997 resultados para Retired people


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Within HCI, aging is often viewed in terms of designing assistive technologies to improve the lives of older people, such as those who are suffering from frailty or memory loss. Our research adopts a very different approach, reframing the relationship in terms of wisdom, creativity and invention. We ran a series of workshops where groups of retirees, aged between early 60s and late 80s, used the MaKey MaKey inventor's toolkit. We asked them to think about inventing the future and suggest ideas for new technologies. Our findings showed that they not only rose to the challenge but also mastered the technology, collaborated intensely together while using it and freely and at length discussed their own, their family's and others' relationship with technology. We discuss the value of empowering people in this way and consider what else could be invented to enable more people to be involved in the design and use of creative technologies.


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Este artigo descreve o quadro de transformações históricas do Brasil, na segunda metade do século XX, para inserir aí a questão do idoso, numa perspectiva do envelhecimento da população. Situa as mudanças sociais, a perda de poder do idoso, fruto da urbanização e da modernização, com sua estrutura de empregos que transformou o antigo chefe da família extensa no aposentado. Propõe então medidas para recuperação da dignidade dessa importante categoria sociológica, a partir da educação da nova sociedade. Sugere ainda que, para os professores de crianças e adolescentes que receiam lidar com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, talvez um bom caminho para enfrentar a complexa área dos direitos humanos seja trabalhar com seus alunos na valorização da memória do idoso, o que significa ao mesmo tempo fazê-los adquirir conhecimentos e valorizar os mais velhos, reconhecendo-os como titulares de direitos.


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O presente trabalho dedica-se a analisar os sentidos que professoras aposentadas, docentes da Educação Básica, e outros moradores atribuem às identidades e às práticas desenvolvidas por essas mulheres nas vilas Moiraba e Carmo do Tocantins, em especial, na interação com a nova geração de professores. Para dar conta dessa investigação, realizamos 03 movimentos de inserção naquelas comunidades para coleta das narrativas dos sujeitos envolvidos, a saber: a 1ª fase, em que foi realizada a pesquisa Exploratória; a 2ª fase, em que foram realizadas as entrevistas com os diferentes grupos de moradores; a 3ª fase, em que foram construídas as Oficinas de Memória, essas fazes ocorreram em 2009, 2011 e 2012, respectivamente. Assim, fizemos uso dos pressupostos da História Oral, em especial, na organização das Oficinas de Memória. As narrativas foram analisadas, a partir das temáticas que envolveram os saberes da experiência, a profissionalidade, o trabalho, a ciclo profissional e o saber docente associadas ao dialogismo bakhtiniano e à perspectiva da cultura enquanto modos de vida. Tais encaminhamentos foram importantes para compreendermos que essas aposentadas ao chegarem na Idade Madura e na Velhice deparam-se com o evento da aposentadoria e em direção oposta ao que se poderia esperar diante dos estereótipos criados a respeito do aposentado como um sujeito que não tem mais condições de contribuir com a sociedade, elas ressignificam a lógica de que a aposentadoria é o fim de projetos de vida. Desse modo, as aposentadas dão continuidade ao investimento em outros tipos de atividades produtivas e se colocam à disposição para vivenciarem novas experiências mostrando que em determinadas comunidades da Amazônia Paraense ainda é recorrente a imbricação entre escola, igreja, lideranças comunitárias e esse grupo que não atua sob exigências político-administrativas, mas por relações afetivas, de respeito e valorização de experiências partilhadas, principalmente com os docentes da Educação Básica, contribuindo assim com sua formação intelectual e humana. Elas colocam em prática novos projetos de vida e procuram manter o status que as mesmas possuem, isto é, trata-se de mulheres aposentadas que ainda se colocam à disposição para exercer determinadas funções nas diferentes esferas públicas, especial, na igreja e na escola. Tais encaminhamentos garantem a elas não apenas reconhecimento social, mas também bem-estar, aspecto interessante na construção de uma velhice bem-sucedida. Por conta disso, a aposentadoria não representa um fim, mas uma fase de avaliação e preparação de projetos de vida que se apoiam em projetos mais coletivos para dar novos sentidos à vida.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Retired business professionals represent an unexplored source of skill support for struggling rural communities. This research examined the feasibility of drawing on this valuable pool of knowledge and experience by engaging retirees in short term, project based volunteering roles in rural, not for profit agencies. Using the theory of planned behaviour and the functional approach to volunteering, the program of study generated a model comprising the key psychological and contextual factors determining the volunteers' decision to provide skill assistance in rural settings. The model provides a useful resource for creating suitable volunteering opportunities and for informing volunteer recruitment strategies.


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Introduction: The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the lived experience of retirement in a context where it is not compulsory, and to understand consequent changes in roles, identity and occupational adaptation from the perspective of Australian retirees. Method: Five people aged between 61 and 68 years, who had retired during the previous 18 months, were interviewed. Data analysis included transcription and coding of data, data aggregation and identification of themes. Findings: The themes that emerged from the data analysis were related to time structure and meaningful occupations, ageing and performance capacity, role changes, emotional adjustment to retirement and preparation for retirement. Conclusion: The findings suggest that engagement in meaningful occupations and valued roles, along with the emergence of grandparenting as a significant role, the development of new interests and engagement in retirement planning activities, and support in restructuring the use of time are essential to maintain a positive identity and to adapt successfully to retirement. © The College of Occupational Therapists Ltd.


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One of the primary accomplishments of Governor Forrest Anderson in 1969-71 was the reorganization of the Executive Branch of Montana government, something that had been attempted six different times between 1919 and 1962 as state government had grown from twenty agencies to almost 200 uncontrolled boards, bureaus and commissions. The chaotic structure of the executive branch disempowered governors of both parties and empowered the private corporations and organizations that were the power structure of Montana. With remarkable political acumen, Governor Anderson figured out how to get that near impossible job done. Central to his efforts was the creation of an Executive Reorganization Commission, including eight legislators and the Governor, the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment that limited the executive branch to no more than twenty departments under the Governor, and the timely completion of a massive research effort to delineate the actual structure of the twenty departments. That story is told in this episode by three major players in the effort, all involved directly with the Executive Reorganization Commission: Tom Harrison, Diana Dowling and Sheena Wilson. Their recollections reflect an insider’s perspective of this significant accomplishment that helped change Montana “In the Crucible of Change.” Tom Harrison is a former Republican State Representative and State Senator from Helena, who was a member of the Executive Reorganization Commission. As Majority Leader in the Montana House of Representatives in 1971, he was the primary sponsor of the House’s executive reorganization bill and helped shepherd the Senate’s version to passage. Harrison was the Republican candidate for Attorney General in 1976 after which he practiced private law for 3 more decades. He served in the Montana Army National Guard for almost 34 years, rising to the rank of Colonel in the position of Judge Advocate General. He was a founding Director of Federal Defenders of Montana (legal representation for indigents accused within the Federal Judicial System); appointed Chairman of the original Montana State Fund (workers' compensation insurance) by Gov. Stephens; served as President of the Montana Trial Lawyers Association, Helena Kiwanis Club and St. Peter's Community Hospital Foundation, as well as Chairman and Director of AAA MountainWest; and was a founder, first Chairman and Director of the Valley Bank of Helena for over 25 years. Diana Dowling was an attorney for the Executive Reorganization Commission and helped draft the legislation that was passed. She also worked for Governor Forrest Anderson and for the 1972 Constitutional Convention where she prepared and directed publication of official explanation of the new Constitution that was mailed to all Montana voters. Diana was Executive Director of the Montana Bar Association and for 20 years held various legal positions with the Montana Legislative Council. For 12 years she was a commissioner on the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and for 7 years was a member of Montana State Board of Bar Examiners. Diana was the first director of the Montana Lottery, an adjunct professor at both Carroll College and the UM Law School, and an administrative officer for Falcon Press Publishing Co. Diana is currently - and intends to continue being - a perpetual college student. Sheena Wilson came fresh out of the University of Montana to become a Research Assistant for the Executive Reorganization Commission. Later she worked for seven years as a field representative in Idaho and Montana for the Mountain Plains Family Education Program, for thirteen years with Congressman Pat Williams as Executive Assistant in Washington and Field Assistant here in Montana, owned and managed a Helena restaurant for seven years, worked as Executive Assistant for State Auditor John Morrison and was Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Brian Schweitzer his full 8 years in the Governorship. Though currently “retired”, Sheena serves on the Montana Board of Investments, the Public Employees Retirement Board and the Capitol Complex Advisory Council and is a partner in a dry-land wheat farm in Teton County that was homesteaded by her great uncle.


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Our proposal presents some aspects and results of a project of the University of Bern dealing with the consequences of retirement on multilingual competences. Referring to De Bot (2007), who defined "language related major life events" as moments in life relevant for changes in multilingual competences, we assume that retirement can be a turning point in a language biography. Firstly, there are phenomena, such as the cessation of the use of a foreign language, which was formerly related to work. Secondly, retirement might elicit the improvement of foreign language skills as a way to spend excess time after retirement or as a “cognitive exercise”. Many language schools have identified the people of advanced age as a group of major interest and increasingly offer so-called 50+ (fifty plus) courses in their curriculum. Furthermore, the concept of lifelong learning is increasingly gaining importance, as the reference by the European commission (LLP) indicates. However, most of the programs are intended for educated middle-class people and there are considerably fewer offers for people who are less familiar with learning environments in general. The present paper aims at investigating the multilingual setting of an offer of the second kind: a German language course designed for retired, established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland. The multilingual setting is given by the facts that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman dialects), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue, Italian, is one of the Swiss national languages. As previous studies have shown, most of the Italian migrants have difficulties with the acquisition of Standard German due to the diglossic situation (Werlen, 2007) or never even learnt any of the German varieties. Another outcome of the linguistic situation the migrants are confronted with in Berne, is the usage of a continuum of varieties between Swissgerman dialect and Standard German (Zanovello-Müller, 1998). Therefore, in the classroom we find several varieties of German, as well as the Italian language and its varieties. In the present paper we will investigate the use of multilingual competences within the classroom and the dynamics of second language acquisition in a setting of older adults (>60 years old), learning their host country’s language after 40 years or more of living in it. The methods applied are an ethnographic observation of the language class, combined with qualitative interviews to gain in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies.


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This research examines what people want in terms of family-friendly employment policies within the workplace. Two groups were compared: undergraduate students preparing themselves for the workforce and Baby Boomers that are about to, or already have, retired. The sample was chosen from current University of Connecticut fourth year students and alumni who graduated from the University of Connecticut between 1970 and 1978. Data was collected using an online questionnaire, mainly consisting of closed-ended questions on four and five point Likert scales. Analysis indicates differences between males and females in their response to employment policies, particularly their opinions in terms of sick leave. Alumni, many of whom are part of the sandwich generation, are less worried about child, partner, or elder care responsibilities than one might expect.


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Acknowledgements including sources of support This study was not supported by any particular grant or funding source. The senior author MSB, an epidemiologist with research experience in PD, wishes to thank clinician authors JB, RAA and SMB for their invaluable contributions. JB is a retired health professional with long-standing experience in community health. RAA and SMB are qualified and practising speech and language therapists and RAA specialises in adult neurological disorders. Additionally, we thank Dr Katherine Deane of the University of East Anglia for expert input regarding the Threats to Validity quality tool, on which she was the lead developer.


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"October 1980."