477 resultados para Retardantes de llama bromados
Los éteres de difenil polibromados (PBDEs), son un grupo de compuestos químicos industriales que pertenecen a la familia de los retardantes de llama bromados (BFRs) y comprenden 209 congéneres en función del número de bromos asociados y su posición. Estas sustancias son agregadas a los polímeros presentes en las placas electrónicas, computadoras, televisores, automóviles y aeronaves, entre otros, para inhibir o retardar el inicio y propagación del fuego. El congénere BDE-209 es uno de los PBDEs más utilizado. Su importancia reside en que son agregados a múltiples plásticos, de los cuales se liberan fácilmente, causando efectos negativos en el ambiente y en la salud humana. Su producción está regulada por la Convención de Estocolmo por ser contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (POPs por sus siglas en inlgés). El caracol manzana, Pomacea canaliculata, (Caenogastrópodo de la familia Ampullariidae) ha sido propuesto como un bioindicador de POPs. En este trabajo se expuso a dicha especie a la exposición a corto plazo del congénere BDE-209, en tres concentraciones diferentes (400 (C1), 4700 (C2) y 8300 (C3) μg g-1 de lípido) durante 42 días. Durante dicho tiempo todos los animales sobrevivieron al tratamiento. Se registró un aumento, no significativo, en la frecuencia de las cópulas en el tratamiento C3. El porcentaje de huevos embrionados entre tratamientos no arrojó diferencias significativas para ninguna de las concentraciones ensayadas. Sin embrago el registro de puestas mostró una disminución significativa para la concentración C2. Para esta última concentración se observó una alteración en la coloración de los huevos, cuyos valores fueron registrados empleando un espectroradiómetro. No se observaron diferencias entre los tratamientos a nivel histológico. Los resultados del presente trabajo son alentadores para explorar eventuales mecanismos de detoxificación que protejan a Pomacea canaliculata del BDE-209.
Comunicación presentada en la III Reunión Nacional sobre Dioxinas, Furanos y Compuestos Orgánicos Persistentes Relacionados, Santander, 30 junio-1 julio 2011.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are considered persistent organic pollutants because of their ubiquity, persistence and bioaccumulation. Its harmful effects on human health and the environment, has led to its inclusion of the Stockholm Convention. Little information is found about PBDEs in abiotic systems of the South America in open literature. This paper reports the presence and concentration level of four PBDEs congeners in Mendoza River, Argentina. The selected PBDEs were: 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), 2,2',4,4',5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99), 2,2',4,4',6-pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE- 100) and 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153). The analytical methodology used was head space-solid phase micro extraction combined with gas chromatographymass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS). Several variables, including pH, salting out, extraction technique type and extraction time were studied and optimized over the relative response the target analytes. The precision of HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS evaluated over five replicate, leading RSDs values <13%, detection limits (S/N=3) ranging from 0.03 pg ml-1 to 0.12 pg ml-1 and the calibration graph was linear with r2=0.9959. BDE-47 and BDE-100 were the predominant congeners found in the analyzed samples. Their concentrations ranged from not detected to 1.9 pg ml-1 and to 0.5 pg ml-1, respectively.
Resumen de la comunicación presentada en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Química, Madrid, 18-20 noviembre 2010.
El objeto de la tesis doctoral se centra en la obtención de una banda transportadora de minería exenta de halógenos o al menos con el menor contenido posible, es por ello que se ha realizado un estudio de diferentes matrices poliméricas sin halógenos y se han evaluado diferentes sistemas ignifugantes. Se ha partido de mezclas con base polimérica de caucho natural y de estireno butadieno ya que son cauchos sin halógenos y con los que se pueden obtener mezclas de buenas propiedades mecánicas. Los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo de la tesis han sido muy satisfactorios, ya que se fabricaron bandas a gran escala para poder realizar los ensayos descritos en la normativa UNE EN 14973. La clasificación adquirida, categoría B1, alcanza dos de los objetivos marcados al inicio de los trabajos de investigación, y por tanto puede dar lugar a: - La fabricación a nivel industrial - La comercialización de una banda retardante de llama para minería y obra subterránea, formulada con un nuevo aditivo que reduce notablemente el contenido en cloro. - Disminución de la contaminación derivada de los humos tóxicos producidos cuando una banda transportadora arde accidentalmente. Los aditivos retardantes de llama sin halógenos, son muy efectivos en dosis elevadas, para la obtención de mezclas con propiedades ignífugas, pero las propiedades mecánicas de las mezclas se debilitan. Se ha buscado un compromiso entre las propiedades ignífugas y mecánicas, por lo que resulta adecuado obtener aditivos que posean un tamaño de partícula tal que actúen como cargas semi-reforzantes para poder utilizarlos en mayor proporción y así poder conseguir las propiedades ignífugas deseadas sin alterar de forma significativa las demás propiedades de la mezcla. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to obtain a mining conveyor belt with minimal halogen content, with the final objective of being halogen-free. Several polymer matrices without halogen and as well as fireproof systems have been analyzed to achieve this goal. The polymer mixtures studied are based on natural rubber and styrene butadiene, due to the fact that are rubbers without halogens and which their mixtures have good mechanical properties. The outcome of the thesis research is satisfactory, since the results are manufactured conveyor belts that comply with the tests described in the UNE EN 14973. The obtained B1 classification achieves two objectives set at the beginning of the research, and therefore can lead to: - Manufacturing at industrial level - Marketing of a flame retardant conveyor belt for mining and underground works formulated with a new additive that significantly reduces the chlorine content - Reduce pollution produced of the toxic fumes generated when a conveyor accidentally burns Additive flame retardant halogen-free are very effective in high doses to obtain blends with flame retardant properties, but the mechanical properties of the blends are below standards. A compromise between the fire retardant and mechanical properties has been successfully obtained, making possible to obtain additives that show a particle size that act as semi-reinforcing load in order to use a greater extent and thus be able to achieve the pursued fire retardant properties without altering significant other properties of mixture.
Estágio de natureza profissional para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química
This article describes the combination of low- and high-pressure flow systems for the determination of Magnesium, Calcium and Strontium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the low-pressure system a short C-18 RP column (length 0,5 cm) was utilized for the preconcentration/matrix separation step, xylenol orange was used as chelating agent and tetrabutylamonium acetate for ion pair formation. The hydraulic high pressure nebulization (HHPN) was used for sample transport and sample introduction in the high pressure system. The repeatabilities and detection limits for Mg, Ca and Sr were determined and compared with those obtained by pneumatic nebulization (PN). The results show that the detection limits obtained using the HHPN for Mg, Ca and Sr are between 1.5 to 2 times better than those obtained by PN when the signal transient was measured in area. The system presented a sampling frequency of 130 h-1 for direct determination of Mg, Ca or Sr in samples of saturated sodium chloride used in the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide.
Thermospray flame furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) was used for the total determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in fresh water and seawater samples at µg L-1 levels, and in marine sediment samples at µg g-1 levels. Using a sample loop of 50 µL and a peristaltic pump the samples were transported into the metallic tube placed over an air/acetylene flame, through a ceramic capillary (o.d. = 3.2 mm) containing two parallel internal orifices (i.d = 0.5 mm). The detection limits determined for Cd, Pb and Zn using a synthetic water matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2) were 0.32 µg L-1; 2.6 µg L-1 and 0.21 µg L-1 respectively. The methodology by TS-FF-AAS was validated by determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in certified reference materials of water and marine sediment, and the t-test for differences between means was applied. No statistically significant differences were established in fresh water and seawater (p>0.05), whereas differences became apparent in marine sediment (p<0.03).
A flow injection on-line pre-concentration system coupled to thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) for cadmium determination at sub μg L-1 levels in seawater samples was developed. The on-line system was evaluated by analysing cadmium containing in a synthetic seawater matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2). A sample volume of 2 mL allows determining Cd with a detection limits of 30 ng L-1 (3* σblank/slope), pre-concentration factor of 34 and repeatability of 1,8% (calculated as RSD, N=8 and containing 200 ng L-1 of Cd ).
RESUMOEsta pesquisa objetivou avaliar o efeito de diversos tipos de retardantes de fogo e dosagens na eficiência de combate aos incêndios florestais. O experimento foi realizado em mesa de combustão, em laboratório com quatro tipos de retardantes de fogo (WD 881, RFC-88, F-500 e HMIS 1-0-0 DPnb) em três concentrações (0,5%; 1%; e 1,5%), além de testemunha com água. A dosagem de calda da mistura de retardante com água utilizada foi de 0,5 L por metro quadrado de área. Para a análise, foi medido o tempo que o fogo levou para consumir a área com a aplicação do produto e a distância entre o início da parcela e o local onde o fogo se extinguiu. Durante a queima de cada parcela (tratamento/repetição), foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: umidade relativa, velocidade do vento, tempo gasto para o fogo queimar a parcela com e sem o produto e a distância que o fogo avançou na parcela com o produto. Os retardantes com maior eficiência foram o F-500, HMIS 1-0-0 DPnb e WD 881, que apresentaram diferença significativa pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, diferenciando-se da testemunha e do RFC-88. A concentração mais eficiente foi a de 1,5%, com as menores taxas de inflamabilidade em todos os casos.
Samples from 9 llamas (28 through 36 weeks of gestation) were collected and fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde (light microscopy) and in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde (transmission and scanning electron microscopy). The material was processed in paraplast and slides (5mm) were stained with HE, PAS, Masson-Trichrome, acid phosphatase and Perl's. The uteroferrin was immunolocalized. The results show that llama placenta is chorioallantoic, diffuse, folded and epitheliochorial, and the fetus is covered with an epidermal membrane. The trophoblast cells have variable morphology: cubic, rounded and triangular cells, with cytoplasm containing PAS-positive granules. Binucleated cells with large cytoplasm and rounded nuclei, as well as giant trophoblastic cells with multiple nuclei were also observed. Numerous blood vessels were observed beneath the cells of the uterine epithelium and around the chorionic subdivided branches. Glandular activity was shown by PAS, Perl's, and acid phosphatase positive reactions in the cytoplasm and glandular lumen, and by immunolocalization of the uteroferrin in the glandular epithelium. The uterine glands open in spaces formed by the areoles, which are filled by PAS-positive material. The llama fetus was covered by the epidermal membrane, composed of stratified epithelium, with up to seven layers of mono-, bi- or trinucleated cells. The high level of maternal and fetal vascularization surfaces indicates an intense exchange of substances across both surfaces. The metabolic activity shown in the uterine glands suggests an adaptation of the gestation to the high altitudes of the natural habitat of this species.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Químicas con Especialidad en Química Analítica) UANL
Introducción y edición a cargo de Maria Antònia Perelló Femenia. Resumen tomado de la publicación
Debido al formato del libro, que contiene ilustraciones y es de fácil lectura, está recomendado para lectura infantil y juvenil
Imágenes de la llegada a L'Escala de la llama olímpica proveniente de Olímpia el 13 de junio de 1992. Se recogen también los actos posteriores a esta celebración y previos a los juegos olímpicos de Barcelona.