679 resultados para Residential satisfaction
Increasing the population density of urban areas is a key policy strategy to sustainably manage growth, but many residents often view higher density living as an undesirable long-term housing option. Thus, this research explores the predictors of residential satisfaction in inner urban higher-density (IUHD) environments, surveying 636 IUHD residents in Brisbane, Australia about the importance of dwelling, neighbours and neighbourhood. Relationships with immediate neighbours did not predict residential satisfaction, but features of the neighbourhood and dwelling were critical, specifically satisfaction with dwelling position, design and facilities, and social contacts (family and friends) in the neighbourhood. Identifying the factors that influence residential satisfaction in IUHD will assist with both planning and design, helping ensure a lower resident turnover rate and greater uptake of high density living.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Las rápidas y continuas transformaciones urbanas que experimentan las ciudades actuales han generado importantes cambios en la forma en que se vive, experimenta y percibe la vida en ellas. Estos procesos de transformación, a veces fruto del rápido crecimiento de los entornos urbanos, de su heterogeneidad, de sus dinámicas económicas, de la confrontación de las diferencias sociales de los habitantes o simplemente producto de nuevos usos en los entornos, han propiciado un creciente interés por comprender el efecto que un determinado contexto urbano tiene sobre el individuo y viceversa. O dicho de forma más general, se ha buscado comprender la relación entre el ser humano y el entorno. Así, más recientemente, la atención de muchos estudios se ha posado también en los patrones de uso de los espacios, los cuales van acompañados de una infinidad de cogniciones y valoraciones surgidas en los residentes producto de sus experiencias con el entorno construido. Dentro del desarrollo de estas investigaciones, han surgido una gran variedad de conceptos que han sido identificados por la trascendencia que tienen sobre el vínculo entre el individuo y el contexto, entre los cuales encontramos los conceptos de Identidad, Apropiación de lugar, Sentido de Comunidad y Satisfacción residencial. Este trabajo, tomando como base estos cuatro conceptos, se ha preocupado por comprender la forma en que éstos se relacionan con una serie de variables socio-demográficas, físico-urbanas y cognitivas en la dimensión urbana, con el propósito de valorar el poder de estos constructos —y las variables vinculadas— con los procesos de transformación urbana. La finalidad de la realización de dicho análisis se sustenta en poder identificar como estos factores son tomados en consideración en el urbanismo para así poder reconocer diversas opciones para mediar o incidir sobre estas variables desde las políticas públicas, la planificación urbana o el proyecto urbano. Esto pues, se parte del entendimiento de que la práctica urbanística tiene la opción de interceder sobre una serie de cuestiones que afectan directamente el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas, por lo cual su absoluto entendimiento sobre los efectos que fenómenos urbanos como éstos tienen sobre los entornos, es de gran transcendencia para la disciplina. Por tanto, esta investigación ha recopilado y analizado, mediante diferentes herramientas estadísticas, gran cantidad de datos provenientes de una encuesta realizada en un barrio de la ciudad de Madrid, que le han permitido identificar las variables que más peso tienen en los procesos urbanos que desembocan en una mayor Identificación, Apropiación, Sentido de Comunidad y Satisfacción Residencial en el individuo. Esta primera etapa, permitió posteriormente indagar, con ayuda de un panel de expertos urbanistas, sobre las posibilidades de la disciplina para mediar o interceder sobre esos aspectos, lo que nos permitió finalmente alcanzar algunos resultados y conclusiones que permiten valorar las opciones de las diferentes escalas de intervención urbana y los retos de cara al futuro de trabajos sobre esta temática. ABSTRACT The fast and continuous urban transformations that current major cities experience, have generated important changes in the way in which we live, experience and perceive life in them. These transformation processes, sometimes result of rapid growth of urban environments, of their heterogeneity, of their economic dynamics, of the confrontation of social differences amongst its population or just as a product of new ways environments are used, have led to a growing interest in understanding the effect that a given urban context has on the individual and vice versa. In other words, it’s sought to understand the relationship between human beings and the environment. Thus, more recently, the attention of many studies have also focused in the patterns of use of space, which are accompanied by a multitude of cognitions and valuations arising in residents product of their experiences with the built environment. Within the development of those investigations, there have been a great variety of concepts that have been identified due to the importance they have on the relationship between the individual and the context, among which are the concepts of identity, appropriation of place, sense of community and residential satisfaction. This work, based on these four concepts, has been concerned with understanding how they relate to a series of socio-demographic, physical and cognitive variables in an urban dimension, in order to assess the power of these constructs —and related variables— with urban transformation processes. The purpose of that analysis is based on being able to identify how these factors are taken into consideration in planning, in order to recognize different options to mediate or influence on these variables from public policies, urban planning or urban project. This then, is on the understanding that the planning practice has the option to intercede on a number of issues that directly affect the welfare and quality of life of people, so the absolute understanding of the effects of urban phenomena like these have over environments, is of great importance to the discipline. Therefore, this research has collected and analyzed, using different statistical tools, lots of data obtained from a survey performed in a neighborhood of the city of Madrid, which enabled it to identify the variables that have more weight in urban processes that lead in higher identification, appropriation, sense of community and residential satisfaction in the individual. This first step, then allows investigating, with the help of a panel of expert planners, on the possibility of the discipline to mediate or intercede on these aspects, which ultimately enabled us to achieve some results and conclusions that allow evaluating the options of different scales of urban intervention and challenges for the future of work on this subject.
Actualmente, la producción de vivienda de bajo costo representa uno de los grandes retos que afrontan los gobiernos en términos de problemáticas sociales. El sector público, con la inversión del sector privado, desarrolla proyectos de vivienda a gran escala para ofrecer un considerable número de unidades habitacionales en la periferia, que reduzcan las cifras de déficit sin sacrificar los suelos urbanos con alto valor inmobiliario. En esta dinámica de producir en cantidad, cabe preguntarse, ¿La producción de vivienda social considera la calidad ofrecida? ¿Responden las soluciones a las necesidades y expectativas de la población vulnerable? La clave para responder a estos interrogantes reposa en comprender el vínculo entre las características del hábitat ofrecido y la respuesta afectiva que éste provoca en los residentes de un territorio particular; así, la satisfacción residencial se convierte en el método fundamental para lograr la comprensión integral de la calidad en los proyectos de vivienda.
It is widely recognized that the quality of design is crucial to the success of the construction or production process and fairly minor changes in design can often result in giving major effects on the cost and efficiency of production and construction as well as on the usefulness, constructability and marketability of the product especially in developing high rise residential property development. The purpose of this study is to suggest a framework model for property manager, considering the sustainable and building quality of property development in high rise residential complex. This paper evaluates and ranks the importance, and frequency of the building quality factors that affect the sustainability and comfort of living for the resident in the selected high rise residential complex in Malaysia. A total of 500 respondents consisting of 20 property managers participated in this study. The respondents were asked to indicate how important each of building equipments in giving them the comfort of living in the selected high rise residential complex. The data were then subjected to the calculation of important indices which enabled the factors to be ranked. After that, a framework model will be developed to make sure all property managers will be guided to prepare their property for the resident to stay in the complex. Accordingly, the living satisfaction by the framework model plays a meaningful role in preparing and developing sustainable and good building quality in Malaysia high rise residential complex.
We have investigated the role of videoconferencing in allied health service provision to high-care clients in rural residential facilities. Videoconferencing equipment was set up at a rural aged-care facility and a metropolitan allied health centre; ISDN transmission at 384 kbit/s was used to link the equipment. Twelve residents were assessed by both videoconference and face to face across five allied health disciplines (a total of 120 assessments). User satisfaction was measured using questionnaires and focus groups. Face-to-face assessment took significantly longer than videoconferencing assessment. However, the mean satisfaction ratings for face-to-face assessments were higher than for videoconferencing and the majority of the staff preferred the face-to-face format. Videoconferencing was particularly useful for consultations and the initial stages of the assessment process. A number of issues relating to the videoconferencing equipment, to the environment in which assessments were performed and to the clients themselves need to be addressed in order for this form of service delivery to be effective.
The importance of sustainable development has been internationally recognized and the principles have been widely used as an impetus for promoting housing sustainability. In the situation of mixed-use urban development in close proximity to heavy industrial areas in Malaysia, rising incomes are developing hand in hand with higher expectations for better and more sustainable housing designs. Negative environmental impacts due current deficiency in Malaysia’s approach to the implementation of sustainable development principles can be seen in this case study of the Pasir Gudang Industrial Area in Malaysia. This study aimed to highlight the level of residents’ satisfaction with living near the industrial area, and to relate their awareness of the relevance of sustainable principles with indoor environmental conditions, which found that the residents’ has limited understanding of the environmental problems in their indoor living conditions and in their neighborhoods. This study has suggested that proactive and integrated involvement by housing authorities from all levels of government in Malaysia should be encouraged in order to rationalise the approaches to develop better planning solutions for such mixed-used urban developments. This initiative should then encourage housing vendors to provide innovative ‘smart’ technological changes to their projects and so, to achieve a new direction in sustainable housing development.
Most commonly, residents are always arguing about the satisfaction of sustainability and quality of their high rise residential property. Often, all the shortcomings and weaknesses will be blamed on the developers without considering the lack of knowledge management from the residents themselves. It is important, therefore, to show that knowledge management of the residents should be taken into account in relation to the satisfactory and the quality of the high rise residential property. This paper aims to discuss the resident’s knowledge management level of the high rise residential property in showing that resident’s knowledge management is really important to maintain the property at least. To evaluate this situation, the questionnaire surveys are being conducted. The paper analyses and structures the social science research on the importance of knowledge as a resource. The survey evidence demonstrates that, the resident’s knowledge management level was highly related in having high quality and sustainable high rise residential property in Johor Bahru.
Most commonly, residents are always arguing about the satisfaction of sustainability and quality of their high rise residential property. This paper aim is to maintain the best quality satisfaction of the door hardware by introducing the whole life cycle costing approach to the property manager of the public housing in Johor. This paper looks into the current situation of ironmongeries (door hardware) of 2 public housings in Johor, Malaysia and testing the whole life cycle costing approach towards them. The calculation and the literature review are conducted. The questionnaire surveys of 2 public housings were conducted to make clear the occupants’ evaluation about the actual quality conditions of the ironmongeries in their house. As a result, the quality of door hardware based on the whole life cycle costing approach is one of the best among their previous decision making tool that have been applied. Practitioners can benefit from this paper as it provides information on calculating the whole life costing and making the decisions about ironmongeries selection of their properties.
Most commonly, residents are always arguing about the satisfaction of sustainability and quality of their high rise residential property. This paper aim is to maintain the best quality satisfaction of the floor materials by introducing the whole life cycle costing approach to the property manager of the public housing in Johor. This paper looks into the current situation of floor material of two public housings in Johor, Malaysia and testing the whole life cycle costing approach towards them. The cost figures may be implemented to justify higher investments, for examples, in the quality or flexibility of building solutions through a long-term cost reduction. The calculation and the literature review are conducted. The questionnaire surveys of two public housings were conducted to make clear the occupants’ evaluation about the actual quality conditions of the floor material in their house. As a result, the quality of floor material based on the whole life cycle costing approach is one of the best among their previous decision making tool that was applied. Practitioners can benefit from this paper as it provides information on calculating the whole life costing and making the decisions for floor material selection for their properties.
Aim: To establish associations with quality of life (QOL) of older people in long-term residential care facilities in two New Zealand cities. Methods: The outcome measure of QOL was the Life Satisfaction Index. We used multiple linear regression to explore how broad categories of factors might contribute to QOL. Results: A total of 599 people (median age of 85 years; 74% women) participated. Response rates were 85% for facilities and 83% for residents. A resident's QOL was significantly related to the QOL of co-residents. QOL was higher for people who were more positive about entry to residential care, more physically able, and not depressed, and for those with more family and emotional support. Conclusion: Attending to the circumstances around entry to residential care may enhance QOL, as may promoting physical activity, treating depression and ensuring older people remain emotionally connected to their families. In choosing a facility, noting the QOL of co-residents is important.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the recruitment strategy and association between facility and staff characteristics and success of resident recruitment for the Promoting Independence in Residential Care (PIRC) trial. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of staff and facility characteristics and recruitment rates within facilities with calculation of cluster effects of multiple measures. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Staff of low-level dependency residential care facilities and residents able to engage in a physical activity program in 2 cities in New Zealand. MEASURES: A global impression of staff willingness to facilitate research was gauged by research nurses, facility characteristics were measured by staff interview. Relevant outcomes were measured by resident interview and included the following: (1) Function: Late Life FDI scale, timed-up-and-go, FICSIT balance scale and the Elderly Mobility Scale; (2) Quality of Life: EuroQol quality of life scale, Life Satisfaction Index; and (3) falls were assessed by audit of the medical record. Correlation between recruitment rates, facility characteristics and global impression of staff willingness to participate were investigated. Design effects were calculated on outcomes. RESULTS: Forty-one (85%) facilities and 682 (83%) residents participated, median age was 85 years (range 65-101), and 74% were women. Participants had complex health problems. Recruitment rates were associated (but did not increase linearly) with the perceived willingness of staff, and were not associated with facility size. Design effects from the cluster recruitment differed according to outcome. CONCLUSIONS: The recruitment strategy was successful in recruiting a large sample of people with complex comorbidities and high levels of functional disability despite perceptions of staff reluctance. Staff willingness was related to recruitment success.
This paper proposes a reward based demand response algorithm for residential customers to shave network peaks. Customer survey information is used to calculate various criteria indices reflecting their priority and flexibility. Criteria indices and sensitivity based house ranking is used for appropriate load selection in the feeder for demand response. Customer Rewards (CR) are paid based on load shift and voltage improvement due to load adjustment. The proposed algorithm can be deployed in residential distribution networks using a two-level hierarchical control scheme. Realistic residential load model consisting of non-controllable and controllable appliances is considered in this study. The effectiveness of the proposed demand response scheme on the annual load growth of the feeder is also investigated. Simulation results show that reduced peak demand, improved network voltage performance, and customer satisfaction can be achieved.
A novel intelligent online demand management system is discussed in this chapter for peak load management in low voltage residential distribution networks based on the smart grid concept. The discussed system also regulates the network voltage, balances the power in three phases and coordinates the energy storage within the network. This method uses low cost controllers, with two-way communication interfaces, installed in costumers’ premises and at distribution transformers to manage the peak load while maximizing customer satisfaction. A multi-objective decision making process is proposed to select the load(s) to be delayed or controlled. The efficacy of the proposed control system is verified by a MATLAB-based simulation which includes detailed modeling of residential loads and the network.