990 resultados para Reorientação curricular
Cette étude analyse l'expérience de réorientation curriculaire atravers le sujet générateur, vécue dans les écoles qui composent le système municipal d'éducation de Belém du Pará - École Cabana, en ayant comme locus de recherche l'École Municipale João Carlos Batista. Ce mouvement de réorientation curriculaire, qui rompt avec le modèle traditionnel d'un curriculum linéaire, hiérarchique et fragmenté a comme préssuposées théoriquesméthodologiques les principes et les catégories freireanas la pédagogie critique qui estime un curriculum interdisciplinaire, dialogique, démocratique et contextuel, à partir de la systématisation d'une proposition theorico-méthodologique de réorientation curriculaire par le thème générateur, c'est-à-dire, en partant de situations-problème de la communauté scolaire, en faisant des relations négociées par les connaissances scolaires pour la compréhension et possible intervention dans la réalité. Cette proposition est mise en oeuvre non seulement à Belém, mais aussi par d autres municipalités du Brésil. Étant donné que l'École Cabana est une expérience inovatrice dans la tentative de viabiliser une Éducation vraiment démocratique, elle dialogue encore avec autres expériences d'écoles de même nature au Brésil, (comme l'École Plural-MG, l'École Citoyen - RS et l'École Candanga DF). Á partir des idées de Paulo Freire, J. Sacristán, M. Apple, C. Linhares, A. Coulon et autres j apporte des réflexions epistemologiques concernant le problème de la recherche qui consiste sur le registre et l'analyse de la tentative de construction sociale de la connaissance par le thème générateur qui a eu lieu à l'École Cabana dans la période de 2001 à 2004. Comme procédure méthodologique, j'ai développé une Recherche qualitative, de caractère collaboratif, en utilisant comme techniques de rassemble de données l observation participative dans le quotidien écolier, des interviews semi-structurées, et l'analyse des documents et des productions de l'École. Les résultats indiquent l'importance du registre de ce type d expérience, en soulignant leurs avances et reculs qui pourront servir de référentiel pour de futures politiques de réorientation curriculaire dans la direction de la construction sociale de la connaissance et, par conséquent, d'une Éducation plus démocratique et tournée vers une citoyenneté active
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar como tem sido o ensino de Língua Portuguesa na Rede Pública de Ensino do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no século XXI, a partir das orientações curriculares prescritas pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação, buscando investigar se se trata de um ensino prescritivo ou produtivo. Para tanto, toma-se como objeto de análise a proposta curricular para o ensino de Língua Portuguesa, produzida no documento de Reorientação Curricular entregue às escolas em 2006 e no documento atual conhecido como Currículo Mínimo. Nessa proposta, é objeto de análise o discurso do documento oficial no que tange à concepção de linguagem priorizada e ao objetivo do ensino da língua materializado através do que ele apresenta como objeto de ensino das aulas de Língua Portuguesa. Esta pesquisa toma como estratégia metodológica a análise documental, utilizando a abordagem sócio-histórica na pesquisa qualitativa de inspiração bakhtiniana. A base teórica que sustenta, principalmente, esta pesquisa é a teoria da enunciação de Mikhail Bakhtin e postulados de Halliday, McIntosh e Strevens (1974) acerca do ensino prescritivo e produtivo da língua
Relatório Científico do Projeto de Pesquisa “Discursos e Representações acerca da docência em História: perspectivas sobre o ensino de História no Ciclo II da Educação Fundamental”
Faz uma revisão da educação no Brasil desde a colonização até os dias atuais. Reflete sobre a questão da cidadania e suas relações com a educação e a questão do ensino entendido como uma etapa necessária ao exercício da cidadania. Trata das políticas educacionais no ensino fundamental regular na gestão da prefeita Luíza Erundina de Sousa (1989-1992) mostrando as intenções da administração no caminho da consolidação de uma filosofia educacional que busca resgatar a dignidade dos cidadãos respeitando as diferenças de opinião e dando oportunidade para a participação da comunidade nas decisões da escola. Comentam-se ainda projetos que foram elaborados visando às reais necessidades dos alunos, da comunidade e dos educadores, tais como MOVA, Estatuto do Magistério e Reorientação Curricular.
mongst the trends in Mathematics Education, which have as their object a more significant and criticallearning, is the Ethnomathematics. This field of knowledge, still very recent amongst us, besides analyzing an externalist history of the sciences in a search for a relationship between the development of the scientific disciplines and the socio-cultural context, goes beyond this externalism, for it also approaches the intimate relationships betwe_n cognition and culture. In fact, the Ethnomathematics proposes an alternative epistemological approach associated with a wider historiography. It struggles to understand the reality and come to the pedagogical action by means of a cognitive approach with strong cultural basis. But the difficulty of inserting the Ethnomathematics into the educational context is met by resistance from some mathematics educators who seem indifferent to the influence of the culture on the understanding of the mathematics ideas. It was with such concerns in mind that I started this paper that had as object to develop a curricular reorientation pedagogical proposal in mathematics education, at the levei of the 5th grade of the Ensino Fundamental (Elementary School), built from the mathematical knowledge of a vegetable farmers community, 30 km away from the center of Natal/RN, but in accordance with the teaching dimensions of mathematics of the 1 st and 2nd cycles proposed by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - PCN: Numbers and Operations, Space and Form, Units and Measures, and Information Treatment. To achieve that, I developed pedagogical activities from the mathematical concepts of the vegetable farmers of that community, explained in my dissertation research in the period 2000 through 2002. The pedagogical process was developed from August through Oecember 2007 with 24 students of the 5th Grade of the Ensino Fundamental (Elementary School) of the school of that community. The qualitative analysis of the data was conducted taking into account three categories of students: one made up of students that helped their parents in the work with vegetables. Another one by students whose parents and relatives worked with vegetables, though they did not participate directly of this working process and one third category of students that never worked with vegetables, not to mention their parents, but lived adjacent to that community. From the analyses and results of the data gathered by these three distinct categories of students, I concluded that those students that assisted their parents with the daily work with vegetables solved the problem-situations with understanding, and, sometimes, with enriching contributions to the proposed problems. The other categories of students, in spite of the various field researches to the gardens of that community, before and during the pedagogical activities, did not show the same results as those students/vegetable farmers, but showed interest and motivation in ali activities of the pedagogical process in that period
Cet article propose, à partir d'une analyse de trois expériences différentes de la formation des enseignants, voir la pratique de l'enseignant comme une réalité et la comprendre, dans cette perspective, dynamique, génératrice de contenu et possible d être transformée. Une étude menée par un groupe de chercheurs de Sao Paulo do Potengi / RN avec des enseignants des écoles municipales dans les années 70, la mise en oeuvre du projet de réorientation curriculaire par le Bureau d Éducation de la ville de São Paulo - SP en 1989, et le cours Pédagogie de la Terre à l UFRN créée en 2002 sont pris en compte dans ce travail, comme des références dans la formation des enseignants qui démontrent à la fois les référentiel théorique et les actions développées sur la pertinence des réflexions par rapport à l'enseignement pratique comme point de départ quand on cherche à transformer l'école. Du matériel de lecture sur la manière dont ces processus de formation des événements a été possible de détecter la présence de deux éléments qui semblent être importants: la participation des personnes concernées et le reflet de leurs pratiques. Nous avons cherché à comprendre comment ces éléments apparaissent dans la pratique de deux étudiants du cours de Pédagogie de la Terre au cours de leurs classes de stage, en cherchant à identifier la façon dont ils font avancer ce point de vue de ce qui se passe dans le processus de formation. L'étude fait remarquer que la participation des sujets comme la réflexion collective des pratiques peuvent être cruciale pour la compréhension d'un enseignement qui peut être dynamique et de transformation des sujets, et qu elle peut se passer dans un processus de construction collective du savoir marquée par une refléxion et d une manière critique de faire et réflexive d'elle-même dans l'autonomie scolaire, améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement et le renforcement de l'enseignant et de l'élève comme des sujets actifs dans la reconstruction de leurs connaissances
Tomando-se como referência as condições políticas e pedagógicas em que se realizam as políticas educacionais para a educação básica, este estudo analisou a concepção de qualidade social da educação, assumida pela Escola Cabana, no município de Belém/PA, no período de 1997 a 2004. Explicita os fatores e elementos necessários à educação de qualidade, bem como, analisa as contribuições e limites do Projeto Escola Cabana para construção do conceito de Qualidade Social da Educação como política pública. Realizou-se por meio de análise documental, assumindo a abordagem crítico-dialética como referencial teóricometodológico. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se, inicialmente, com um levantamento na produção bibliográfica existente das concepções de qualidade evidenciadas nas políticas educacionais, assim como das investigações realizadas sobre a Escola Cabana. A análise documental incidiu sobre os documentos oficiais produzidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação – SEMEC, sendo considerados como fontes primárias do estudo os planos de governo, os cadernos dos fóruns e conferências, os cadernos de educação e a proposta preliminar e final do Plano Municipal de Educação. Ao analisar tal política é possível apontar algumas considerações que indicam a referência da Qualidade Social da Educação, em um primeiro momento, como uma estratégia pela qual se alcançaria a inclusão social na escola, com sua ação centrada no processo de reorientação curricular, o qual envolve a organização do trabalho pedagógico por meio da resignificação do tempo para aprendizagem, da formação voltada para a cidadania e democracia, da instituição de processos democráticos de avaliação da aprendizagem, assim como, da organização do ensino por meio do trabalho coletivo e interdisciplinar com vistas à permanência com sucesso do aluno na escola. Em um segundo momento observa-se uma elaboração mais ampla e avançada para formulação da Qualidade Social da Educação como política pública, tendo em vista, o importante vínculo construído entre a organização educativa escolar e a garantia de condições estruturais e financeiras como responsabilidade do poder público na oferta da educação como direito público subjetivo.
This study investigates a way to systematically integrate information literacy (IL) into an undergraduate academic programme and develops a model for integrating information literacy across higher education curricula. Curricular integration of information literacy in this study means weaving information literacy into an academic curriculum. In the associated literature, it is also referred to as the information literacy embedding approach or the intra-curricular approach. The key findings identified from this study are presented in 4 categories: the characteristics of IL integration; the key stakeholders in IL integration; IL curricular design strategies; and the process of IL curricular integration. Three key characteristics of the curricular integration of IL are identified: collaboration and negotiation, contextualisation and ongoing interaction with information. The key stakeholders in the curricular integration of IL are recognised as the librarians, the course coordinators and lecturers, the heads of faculties or departments, and the students. Some strategies for IL curricular design include: the use of IL policies and standards in IL curricular design; the combination of face to face and online teaching as an emerging trend; the use of IL assessment tools which play an important role in IL integration. IL can be integrated into the intended curriculum (what an institution expects its students to learn), the offered curriculum (what the teachers teach) and the received curriculum (what students actually learn). IL integration is a process of negotiation, collaboration and the implementation of the intended curriculum. IL can be integrated at different levels of curricula such as: institutional, faculty, departmental, course and class curriculum levels. Based on these key findings, an IL curricular integration model is developed. The model integrates curriculum, pedagogy and learning theories, IL theories, IL guidelines and the collaboration of multiple partners. The model provides a practical approach to integrating IL into multiple courses across an academic degree. The development of the model was based on the IL integration experiences of various disciplines in three universities and the implementation experience of an engineering programme at another university; thus it may be of interest to other disciplines. The model has the potential to enhance IL teaching and learning, curricular development and to implement graduate attributes in higher education. Sociocultural theories are applied to the research process and IL curricular design of this study. Sociocultural theories describe learning as being embedded within social events and occurring as learners interact with other people, objects, and events in a collaborative environment. Sociocultural theories are applied to explore how academic staff and librarians experience the curricular integration of IL; they also support collaboration in the curricular integration of IL and the development of an IL integration model. This study consists of two phases. Phase I (2007) was the interview phase where both academic staff and librarians at three IL active universities were interviewed. During this phase, attention was paid specifically to the practical process of curricular integration of IL and IL activity design. Phase II, the development phase (2007-2008), was conducted at a fourth university. This phase explores the systematic integration of IL into an engineering degree from Year 1 to Year 4. Learning theories such as sociocultural theories, Bloom’s Taxonomy and IL theories are used in IL curricular development. Based on the findings from both phases, an IL integration model was developed. The findings and the model contribute to IL education, research and curricular development in higher education. The sociocultural approach adopted in this study also extends the application of sociocultural theories to the IL integration process and curricular design in higher education.
In 2008, extra-curricular career development programs developed for psychology undergraduates at the Queensland University of Technology were incorporated into the formal curriculum. While a whole of course approach has been adopted, this session will explore the impact of a new introductory unit, Psychology in Professional Contexts, which adopts a constructivist approach to student career exploration. First-year students are introduced to key theories, models, and processes of career development, and the diversity of contexts in which their psychological knowledge can be applied, while developing and highlighting the value of important generic abilities such as critical thinking, team communication, critical reflection, and information literacy. Materials are drawn from the media, guest speakers’ professional profiles, the students’ own experiences, and traditional and emerging areas of psychology. Assessment and learning activities involve case analysis, problem-based learning, and discussion-based classes. The content of these professional development classes is also aligned with that of the core discipline units studied concurrently, to encourage the transfer of career development skills and knowledge across the psychology curriculum. This presentation will focus on 4 years of curriculum development in Psychology in Professional Contexts, and discuss changes initiated in 2011 which incorporate interactive online environments and extend the role of problem-based learning.
Many education systems are experiencing a re-scaling and consolidation of governance through rolling national agendas of standardisation and centralisation. This paper considers the case of Australia as it moves towards implementing its first national curriculum, to explore how teacher educators plan to retain pedagogical space for debate, diversity and contestation of such systemic curricular reform. This paper reports on an interview study conducted with nine teacher educators across the four curriculum areas included in the first wave of the Australian Curriculum: English, Science, Mathematics and History. The analysis reveals how teacher educators reported professional dilemmas around curricular design, and planned to resolve such dilemmas between the anticipated changes and their preferences for what might have been. While different curricular areas displayed different patterns of professional dilemma, the teacher educators are shown to construe their role as one of active curriculum mediators, who, in recontextualising curricular reforms, will use the opportunity to reinsert both residualised and emergent alternatives in their students’ professional value sets. The study also identifies a new set of dilemmas emerging around the politicisation and standardisation of curriculum, and its impact on the teaching profession and teacher educators.
School level strategy enabled by neoliberal choice policies can produce internal curricular markets whereby branded curricula such as the International Baccalaureate are offered alongside the local government curriculum in the same school. This project investigated how such curricular markets operating in Australian schools impacted on teachers’ work. This paper reports on teachers work in three case study schools that offered both the International Baccalaureate Diploma program and the local senior schooling curriculum, then draws on an online survey of 225 teachers in 26 such schools across Australia. The analysis reveals the impact of curricular markets along two dimensions: the curriculum’s internal design; and the relational aspects of how schools manage to deliver tandem offerings within institutional constraints. Teachers working in the IBD Diploma program were shown to relish its design, despite additional demands, while teachers working in just the local curriculum reported more relational issues. The paper argues that these trends suggest that there are winners and losers emerging in the work conditions produced by curricular markets.
Visuals are a central feature of STEM in all levels of education and many areas of employment. The wide variety of visuals that students are expected to master in STEM prevents an approach that aims to teach students about every type of visual that they may encounter. This paper proposes a pedagogy that can be applied across year levels and learning areas, allowing a school-wide, cross-curricular, approach to teaching about visual, that enhances learning in STEM and all other learning areas. Visuals are classified into six categories based on their properties, unlike traditional methods that classify visuals according to purpose. As visuals in the same category share common properties, students are able to transfer their knowledge from the familiar to unfamiliar in each category. The paper details the classification and proposes some strategies that can be can be incorporated into existing methods of teaching students about visuals in all learning areas. The approach may also assist students to see the connections between the different learning areas within and outside STEM.
Our task is to consider the evolving perspectives around curriculum documented in the Theory Into Practice (TIP) corpus to date. The 50 years in question, 1962–2012, account for approximately half the history of mass institutionalized schooling. Over this time, the upper age of compulsory schooling has crept up, stretching the school curriculum's reach, purpose, and clientele. These years also span remarkable changes in the social fabric, challenging deep senses of the nature and shelf-life of knowledge, whose knowledge counts, what science can and cannot deliver, and the very purpose of education. The school curriculum is a key social site where these challenges have to be addressed in a very practical sense, through a design on the future implemented within the resources and politics of the present. The task's metaphor of ‘evolution’ may invoke a sense of gradual cumulative improvement, but equally connotes mutation, hybridization, extinction, survival of the fittest, and environmental pressures. Viewed in this way, curriculum theory and practice cannot be isolated and studied in laboratory conditions—there is nothing natural, neutral, or self-evident about what knowledge gets selected into the curriculum. Rather, the process of selection unfolds as a series of messy, politically contaminated, lived experiments; thus curriculum studies require field work in dynamic open systems. We subscribe to Raymond Williams' approach to social change, which he argues is not absolute and abrupt, one set of ideas neatly replacing the other. For Williams, newly emergent ideas have to compete against the dominant mindset and residual ideas “still active in the cultural process'” (Williams, 1977, p. 122). This means ongoing debates. For these reasons, we join Schubert (1992) in advocating “continuous reconceptualising of the flow of experience” (p. 238) by both researchers and practitioners.
Over the past two to three decades, our understanding of poverty has broadened from a narrow focus on income and consumption to a multidimensional notion of education, health, social and political 1 participation, personal security and freedom and environmental quality. Thus, it encompasses not just low income, but lack of access to services, resources and skills; vulnerability; insecurity; and voicelessness and powerlessness. Multidimensional poverty is a determinant of health risks, health seeking behaviour, health care access and health outcomes. As analysis of health outcomes becomes more refined, it is increasingly apparent that the impressive gains in health experienced over recent decades are unevenly distributed. Aggregate indicators, whether at the global, regional or national level, often tend to mask striking variations in health outcomes between men and women, rich and poor, both across and within countries...