet transform is a useful mathematical tool for nonstationary signals, this technique applied to Kepler and CoRoT light curves allows us to clearly identify particular signatures for different phenomena. In particular, patterns were identified for the temporal evolution of the rotation period and other periodicity due to active regions affecting these light curves. In addition, a beat-pattern vii signature in the local wavelet map of pulsating stars over the entire time span was also detected. The second method is based on starspots detection during transits of an extrasolar planet orbiting its host star. As a planet eclipses its parent star, we can detect physical phenomena on the surface of the star. If a dark spot on the disk of the star is partially or totally eclipsed, the integrated stellar luminosity will increase slightly. By analyzing the transit light curve it is possible to infer the physical properties of starspots, such as size, intensity, position and temperature. By detecting the same spot on consecutive transits, it is possible to obtain additional information such as the stellar rotation period in the planetary transit latitude, differential rotation, and magnetic activity cycles. Transit observations of CoRoT-18 and Kepler-17 were used to implement this model.
Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.
Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The high cost of sensitivity commercial calorimeters may represent an obstacle for many calorimetric research groups. This work describes the construction and calibration of a batch differential heat conduction calorimeter with sample cells volumes of about 400 μL. The calorimeter was built using two small high sensibility square Peltier thermoelectric sensors and the total cost was estimated to be about US$ 500. The calorimeter was used to study the excess enthalpy of solution of binary mixtures of liquids, as a function of composition, for the following binary systems of solvents: water + 1,4-dioxane or + dimethylsulfoxide at 298,2 ± 0,5 K.
This work presents the development of low cost microprocessor-based equipment for generation of differential GPS correction signal, in real time, and configuration and supervision of the GPS base. The developed equipment contains a dedicated microcontroller connected to the GPS receiver, alphanumeric display and multifunction keyboard for configuration and operation of the system and communication interfaces. The electronic circuit has the function of receiving the information from GPS base; interpret them, converting the sentence in the RTCM SC-104 protocol. The microcontroller software makes the conversion of the signal received by the GPS base from the specific format to RTCM SC-104 protocol. The processing main board has two serials RS-232C standard interfaces. One of them is used for configuration and receiving the information generated by the GPS base. The other operates as output, sending the differential correction signal for the transmission system. The development of microprocessor-based equipment showed that it is possible the construction of a low cost private station for real time generation of differential GPS correction signal.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A configuração glótica varia durante a fonação, mesmo em indivíduos sem queixas vocais e sem alterações ao exame, de acordo com a idade, o sexo, o registro vocal, a freqüência fundamental, a tensão e as lesões. Observa-se junção completa ou incompleta da borda livre da prega vocal; quando incompleta, formam-se fendas de formatos variados. OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo é encontrar no modo de coaptação glótica, durante a fonação sustentada da vogal /épsilon/ em crianças com alteração estrutural mínima, elementos que permitam diferenciá-lo dos indivíduos com nódulo vocal ou de indivíduos sem queixas vocais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de dados de crianças atendidas no período de 1996 a 2001. A amostra constou de imagens de laringes de crianças que apresentaram diagnóstico de alteração estrutural mínima, nódulo vocal e também de crianças sem queixas vocais, estes denominados normais. Destas imagens foi analisada a configuração glótica durante a fonação da vogal /épsilon/ e realizada análise estatística para a comparação entre os três grupos. RESULTADOS: As fendas triangulares são encontradas nos três grupos, enquanto que a fenda fusiforme só ocorreu nas alterações estruturais mínimas. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização do modo de coaptação glótica em crianças, como critério diagnóstico para diferenciar alteração estrutural mínima de nódulo vocal e de laringe normal, é relevante quando se observa fenda fusiforme, condição encontrada somente nas alterações estruturais mínimas; as fendas triangulares não se mostraram significantes para diferenciar alteração estrutural mínima de nódulo vocal e laringe normal.
OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a especificidade, sensibilidade e a acurácia da ultra-sonografia (USG) intra-oral e transcutânea no diagnóstico de celulite e abscesso periamigdalianos. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico Prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Trinta e nove pacientes foram atendidos no pronto-socorro de otorrinolaringologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo com diagnóstico clínico de celulite ou abscesso periamigdaliano. Em todos os pacientes, após a avaliação inicial, foram realizadas ultra-sonografias intra-oral e transcutânea. RESULTADOS: O USG intra-oral foi realizado em 35 casos e demonstrou sensibilidade de 95,2%, especificidade de 78,5% e a acurácia de 86,9%. A USG transcutânea foi factível em todos os 39 pacientes e diagnosticou abscesso periamigdaliano em 53,8% dos pacientes. A sensibilidade foi de 80%, a especificidade de 92,8% e a acurácia de 84,5%. CONCLUSÕES: O USG intra-oral foi bastante sensível no diagnóstico de abscessos periamigdalianos. O USG transcutâneo obteve especificidade superior ao intra-oral. Porém, quando o USG transcutâneo foi realizado em pacientes com trismo, este diagnosticou todos os abscessos periamigdalianos, já que se tratava de coleções grandes, comuns em pacientes com trismo. Estes exames tiveram acurácia semelhantes.
A estomatite aftóide recorrente é doença caracterizada por aparecimento periódico de aftas na mucosa oral, cuja etiologia e fisiopatologia não estão bem explicadas. Estudos recentes com imunofluorescência direta mostram resultados controversos. Alguns revelam que o distúrbio básico está relacionado à imunidade humoral, enquanto outros apontam alterações da imunidade celular. Formas atípicas de estomatite aftóide podem fazer diagnóstico diferencial com doenças vésico-bolhosas como pênfigo vulgar. OBJETIVO: Verificar a presença de imunecomplexos na mucosa de pacientes com estomatite aftóide e utilidade do método no diagnóstico diferencial com dermatopatias bolhosas. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: 23 pacientes portadores de estomatite aftóide, de modo prospectivo, foram incluídos no estudo. Todos foram submetidos à biópsia de mucosa sob anestesia local para retirada de dois fragmentos. Um deles foi enviado para exame histológico e, outro, para ser realizada a imunofluorescência direta. RESULTADOS: As 23 amostras no exame histológico revelaram processo inflamatório inespecífico ulcerado. As amostras enviadas para imunofluorescência resultaram negativas e apenas uma revelou presença de complemento em membrana basal. CONCLUSÃO: Baseado em nossos resultados, concluímos que pacientes portadores de EAR não apresentam depósitos de imunecomplexos na mucosa da cavidade bucal e a imunofluorescência é útil no diagnóstico diferencial entre a doença e dermatopatias bolhosas.
A Doença de Rosai-Dorfman ou Histiocitose Sinusal com Linfadenopatia Maciça (SHML) é uma entidade clínica idiopática, rara e benigna, geralmente apresentando linfonodomegalia cervical. Usualmente acomete pacientes jovens. Manifestações extranodais na região da cabeça e pescoço são mais comuns em pacientes com anormalidades imunológicas. É uma doença autolimitada e, na maioria dos casos, não há necessidade de tratamento. Para os que requerem tratamento devido à persistência ou piora dos sintomas têm sido tentados tratamento cirúrgico, quimioterápico, radioterápico e corticoterapia. Os autores relatam um caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 43 anos, com história de massas cervicais bilaterais, obstrução nasal, emagrecimento importante, febre e perda progressiva de acuidade visual há 6 meses. Trata-se de um paciente ex-tabagista e etilista crônico, onde a suspeita inicial foi de carcinoma espinocelular de rinofaringe. Realizada propedêutica, foi feito diagnóstico de doença de Rosai-Dorfman. Instituída a terapêutica, o seguimento de 6 meses revelou melhora do estado geral do paciente onde mantém as massas cervicais em regressão lenta. A apresentação clínica, as características histológicas, a patogênese e o tratamento são discutidos neste artigo.