1000 resultados para Rhinella crucifer group
A new species of Rhinella of Central Brazil from the Rhinella crucifer group is described. Rhinella inopina sp. nov. is restricted to the disjunct Seasonal Tropical Dry Forests enclaves in the western Cerrado biome. The new species is characterized mainly by head wider than long, shape of parotoid gland, and oblique arrangement of the parotoid gland. Data on natural history and distribution are also presented.
We describe adult morphology, advertisement call and some natural history traits of a new species of toad from the Pantanal, western Brazil. Rhinella paraguayensis sp. nov. belongs to the Rhinella margaritifera group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view, with a vertical apical ridge, supraorbital crests weakly developed, parietal crest not well developed, postorbital crest prominent, presence of a dorsolateral line of tubercles, tympanum evident, bony protrusions at angle of jaws, absence of vertebral apophyses and of projections on upper eyelids, and parotoid glands small. The new species is distinguished from other species of the group by geographic distribution and by the use of floating mats of vegetation as reproductive site.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A Mata Atlântica Brasileira apresenta ampla distribuição e diferenças regionais na composição de suas paisagens, favorecendo alta diversidade e endemismo. O grupo de espécies de Rhinella crucifer é endêmico a este bioma, e distribui-se através de todo seu domínio. O grupo é composto por cinco morfoespécies, definidas com o auxilio da morfometria tradicional. Recentemente foi encontrado que apenas três destas morfoespécies correspondem a linhagens genéticas exclusivas. Neste trabalho é proposta uma releitura da variação fenotípica das espécies de Rhinella do grupo crucifer com base na morfometria geométrica, uma técnica moderna capaz de detectar padrões de variação mais refinados. Tanto em análise realizada com peso igual para variações de forma globais e locais, quanto em análise que valoriza apenas variações localizadas houve a formação de dois grupos; um contendo morfoespécie Rhinella henseli e outro formado pelo restante das morfoespécies. A alta sobreposição encontrada neste segundo grupo evidencia grande semelhança na forma craniana, sendo R henseli a morfoespécie mais diferente do grupo. Este resultado é condizente com os achados genéticos recentes, podendo- se concluir que a variação fenotípica no grupo é acompanhada pela a variação genética. Um estudo futuro com amostragem mais representativa e aprimoramento na metodologia poderá contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da diversificação morfológica nesse grupo de espécies em escala mais fina.
Os conceitos e métodos provindos das teorias de integração morfológica e de genética quantitativa formam o arcabouço teórico para o estudo da evolução de estruturas complexas, compostas de múltiplos caracteres que interagem entre si. Nesse trabalho, utilizamos o crânio como modelo de estrutura complexa e estudamos sua diversificação nas espécies de sapo do grupo Rhinella granulosa. As perguntas do trabalho foram: (1) A organização da (co)variação é similar entre as espécies?; (2) A organização da (co)variação é modular nas espécies, conforme expectativas baseadas em desenvolvimento ou função?; (3) Fatores externos, como filogenia e clima, estruturam a similaridade no padrão de covariação entre as espécies?; (4) A diversificação da morfologia média do crânio se deu por deriva ou seleção natural?; (5) A divergência na morfologia média do crânio está associada à variação climática entre as espécies?; e finalmente (6) Restrições evolutivas atuaram na divergência entre as espécies? Os espécimes foram escaneados e validamos o uso de imagens 3D para a mensuração de 21 distâncias lineares. Os crânios das espécies foram representados como matrizes fenotípicas (P) de covariância e de correlação entre as distâncias. A similaridade entre as P das espécies é alta. As P de todas as espécies se conformam a um padrão modular compatível com interações funcionais entre ossos. As diferenças entre as P concentram-se no rostro e são associadas a diferenças no clima entre as espécies. Detectamos sinal de seleção natural nos nós mais basais da filogenia e variação local no crânio está associada à variação na sazonalidade da chuva entre as espécies. Restrições evolutivas atuaram na diversificação do crânio das espécies, defletindo as respostas evolutivas para tamanho. Concluímos que tanto seleção estabilizadora e direcional, conectadas à variação climática, quanto restrições evolutivas atuaram na diversificação do crânio das espécies
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We compared different cultivars and hybrids of crucifers in relation to development and life-history of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) to classify the plants according to their resistance to the pest. The plants used were Manteiga da Geórgia kale, Bola de Neve cauliflower, Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce broccoli, Chato-de-quintal cabbage, and the hybrid cabbages Midori, TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681. We evaluated performance daily until the pupal stage. Pupae were assessed individually to determine the pupal weight, performance, and pupal period. We determined the sex ratio, fecundity, fertility, and longevity of the emerged adults and calculated their reproductive potential. Cabbage hybrids TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681 do not support the development and reproduction of the diamondback moth. These hybrids show a level of resistance that is similar to that found the commercially available hybrid Midori and cultivar Chato de Quintal, which are known to be resistant to the diamondback moth. This finding implies that the capitata (cabbage) cultivars are the most suitable for planting because they are more resistant to pest than the cultivar's moth, acephala (kale). © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Presynaptic Neuromuscular Action Of A Methanolic Extract From The Venom Of Rhinella Schneideri Toad.
Rhinella schneideri, previously known as Bufo paracnemis, is a common toad in many regions of Brazil. Its venom exerts important cardiovascular effects on humans and other animals. Although this toad venom has been the subject of intense investigations, little is known about its neuromuscular activity. The neurotoxicity of a methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom was tested on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations mounted for conventional twitch tension recording - in response to indirect stimulation - and for electrophysiological measurements. Venom extract (50 μg/mL) increased the muscle twitch tension in PND preparations but did not significantly alter the resting membrane potential values. Electrophysiological evaluations showed that the extract (50 μg/mL) significantly augmented the frequency of miniature end-plate potential (from 38 ± 3.5 to 88 ± 15 after 60 minutes; n = 5; p < 0.05) and quantal content (from 128 ± 13 to 272 ± 34 after five minutes; n = 5; p < 0.05). Pretreatment with ouabain (1 μg/mL) for five minutes prevented the increase in quantal content (117 ± 18 and 154 ± 33 after five and 60 minutes, respectively). These results indicate that the methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom acts primarily presynaptically to enhance neurotransmitter release in mouse phrenic-diaphragm preparations.
Otorhinolaryngological manifestations of rheumatologic diseases represent a great challenge not only to the generalistphysician but also to the ENT doctor andrheumatologist. They often represent early manifestations of an autoimmune disorder which requires prompt and aggressive immunosuppressive treatment. Auditory, nasal, laryngeal and eye symptoms can be the first manifestation of rheumatic diseases and their proper assessment helps the doctor to identify signs of disease activity. The objective of this study is to identify the ENT manifestations in patients with rheumatic diseases in a high complexity hospital, regarding facilitating an early diagnosis and treatment. We performed clinical and complete otorhinolaryngological evaluations in patients selected from the outpatient rheumatology in a standardized manner by the use of a standardized form filling during the secondhalf of 2010. In the study group, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients had predominantly laryngeal manifestations, while patients with Sjögren's syndrome showed a higher prevalence of otologic manifestations. Changes in audiometric tests were found in 53% of Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) patients, 80% of relapsing polychondritis (RP), 33% of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 50% of Churg-Strauss syndrome (SCS). Regarding nasal alterations, these were found so prevalent in all conditions, especially Churg-Strauss syndrome. This study demonstrated that most patients treated in our hospital has the ENT signs and symptoms commonly associated in previous studies on rheumatic diseases, but further studies with a larger number of patients must be made to establish such relations.
The taxonomic status of a disjunctive population of Phyllomedusa from southern Brazil was diagnosed using molecular, chromosomal, and morphological approaches, which resulted in the recognition of a new species of the P. hypochondrialis group. Here, we describe P. rustica sp. n. from the Atlantic Forest biome, found in natural highland grassland formations on a plateau in the south of Brazil. Phylogenetic inferences placed P. rustica sp. n. in a subclade that includes P. rhodei + all the highland species of the clade. Chromosomal morphology is conservative, supporting the inference of homologies among the karyotypes of the species of this genus. Phyllomedusa rustica is apparently restricted to its type-locality, and we discuss the potential impact on the strategies applied to the conservation of the natural grassland formations found within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome in southern Brazil. We suggest that conservation strategies should be modified to guarantee the preservation of this species.
Polymorphisms of Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd and Diego blood group systems were studied in 209 unrelated Brazilian Japanese descendants from South of Brazil. The methods used were multiplex-PCR, AS-PCR and RFLP-PCR. The differences in frequencies among the populations were evaluated using chi-square test. The frequencies for Rh, Kell, Kidd and Diego system were similar to those of the Japanese. RHCE(*)CC, RHCE(*)EE genotypes and FY(*)01 allele were lower and FY(*)01N.01 was higher than Japanese. These differences in the frequencies between Brazilian Japanese descendants and Japanese could indicate a gene flow in Brazilian population and reinforce the importance of this knowledge to achieve safe red blood cells.