975 resultados para Restructuration productive


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Este artículo analiza comparativamente la trayectoria de dos empresas públicas argentinas durante los años 90


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Este artículo analiza comparativamente la trayectoria de dos empresas públicas argentinas durante los años 90


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Este artículo analiza comparativamente la trayectoria de dos empresas públicas argentinas durante los años 90


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Ce travail a l objectif d analyser la question de la restructuration productive dans la Petrobrás/ RN et les implications possibles sur l action syndicale du Sindipetro/RN pendant la période 1995 2003. La restructuration productive dans la Petrobrás/RN commence dans la décennie 1990 quand l entreprise, au niveau national, décide d adhérer au Programa Brasileiro de Qualidade e Produtividade PBQP lancé par le gouvernement Collor comme motivation et priorité pour que les entreprises s adaptent à l ouverture de l économie brésilienne au marché extérieur. De ce fait, la Petrobrás/RN afin de se maintenir dans le marché compétitif et mondialisé , adopte des techniques administratives basées sur la philosophie de la qualité totate, met au point des inovations technologiques et organisationnelles, tout en altérant sa base technique et adopte, encore, la tertiairisation de quelques activités visant à la reduction des coûts. De telles mesures ont atteint de façon remarquable l action du Sindipetro/RN qui commence alors à agir selon la logique de la politique néo-libérale du gouvernement de conduite anti-syndicale. Face à ces faits le syndicat a rédéfini ses actions dans le but de trouver des manières de poursuivre les luttes syndicales dans cette conjoncture de difficultés dans les relations de travail. Celui-ci s engage donc à entamer les négociations comme stratégie afin de préserver les privilèges de la catégorie et d éviter la perte des droits acquis


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La trajectoire du syndicalisme au Brésil de 1978 à 1998 se présente comme un passage, sur le plan de la stratégie syndicale, de la confrontation à la coopération conflictuelle, ou encore, de la lutte des classes dans la production vers une «convergence antagonique», ou un syndicalisme de participation ou de «concertation sociale», qui s'avère précisement un défensivisme nouveau, d'apparence néo-corporative. Ce que nous cherchons à caractériser ici est l'importance progressive dans la pratique syndicaliste prépondérante de la CUT dans les années 90 du nouveau corporatisme ouvrier, qui a tendance à affaiblir la perspective de classe qui a caractérisé la lutte politique et syndicale au Brésil dans les années 80.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Analisamos neste trabalho as repercussões das transformações processadas no capitalismo contemporâneo, principalmente aquelas vinculadas ao progresso tecnológico, sobre a qualificação do trabalhador dos supermercados de Belém e sua formação profissional. Analisamos esse processo na esfera da circulação do capital tendo por objeto de estudo os supermercados em virtude tanto das questões econômicas locais quanto da insuficiência quantitativa que caracteriza a reflexão sobre a relação trabalho e educação fora da esfera da produção. Após caracterizar os supermercados como uma expressão material específica do movimento do capital comercial, tratamos de recuperar sua gênese e seu desenvolvimento no sentido de apreender a relação existente entre a atual dinâmica estabelecida no processo de valorização descrito pelo capital e as tendências de concentração e de internacionalização do setor supermercadista, assim como o processo de modernização viabilizado por meio da reestruturação produtiva experimentada por essas empresas. As repercussões dessas transformações sobre a organização do trabalho nos supermercados e a redefinição dos perfis profissográficos para a ocupação dos cargos e funções assumem importância considerável quanto tratamos da questão da qualificação dos trabalhadores. Recuperamos sinteticamente o longo e denso debate sobre o tema da qualificação dos trabalhadores indicando tanto as teses a ela relacionadas quanto as dimensões e variáveis que a tornam polissêmica, sinalizando os elementos contextuais em meio aos quais emergem as teses e modificam-se a importância relativa das dimensões e variáveis indicadas. Verificamos neste processo o problema da formação profissional dos trabalhadores dos supermercados indicando duas estratégias formativas utilizadas pelas empresas supermercadistas paraenses em sua efetivação. Analisamos tanto a estratégia baseada na Educação Básica Formal quanto à estratégia com base na Educação Profissional Básica ponderando o caráter enfático e não excludente de cada uma delas. Concluímos que na busca de maior produtividade o capital ainda que enfatizando circunstancialmente cada uma das estratégias pode lançar mão de ambas dependendo para isso de política adotada pelo setor de recursos humanos das empresas, sendo esta dirigida inexoravelmente pela necessidade de manter a competitividade da empresa.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é analisar como o trabalho docente, desenvolvido por professores da Universidade Federal do Pará, materializa a contrarreforma da educação superior que tem como uma de suas centralidades a privatização/mercantilização da universidade pública. Considera que a investigação sobre o trabalho docente universitário, alterado em função do processo de contrarreforma da educação superior, pressupõe a compreensão da totalidade social, com seus condicionantes estruturais e conjunturais, ou seja, inserido no modo de produção capitalista. Dessa forma, analisa o trabalho docente, considerando sua natureza e especificidade, enquanto fração da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho, no contexto da crise estrutural do capital e do consequente processo de reestruturação produtiva, com a constituição do regime de acumulação flexível. Destaca o processo de contrarreforma da educação superior brasileira, orientada por organismos internacionais, principalmente o Banco Mundial, e efetivada a partir da atual LDB. Apresenta como hipótese de Tese que é, principalmente, por meio do trabalho docente que a contrarreforma da educação superior se efetiva, sendo que nesse processo, os professores identificam as mudanças em seu trabalho como consequência da privatização/mercantilização da universidade pública, porém, hegemonicamente não percebem que essas modificações estão articuladas na estrutura societal capitalista, legitimando, assim, a mesma. Dessa forma, com base em suportes teórico-metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético, analisa a concepção de universidade dos trabalhadores (a partir de indicadores, tais como: democracia, autonomia, prestação de serviços, relação universidade e mercado), para compreender os fundamentos político-ideológicos do trabalho desenvolvido por professores universitários. Foram utilizados dados estatísticos, documentos e entrevistas com docentes da Universidade Federal do Pará, analisados com base nos postulados bakhtinianos, da Análise do Discurso. Em suma, a pesquisa desenvolvida confirmou a hipótese de Tese anunciada, com o acréscimo da seguinte conclusão: o trabalho docente universitário insere-se no contexto da luta de classes e, assim sendo, essa resistência também implica na reafirmação de uma universidade pública e gratuita, diretamente vinculada aos interesses da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho.


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This article presents a two-stage analytical framework that integrates ecological crop (animal) growth and economic frontier production models to analyse the productive efficiency of crop (animal) production systems. The ecological crop (animal) growth model estimates "potential" output levels given the genetic characteristics of crops (animals) and the physical conditions of locations where the crops (animals) are grown (reared). The economic frontier production model estimates "best practice" production levels, taking into account economic, institutional and social factors that cause farm and spatial heterogeneity. In the first stage, both ecological crop growth and economic frontier production models are estimated to calculate three measures of productive efficiency: (1) technical efficiency, as the ratio of actual to "best practice" output levels; (2) agronomic efficiency, as the ratio of actual to "potential" output levels; and (3) agro-economic efficiency, as the ratio of "best practice" to "potential" output levels. Also in the first stage, the economic frontier production model identifies factors that determine technical efficiency. In the second stage, agro-economic efficiency is analysed econometrically in relation to economic, institutional and social factors that cause farm and spatial heterogeneity. The proposed framework has several important advantages in comparison with existing proposals. Firstly, it allows the systematic incorporation of all physical, economic, institutional and social factors that cause farm and spatial heterogeneity in analysing the productive performance of crop and animal production systems. Secondly, the location-specific physical factors are not modelled symmetrically as other economic inputs of production. Thirdly, climate change and technological advancements in crop and animal sciences can be modelled in a "forward-looking" manner. Fourthly, knowledge in agronomy and data from experimental studies can be utilised for socio-economic policy analysis. The proposed framework can be easily applied in empirical studies due to the current availability of ecological crop (animal) growth models, farm or secondary data, and econometric software packages. The article highlights several directions of empirical studies that researchers may pursue in the future.


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Urban transit system performance may be quantified and assessed using transit capacity and productive capacity for planning, design and operational management. Bunker (4) defines important productive performance measures of an individual transit service and transit line. Transit work (p-km) captures transit task performed over distance. Transit productiveness (p-km/h) captures transit work performed over time. This paper applies productive performance with risk assessment to quantify transit system reliability. Theory is developed to monetize transit segment reliability risk on the basis of demonstration Annual Reliability Event rates by transit facility type, segment productiveness, and unit-event severity. A comparative example of peak hour performance of a transit sub-system containing bus-on-street, busway, and rail components in Brisbane, Australia demonstrates through practical application the importance of valuing reliability. Comparison reveals the highest risk segments to be long, highly productive on street bus segments followed by busway (BRT) segments and then rail segments. A transit reliability risk reduction treatment example demonstrates that benefits can be significant and should be incorporated into project evaluation in addition to those of regular travel time savings, reduced emissions and safety improvements. Reliability can be used to identify high risk components of the transit system and draw comparisons between modes both in planning and operations settings, and value improvement scenarios in a project evaluation setting. The methodology can also be applied to inform daily transit system operational management.


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Urban transit system performance may be quantified and assessed using transit capacity and productive capacity for planning, design and operational management. Bunker (4) defines important productive performance measures of an individual transit service and transit line. Transit work (p-km) captures transit task performed over distance. Transit productiveness (p-km/h) captures transit work performed over time. This paper applies productive performance with risk assessment to quantify transit system reliability. Theory is developed to monetize transit segment reliability risk on the basis of demonstration Annual Reliability Event rates by transit facility type, segment productiveness, and unit-event severity. A comparative example of peak hour performance of a transit sub-system containing bus-on-street, busway, and rail components in Brisbane, Australia demonstrates through practical application the importance of valuing reliability. Comparison reveals the highest risk segments to be long, highly productive on street bus segments followed by busway (BRT) segments and then rail segments. A transit reliability risk reduction treatment example demonstrates that benefits can be significant and should be incorporated into project evaluation in addition to those of regular travel time savings, reduced emissions and safety improvements. Reliability can be used to identify high risk components of the transit system and draw comparisons between modes both in planning and operations settings, and value improvement scenarios in a project evaluation setting. The methodology can also be applied to inform daily transit system operational management.


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Recent literature has argued that environmental efficiency (EE), which is built on the materials balance (MB) principle, is more suitable than other EE measures in situations where the law of mass conversation regulates production processes. In addition, the MB-based EE method is particularly useful in analysing possible trade-offs between cost and environmental performance. Identifying determinants of MB-based EE can provide useful information to decision makers but there are very few empirical investigations into this issue. This article proposes the use of data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis techniques to analyse variation in MB-based EE. Specifically, the article develops a stochastic nutrient frontier and nutrient inefficiency model to analyse determinants of MB-based EE. The empirical study applies both techniques to investigate MB-based EE of 96 rice farms in South Korea. The size of land, fertiliser consumption intensity, cost allocative efficiency, and the share of owned land out of total land are found to be correlated with MB-based EE. The results confirm the presence of a trade-off between MB-based EE and cost allocative efficiency and this finding, favouring policy interventions to help farms simultaneously achieve cost efficiency and MP-based EE.


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In this age of rapidly evolving technology, teachers are encouraged to adopt ICTs by government, syllabus, school management, and parents. Indeed, it is an expectation that teachers will incorporate technologies into their classroom teaching practices to enhance the learning experiences and outcomes of their students. In particular, regarding the science classroom, a subject that traditionally incorporates hands-on experiments and practicals, the integration of modern technologies should be a major feature. Although myriad studies report on technologies that enhance students’ learning outcomes in science, there is a dearth of literature on how teachers go about selecting technologies for use in the science classroom. Teachers can feel ill prepared to assess the range of available choices and might feel pressured and somewhat overwhelmed by the avalanche of new developments thrust before them in marketing literature and teaching journals. The consequences of making bad decisions are costly in terms of money, time and teacher confidence. Additionally, no research to date has identified what technologies science teachers use on a regular basis, and whether some purchased technologies have proven to be too problematic, preventing their sustained use and possible wider adoption. The primary aim of this study was to provide research-based guidance to teachers to aid their decision-making in choosing technologies for the science classroom. The study unfolded in several phases. The first phase of the project involved survey and interview data from teachers in relation to the technologies they currently use in their science classrooms and the frequency of their use. These data were coded and analysed using Grounded Theory of Corbin and Strauss, and resulted in the development of a PETTaL model that captured the salient factors of the data. This model incorporated usability theory from the Human Computer Interaction literature, and education theory and models such as Mishra and Koehler’s (2006) TPACK model, where the grounded data indicated these issues. The PETTaL model identifies Power (school management, syllabus etc.), Environment (classroom / learning setting), Teacher (personal characteristics, experience, epistemology), Technology (usability, versatility etc.,) and Learners (academic ability, diversity, behaviour etc.,) as fields that can impact the use of technology in science classrooms. The PETTaL model was used to create a Predictive Evaluation Tool (PET): a tool designed to assist teachers in choosing technologies, particularly for science teaching and learning. The evolution of the PET was cyclical (employing agile development methodology), involving repeated testing with in-service and pre-service teachers at each iteration, and incorporating their comments i ii in subsequent versions. Once no new suggestions were forthcoming, the PET was tested with eight in-service teachers, and the results showed that the PET outcomes obtained by (experienced) teachers concurred with their instinctive evaluations. They felt the PET would be a valuable tool when considering new technology, and it would be particularly useful as a means of communicating perceived value between colleagues and between budget holders and requestors during the acquisition process. It is hoped that the PET could make the tacit knowledge acquired by experienced teachers about technology use in classrooms explicit to novice teachers. Additionally, the PET could be used as a research tool to discover a teachers’ professional development needs. Therefore, the outcomes of this study can aid a teacher in the process of selecting educationally productive and sustainable new technology for their science classrooms. This study has produced an instrument for assisting teachers in the decision-making process associated with the use of new technologies for the science classroom. The instrument is generic in that it can be applied to all subject areas. Further, this study has produced a powerful model that extends the TPACK model, which is currently extensively employed to assess teachers’ use of technology in the classroom. The PETTaL model grounded in data from this study, responds to the calls in the literature for TPACK’s further development. As a theoretical model, PETTaL has the potential to serve as a framework for the development of a teacher’s reflective practice (either self evaluation or critical evaluation of observed teaching practices). Additionally, PETTaL has the potential for aiding the formulation of a teacher’s personal professional development plan. It will be the basis for further studies in this field.


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This article examines how documentation concealed racialising practices in a diversity project that was seen to be productive and inclusive. Documentation examples are taken from a doctoral study about embedding Indigenous perspectives in early childhood education curricula in two Australian urban childcare centres. In place of reporting examples of ‘good’ early childhood education practice, the study labelled racialising practices in educators’ work. The primary aim was to understand how racialising practices are mobilised in professional practices, including documentation, even when educators’ work is seen to be high quality. Extracts from two communal journals that captured an action research process around embedding practices are examined to show how racism and whiteness were concealed within the documentation. This enables understanding about how documentation can provide evidence to stakeholders that diversity work in mainstream childcare centres is productive and inclusive, despite disparity between what is recorded and what occurs in practice.


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Corporate social responsibility is imperative for manufacturing companies to achieve sustainable development. Under a strong environmental information disclosure system, polluting companies are disadvantaged in terms of market competitiveness, because they lack an environmentally friendly image. The objective of this study is to analyze productive inefficiency change in relation to toxic chemical substance emissions for the United States and Japan and their corresponding policies. We apply the weighted Russell directional distance model to measure companies productive inefficiency, which represents their production technology. The data encompass 330 US manufacturing firms observed from 1999 to 2007, and 466 Japanese manufacturing firms observed from 2001 to 2008. The article focuses on nine high-pollution industries (rubber and plastics; chemicals and allied products; paper and pulp; steel and non-ferrous metal; fabricated metal; industrial machinery; electrical products; transportation equipment; precision instruments) categorized into two industry groups: basic materials industries and processing and assembly industries. The results show that productive inefficiency decreased in all industrial sectors in the United States and Japan from 2001 to 2007. In particular, that of the electrical products industry decreased rapidly after 2002 for both countries, possibly because of the enforcement of strict environmental regulations for electrical products exported to European markets.