908 resultados para Rhythmic gymnastics
The aim was to analyse the physical growth and body composition of rhythmic gymnastics athletes relative to their level of somatic maturation. This was a cross-sectional study of 136 athletes on 23 teams from Brazil. Mass, standing height and sitting height were measured. Fat-free and fat masses, body fat percentages and ages of the predicted peak height velocity (PHV) were calculated. The z scores for mass were negative during all ages according to both WHO and Brazilian references, and that for standing height were also negative for all ages according to WHO reference but only until 12 years old according to Brazilian reference. The mean age of the predicted PHV was 12.1 years. The mean mass, standing and sitting heights, body fat percentage, fat-free mass and fat mass increased significantly until 4 to 5 years after the age of the PHV. Menarche was reached in only 26% of these athletes and mean age was 13.2 years. The mass was below the national reference standards, and the standing height was below only for the international reference, but they also had late recovery of mass and standing height during puberty. In conclusion, these athletes had a potential to gain mass and standing height several years after PHV, indicating late maturation.
The development of expertise for two groups of rhythmic gymnasts was studied where a group of elite (Olympic) gymnasts was compared to a group of sub‐elite (International) gymnasts. Structured interviews were used to collect retrospective information about the gymnasts’ health, training resources, level and ranking, and hours spent in training activities. The gymnasts rated practice activities during the last period of their development (age 16 and older) with respect to their perceived physical effort, mental concentration, and fun. The Olympic gymnasts were involved in significantly fewer activities and sports throughout their development compared to the International gymnasts. All gymnasts reported engaging in five practice activities of warm‐up, ballet, technique training, routines, and conditioning in their rhythmic gymnastics training. Olympic gymnasts allocated substantially more time to the practice activities of ballet, technique, routines, and conditioning, compared to the International gymnasts. Olympic gymnasts also rated their health as lower than the International gymnasts. All gymnasts reported that the practice activities of technique and routine training required more physical effort and mental concentration than warm‐up, ballet, and conditioning. The Olympic gymnasts reported experiencing less fun in their participation overall. The findings of this study provide a comprehensive description of early activity involvement, training activities, training resources, and health and injury ratings of expert level rhythmic gymnasts and help to further the understanding of how to assess sport expertise development
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Presentamos el caso de una gimnasta de 11 años, afecta de una Osteocondritis de 2ª y 3ª cabeza Metatarsal bilateral. Se hace una exposición de la actividad deportiva, tratamiento al que fue sometida y los resultados obtenidos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
O estudo em foco objetiva analisar a concepção de corpo dos professores de Educação Física que atuam com a Ginástica Rtmica (GR), identificando pontos de convergência e divergência entre o discurso e o fazer pedagógico. Os sujeitos pesquisados foram quatro docentes do sexo feminino e um docente do sexo masculino que desenvolvem suas ações pedagógicas com a GR em espaço escolar e extra- escolar. Como suporte teórico, optei em dialogar com as ideias de autores como Moreira (1995), Gaio (2007), Kunz (1994) entre outros, que discutem acerca de corpo, GR e prática pedagógica na Educação Física. A metodologia adotada envolveu uma revisão bibliográfica para efeito de consolidação do referencial teórico, e uma pesquisa de campo constituída de entrevista estruturada e observação. Para efeito de análise e coleta dos dados da entrevista fiz uso da Análise de Conteúdo: Técnica de Elaboração e Análise de Unidades de Significados elaborada por Moreira, Simões e Porto (2005). A observação teve como base a pesquisa descritiva como sugere Rampazzo (2005). Os resultados do estudo indicam que dois, dos cinco professores sujeitos dessa investigação ainda percebem o corpo de forma fragmentada e distante da realidade que o circunda, entendendo-o apenas como objeto para intervenção de técnicas, de táticas, etc. Três professores transitam em meio à concepção de corpo enquanto sujeito e também enquanto objeto, mas os primeiros apresentam apenas vestígios que se mostram muito tímidos. Apesar das convergências e divergências entre as idéias que têm de corpo, todos os cinco professores apresentam em sua prática pedagógica, sinais de que adotam uma concepção mecanicista. Esse trato se dá na medida em que os docentes deixam de considerar a realidade dos alunos na construção do planejamento de ensino, encarando-os como instrumento de transmissão e reprodução e não como sujeitos do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, a comunicação, no decorrer da ação pedagógica, é efetivada por meio da autoridade máxima dos professores que determinam e controlam todos os movimentos que devem ser realizados nas aulas, cerceando, sobremaneira, a criatividade, a criticidade e o desenvolvimento da autonomia dos alunos.
This final course project originates itself from the discussions of the Group of Studies and Pedagogical Research in Gymnastics (GEPPEGIN) of Unesp/RC and starts with the Pedagogy of Sport, with the purpose of knowing, analysing and discussing its existence and paths, in a series of discussions about the early specialization. The early specialization is a theme that relates frequently to the modalities of gymnastics, the focus point being that most gymnasts are specialized younger than most athletes from other sports (SCHIAVON, 2009), and not always in a proper way. It is from this issue that the intention of this study begins: knowing, analysing and discussing the existence and the ways of discussions about early specialization in researches and publications related to Rhythmic Gymnastics in the last decade (2002-2012) in Brazil. For the development of this qualitative research of scientific initiation a bibliographic research will be conducted about Rhythmic Gymnastics, with the focus on arising researches from post graduation programs stricto-sensu, recognized by Capes and, scientific papers, published during indexed periods in Brazil and classified in Qualis of Physic Education
The present study emerged from discussions of the Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Pedagógicos em Ginástica (GEPPEGIN), from UNESP/RC, and had the intention to understand and analyze the existence and discussions on Body Image and Gymnasts in researches and publications over the last decade (2003-2013) in Brazil. Body image refers to the mental representation of the body, structured according to the world. It is known that cultural and social pressures have been imposing an ideal body model and generating consequences as body dissatisfaction. Therefore, this study aims discuss the body image of Artistic and Rhythmic gymnastics' athletes. The choice of these modalities is justified by the fact that they are directly related to body image, especially the issue of the necessity of low body weight, beyond the relationship of complex movements and the need of good body awareness (BERRY; HOWE, 2000; KERR et al., 2006). For the development of this qualitative research, a documentary survey were conducted over the last decade (2003-2013) on Body Image and Gymnasts, focusing on researches of strictosensu postgraduate programs, recognized by CAPES, and scientific papers published in journals indexed in Brazil and classified in Physical Education Qualis. For categorization of information related to the theme, was used the organization by the units of analysis proposed by Laville and Dionne (1999). Based on the studies analyzed, perceive a dissatisfaction with body image to most participants from all studies, being athlete or nonathlete. Vieira and colleagues (2009) assume that the body pattern required for performance on competitive Gymnastics is close to the aesthetics of slim body served as body pattern for girls/teenager
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
The present study is a piece of the main project entitled ""Diagnosis of the Artistic Gymnastics Developing Program in Brazil"". Among many issues included in the main study, we analyzed and discussed the coach`s objectives who are coaching incoming gymnasts who are potential to be representative at the national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. As data collection we used a semi-structured interview, and as data treatment we used the content analysis proposed by Bardin ( 2004). We could evidence that many coaches` objectives is focused on the competition and the highest level, and that the institutions` emphasis on the results in all levels of categories.
The current study is a piece from the original project entitled ""Diagnosis of the Developing Program of Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil"". Among other issues discussed in this main project, our objective was to investigate the development of the gymnast who are entering the intensive training and are potential to be representative to national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. Regarding methodology, we used a semi-structured interview and for data treatment we adopted the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004). We could evidence that coaches have concern regarding many aspects of the children development, and have been trying to equate sports demands with gymnasts characteristics and needs.
Sinoaortic denervation is characterized by arterial pressure lability, without sustained hypertension. Aortas isolated from rats with sinoaortic denervation present rhythmic contractions. We studied the participation of distinct Ca2+ sources in the maintenance of the oscillations. Three days after the surgeries, aortic rings were placed in an organ chamber, and the incidence of aortas presenting rhythmic contractions was measured. Specific drugs were employed to analyse the participation of the Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum [2-APB (diphenylborinic acid 2-aminoethyl ester), thapsigargin and ryanodine] and external Ca2+ entry [Bay K 8644, verapamil and DMB (dimethylbenzyl amiloride)] on the rhythmic contractions. Additionally, we verified the effects of chloride channel blocker NPPB [5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid] on the maintenance of the rhythmic contractions. Under phenylephrine stimulus, sinoaortic-denervated rat aortas exhibited rhythmic contractions in the frequency of 4.5 +/- 0.50 cycles/min. and an amplitude of 0.465 +/- 0.05 g. 2-APB, thapsigargin and ryanodine inhibited the rhythmic contractions. Bay K 8644 increased the oscillations, reaching maximum values with a concentration of 50 nM (18.5 +/- 2.5 cycles/min.). The rhythmic contractions were inhibiting by verapamil and Ca2+-free solution. DMB and NPPB did not alter the oscillations. In conclusion, we observed that aorta isolated from sinoaortic-denervated rats present rhythmic contractions. Moreover, drugs that impaired intracellular Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum interrupted the oscillations. The oscillations also depend on the extracellular Ca2+ entry through L-type Ca2+.