996 resultados para Reservoir characterization


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This thesis has the main aim of defining the lithostratigraphy, depositional architecture, post-depositional modifications and reservoir characteristics of the Cardium Formation in the Ferrier Oilfield, and how these characteristics can have great impact over production rates, GOR and produced fluid discrimination. In the Ferrier area, the Cardium Formation is composed by a NE prograding clastic sequence made up of offshore to shoreface deposits sealed by marine shales. The main reservoir is composed by sandstones and conglomerates interpreted to have deposited in a shoreface depositional environment. Lithofacies and net reservoir thickness mapping led to more detailed understanding of the 3D reservoir architecture, and cross-sections shed light on the Cardium depositional architecture and post-deposition sediment erosion in the Ferrier area. Detailed core logging, thin section, SEM and CL analyses were used to study the mineralogy, texture and pore characterization of the Cardium reservoir, and three main compartments have been identified based on production data and reservoir characteristics. Finally, two situations showing odd production behaviour of the Cardium were resolved. This shed light on the effect of structural features and reservoir quality and thickness over hydrocarbon migration pathways. The Ferrier example offers a unique case of fluid discrimination in clastic reservoirs due both to depositional and post-depositional factors, and could be used as analogue for similar situations in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.


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BTES (borehole thermal energy storage)systems exchange thermal energy by conduction with the surrounding ground through borehole materials. The spatial variability of the geological properties and the space-time variability of hydrogeological conditions affect the real power rate of heat exchangers and, consequently, the amount of energy extracted from / injected into the ground. For this reason, it is not an easy task to identify the underground thermal properties to use when designing. At the current state of technology, Thermal Response Test (TRT) is the in situ test for the characterization of ground thermal properties with the higher degree of accuracy, but it doesn’t fully solve the problem of characterizing the thermal properties of a shallow geothermal reservoir, simply because it characterizes only the neighborhood of the heat exchanger at hand and only for the test duration. Different analytical and numerical models exist for the characterization of shallow geothermal reservoir, but they are still inadequate and not exhaustive: more sophisticated models must be taken into account and a geostatistical approach is needed to tackle natural variability and estimates uncertainty. The approach adopted for reservoir characterization is the “inverse problem”, typical of oil&gas field analysis. Similarly, we create different realizations of thermal properties by direct sequential simulation and we find the best one fitting real production data (fluid temperature along time). The software used to develop heat production simulation is FEFLOW 5.4 (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system). A geostatistical reservoir model has been set up based on literature thermal properties data and spatial variability hypotheses, and a real TRT has been tested. Then we analyzed and used as well two other codes (SA-Geotherm and FV-Geotherm) which are two implementation of the same numerical model of FEFLOW (Al-Khoury model).


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Crosswell data set contains a range of angles limited only by the geometry of the source and receiver configuration, the separation of the boreholes and the depth to the target. However, the wide angles reflections present in crosswell imaging result in amplitude-versus-angle (AVA) features not usually observed in surface data. These features include reflections from angles that are near critical and beyond critical for many of the interfaces; some of these reflections are visible only for a small range of angles, presumably near their critical angle. High-resolution crosswell seismic surveys were conducted over a Silurian (Niagaran) reef at two fields in northern Michigan, Springdale and Coldspring. The Springdale wells extended to much greater depths than the reef, and imaging was conducted from above and from beneath the reef. Combining the results from images obtained from above with those from beneath provides additional information, by exhibiting ranges of angles that are different for the two images, especially for reflectors at shallow depths, and second, by providing additional constraints on the solutions for Zoeppritz equations. Inversion of seismic data for impedance has become a standard part of the workflow for quantitative reservoir characterization. Inversion of crosswell data using either deterministic or geostatistical methods can lead to poor results with phase change beyond the critical angle, however, the simultaneous pre-stack inversion of partial angle stacks may be best conducted with restrictions to angles less than critical. Deterministic inversion is designed to yield only a single model of elastic properties (best-fit), while the geostatistical inversion produces multiple models (realizations) of elastic properties, lithology and reservoir properties. Geostatistical inversion produces results with far more detail than deterministic inversion. The magnitude of difference in details between both types of inversion becomes increasingly pronounced for thinner reservoirs, particularly those beyond the vertical resolution of the seismic. For any interface imaged from above and from beneath, the results AVA characters must result from identical contrasts in elastic properties in the two sets of images, albeit in reverse order. An inversion approach to handle both datasets simultaneously, at pre-critical angles, is demonstrated in this work. The main exploration problem for carbonate reefs is determining the porosity distribution. Images of elastic properties, obtained from deterministic and geostatistical simultaneous inversion of a high-resolution crosswell seismic survey were used to obtain the internal structure and reservoir properties (porosity) of Niagaran Michigan reef. The images obtained are the best of any Niagaran pinnacle reef to date.


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Exploracionistas tem grande interesse em sistemas turbidíticos, pois em geral estes compõem prolíficos plays exploratórios. No entanto, estes potenciais reservatórios se encontram muitas vezes perto ou abaixo de resolução sísmica. Dessa forma, no processo de inversão, é importante integrar os dados sísmicos com qualidade de resolução obtida a partir do seu pré-condicionamento, para que o resultado final possua características detalhadas das camadas. O pré-condicionamento possibilita melhora na resolução dos dados sísmicos, através da atenuação dos ruídos aleatórios. Como objetivo final, foi realizada a inversão acústica em dados sísmicos post stack, migrados em tempo, a um sistema de turbiditos na Bacia de Campos. O principal objetivo da inversão sísmica é transformar o dado de reflexão em propriedades petrofísicas quantitativas. A inversão para impedância acústica é comumente utilizada para predição de porosidade. O fluxo de trabalho proposto foi dividido em cinco estágios principais: pré-condicionamento sísmico do dado 3D, correlação poço-sísmica, construção do modelo de baixa frequência, inversão do dado, e estimativa da porosidade. Os resultados mostraram que o cubo de impedância acústica invertido possui resolução muito superior quando comparado com o dado em amplitude sísmica, possibilitando melhor visualização das feições geológicas do Campo de Marlim. Além de suas limitações, como desconsiderando os efeitos das variações de fluido e variações litológicas complexas sobre a relação porosidade/impedância, o método fornece uma ferramenta confiável para exploração sísmica. Detalhes mais precisos das propriedades petrofísicas podem ser obtidos através de métodos de inversão mais sofisticados, a partir de dados pre stack.


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Os folhelhos pretos devonianos da Formação Barreirinha caracterizamse pela alta radioatividade na porção basal, grande extensão areal, espessura e profundidade de soterramento variável que vão de exposição na superfície até mais de 3000 m. Eles são as principais rochas geradoras do sistema petrolífero convencional da Bacia do Amazonas, e recentemente foram consideradas como promissores plays de gás não convencional. Folhelhos são geralmente caracterizados por uma matriz fechada, que faz com que sejam relativamente impermeáveis em relação ao fluxo de gás, a menos que ocorram fraturas, e dependendo das suas características geológicas e geoquímicas podem funcionar com um Sistema Petrolífero autossuficiente, atuando tanto como rocha fonte, quanto como reservatório de gás (reservatório Shale Gas). Assim, o gás natural termogênico ou biogênico gerado pode ser armazenado em folhelhos ricos em matéria orgânica na forma livre, adsorvida, ou em estado dissolvido. Em contraste com os sistemas petrolíferos convencionais, reservatórios Shale Gas, possuem mecanismos de aprisionamento e armazenamento únicos, sendo necessária a utilização de técnicas de avaliações específicas. No entanto, folhelhos prolíficos geralmente podem ser reconhecidos a partir de alguns parâmetros básicos: arquitetura geológica e sedimentar, propriedades geoquímicas e petrofísicas e composição mineralógica. Tendo em vista a carência de pesquisas de caráter descritivo, com cunho exploratório dos folhelhos geradores da Formação Barreirinha, esta dissertação tem como objetivo introduzir uma metodologia de identificação de intervalos de folhelho gerador com potencial para reservatório Shale Gas. Começando com uma investigação regional sobre o contexto geológico e sedimentar, seguido de uma avaliação abrangente enfocando as características geoquímicas, petrofísicas e litofácies dos folhelhos a partir da integração de parâmetros obtidos de perfis geofísicos de poço, análises geoquímicas e aplicação dos conceitos de Estratigrafia de Sequencia.


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What geophysical inversion studied includes the common mathematics physical property of inversion and the constitution and appraisal method of solution in geophysics domain, i.e. using observed physical phenomenon from the earth surface to infer space changing and physical property structure of medium within the earth. Seismic inversion is a branch of geophysical inversion. The basic purpose of seismic inversion is to utilizing seismic wave propagating law in the medium underground to infer stratum structure and space distribution of physical property according to data acquisition, processing and interpretation, and then offer the vital foundation for exploratory development. Poststack inversion is convenient and swift, its acoustic impedance inversion product can reflect reservoir interior changing rule to a certain degree, but poststack data lack abundant amplitude and travel time information included in prestack data because of multiple superimpose and weaken the sensitiveness which reflecting reservoir property. Compared with poststack seismic inversion, prestack seismic inversion has better fidelity and more adequate information. Prestack seismic inversion, including waveform inversion, not only suitable for thin strata physical property inversion, it can also inverse reservoir oil-bearing ability. Prestack seismic inversion and prestack elastic impedance inversion maintain avo information, sufficiently applying seismic gathering data with different incident angle, partial angle stack, gradient and intercept seismic data cube. Prestack inversion and poststack inversion technology were studied in this dissertation. A joint inversion method which synthesize prestack elastic wave waveform inversion, prestack elastic impedance inversion and poststack inversion was proposed by making fully use of prestack inversion multiple information and relatively fast and steady characteristic of poststack inversion. Using the proposed method to extract rock physics attribute cube with clear physical significance and reflecting reservoir characterization, such as P-wave and S-wave impedance, P-wave and S-wave velocity, velocity ratio, density, Poisson ratio and Lame’s constant. Regarding loose sand reservoir in lower member of Minghuazhen formation, 32-6 south districts in Qinhuangdao,as the research object, be aimed at the different between shallow layer loose sand and deep layer tight sand, first of all, acquire physical property parameters suitable for this kind of heavy oil pool according to experimental study, establishing initial pressure and shear wave relational model; Afterwards, performing prestack elastic wave forward and inversion research, summarizing rules under the guidance of theoretical research and numerical simulation, performing elastic impedance inversion, calculating rock physics attributes; Finally, predicting sand body distribution according to rock physics parameters, and predicting favorable oil area combine well-logging materials and made good results.


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In this thesis, detailed studies on the sedimentology and petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks in the Shan#2 Member of Shanxi Formation, Zizhou gas field of Ordos Basin, are carried out, based on outcrop description, core description, wireline log interpretation and analysis of petrophysical properties. In the context of stratigraphic division scheme of the Upper Paleozoic in Ordos Basin, the Shan#2 Member is further divided into three subintervals: the Shan#23, Shan#22 and Shan#21, based on the marker beds,depositional cycles, wireline log patterns. Subaqueous deltaic-front distributary channels, distributed from the south to north, is identified,which is the main reservoir sand bodies for gases of Shan#2 Member at Zizhou gas field. Quartzose and lithic-quartzose sandstones, commonly with a high volume of cement, but a low volume of matrix, are the major reservoir rocks in the studied area. All sandstones have been evolved into the late diagenetic stage (referred to as diagenetic stage B) during the burial, experiencing compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution, in which the compaction and cementation could have reduced the porosity, while dissolution could have improved the petrophysical properties. The pore types in the reservoirs are dominated by intergranular-solutional, intergranular-intercrystal and intercrystal-solutional porosity. According to the parameters and capillary pressure curves of test samples, five types of pore texture (I-V) are differentiated, in which types II and III pore textures displayed by low threshold pressure-wide pore throat and moderate threshold pressure-moderately wide pore throat, exist widespread. Sandstone reservoirs in the studied area are characterized by exceptionally low porosity and permeability, in which the petrophysical properties of those in Shan#23 horizon are relatively better. The petrophysical property of reservoirs was influenced both by the sedimentation and diagenesis. In general, the coarse quartzose sandstones deposited in subaqueous distributary channels show the best petrophysical property, which tends to be worse as the grain size decreases and lithic amount increases. Three types of gas reservoirs in Shan#23 horizon are classified according to petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability), which could have been influenced by the initial depositional facies, diagenesis and tectonics. On the basis of the study on the geological conditions of reservoirs in the area, it is concluded that sedimetary facies, diagenesis and tectonic actions can provide an important foundation for gas pool formation, which can also control the accumulation and distribution of gas reservoirs.


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Junggar Basin has a large amount of recoverable reserves, However, due to the unfavorable factors, such as bad seismic data quality, complex structure with many faults and less wells, the exploration of oil and gas is still relatively limited, so advanced theoretical guidance and effective technical supports are desirable. Based on the theories of sedimentology, as well as comprehensive studies of outcrops, seismic data, drilling data and setting of this area, the paper establishes the isochronous correlation framework, and analyzes the sedimentary facies types and provenance direction, and obtains the profile and plain maps of the sedimentary facies combined with the logging constrained inversion. Then the paper analyzes the reservoir controlling factors, reservoir lithology attribute, 4-property relationship and sensibility based on the sedimentary facies research, and sets up a 3D geological model using facies controlled modeling. Finally, the paper optimizes some target areas with the conclusions of reservoir, structure and reservoir formation.Firstly, the paper establishs the isochronous correlation framework by the seismic data, drilling data and setting of this area. The sedimentary facies in Tai13 well block are braided river and meandering river according to the analysis of the lithology attribute, logging facies and sedimentary structure attribute of outcrop. The concept of “wetland” is put forward for the first time. The provenance direction of Badaowan and Qigu formation is obtained by the geology setting, sedimentary setting and paleocurrent direction. The paper obtains the profile and plain maps of the sedimentary facies from the sand value of the wells and the sand thickness maps from the logging constrained inversion. Then, this paper takes characteristics and control factors of the Jurassic reservoirs analysis on thin section observation, scanning transmission electron microscope observation and find out the petrology characteristics of reservoir, space types of reservoir and lithofacies division. In this area, primary pores dominate in the reservoir pores, which believed that sedimentation played the most important roles of the reservoir quality and diagenesis is the minor factor influencing secondary porosity. Using stochastic modeling technique,the paper builds quantitative 3-D reservoir Parameter. Finally, combined the study of structure and reservoir formation, the reservoir distribution regularity is concluded: (a) structures control the reservoir formation and accumulation. (b) Locating in the favorable sedimentary facies belt. And the area which meets these conditions mentioned above is a good destination for exploration.


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Integrating geology, core, well-logging, experimental data, and production data, with the guide of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, reservoir exploitation geology and other disciplines’ theories, combinating the sequence stratigraphy and Maill’s reservoir architectures concepts and theories, the research and analysis methods of non-marine fan-delta reservoir architectures are systemly set out. And the correspondence of reservoir structures, sedimentology and reservoir geology is established. An integral and systematical research approach and theory and conception of reservoir architecture is developed, which enriched the reservoir research theory. Considering the requirement to the reservoir research in different development phase, the six classification systems of reservoir architectures are brought up. According to different reservoir’s connection and location of Ek different levels of reservoir architecture, 3 types, 20 kind architectures styles are summarized. The research about undisturbed reservoir characterization is launched, through analyzing reservoir characterization to pour water to the different reservoirs of Kongnan region, the changing regular pattern of reservoir quality during pouring water process is summarized. Combined with the actual zone data, inner-well reservoir geometry relationship of injection-production model is designed, and the models of development process are dynamic simulated. In view of seven laboratory samples of 3 types, six order architecture unit of braided stream, fan-delta and nearshore subsea apron in Kongnan region, the remaining oil distribution model is determined. Using the geo-statistics methods dissect the key regions, the tectono-stratigraphical model and the reservoir parameters model are established. The distribution of the characteristics of the underground reservoir is quantitatively described. Based on the reservoir research, carrying out the development of different characteristics of reservoir, the development pattern and countermeasures are determined. The relationships between reservoir structure levels and reservoir development stages are summed up, the relationships between architecture unit of different levels and exploration develop stages are determined.


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Reservoir characterization and reservoir modeling are two key techniques in petroleum exploration and development. They all are based on the reliable static and dynamic properties of the reservoirs, especially the static and dynamic properties of the reservoirs at each borehole. Without the static and dynamic properties of the reservoir, reservoir characterization and reservoir modeling will pass into nothingness. In fact, the static and dynamic properties of the reservoir are needed in every domain and stage of petroleum exploration & development Today, petroleum industry has reached a stage worldwide that most of the simple & large massive reservoirs have been well explored and developed. As a result, oil companies are paying more and more attention to the exploration & development of the complex & middle to small clastic reservoirs (such as low resistivity sandstone reservoirs, low or no resistivity contrast sandstone reservoirs, conglomerate reservoirs, volcanoclastic reservoirs). In the recent years, oil companies inside and outside China are focusing on the exploration and development elastic reservoirs. Most of the theories & methods being applicable for simple clastic reservoirs can not be used in complex clasic reservoirs. Some theories & methods that are not resolved in the case of simple clasic reservoirs become more impossible to be resolved in the case of complex elastic reservoirs. A set of theories & methods being applicable for computing the static and dynamic properties of the complex elastic reservoirs are developed in this paper and they have been put into practice successfully. These theories & methods are developed by integrating multi-subjects such as geology, well logging and reservoir engineering, in which geology is used as direction and modern well logging technology is used as basis and reservoir engineering is used as assistance and computer technology is used as tool. There are three outstanding breakthroughs in this paper: of the low porosity fractured and/or vuggy carbonate/igneous reservoirs too. A set of practical theories and methods of computing the static properties (such as porosity, saturation, lithology and fluid type) & dynamic properties (such as permeability and production rate) of simple clastic reservoirs have been developed with the hard efforts of many petroleum engineers and scientists in the past 70 years. However, only some of the theories & methods being applicable for simple clastic reservoirs can be used in complex clastic reservoirs after little modification because of the complexity of the complex clastic reservoirs. Most of the theories & methods being applicable for simple clastic reservoirs can not be used in complex clasic reservoirs. Some theories & methods that are not resolved in the case of simple clasic reservoirs become more impossible to be resolved in the case of complex clastic reservoirs. A set of theories & methods being applicable for computing the static and dynamic properties of the complex clastic reservoirs are developed in this paper and they have been put into practice successfully. These theories & methods are developed by integrating multi-subjects such as geology, well logging and reservoir engineering, in which geology is used as direction and modern well logging technology is used as basis and reservoir engineering is used as assistance and computer technology is used as tool. There are three outstanding breakthroughs in this paper:


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Gas condensate reservoir research involves not only structure sediment reservoir liquid properties characterization but also the change of the temperature field, the change of the pressure field, the change of liquid phase and the reservoir sensitivity. To develop the gas condensate reservoir effectively .we must depict the static properties of the oil and gas system ,build exact and comprehensive parameter field, predict the rule of dynamic change and do the necessary reservoir characterization development plan dynamic prediction direct production. The MoBei Oil and Gas Field is the first gas condensate reservoirs which is found by the Xinjiang Oil Field Company in ZhunGaEr basin belly.it has deserved some knowledge after prospect evaluation, the MoBei Oil and Gas Field start development ,it is one of the important development blocks of Xinjiang Oil Field Company productivity constuction. During its development , it gradually appears some problems, such as complex oil and gas phase, great change of reservoir stretch .uncertain reservoir type and scale, controling its development strategy and plan difficultly. To deserve the high efficient development and long-term stable production of the gas condensate reservoir, it is necessary to characterize it systematically and form a suit of scientific development strategy. This thesis take the MoBei zone SanGongHe sand group reservoir as research object, applied advanced log techniques ,such as the nulear magnetism log ,MDT testing .etc. After comprehensive research of loging geology information, set up a suit of methods to identify oil gas water layer .these methods can identify the gas-oil level and the oil-water level. On the basis of reasonable development object system, according fine structure interpretation and structure modeling. build any oil water column height of the reservoir accurately. Through carefully analysis of the basic theory and method of reservoir seism prediction. optimize a reservoir inversion method .technique. software fitting the research region aiming strata, set up the GR field, porosity field, Rt field, impedence field .permeability field and initial oil saturation field, generating the base of quantity reservoir characterization. Discussing the characteristic of reservoir fluid and the movement and reallocating of muti-phase fluid in reservoir. And according the material of 100 soviet gas condensate reservoir ,build the recognition method and mode of gas condensate reservoir. Building the 3D geology model ,carry on the static and production evaluation, propose the development strategy and improve plan , provide the base of increasing reserves and advancing production and enriching the prospect development theory of the gas condensate reservoi


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In this paper we present the methodological procedures involved in the digital imaging in mesoscale of a block of travertines rock of quaternary age, originating from the city of Acquasanta, located in the Apennines, Italy. This rocky block, called T-Block, was stored in the courtyard of the Laboratório Experimental Petróleo "Kelsen Valente" (LabPetro), of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), so that from it were performed Scientific studies, mainly for research groups universities and research centers working in brazilian areas of reservoir characterization and 3D digital imaging. The purpose of this work is the development of a Model Solid Digital, from the use of non-invasive techniques of digital 3D imaging of internal and external surfaces of the T-Block. For the imaging of the external surfaces technology has been used LIDAR (Light Detection and Range) and the imaging surface Interior was done using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), moreover, profiles were obtained with a Gamma Ray Gamae-spectômetro laptop. The goal of 3D digital imaging involved the identification and parameterization of surface geological and sedimentary facies that could represent heterogeneities depositional mesoscale, based on study of a block rocky with dimensions of approximately 1.60 m x 1.60 m x 2.70 m. The data acquired by means of terrestrial laser scanner made available georeferenced spatial information of the surface of the block (X, Y, Z), and varying the intensity values of the return laser beam and high resolution RGB data (3 mm x 3 mm), total points acquired 28,505,106. This information was used as an aid in the interpretation of radargrams and are ready to be displayed in rooms virtual reality. With the GPR was obtained 15 profiles of 2.3 m and 2 3D grids, each with 24 sections horizontal of 1.3 and 14 m vertical sections of 2.3 m, both the Antenna 900 MHz to about 2600 MHz antenna. Finally, the use of GPR associated with Laser Scanner enabled the identification and 3D mapping of 3 different radarfácies which were correlated with three sedimentary facies as had been defined at the outset. The 6 profiles showed gamma a low amplitude variation in the values of radioactivity. This is likely due to the fact of the sedimentary layers profiled have the same mineralogical composition, being composed by carbonate sediments, with no clay in siliciclastic pellitic layers or other mineral carrier elements radioactive


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The Camorim Oilfield, discovered in 1970 in the shallow water domain of the Sergipe Sub-basin, produces hydrocarbons from the Carmópolis Member of the Muribeca Formation, the main reservoir interval, interpreted as siliciclastics deposited in an alluvial-fluvial-deltaic context during a late rifting phase of Neoaptian age, in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. The structural setting of the field defines different production blocks, being associated to the evolution of the Atalaia High during the rift stage and subsequent reactivations, encompassing NE-SW trending major normal faults and NWEW trending secondary faults. The complexity of this field is related to the strong facies variation due to the interaction between continental and coastal depositional environments, coupled with strata juxtaposition along fault blocks. This study aims to geologically characterize its reservoirs, to provide new insights to well drilling locations in order to increase the recovery factor of the field. Facies analysis based on drill cores and geophysical logs and the 3D interpretation of a seismic volume, provide a high resolution stratigraphic analysis approach to be applied in this geodynamic transitional context between the rift and drift evolutionary stages of the basin. The objective was to define spatial and time relations between production zones and the preferential directions of fluid flow, using isochore maps that represent the external geometry of the deposits and facies distribution maps to characterize the internal heterogeneities of these intervals, identified in a 4th order stratigraphic zoning. This work methodology, integrated in a 3D geological modelling process, will help to optimize well drilling and hydrocarbons production. This methodology may be applied in other reservoirs in tectonic and depositional contexts similar to the one observed at Camorim, for example, the oil fields in the Aracaju High, Sergipe Sub-basin, which together represent the largest volume of oil in place in onshore Brazilian basins


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The Guarani aquifer system (GAS) represents one of the biggest aquifers in the world and is the most relevant groundwater resource in South America. For the first time, by combining field and laboratory measurements, a high-resolution aquifer analog model of fluvial-aeolian sediments of the GAS in São Paulo State (Brazil) is constructed. Three parallel sections of frontal outcrops, 28 m × 5.8 m, and two parallel sections of lateral outcrops, 7 m × 5.8 m, are recorded during open-pit mining of sandy sediments and describe in detail the three-dimensional distribution of the local lithofacies and hydrofacies. Variations of hydraulic conductivity, K, and porosity, n, are resolved on the centimeter scale, and the most permeable units of the fluvial-aeolian facies association are identified. The constructed aquifer analog model shows moderate hydraulic heterogeneity and a mean K value of 1.36 × 10-4 m/s, which is greater than the reported range of K values for the entire GAS in São Paulo State. The results suggest that the examined sedimentary unit constitutes a relevant portion of the GAS in São Paulo State in the context of groundwater extraction and pollution. Moreover, the constructed aquifer analog is considered an ideal basis for future numerical model experiments, aiming at in-depth understanding of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport patterns at this GAS portion or at comparable fluvial-aeolian facies associations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A aplicação de métodos de inversão aos dados de múltiplos levantamentos sísmicos interpoços permite a reconstrução de modelos de vagarosidade em 3-D de alta resolução adequados para monitoramento de processos de recuperação avançada de petróleo e caracterização de reservatórios. Entretanto, a falta de cobertura volumétrica uniforme de raios de levantamentos interpoços exige informação adicional ao sistema tomográfico para obtenção de soluções estáveis. A discretização do modelo em uma malha 3-D com células prismáticas triangulares e a decomposição em valores singulares são utilizadas para avaliar a reconstrução tomográfica em 3-D. O ângulo da projeção de modelos-alvo no subespaço ortogonal ao espaço nulo efetivo da matriz tomográfica é um critério adequado para se otimizar a malha de discretização do modelo interpretativo e a geometria de aquisição dos dados de modo a melhorar o condicionamento da reconstrução tomográfica. Esta abordagem pode ser utilizada durante as iterações lineares para redefinir a malha ou avaliar a necessidade de informação a priori adicional ao sistema tomográfico.