927 resultados para Robot Operation System (ROS)
Teaching robotics to students at the beginning of their studies has become a huge challenge. Simulation environments can be an effective solution to that challenge where students can interact with simulated robots and have the first contact with robotic constraints. From our previous experience with simulation environments it was possible to observe that students with lower background knowledge in robotics where able to deal with a limited number of constraints, implement a simulated robotic platform and study several sensors. The question is: after this first phase what should be the best approach? Should the student start developing their own hardware? Hardware development is a very important part of an engineer's education but it can also be a difficult phase that could lead to discouragement and loss of motivation in some students. Considering the previous constraints and first year engineering students’ high abandonment rate it is important to develop teaching strategies to deal with this problem in a feasible way. The solution that we propose is the integration of a low-cost standard robotic platform WowWee Rovio as an intermediate solution between the simulation phase and the stage where the students can develop their own robots. This approach will allow the students to keep working in robotic areas such as: cooperative behaviour, perception, navigation and data fusion. The propose approach proved to be a motivation step not only for the students but also for the teachers. Students and teachers were able to reach an agreement between the level of demand imposed by the teachers and satisfaction/motivation of the students.
In this paper we present for the first time a complete symbolic navigation system that performs goal-directed exploration to unfamiliar environments on a physical robot. We introduce a novel construct called the abstract map to link provided symbolic spatial information with observed symbolic information and actual places in the real world. Symbolic information is observed using a text recognition system that has been developed specifically for the application of reading door labels. In the study described in this paper, the robot was provided with a floor plan and a destination. The destination was specified by a room number, used both in the floor plan and on the door to the room. The robot autonomously navigated to the destination using its text recognition, abstract map, mapping, and path planning systems. The robot used the symbolic navigation system to determine an efficient path to the destination, and reached the goal in two different real-world environments. Simulation results show that the system reduces the time required to navigate to a goal when compared to random exploration.
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), a new population based algorithm, has recently been used on multi-robot systems. Although this algorithm is applied to solve many optimization problems as well as multi-robot systems, it has some drawbacks when it is applied on multi-robot search systems to find a target in a search space containing big static obstacles. One of these defects is premature convergence. This means that one of the properties of basic PSO is that when particles are spread in a search space, as time increases they tend to converge in a small area. This shortcoming is also evident on a multi-robot search system, particularly when there are big static obstacles in the search space that prevent the robots from finding the target easily; therefore, as time increases, based on this property they converge to a small area that may not contain the target and become entrapped in that area.Another shortcoming is that basic PSO cannot guarantee the global convergence of the algorithm. In other words, initially particles explore different areas, but in some cases they are not good at exploiting promising areas, which will increase the search time.This study proposes a method based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique on a multi-robot system to find a target in a search space containing big static obstacles. This method is not only able to overcome the premature convergence problem but also establishes an efficient balance between exploration and exploitation and guarantees global convergence, reducing the search time by combining with a local search method, such as A-star.To validate the effectiveness and usefulness of algorithms,a simulation environment has been developed for conducting simulation-based experiments in different scenarios and for reporting experimental results. These experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method is able to overcome the premature convergence problem and guarantee global convergence.
Hardy, N. W., Barnes, D. P., Lee, M. (1987). Declarative sensor knowledge in a robot monitoring system. In: Languages for Sensor-Based Control in Robotics, Ulrich Rembold and Klaus H?rmann (eds), Springer-Verlag, p. 169-188.
It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great number of data-pixel. One of the solutions to estimate motions involves detection of the correspondences between two images. For normalised correlation criteria, previous experiments shown that the result is not altered in presence of nonuniform illumination. Usually, hardware for motion estimation has been limited to simple correlation criteria. The main goal of this paper is to propose a VLSI architecture for motion estimation using a matching criteria more complex than Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) criteria. Today hardware devices provide many facilities for the integration of more and more complex designs as well as the possibility to easily communicate with general purpose processors
En el Centre d'Investigació en Robòtica Submarina (CIRS) de la Universitat de Gironaes disposa de diferents robots submarins els quals utilitzen una arquitectura software anomenada Component Oriented Layered-based Architecture for Autonomy ( COLA2 ), la qual ha estat desenvolupada per estudiants i professors del mateix centre. Per tal de fer aquesta arquitectura més accessible per a professors i estudiant d’altres centres la COLA2 s’està adaptant al Robot Operative System (ROS) que és un framework genèric per al desenvolupament d’aplicacions amb robots. Aquest projecte pretén dissenyar un comportament per al robot Girona500 que estigui desenvolupat dins la versió ROS de l’arquitectura COLA2. El comportament haurà de fer mantenir una determinada posició al robot amb informació visual de la càmera del robot i amb dades de navegació. La tasca de mantenir la posició es de vital importància per a poder realitzar intervencions submarines que requereixen de precisió i, precisament, el medi on es treballa no ajuda
This paper describes an experimental procedure consisting of impact tests that simulate a collision of a human head with an industrial robot with the aim to validate a safety index named as New Index for Robots (NIR) and its outputs. The experiments in this paper are based on lab tests. It is an attempt to characterize the NIR index underlying the main parameters that are involved in crash interaction and to highlight limitations and weakness of suggested impact tests.
Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) is a robotic control scheme based on vision. This scheme uses only the visual information obtained from a camera to guide a robot from any robot pose to a desired one. However, IBVS requires the estimation of different parameters that cannot be obtained directly from the image. These parameters range from the intrinsic camera parameters (which can be obtained from a previous camera calibration), to the measured distance on the optical axis between the camera and visual features, it is the depth. This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of D-IBVS estimating the depth from three different ways using a low cost RGB-D sensor like Kinect. The visual servoing system has been developed over ROS (Robot Operating System), which is a meta-operating system for robots. The experiments prove that the computation of the depth value for each visual feature improves the system performance.
This paper presents the design of μAV, a palm size open source micro quadrotor constructed on a single Printed Circuit Board. The aim of the micro quadrotor is to provide a lightweight (approximately 86g) and cheap robotic research platform that can be used for a range of robotic applications. One possible application could be a cheap test bed for robotic swarm research. The goal of this paper is to give an overview of the design and capabilities of the micro quadrotor. The micro quadrotor is complete with a 9 Degree of Freedom Inertial Measurement Unit, a Gumstix Overo® Computer-On-Module which can run the widely used Robot Operating System (ROS) for use with other research algorithms.
Lego Mindstorms eta EV3ren arteko konektibitatea ahalbidetzeko driverraren garapena.
In this work a system of autonomous agents engaged in cyclic pursuit (under constant bearing (CB) strategy) is considered, for which one informed agent (the leader) also senses and responds to a stationary beacon. Building on the framework proposed in a previous work on beacon-referenced cyclic pursuit, necessary and suffi- cient conditions for the existence of circling equilibria in a system with one informed agent are derived, with discussion of stability and performance. In a physical testbed, the leader (robot) is equipped with a sound sensing apparatus composed of a real time embedded system, estimating direction of arrival of sound by an Interaural Level and Phase Difference Algorithm, using empirically determined phase and level signatures, and breaking front-back ambiguity with appropriate sensor placement. Furthermore a simple framework for implementing and evaluating the performance of control laws with the Robot Operating System (ROS) is proposed, demonstrated, and discussed.
RatSLAM is a navigation system based on the neural processes underlying navigation in the rodent brain, capable of operating with low resolution monocular image data. Seminal experiments using RatSLAM include mapping an entire suburb with a web camera and a long term robot delivery trial. This paper describes OpenRatSLAM, an open-source version of RatSLAM with bindings to the Robot Operating System framework to leverage advantages such as robot and sensor abstraction, networking, data playback, and visualization. OpenRatSLAM comprises connected ROS nodes to represent RatSLAM’s pose cells, experience map, and local view cells, as well as a fourth node that provides visual odometry estimates. The nodes are described with reference to the RatSLAM model and salient details of the ROS implementation such as topics, messages, parameters, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and parameter tuning strategies. The performance of the system is demonstrated on three publicly available open-source datasets.
This article introduces an unsupervised neural architecture for the control of a mobile robot. The system allows incremental learning of the plant during robot operation, with robust performance despite unexpected changes of robot parameters such as wheel radius and inter-wheel distance. The model combines Vector associative Map (VAM) learning and associate learning, enabling the robot to reach targets at arbitrary distances without knowledge of the robot kinematics and without trajectory recording, but relating wheel velocities with robot movements.