
Autoria(s): 沈英





In this thesis, detailed studies on the sedimentology and petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks in the Shan#2 Member of Shanxi Formation, Zizhou gas field of Ordos Basin, are carried out, based on outcrop description, core description, wireline log interpretation and analysis of petrophysical properties. In the context of stratigraphic division scheme of the Upper Paleozoic in Ordos Basin, the Shan#2 Member is further divided into three subintervals: the Shan#23, Shan#22 and Shan#21, based on the marker beds,depositional cycles, wireline log patterns. Subaqueous deltaic-front distributary channels, distributed from the south to north, is identified,which is the main reservoir sand bodies for gases of Shan#2 Member at Zizhou gas field. Quartzose and lithic-quartzose sandstones, commonly with a high volume of cement, but a low volume of matrix, are the major reservoir rocks in the studied area. All sandstones have been evolved into the late diagenetic stage (referred to as diagenetic stage B) during the burial, experiencing compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution, in which the compaction and cementation could have reduced the porosity, while dissolution could have improved the petrophysical properties. The pore types in the reservoirs are dominated by intergranular-solutional, intergranular-intercrystal and intercrystal-solutional porosity. According to the parameters and capillary pressure curves of test samples, five types of pore texture (I-V) are differentiated, in which types II and III pore textures displayed by low threshold pressure-wide pore throat and moderate threshold pressure-moderately wide pore throat, exist widespread. Sandstone reservoirs in the studied area are characterized by exceptionally low porosity and permeability, in which the petrophysical properties of those in Shan#23 horizon are relatively better. The petrophysical property of reservoirs was influenced both by the sedimentation and diagenesis. In general, the coarse quartzose sandstones deposited in subaqueous distributary channels show the best petrophysical property, which tends to be worse as the grain size decreases and lithic amount increases. Three types of gas reservoirs in Shan#23 horizon are classified according to petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability), which could have been influenced by the initial depositional facies, diagenesis and tectonics. On the basis of the study on the geological conditions of reservoirs in the area, it is concluded that sedimetary facies, diagenesis and tectonic actions can provide an important foundation for gas pool formation, which can also control the accumulation and distribution of gas reservoirs.







Palavras-Chave #鄂尔多斯盆地 #子洲气田 #上古生界山西组 #储层特征 #天然气富集规律
