315 resultados para Restaurants


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Immigrant entrepreneurs tend to start businesses within their ethnic enclave (EE), as it is an integral part of their social and cultural context and the location where ethnic resources reside (Logan, Alba, & Stults, 2003). Ethnic enclaves can be seen as a form of geographic cluster, China Towns are exemplar EEs, easily identified by the clustering of Chinese restaurants and other ethnic businesses in one central location. Studies on EE thus far have neglected the life cycles stages of EE and its impact on the business experiences of the entrepreneurs. In this paper, we track the formation, growth and decline of a EE. We argue that EE is a special industrial cluster and as such it follows the growth conditions proposed by the cluster life cycle theory (Menzel & Fornahl, 2009). We report a mixed method study of Chinese Restaurants in South East Queensland. Based on multiple sources of data, we concluded that changes in government policies leading to a sharp increase of immigrant numbers from a distinctive culture group can lead to the initiation and growth of the EE. Continuous incoming of new immigrants and increase competition within the cluster mark the mature stage of the EE, making the growth condition more favourable “inside” the cluster. A decline in new immigrants from the same ethnic group and the increased competition within the EE may eventually lead to the decline of such an industrial cluster, thus providing more favorable condition for growth of business outside the cluster.


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Immigrant entrepreneurs tend to start businesses within their ethnic enclave (EE), as it is an integral part of their social and cultural context and the location where ethnic resources reside (Logan, Alba, & Stults, 2003). Ethnic enclaves can be seen as a form of geographic cluster, China Towns are exemplar EEs, easily identified by the clustering of Chinese restaurants and other ethnic businesses in one central location. Studies on EE thus far have neglected the life cycles stages of EE and its impact on the business experiences of the entrepreneurs. In this paper, we track the formation, growth and decline of an EE. We argue that EE is a special industrial cluster and as such it follows the growth conditions proposed by the cluster life cycle theory (Menzel & Fornahl, 2009). We report a mixed method study of Chinese Restaurants in South East Queensland. Based on multiple sources of data, we concluded that changes in government policies leading to a sharp increase of immigrant numbers from a distinctive culture group can lead to the initiation and growth of the EE. Continuous incoming of new immigrants and increase competition within the cluster mark the mature stage of the EE, making the growth condition more favourable “inside” the cluster. A decline in new immigrants from the same ethnic group and the increased competition within the EE may eventually lead to the decline of such an industrial cluster, thus providing more favorable condition for growth of business outside the cluster.


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DID you ever land at the old one?” our hostess asks. She sits across from me in the exit row, leaning a little forward to catch the view. Yes, I tell her, when I was a kid. I remember my mum worrying about it...


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Outline of the 1978 pitch by Vickers & Benson to McDonald's Restaurants.


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Desenvolupament,anàlisi, disseny i implementació d’un portal web, tipus cercador, per la recerca i localització d’establiments tipus restaurant, bars, bufets, etc,. Per altra banda es pretén oferir un sistema de gestió d’informació on les empreses del sector gastronòmic puguin mostrar la seva informació i la seva oferta


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Se trata de un léxico de términos relacionados con la restauración. Ofrece índices alfabéticos numerados que permiten encontrar fácilmente la versión catalana o castellana.


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El projecte consisteix en un sistema informatitzat per restaurants centralitzat en un servidor que permet recollir comandes als clients a través de PDA’s i de pantalles tàctils situades a la barra per enviar-les als corresponents llocs d’ elaboració: -Terminal de la cuina on s’elaboraran tots els menjars. -Terminal de la bodega on es serviran els vins i caves. -Terminal barra on es serviran els licors, refrescos (entre d’altres productes totalment configurables). -Terminal de postres on es reben les línies de comanda relacionades amb els postres. L’objectiu acadèmic del projecte serà adquirir coneixement a nivell de disseny i gestió de dades, així com la comunicació de diversos dispositius en temps real. S’utilitzarà la tecnologia .net, concretament el llenguatge de programació visual c# .net. i com a gestor de bases de dades el mysql 5.0.19. A més, es treballa amb la metodologia UML, utilitzant també diversos patrons. Per fer del sistema un sistema centralitzat en un servidor s’utilitzarà la comunicació per terminal service de windows el qual ens brinda la possibilitat d’establir diverses sessions d’usuaris concurrents. Cada sessió estarà destinada a un cambrer, per tant, hi haurà una sessió per PDA


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Commercial kitchens often leave a large carbon footprint. A new dataset of energy performance metrics from a leading industrial partner is presented. Categorising these types of buildings is challenging. Electricity use has been analysed using data from automated meter readings (AMR) for the purpose of benchmarking and discussed in terms of factors such as size and food output. From the analysed results, consumption is found to be almost double previous sector estimates of 6480 million kWh per year. Recommendations are made to further improve the current benchmarks in order to attain robust, reliable and transparent figures, such as the introduction of normalised performance indicators to include kitchen size (m2) and kWh per thousand-pound turnover.


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The fast and strong social and economic transformations in the economies of many countries has raised the competition for consumers. One of the elements required to adapt to such scenario is knowing customers and their perceptions about products or services, mainly regarding word of mouth recommendations. This study adapts, to the fast food business, a model originally designed to analyze the antecedents of the intent to recommend by clients of formal restaurants. Three constructs were considered: service quality, satisfaction, and social well-being, the latter comprised of positive and negative affections. Six hypotheses were considered, three of which relating to social well-being (that it influences satisfaction, service quality, and the intent to recommend), two relating to service quality (that in influences the intent to recommend and satisfaction), and one relating to the influence of satisfaction on the intent to recommend. None was rejected, indicating adherence and adjustment of the simplication and adaptation of the consolidated model. Through a successful empirical application, the main contribution made by this research is the simplification of a model through its application in a similar context, but with a different scope.


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We performed 124 measurements of particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in 95 hospitality venues such as restaurants, bars, cafés, and a disco, which had differing smoking regulations. We evaluated the impact of spatial separation between smoking and non-smoking areas on mean PM(2.5) concentration, taking relevant characteristics of the venue, such as the type of ventilation or the presence of additional PM(2.5) sources, into account. We differentiated five smoking environments: (i) completely smoke-free location, (ii) non-smoking room spatially separated from a smoking room, (iii) non-smoking area with a smoking area located in the same room, (iv) smoking area with a non-smoking area located in the same room, and (v) smoking location which could be either a room where smoking was allowed that was spatially separated from non-smoking room or a hospitality venue without smoking restriction. In these five groups, the geometric mean PM(2.5) levels were (i) 20.4, (ii) 43.9, (iii) 71.9, (iv) 110.4, and (v) 110.3 microg/m(3), respectively. This study showed that even if non-smoking and smoking areas were spatially separated into two rooms, geometric mean PM(2.5) levels in non-smoking rooms were considerably higher than in completely smoke-free hospitality venues. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: PM(2.5) levels are considerably increased in the non-smoking area if smoking is allowed anywhere in the same location. Even locating the smoking area in another room resulted in a more than doubling of the PM(2.5) levels in the non-smoking room compared with venues where smoking was not allowed at all. In practice, spatial separation of rooms where smoking is allowed does not prevent exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in nearby non-smoking areas.


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Die Erfindung eines jüdischen „ethnic food“ im urbanen Kontext Die religiösen Speisegesetze, die Kaschrut, sind heute nur noch für eine kleine Minderheit der Juden im Alltag verbindlich. In urbanen Zentren Europas finden sich heute jedoch eine Vielzahl von Restaurants, die Bezug nehmen auf das Judentum und seine kulinarischen Traditionen. Am Beispiel von fünf verschiedenen Städten (Berlin, Lodz, Paris, Wien, Zürich) wird aufgezeigt, wie „jüdische“ Gastronomie vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher historischer Erfahrungen und vielfältiger Migrationsbewegungen von Juden aber auch von Nichtjuden neu interpretiert werden können. Auch wenn die meisten Gaststätten keine koscheren Speisen im religionsgesetzlichen Sinne anbieten, sind diese Restaurants doch ein wichtiges Merkmal eines innovativen und integrativen Umgangs mit Europas jüdischem Erbe.