849 resultados para Riemann-Roch, Teoremas de


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Superfici di Riemann compatte, divisori, Teorema di Riemann Roch, immersioni nello spazio proiettivo.


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Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch originale a rme que pour tout morphisme propre f : Y ! X entre vari et es quasi-projectifs lisses sur un corps, et tout el ement a 2 K0(Y ) du groupe de Grothendieck des br es vectoriels on a ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Ici ch est le caract ere de Chern, Td(Tf ) est la classe de Todd du br e tangent relative et f et f! sont les images directes de l'anneau de Chow et K0 respectivement. Apr es, Baum, Fulton et MacPherson ont d emontr e en [BFM75] le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch pour des morphismes localement intersection compl ete entre des sch emas alg ebriques (sch emas s epar es et localement de type ni sur un corps) projectifs et singuli eres. En [FG83] Fulton et Gillet ont d emontr e le th eor eme sans hypoth eses projectifs. L'extension a la th eorie K sup erieure pour des sch emas r eguli eres sur une base fut d emontr e par Gillet en [Gil81]. Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch qu'il prouve est pour des morphismes projectifs entre des sch emas lisses et quasi-projectifs. Donc, dans le cas des sch emas sur un corps, le r esultat de Gillet n'inclus pas le th eor eme de [BFM75]. La plus grande g en eralisation du th eor eme de Riemann-Roch que je connais est [D eg14] et [HS15], o u D eglise et Holmstrom-Scholbach obtiennent ind ependamment le th eor eme de Riemann- Roch pour la K-th eorie sup erieure et les morphismes projectifs lic entre sch emas r eguli eres sur une base noetherienne de dimension nie... NOTA 520 8 El teorema de Riemann-Roch original de Grothendieck a rma que para todo mor smo propio f : Y ! X, entre variedades irreducibles quasiproyectivas lisas sobre un cuerpo, y todo elemento a 2 K0(Y ) del grupo de Grothendieck de brados vectoriales se satisface la relaci on ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Recu erdese que ch denota el car acter de Chern, Td(Tf ) la clase de Todd del brado tangente relativo y f y f! las im agenes directas en el anillo de Chow y K0 respectivamente. M as tarde Baum, Fulton MacPherson probaron en [BFM75] el teorema de Riemann-Roch para mor smos localmente intersecci on completa entre esquemas algebraicos (es decir, esquemas separados localmente de tipo nito sobre cuerpo) proyectivos singulares. En [FG83] Fulton y Gillet probaron el teorema sin hip otesis proyectivas. La notable extensi on a la teor a K superior para esquemas regulares sobre una base fue probada por Gillet en [Gil81]. El teorema de Riemann-Roch all probado es para mor smos proyectivos entre esquemas lisos quasiproyectivos. Sin embargo, obs ervese que en el caso de esquemas sobre cuerpo el resultado de Gillet no recupera el teorema de [BFM75]. La mayor generalizaci on del teorema de Riemann-Roch que yo conozco es [D eg14] y [HS15] donde D eglise y Holmstrom-Scholbach obtuvieron independientemente el teorema de Riemann-Roch para teor a K superior y mor smos proyectivos lic entre esquemas regulares sobre una base noetheriana nito dimensional...


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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This thesis is about the derivation of the addition law on an arbitrary elliptic curve and efficiently adding points on this elliptic curve using the derived addition law. The outcomes of this research guarantee practical speedups in higher level operations which depend on point additions. In particular, the contributions immediately find applications in cryptology. Mastered by the 19th century mathematicians, the study of the theory of elliptic curves has been active for decades. Elliptic curves over finite fields made their way into public key cryptography in late 1980’s with independent proposals by Miller [Mil86] and Koblitz [Kob87]. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), following Miller’s and Koblitz’s proposals, employs the group of rational points on an elliptic curve in building discrete logarithm based public key cryptosystems. Starting from late 1990’s, the emergence of the ECC market has boosted the research in computational aspects of elliptic curves. This thesis falls into this same area of research where the main aim is to speed up the additions of rational points on an arbitrary elliptic curve (over a field of large characteristic). The outcomes of this work can be used to speed up applications which are based on elliptic curves, including cryptographic applications in ECC. The aforementioned goals of this thesis are achieved in five main steps. As the first step, this thesis brings together several algebraic tools in order to derive the unique group law of an elliptic curve. This step also includes an investigation of recent computer algebra packages relating to their capabilities. Although the group law is unique, its evaluation can be performed using abundant (in fact infinitely many) formulae. As the second step, this thesis progresses the finding of the best formulae for efficient addition of points. In the third step, the group law is stated explicitly by handling all possible summands. The fourth step presents the algorithms to be used for efficient point additions. In the fifth and final step, optimized software implementations of the proposed algorithms are presented in order to show that theoretical speedups of step four can be practically obtained. In each of the five steps, this thesis focuses on five forms of elliptic curves over finite fields of large characteristic. A list of these forms and their defining equations are given as follows: (a) Short Weierstrass form, y2 = x3 + ax + b, (b) Extended Jacobi quartic form, y2 = dx4 + 2ax2 + 1, (c) Twisted Hessian form, ax3 + y3 + 1 = dxy, (d) Twisted Edwards form, ax2 + y2 = 1 + dx2y2, (e) Twisted Jacobi intersection form, bs2 + c2 = 1, as2 + d2 = 1, These forms are the most promising candidates for efficient computations and thus considered in this work. Nevertheless, the methods employed in this thesis are capable of handling arbitrary elliptic curves. From a high level point of view, the following outcomes are achieved in this thesis. - Related literature results are brought together and further revisited. For most of the cases several missed formulae, algorithms, and efficient point representations are discovered. - Analogies are made among all studied forms. For instance, it is shown that two sets of affine addition formulae are sufficient to cover all possible affine inputs as long as the output is also an affine point in any of these forms. In the literature, many special cases, especially interactions with points at infinity were omitted from discussion. This thesis handles all of the possibilities. - Several new point doubling/addition formulae and algorithms are introduced, which are more efficient than the existing alternatives in the literature. Most notably, the speed of extended Jacobi quartic, twisted Edwards, and Jacobi intersection forms are improved. New unified addition formulae are proposed for short Weierstrass form. New coordinate systems are studied for the first time. - An optimized implementation is developed using a combination of generic x86-64 assembly instructions and the plain C language. The practical advantages of the proposed algorithms are supported by computer experiments. - All formulae, presented in the body of this thesis, are checked for correctness using computer algebra scripts together with details on register allocations.


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A geometric invariant is associated to the space of fiat connections on a G-bundle over a compact Riemann surface and is related to the energy of harmonic functions.


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This paper presents numerical simulation of the evolution of one-dimensional normal shocks, their propagation, reflection and interaction in air using a single diaphragm Riemann shock tube and validate them using experimental results. Mathematical model is derived for one-dimensional compressible flow of viscous and conducting medium. Dimensionless form of the mathematical model is used to construct space-time finite element processes based on minimization of the space-time residual functional. The space-time local approximation functions for space-time p-version hierarchical finite elements are considered in higher order GRAPHICS] spaces that permit desired order of global differentiability of local approximations in space and time. The resulting algebraic systems from this approach yield unconditionally positive-definite coefficient matrices, hence ensure unique numerical solution. The evolution is computed for a space-time strip corresponding to a time increment Delta t and then time march to obtain the evolution up to any desired value of time. Numerical studies are designed using recently invented hand-driven shock tube (Reddy tube) parameters, high/low side density and pressure values, high- and low-pressure side shock tube lengths, so that numerically computed results can be compared with actual experimental measurements.


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We develop a logarithmic potential theory on Riemann surfaces which generalizes logarithmic potential theory on the complex plane. We show the existence of an equilibrium measure and examine its structure. This leads to a formula for the structure of the equilibrium measure which is new even in the plane. We then use our results to study quadrature domains, Laplacian growth, and Coulomb gas ensembles on Riemann surfaces. We prove that the complement of the support of the equilibrium measure satisfies a quadrature identity. Furthermore, our setup allows us to naturally realize weak solutions of Laplacian growth (for a general time-dependent source) as an evolution of the support of equilibrium measures. When applied to the Riemann sphere this approach unifies the known methods for generating interior and exterior Laplacian growth. We later narrow our focus to a special class of quadrature domains which we call Algebraic Quadrature Domains. We show that many of the properties of quadrature domains generalize to this setting. In particular, the boundary of an Algebraic Quadrature Domain is the inverse image of a planar algebraic curve under a meromorphic function. This makes the study of the topology of Algebraic Quadrature Domains an interesting problem. We briefly investigate this problem and then narrow our focus to the study of the topology of classical quadrature domains. We extend the results of Lee and Makarov and prove (for n ≥ 3) c ≤ 5n-5, where c and n denote the connectivity and degree of a (classical) quadrature domain. At the same time we obtain a new upper bound on the number of isolated points of the algebraic curve corresponding to the boundary and thus a new upper bound on the number of special points. In the final chapter we study Coulomb gas ensembles on Riemann surfaces.


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En este trabajo, se hará una introducción a las variedades de Riemann, con el fin de analizar algunas propiedades minimizadoras de las curvas geodésicas en variedades de Riemann.


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En éste artículo se presenta una propuesta para la enseñanza de los Teoremas Fundamentales del Cálculo por medio de la utilización del software Geogebra, éste software permite la visualización de cada uno de los teoremas fundamentales del cálculo, a través de la interpretación geométrica de la integral como función de área y la interpretación de la derivada como función de pendientes, posteriormente se relacionan los procesos inversos de integración y derivación.


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Doutoramento em Matemática