997 resultados para Romance Macau


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The objective of this research is to present a reading of the novel Macau (1934), authoring of Aurélio Pinheiro, situated in the context of Brazilian literature produced in the 30s of the last century and analyze the settings of language that reveal individual and social conflicts related to tensions arising of the modernization of a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, in view of the applicability of this knowledge in the educational context. The discussions on the teaching of literature led to an internship experience in the higher education, with the guiding literary reading of the novel Macau. In this sense, this research, bibliographic, analytical and empirical, is in discussions between literature and education that allow us, in addition to a critical reading about Macau romance, a look both in basic education and in teacher training, which justifies linking this thesis in the research line “Reading of the literary text and teaching”. The objectives were met from literary readings of the text, brief study of the author, analysis of the tensions expressed by language, literature defense as a universal right, panoramic review of research on the teaching of literature, reading official documents governing the Brazilian education, discussion of teacher training, training in higher education with application of a didactic sequence, receipt of that novel by teachers in training directed to the applicability in basic education. For this, the research was the theoretical framework primarily the studies of Antonio Candido (1976; 1995), Luís Bueno (2006), Walter Benjamin (1985), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Hans Robert Jauss (1994), Theodor Adorno (2006), Antoine Compagnon (2009), and Rildo Cosson (2009).


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Partindo do conceito de romance etnográfico utilizado no âmbito dos Estudos Literários e também Antropológicos, analisamos o romance histórico City of Broken Promises (1967), de Austin Coates, bem como a forma como a narrativa recorre a um variado número de temáticas antropológicas e estratégias literárias para representar os espaços e a vivência quotidiana das diversas comunidades (inglesa, portuguesa e chinesa) da Macau setecentista.


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Abstract: Purpose – Several major infrastructure projects in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) have been delivered by the build-operate-transfer (BOT) model since the 1960s. Although the benefits of using BOT have been reported abundantly in the contemporary literature, some BOT projects were less successful than the others. This paper aims to find out why this is so and to explore whether BOT is the best financing model to procure major infrastructure projects. Design/methodology/approach – The benefits of BOT will first be reviewed. Some completed BOT projects in Hong Kong will be examined to ascertain how far the perceived benefits of BOT have been materialized in these projects. A highly profiled project, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, which has long been promoted by the governments of the People's Republic of China, Macau Special Administrative Region and the HKSAR that BOT is the preferred financing model, but suddenly reverted back to the traditional financing model to be funded primarily by the three governments with public money instead, will be studied to explore the true value of the BOT financial model. Findings – Six main reasons for this radical change are derived from the analysis: shorter take-off time for the project; difference in legal systems causing difficulties in drafting BOT agreements; more government control on tolls; private sector uninterested due to unattractive economic package; avoid allegation of collusion between business and the governments; and a comfortable financial reserve possessed by the host governments. Originality/value – The findings from this paper are believed to provide a better understanding to the real benefits of BOT and the governments' main decision criteria in delivering major infrastructure projects.


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This article examines the representation of Indigenous sexuality on Australian television drama since the 1970s, suggesting the political importance of such representations. In 1976 Justine Saunders became the first regular Indigenous character on an Australian television drama series, as the hairdresser Rhonda Jackson in Number 96. She was presented as sexually attractive, but this was expressed through a rape scene after a party. Twenty five years later, Deborah Mailman starred in The Secret Life of Us, as Kelly, who is also presented as sexually attractive. But her character can be seen in many romantic relationships. The article explores changing representations that moved us from Number 96 to The Secret Life of Us, via The Flying Doctors and Heartland. It suggests that in representations of intimate and loving relationships on screen it has only recently become possible to see hopeful models for interaction between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.


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This full day workshop invites participants to consider the nexus where the interests of game design, the expectations of play and HCI meet: the game interface. Game interfaces seem different to the interface to other software and there have been a number of observations. Shneiderman famously noticed that while most software designers are intent on following the tenets of the “invisible computer” and making access easy for the user, games inter-faces are made for players: they embed challenge. Schell discusses a “strange” relationship between the player and the game enabled by the interface and user interface designers frequently opine that much can be learned from the design of game interfaces. So where does the game interface actually sit? Even more interesting is the question as to whether the history of the relationship and sub-sequent expectations are now limiting the potential of game design as an expressive form. Recent innovations in I/O design such as Nintendo’s Wii, Sony’s Move and Microsoft's Kinect seem to usher in an age of physical player-enabled interaction, experience and embodied, engaged design. This workshop intends to cast light on this often mentioned and sporadically examined area and to establish a platform for new and innovative design in the field.


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It has been over 50 years since the topic of branding first appeared in the marketing literature. Research relating to destination branding has however emerged only since the late 1990s, with the first journal article published in 1998 (see Pritchard & Morgan, 1998) and the first book published in 2002 (see Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2002). While a growing number of academic tourism conferences have focused on ‘destination marketing’ as a theme during the past decade (for a list of proceedings see Pike, 2004), Gnoth (1998) claimed the special track he convened at the 1997 American Marketing Science conference, represented the first meeting of practitioners and academics on the topic of destination branding. The initiative of Macau's Instituto De Formacao Turistica (IFT), in conjunction with Perdue University, to convene the first conference on destination branding, was thus new territory and a test of academic interest in the topic. Ultimately the decision was justified with around 100 delegates from 22 countries, including destination branding pioneers Pritchard & Morgan, travelling to the inaugural meeting...


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Cougars, Grannies, Evil Stepmothers, and Menopausal Hot Flashers: Roles, Representations of Age and the Non-traditional Romance Heroine is an examination of the stereotyped roles of age and the under-representation of women over forty as worthy protagonists in romance fiction.


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Online dating and romance scams continue to lure in Australians with figures this week showing people have lost more than A$23 million this year alone, with average individual losses at A$21,000 – three times higher than other types of fraud. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) set up the Scam Disruption Project in August to help target those it believes have been caught in such scams. Over three months it sent 1,500 letters to potential victims in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The figures released this week show that 50 people have been scammed, losing a total A$1.7 million – that’s an average of A$34,000 per victim. Almost three quarters of the scams were dating and romance related, which saw it evolve into the number one category of fraud victimisation. Romance scams continue to pose a problem – despite the efforts of the police and ACCC – so why is it that people continue to fall for them?


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My sister describes the state of something being a psychological or personal 'issue' - such as a trauma, compulsion, phobia, or obsession - as having 'brain spaghetti'. For example, apparently she has spaghetti about me pinning her down as a child and tickling her until she screamed for mercy. She knows this because when her spouse tried to do the same, the experience she had as a child came flooding back as a complex tangle of fears, feelings, and mental images. Notwithstanding the trauma inflicted on a sibling in my youth, the spaghetti metaphor is a simple but useful tool for explaining how complex our experiences are, and I bring it up here because I believe a lot of people have spaghetti about love. So much so, that often love becomes distorted, sometimes to the point of making one completely blind to manipulation and abuse. Part of the blame for 'love spaghetti' can be allotted to media depictions of romance and gender, which helps entrench and maintain our deeply held beliefs about what relationships should look like.


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Kanadalainen kirjailija L. M. (Ludy Maud) Montgomery (1874-1942) tunnetaan parhaiten lasten ja nuorten kirjallisuudestaan, erityisesti Anne of Green Gables -romaanistaan (suom. Annan nuoruusvuodet). Graduni tutkii kuitenkin Montgomeryn vähemmän tunnettua omaelämäkerrallista tuotantoa, hänen päiväkirjojaan, jotka on julkaistu viidessä osassa (1985-2004). Keskityn romanssin kuvaukseen Montgomeryn päiväkirjojen ensimmäisessä osassa ja tutkin, millaisia tekstuaalisia persoonia (personas) kertoja luo autobiografisessa prosessissa. Tähän narratiiviseen prosessiin vaikuttavat erityisesti päiväkirjan yleisö tai lukijat (audience), samoin kuin fiktiiviset esikuvat ja fiktiivisesti kirjoittaminen (fictionalisation) sekä kysymys päiväkirjan kertovasta ja kerrotusta minästä (narrated and narrating I). Romanssi on pääosassa Montgomeryn päiväkirjojen ensimmäisessä julkaistussa osassa, joka kuvaa hänen teini- ja varhaisaikuisuusvuosiaan. Väitän, että vaikka päiväkirjateksti saattaa vaikuttaa rehelliseltä ja todenmukaiselta kuvaukselta elämästä, varsinkin Montgomeryn tapauksessa kyseessä on silti läpikotaisin editoitu ja muokattu teksti, jota päiväkirjan tekijä hallitsee rautaisella otteella ja joka käyttää hyväkseen fiktiivisiä keinoja. Aineistonani käytän sekä Montgomeryn julkaistuja että julkaisemattomia päiväkirjoja, joita säilytetään University of Guelphin arkistoissa, Kanadan Ontariossa. Päiväkirjat ovat moneen kertaan sekä Montgomeryn että julkaistujen päiväkirjojen editoijien muokkaamia, joten niiden tutkiminen lähilukemalla (close-reading) ja eri versioita vertaillen on erityisen tärkeää. Teorian osalta keskityn lähinnä Pohjois-Amerikassa kirjoitettuun autobiografia- ja (naisten) päiväkirjatutkimukseen. Väitän gradussani, että Montgomeryn kuvaus heteroseksuaalisesta romanssista välttää tarjoamasta lukijalle romanssijuonen tyypillistä katharsista. Montgomeryn romanttiset persoonat ovat yllättävän epäromanttisia ja ristiriidassa keskenään. Romantiikan traditiolle tyypillistä kieltä ja personifikaatiota käytetään joko korostetun liioitellusti tai humoristisesti ja parodioiden.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula


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Compõe-se de trechos selecionados da obra de Sêneca e traz uma pequena biografia do filósofo, além de partes das cento e vinte quatro "epístolas" dirigidas a seu amigo Lucílio. Constituem, na realidade, ensaios morais sobre vários aspectos da vida. Foi editado pelo célebre impressor francês Critóvão Plantin (ou Plantino), radicado na Bélgica, que notabilizou-se pela preciosidade de seu trabalho tipográfico, o que lhe valeu o título de "Grande Impressor", atribuído por Filipe II, rei da Espanha (Filipe I de Portugal).


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Esta tese traça um estudo comparativo entre o Romance policial contemporâneo e o discurso psicanalítico na produção ficcional de Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (1936-) e Dennis Lehane (1963-), tomando, por base, relações de aproximação entre os métodos investigativos na literatura e na psicanálise. Para isso, o corpus constitui-se dos romances O silêncio da chuva (1996) e Espinosa sem saída (2006), ambos do escritor brasileiro e Sagrado [Sacred] (2004) e Paciente 67 [Shttter Island] (2005), do ficcionista norte-americano. A análise destas narrativas revela pontos de aproximação entre os dois discursos inseridos no cenário cultural caótico e desajustado. E questiona a emergência deste novo contexto sociocultural, onde personagens sem identidade definida, sendo o principal deles, o detetive, realizam sua flânerie através de deslocamentos constantes associados à paisagem e em busca do desvendamento do crime urbano. Como seres de ficção perdidos, estes private eyes precisam encontrar os desajustes psíquicos de toda espécie de criminosos daí a representação da cidade, que ora se converte no solo para a flânerie dos investigadores, ora contribui para o apagamento e/ou ocultamento das subjetividades criminais. A relação entre os discursos policial e psicanalítico aponta para a associação entre a obscuridade do texto literário e o da cultura onde estamos inseridos sem falar do mal-estar de um e de outro campo, que tem a ver com as transformações da esfera da sociedade contemporânea


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da narrativa dedicada ao público infanto-juvenil através de seus sumários e das estratégias textuais e discursivas que levaram a coleção ao grande recorde de venda no período de 2007. Trata-se de uma narrativa, de autoria a Dav Pilkey, intitulada As Aventuras do Capitão Cueca. Fazem parte deste corpus os quatro volumes iniciais da coleção e seus respectivos sumários analisados dentro da teoria laboviana sobre as narrativas. O estudo proposto analisa o tipo de texto e que estruturas podem justificar o porquê de os volumes serem considerados um romance épico. Analisa-se, a importância das construções metafóricas e referenciais para a construção dos personagens e para a progressão textual. Postulam-se três tipos de metáforas - a do poder, a da ação e a da aventura, que, participam na superestrutura textual, construindo a história como um conjunto de elementos composto, tanto pelos referentes quanto pelas escolhas lexicais, já que, por meio do léxico, são delineadas as pistas necessárias à progressão textual o que, consequentemente, propicia um texto com articulação e suspense, o que torna a leitura mais próxima do público que a coleção deseja atingir. Mostrou-se necessário, também, um estudo mais acurado do gênero e da tipologia textual, visto que, nesse momento, nos utilizamos da própria denominação do subtítulo da coleção: romance épico. A organização da microestrutura do texto na perspectiva da relação metáfora e referentes permitiu o reconhecimento de uma tríade na organização da macroestrutura da narrativa, justificando a referência à narrativa épica e às peripécias vividas pelos personagens. É essa complexidade textual que torna a coleção tão singular e atrativa aos olhos do público a que se destina, confirmando a essência do processo de interação entre texto/ leitor/ produtor, em um processo dialógico. Embasam esse estudo as teorias sócio-cognitivas de Lakoff e Johnson (2002) e Sardinha (2007), Koch (2002), Cavalcante (2011), Marcuschi (2008). Concluí-se que a arquitetura do texto pode, de fato, interferir no processo de desenvolvimento da competência de leitura dos estudantes, prendendo seu interesse, o que faz com que haja uma construção de interação. Essa possibilidade, por analogia, pode ser, de um lado, um ponto de desvendamento para o sucesso de alguns livros publicados e que se tornam absoluto sucesso em um dado tempo entre os jovens; de outro lado, pode colocar o professor e a escola do século XXI à frente de novos desafios não só no que tange ao desenvolvimento das diferentes habilidades de leitura, mas também frente ao que é importante do ponto de vista discursivo para o incentivo à leitura, em um mundo marcado semioticamente pela imagem